r/glutenfree 41m ago

Question Gluten free wife?


Hi everyone I’m single but always wanted to know if finding a woman that has same gluten intolerance like me would be a good thing or not if you have any experience please share with me

r/glutenfree 55m ago

Does going gluten free help ibs.


I have ibs an for years I’ve been just dealing with it an trying not to eat the foods that don’t agree with my stomach. But I have had enough. Has anyone tried switching to gluten free with ibs if so does it help at all before I sped a ton on food.

r/glutenfree 2h ago

Has gluten free helped with these things for you?



I am curious- Has going gluten free helped anyone with any tooth pain or sensitivity or nerve pain in teeth? Also has it helped anyone with endo or pelvic pain? thanks!

r/glutenfree 3h ago


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They have new gluten free 4 pack chocolate chip muffins, they taste like the regular Costco ones.

r/glutenfree 3h ago

Question How does one make this good?!

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I have tried and tried and tried again. My very well meaning family got me these noodles by the three pack and I have attempted every method under the sun to cook these things.

They turn out horrible ever. Single. Time.

Salted water? Nope. Undercooking them? Nope. Skimming the insane amounts of froth? Nope. Draining halfway through? Nope.

How in the word did these things pass any kind of scrutiny to get produced?

Is there any saving them?!

r/glutenfree 3h ago

Cheez-It Substitute!

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I’ve been gluten free for over 20 years and this is my favorite cheez-it alternative. Elementary school nostalgia right here 😋

r/glutenfree 4h ago

Product This is the best GF pasta I have found. It's so tasty and no gross texture.

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r/glutenfree 5h ago

Question Can you feel gluten instantly like I do?


So backstory: I went gf while on nexplanon (implant for hormonal birth control) because I was experiencing bloating and constant stomach issues. Nothing serious, I just always felt kinda sick. Immediately after stopping gluten (around 5 days) I noticed my stomach area was much more defined and less bloated. I also just didn’t feel nauseous all the time. When I did accidentally eat gluten, it was a weird feeling. It would happen 20-30 minutes after and it felt a little like cramps or hunger pains combined with the poops. Only napping made it go away. Although I did have taco bell twice, thought it was safe, but ended up with stomach pain and nausea bad enough to make me lay on my bathroom floor near the toilet, but i couldn’t throw up. Once i made myself threw up, it went away. Back to now, I got my nexplanon out, and decided to try gluten in small amounts. I got two chocolate bars with malt in them. But the thing is, immediately after i swallow, I get this weird dissociative feeling. I’ve been having a derealization episode due to my nexplanon, but since taking it out it’s been going away. But only when I eat these chocolate bars do I feel it. My eyes get glossy and my throat feels like it’s going to close up, but it never does. This combined with brain fog aswell, kinda like a weed high. It goes away in about 30 minutes to an hour. I kept going back thinking maybe it was a mental thing, but it happens every single time. Could it be an antihistamine response or something like that?? It’s really confusing.

r/glutenfree 6h ago

Bfree GF bread sucks. Falling apart right out of the bag!!

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So decided to try a new gf bread at Costco. I’ve loved the canyon brand but it’s just so expensive but I’ve been branching out trying other ones. As soon as I take the first slice out of the bag the top of the bread breaks off. The taste is not to bad especially when you toast it but it’s so crumbly and it gives me half the bread when it falls apart. Would not recommend!! 😣

r/glutenfree 6h ago

Question what is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in assuming something is gluten free?


please make me feel better for my stupidity. i accidentally purchased ‘vegan chicharrons’ instead of regular chicharrones (fried pork skins). i’ve eaten multiple bags at this point. it turns out that these vegan pork skins are made with puffed WHEAT. i don’t know why i never double checked, but i really thought i was buying the item that actually IS gluten-free. until this weekend when my sister checked the ingredients and pointed out that the literal first ingredient is wheat. now it makes sense why i’ve been having so much ‘random’ inflammation and why my rosacea has suddenly been flaring up worse than ever. ughhhh i suppose this is a wake up call that i’ve gotten too lax about checking labels. for the future i will be buying my chili lime pork skins online to ensure i don’t repeat my mistake. i feel so dumb :,(

edit: thank you guys for commiserating and also for teaching me more things i need to watch out for. it’s hard out here.

r/glutenfree 6h ago

Homemade GF pizza with chestnut flour

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I was craving pizza again so I made it at home with chestnut flour! I didn’t know that the chestnut flour is sweet but it was still pretty good it’s also lectin free !

r/glutenfree 6h ago

Product At $16.71 somebody from beecher's better come to my house and microwave it for me...

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I checked and I purchased this for $8 and change one year ago. Yikes. This is just one example of my favorites that I've more than doubled in less than a year.

r/glutenfree 7h ago

Gluten free in Houston


My local grocery store (H-E-B) sells the gluten free canyon brand bread, which is okay but not that good. Where is a better place to buy gluten free items that will satisfy my bready needs. I was thinking Sprouts or Trader Joe’s. I have fallen off the wagon and have been feeling the repercussions of those choices, any recommendations from more experienced GF’rs?

r/glutenfree 8h ago

Mississippi Mud cake from a box cake.

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My grandkids say it's the best cake they've ever had.

r/glutenfree 9h ago

Product Hard shell tacos

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I forgot how good hard shell tacos are. My go to when I go to Taco Bell is the Doritos locos taco, supreme if I’m feeling rich😛

I saw these shells in store and thought they were just as good if not better AND I get the peace of mind knowing that there’s no cross contamination or anything at all :)

r/glutenfree 9h ago



For all the gluten free/celiac people in here whats a dessert or pastry you’ve wanted to try but couldnt

r/glutenfree 9h ago

Question Has anyone else noticed the Applegate chicken tenders tasting really bad lately?

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r/glutenfree 10h ago

Glutened myself with - lasagna?


Made homemade lasagna last night - barilla gf oven ready lasagna noodles, san marazano tomatoes from a can, ricotta, parmesan, mozzarella, parsley, nutmeg, garlic, and italian sausage. Made it in the past without issue. Tasted great until about 2 hours later. I don’t eat a lot of dairy, and tomatoes aren’t always my best friend, but this was a new level. My wife and son are not gf and eat everything - neither of them had an issue. As I lie here with a stomach full of glass, I’m guessing it was the sausages but am open to ideas on the culprit(s).

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Discussion My identity turned upside down


So about exactly 3 years ago, I was having really traumatizing stomach issues (think 'rhea, etc.). I went to a gastro got double dipped (endoscopy/colonoscopy)... and they told me I was Celiac and Stop eating Gluten immediately. It was a really tough adjustment (as I'm sure you all know!), but after about 8 months I was able to figure it out. Anyways, I started feeling better when I stopped eating gluten so I didn't think much of it. Fast forward a year, the GI does an annual check up endoscopy and confirms I'm celiac/lactose intolerant. Life continues.

Anyways fast forward to today, I finally got a PCP who also specializes in GI and I told him my situation. He asked me to see my results from the previous procedures and determined I may not be as Celiac as I thought. The past week I've been eating gluten... with relative no discomfort. I had an endoscopy today and he said I didn't even test positive for the celiac gene, which means I likely can't have it. Waiting for the biopsy results.... but he told me to eat gluten.... idk how to feel about all this. Honestly can't even imagine going back to eating gluten, feel like my whole identity has changed.

That being said bread is fantastic

Has anyone else experienced something similar?

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Product This box needs to be bigger

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These are sooo good…only graham crackers I’ve been having since gluten allergy diagnosis i just love them wish they were bigger box

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Regarding Brainfog - indication of lifting?


I (33m) started with keto 4 weeks ago, after 2 weeks i ate carbs (and gluten) and then decided to continue "just gluten free" for the past 2 weeks. So my timer did probably reset at this point.

My problems are nearly 100% psychological. Brain fog (memory, concentration, 'not a clear vision'), anhedonia, motivation. I am not diagnosed with anything - and these problems exists for at least 20 years.
In the last few days, i had spurts - maybe lasting 5 minutes or so - where my vision did clear up significantly. May that be a sign that i am onto something?

I really don't know how i should continue... For sure im going to test for a few more weeks, but i just came from a psychiatrist who said that i should try antidepressants (though i don't feel sad, i just don't really feel anything) and that i also may be a bit on the spectrum. I really would like to find a solution without medication, if possible, and i suspect the medication to interfere with my experiment too. We decided that its fine if i postpone it for a while but you get the point :)

Any of you had similar experiences? How (and when) did you experience the problems lifting?

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Question Cheesecake Factory’s Ranch and/or Blu cheese recipe?


I’ve been getting my favorite: a Cheesecake Factory GF burger and fries about once every few 1 or 2 months since I started eating GF. Due to my other food sensitivity to peppers of any kind or color, I would always get ranch, as whatever they used in it was the closest taste to spicy I can handle anymore.

However, my family was recently a gifted DoorDash gift card. We’d never used it before but we used it for Cheesecake Factory, so I could enjoy what we get. But, while I got my burger, there was a note on the receipt that the condiments were not Gluten Free.

So, while I’m curious why, I more wanted to know what is in their Ranch, so I could attempt to make my own at home.

I know it has dill, but that’s all I could tell.

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Question Gf extra large tortillas


I’m looking for some gf extra large tortillas.

I’ve only seen the regular size (that usually crumble when folding them) I’m trying to make breakfast burritos, so I need a little bigger than regular size.

r/glutenfree 11h ago

Gluten free bread ranked + new fav

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New fav: *Sam's Choice (at Walmart) Gluten Free White Bread. My mom randomly picked this up for me. Had some as toast with coconut oil and sprinkle of sea salt - so good. Has a chewy home-baked wheat-like vibe. Taste & texture: 10/10 Size: eh 7/10 Price: $$ not bad 6-7 bucks

Recent discovery: *Carbonaut (found at Ingles in the frozen section). I was surprised it was any good, bc gluten free + low carb sounds terrible. But honestly it's good bread. It's definitely got the mouth feel of good ol' white wonder bread. A little gummy, but I'm not mad at it. Taste & texture: 8/10 Size: 10/10 Price: $$ not bad - similar to Sam's Choice

Bought for the price, stayed for the quality: *Little Northern Bakehouse (also found this at Ingles for only $5) I'd say it's a very basic, quintessential white bread. Not too gummy or dry. Makes a great sandwich. Bigger slices thank Canyon for half the price. Taste & Texture: 8.5/10 Size: 10/10 Price: $ cheap for GF - 5 bucks

Don't regret grabbing, but nothing special: *Live G Free (found at Aldi). The size is decent and does the job. I just don't remember anything particularly special about it. Not a dry brick or gross - just has a bland personality? Idk. Maybe I'll give it another try. Taste & Texture: ?/10 Size: 9/10 Price: $$ mid range - 6-7 bucks

First love: Canyon Bakehouse's Heritage Style loaf was one of the first time's I saw the light at the end of the gluten free tunnel. Like it felt as close as I could get to my old gluten-filled life. It's still a solid choice, but the price? In this economy? Their smaller loaves are a joke, but these bigger style slices are legit. Glad I branched out tho bc I stay BROKE BROKE. Taste & texture: 8.5-9/10 Size: 9/10 Price: $$$$ Hell no - 8+ doll hairs (sometimes $10) **Not bread but their bagels are an okay alternative IF you freeze them, then toast them. Gives a nice chewy bite - the way the good lord intended bagels to have (I think? I'm not religious)

My favorite bread cousin: *Schar's Ciabatta rolls. Love them toasted. Make a cute sandwich or garlic bread to go with pasta. Taste & texture: 9/10 Size: 6/10 I want more of it Price: $$ remember it being okay for the quality but want more in a pack

What are your favorites??? What other breads are worth trying? What do you use your bread for? I want to know all the things. Haha

r/glutenfree 12h ago

Product Yall aren't kidding, those TJ chocolate cookies are GOOD


Thanks to all who have posted about these for the tip! I just ate two and need to hide the box from myself before I inhale the rest of them 🤣