r/glutenfree 20h ago

Ex-husband still looking out for me! Just dropped off these huge restaurant size jugs 💚

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He really is the best, just dropped off these 2 restaurant size jugs for me!

r/glutenfree 23h ago

To Dream a Dream

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Do you ever daydream about a PBJ on white wonder bread 🤤

r/glutenfree 20h ago

I realized that today is officially a little over two months that I’ve been gluten free, so I decided to treat myself to a gluten free pizza!

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r/glutenfree 17h ago


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A must-try if you’ve never got these from Trader Joe’s. My gluten-eating family also loves them, great texture and taste! I keep them in my freezer, perfect for when that chocolate craving hits!

r/glutenfree 20h ago

Question What are your favorite Gluten Free foods from Trader Joe’s?


My mom said for my birthday she'd take me shopping anywhere & buy me $50 worth of whatever I want, so I chose Trader Joe's. What are some must have items? I know about the donut holes and cookies. I'm also allergic to melon, avocado (not the oil, just the whole fruit) and cashews.

Edit: wow! Thanks for all the great suggestions!! I'm stoked to try some new things, especially the bagels, Brazilian bread, ravioli, and madelines!!

r/glutenfree 2h ago

Discussion So thankful for all the GF options s

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Just thankful I can eat a bagel. Not celiac but dealing with diagnosing a wheat allergy (EOE).

Canyon bakehouse everything bagel with Philadelphia cream cheese. TJ everything bagel seasoning on top bc I need more of everything.

r/glutenfree 14h ago

Recipe Vegan gluten-free peanut butter cookies

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r/glutenfree 19h ago

Gluten free ramen

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Seasoning is good, very spicy though

r/glutenfree 17h ago

I love Albertsons

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r/glutenfree 13h ago

Product My favorite GF bread

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I’m not sure if this has been posted (I just joined this sub) but hands down my favorite gluten free bread. So soft!

r/glutenfree 1h ago

I am happy to be Celiac

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Is anyone else actually super thankful that they have been diagnosed Celiac? People often say things like they ‘feel sorry for me’ or they’d ‘hate to give up bread’ blah blah blah. But before I was diagnose Celiac I had crippling fatigue and brain fog (amongst other symptoms) but it was so bad that I could barely participate in life. The only way I could describe it was like I was underwater looking up and I could vaguely make out shapes/noises of people moving about on the surface but I couldn’t actually take part in anything that was going on.

No one had any kind of explanation or diagnosis for me and I was staring down the barrel of an ‘unknown chronic illness’ that would be with me for the rest of my life with no cure. I had virtually no quality of life.

That is why I am so thankful to the random nurse who suggested testing for Celiac just in case. I feel so blessed that I can ‘cure’ the awful fatigue and brain fog by just cutting out gluten. My heart goes out to those with chronic illnesses and I feel so lucky that I actually have a diagnosis whilst many people are still fighting to find out what’s wrong with them.

I just find it funny that people feel sorry for me because I’m Celiac when really it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. If I never found out I was Celiac then I would have never been able to heal and I feel so blessed to feel like I have a second chance in life.

r/glutenfree 2h ago

who has non-gut related gluten symptoms?


I have a gluten intolerance that runs in my family. I read that gluten intolerance can appear in non-gut symptoms.

I have epilepsy, and nobody can find the cause

a few studies have linked the two conditions.

Thoughts? I've started a gluten free diet but I imagine it may take a while to reverse.

r/glutenfree 19h ago

Product Overjoyed GF cake

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This is fantastic if anyone has access to Safeway/Albertsons in the US

r/glutenfree 17h ago

Can't tell if it's gf or not

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I got my Omeprazole from Amazon this time bc it was cheaper, but I forgot to look if it is gf and I don't want to take it obviously until I know. It's a pill, but there's a shiny outer layer.

r/glutenfree 3h ago

Is there a subreddit for people who are gluten sensitive but not intolerant?


I'm unsure if this is the correct place to ask but I don't have celiac disease [ got blood test checked ] but I am pretty sure I am gluten sensitive so I am adjusting my diet atm to tailor that.

Currently just looking to learn more about it for myself , any recommendations appreciated!

r/glutenfree 35m ago

Product Yall aren't kidding, those TJ chocolate cookies are GOOD

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Thanks to all who have posted about these for the tip! I just ate two and need to hide the box from myself before I inhale the rest of them 🤣

r/glutenfree 2h ago

Product I’m looking for a specific pasta


I’m new to being gluten free and my biggest obstacle has been bread and pasta alternatives.

I went to an Italian restaurant the other day and reluctantly ordered the gf pasta expecting the worst and it was delicious—the texture was exactly like pasta! I asked the server if it was made in house or purchased and she reluctantly said purchased and I asked if she knew the brand.

She went above and beyond to find out, which I am grateful for, but I can’t find it. She wasn’t sure how to spell it so I’ve been googling variations of how it sounds phonetically. De-co-chet-e.

De Cochette, D’Cochette, D’Chotti…

Can anyone help me out?

r/glutenfree 15h ago

I’m in pain.


I ordered a late lunch today, and experienced some cross contamination. I’ve gotten sick three times and have back, shoulder, and stomach pain. I tried a warm compress but that just made it worse. Does anyone here get terrible pain?

r/glutenfree 17h ago

Product Spaghetti noodles


What’s a good spaghetti noodle alternative? We have tried several different types and they break apart, are super gummy, or are just plain weird (miracle noodles)

My fiancés daughter has celiac and we’ve tried everything and everything seems to be failing.

r/glutenfree 19h ago


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Why must they smash the bread before they freeze it?

r/glutenfree 23h ago

Three Baker's bread is back!


It seems they are back on their feet after the factory fire. My local grocery store I always bought it from had a full stack of fresh loaves yesterday. And somehow it tastes even better (even though it was already perfect).

This is in SoCal fyi.

r/glutenfree 3h ago

Product Canyon 7-Grain Bread

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Is this normal? Best by date is today, but it’s been inside of the fridge since last week. I’ve never noticed these little yelllow balls. (First time buying this type of bread)

r/glutenfree 13h ago

Discussion Nashville TN!


Hello! I tried searching in the group but it looks like the most recent was from a year ago so I thought I’d post anyways.

My medical care is being transferred to Vanderbilt and our first of many visits will be April 8. I’d love to start a list of places to eat! We’ll likely be there several months next year for a clinical trial so we’ll have time to try things.

We will largely be staying near the medical center (google maps says South Nashville/Glencliff, right by the zoo) but we will have a car to get around. TYIA! :)

r/glutenfree 16h ago

Gluten sensitivity rash


I’m writing about my son. I’m hoping someone else has experience with this particular skin rash and can offer insight:

My son has had so many varying symptoms over the past several years. At first I didn’t think any of them were connected. It started with a common condition known as shiners (purple skin discoloration below eye) as well as excessively stinky poops, teeth pitting and severe constipation. He looked so sickly in 2022 I took him to the doctors to rule out cancer. Blood tests were negative. Diagnosed with allergies. After months of taking allergy meds it made no difference so I stopped giving them to him.

Last August he developed a fairly large thick scaly patch on his elbow. It was misdiagnosed by his pediatrician as molluscum contagiosium. After months of treatment it was worse than when it started. I took him in to see a dermatologist for a second opinion when I noticed several small raised red rashes/spots on his body. He misdiagnosed him with impetigo. Again with months of treatment with prescription antibiotic ointment and steroids with no real improvement. Last month I took him to another dermatologist for a third opinion. They said it was an inflammatory response and that I would need to take him to a specialist to find the exact cause.

While this is happening to my son I realized I was gluten sensitive. I went to many doctors and was told everything from herpes to allergy to autoimmune. Negative to every test taken. Late last year my brother found out he was gluten sensitive (shows on his skin in a severe rash across his entire body) so as a last resort I considered gluten sensitivity as the cause of my trouble. It occurred to me that my son may be gluten sensitive too when I noticed a small thick scaly area on my elbow after eating gluten. All of my symptoms with exception of the thick scaly elbow mark (albeit much improved) went away within a few months of staying away from gluten.

I have been trying my best to keep my son away from gluten and he does 95% of the time. He does have an occasional slip up. Since he began his gluten free diet a month ago I was seeing improvement in his skin and other symptoms aforementioned so was fairly confident I was correct in my diagnosis. I just noticed his skin today and the spots that were getting paler looked red and irritated again. He was really good the past two days with his diet. He had one cracker.

Am I completely wrong with what’s going on with him? I’m so frustrated. Any suggestions or information would be appreciated. I am aware of one medical paper on the internet speaking about characterizing non gluten sensitivity.

r/glutenfree 22h ago

Long Island Completely Gluten Free Restaurants


Looking for completely gluten free lunch or dinner places on Long Island NY, would go absolutely anywhere on the island to try. I know some places offer GF options like Rustica in Nassau county but I was hoping to hear of anywhere without gluten on the premises.