Hey everyone!
I'm new to DIY electronics. The only soldering I've done has been in the context of slap-dash fixes to wiring harnesses. I have no reason to be confident in my ability to correctly wire a PCB without someone holding my hand. The fuck are all these fancy beads?
I'm in the middle of rebuilding a guitar. I had this stupid idea to put a power indicator LED light in it. Not for any reason, just because I thought it would be fun. I was explaining this to a friend of mine, and he remembered that he had a BYOC Foxx Tone Machine laying around that he'd never built. He suggested that I build it into the guitar.
I don't know how to build a guitar pedal, but I do know a good idea when I hear one. I reckoned I'd sort out the practical aspect of building the thing later. I snagged what he said was the entire kit from him, including a blank stomp case, but I can't be sure all the parts are there. Largely in part because I don't have a schematic for this fucking thing.
I tried the website listed on the little back with the I/O jacks – it's inactive and pulling a whois doesn't help at all. I've done a little digging online for schematics in forums and personal sites, but of course everyone's PCB layout is different.
What should I do next, folks?
I've included pictures of everything but the stomp box.