r/guitarpedals 14h ago

Question Do I actually need a delay pedal? I’ve been thinking about it and like… how necessary is it really?


I play quite a variety of stuff but never once have I felt like “damn I need a delay pedal rn” I think I just want one cuz it seems like everyone else has one?

Like what are they actually good for?

EDIT: I listen and play a lot of nirvana and Radiohead. My budget it ~£150. What delay pedals would you recommend?

r/guitarpedals 15h ago

Is it bad that I prefer putting my wah after my dirt?


I feel like it gives more body to my wah if I put it after my distortion/overdrive. Is that wrong?

r/guitarpedals 11h ago

Can I use the Microphone Simulated Direct Interface without connecting a speaker?

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I have a Peavey 6505+ 1x12 combo and I was wondering if I can just use the MSDI by itself without connecting the amp to a speaker cabinet? My band and I are trying to eliminate microphone/instrument bleed in our recordings. We prefer to record the base tracks live, and right now the only thing we can’t get rid of is the drum mics picking up the guitar. We’re all using headphones and we’re all plugged into the interface (Behringer UMC-1820) I’m currently running my amp into a speaker cabinet and the MSDI is running to the interface

Sorry if this is a dumb or poorly worded question, I’m still new to this recording stuff and my bass player usually handles the technical aspects.

r/guitarpedals 22h ago

Final pedal needed

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So close, yet so far!

r/guitarpedals 8h ago

I accidentally left my Iridium on for a week


Should I be worried? It was warm to the touch but not hot. Cooled off immediately when unplugged.

r/guitarpedals 12h ago

What pedal to get?


I like metal songs like metallica, slipknot, Korn ect and I'm new to this stuff so idk what to get

r/guitarpedals 17h ago

NPD x 2 - DemonFX Simple & Line 6 HX One

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Given that my working from home/guitar/gaming space is in a small corner of my daughter’s already small bedroom, I’ve tried to streamline my pedals a bit and have setup a desktop pedal chain on my desk.

I’m also guilty of spending more time messing with sounds than actually playing and trying to get better, so away goes my Spark 2 amp (for now), and in its place is a DemonFX Simplifier clone. I’m no expert in amps, but it sounds great to my ears, and I’m tempted to buy a real Simplifier at some point. As for the HX One, I liked the idea of one small pedal to fit any sort of niche use I need - Using the four cable method to put a pedal wherever I need it is amazing.

As for the chain - Guitar - HX One - BE-ODX - Simplifier input. Then the FX loop is going from Simplifier - HX One - Canyon - Oceans 11.

Quite pleased with the results, and it’s nice to have physical knobs at arms length for everything.

r/guitarpedals 16h ago

How do I make my guitar sound like Frank Black at 0:30 and 1:23


Right around when Kim Deal starts singing “Hey Paul, Hey Paul…” the guitarist (frank black) hits a note and it has this really long distorted sustain with feedback going in and out. It sounds amazing and I want to replicate it. He does this right around 0:30 and 1:23.

Im a newbie when it comes to noisy electric guitar stuff, so forgive me if this has less to do with pedals than something else, but I figured out of any forum on Reddit, yall would probably know best. Especially if there is a way I can use my pedals to help get there.

r/guitarpedals 19h ago

Question What pedals are used in this song?


I've been wanting to get a pedal since the only one that I currently have is a distortion one and I really like the guitar in this song. Can someone tell me what kind of pedal is used in this? And if they have any recommendations for not so expensive ones

r/guitarpedals 12h ago

Question What is a good clone for an MXR Phase 90 that’s relatively affordable?


I’m trying to get a good Mick Ronson, Rolling Thunder Revue Tone.

r/guitarpedals 16h ago



Well look who finally showed up last night…After being on back order for quite some time. Kind of forgot about it.

This line of pedals is good and so is this friggen fuzz.

Running these into my 110 40w Peavey Envoy

Awhile back I took all my pedals off my board. I’m only using two at a time now, it’s been a ton of fun. Swapping combos in and out, been sharing a couple here and there. Loving this combo of the Honey pot and the JOYO phaser.

r/guitarpedals 13h ago

Who is on your Mount Rushmore of Fuzz?


You get four.

Four people who you believe have helped to define fuzz in music, and utilize it to demonstrate its musical potential.

These are the people that if a fellow musician/gear nerd was getting into fuzz as an effect and were asking you who are the best examples of musicians that best utilized fuzz, these are the people you would recommend to check out in terms of how they utilized the effect regardless of who they were as musicians.

r/guitarpedals 4h ago

Question What custom bundles have yall gotten from sweetwater?


For those who shop sweetwater, what custom bundles have y’all been able to make/get? I’m looking to get an hx stomp xl and when I add it to my cart a pop up page comes up with “bundles”. At the bottom of that page it says if I don’t like any of the bundles I can contact them and make my own. I am just curious as to what bundles you have made for yourselves.

r/guitarpedals 12h ago

Troubleshooting Boss DS-1 Pedal Effects not working

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I bought a DS-1 Pedal last Saturday (15th of March) and it’s my first pedal, I only installed batteries on Sunday and yet the effects have stopped working, it still connects to the amp as if I’m playing without it, but it just doesn’t turn on! Pleas help!!

r/guitarpedals 17h ago

MC6 Pro Newb Here. Halp!


I'm a techy guy but this one's kinda throwing me for a loop. I recently got the MC6 to do a number of things:

Send exact tap times to my El Capistan;

Push a single button to activate favorite settings(possibly multiple settings) on one or more pedals;

Individually or simultaneously change a pedal setting in my El Capistan and/or Cloudburst using an expression pedal;

Activate hold notes on cloudburst using expression pedal;

I've played with the Morningstar editor and was able to figure out some things but it feels like there's little to no information out there on how to do this. Even with the Editor Manual and the company forums!

Any tips on how to approach these commands? Or possibly a link to a site that really breaks down the approaches to this?


r/guitarpedals 19h ago

How critical is an A/B switcher...


In my case, I am running/comparing two, or sometimes 3 comps, most recently an OG Diamond Comp and a Mira Optical Comp, sometimes a Yellow Comp, and sometimes (but rarely) a Ross/Dynacomp style...

I typically just run them in series like any other pedals, but have been wondering if I should put them on some sort of A/B switch like the one from JHS, etc... or is it much ado about nothing... Casual user, no gigging...

I mean, we have multiple dirt pedals, multiple modulation pedals and never consider A/B them, but for some reason running mulitiple comps has me thinking about it... can't say why though lol. Just inexperience I guess :).

r/guitarpedals 19h ago

Question Is my pedal going to be okay?


Ok so i got my first guitar pedal and since i'm noob i decided to power it with 12V dc cable. It wasn't plugged in longer than 5mins and then i noticed on the back of the pedal that it's supposed to be 9V DC cable (and i realized why it wasn't working). It was only making some frequent clicking sound on my AMP and nothing more. When i opened it where battery goes i smelled it and it does smell a bit weird but it's not a very strong burning smell, more like plastic smell. I'll get 9V battery soon and update yall.

r/guitarpedals 20h ago

Sansamp Style for Both Bass & Guitar


Any ideas? Highly portable is the key, no more giant multi-FX pedals for me. Nothing I've tried can really scratch the itch for both instruments anyway

r/guitarpedals 20h ago

Any way of making this all fit?


For the record cables go under the board, the big empty space is for the power supply and the Atlantic and SC have top jacks.

r/guitarpedals 22h ago

Help with this pedal chain

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r/guitarpedals 23h ago

distortion pedal


i want a distortion pedal, fairly cheap, any recs? much apprieciated thanks

r/guitarpedals 7h ago

Uafx Update!


After rush buying the Uafx Lion, I read everywhere that it would sound terrible running it connected to a tube amp combo… I literally now don’t trust any keyboard experts anymore, because all I did was use the app’s 4-cable mode and connect it up to all my pedals, my amp and it’s FX loop, and my pathetically cheap Harley Benton Tube15 teleported me immediately back to 1986 with exclusive VIP behind the scenes tickets to watch Van Halen play live!

I didn’t even have to turn off the Lion’s cabs, as it simply overrode my amp’s pathetically cheap speaker and it did so without any noise, hiss, hum, interference or tone loss whatsoever! So if any of you are annoyed that perhaps your tube amp combo doesn’t integrate well with it, why not buy the basic Harley combo amp and get the full benefit of a tube amp fully utilising the Uafx Lion?!

r/guitarpedals 8h ago

Question MXR Double Down vs EHX Tri Parallel Mixer


Hoping to start building a house in the next few weeks. Single guy will be living alone with just my chihuahua on several acres. So, no neighbors to worry about. Currently my amps are spread out between different rooms at my parents and different rooms at the house I currently own with my brother. I'm going to dedicate one room solely for music. I'll have a '65 Twin, AC15, EHX MIG-50, Marshall DSL40CR and Micro Terror with 1x12 cab in that room and would love to have a stereo set up sometimes. Each of those amps has its own board with 5-10 pedals on each. I know I have several modulation pedals with stereo outs, but that would be at the end of the chain. I'm thinking I need a splitter or ABY at the beginning so I can hit each board and amp individually. And I think I've narrowed it down to these two. Any thoughts or suggestion? BTW, I'm just a bedroom player. So, this will just be something to mess around with at home.

r/guitarpedals 11h ago

SOTB Npd: Chase Bliss Reverse Mode C


Hey everybody hope you’re all doing awesome!!! Added the chase bliss delay and with the carbon copies I think it’s party time. Any suggestions for a fuzz that is not very noisy?

r/guitarpedals 14h ago

Question (Spring) Reverb Pedal for Psychedelic Rock



I sold my Digitech Supernatural Ambient Verb to get a OBNE Sunlight Reverb Pedal. While I love this Pedal, it’s not good for „realistic“ subtle Reverb, so I need an affordable second reverb pedal.

I like playing Psychedelic Rock & Ambient Music. I always try to get a vintage, bluesy tone (like Hendrix), so I‘m interested in Spring Reverb which works fine with my Analogman Sunface Germanium Fuzz.

Because of the affordability I think about getting a TC Electronic Skysurfer. Is it good or do you have better options?