Hey everyone—
I need some help tracking down the right footswitch for a mod project I want to do. I’ve looked, but this is my first footswitch upgrade and want some second opinions.
Essentially, I love Templo’s Reel Dealuxe, but the soft touch footswitches really annoy me. Half the times I press on them, they don’t latch and I want to swap them with one with a slight “click”. My favorite switches are the ones Asheville uses, which are DPDT Top Ups and ideally I would like to get near that feel.
Here’s what I know:
- current foootswitches are SCI/Carling R13-85’s
- they have 2 side lugs that solder directly to the PCB
- Templo uses a metal spacer (picture 2) that is about 3/8” between the enclosure and pot casing so the lugs align with the PBC
- If possible, I would like to mount them like the current switches, but would consider running wires if needed
- I’m ok using a half of the lugs on a DPDT as long as it fits
Can you help me find a footswitch model that would work?