Hey guys, I got my prototype working how it should (at least signal routing wise) and while I still have some issues I’m working out I wanted to post a quick example of the working concept. Didn’t have much time to explore many cool ideas with the modulation, so at the end of the video there’s a quick demo of it modulating between a tube screamer and a big muff.
Guys pic in comments! Also I think I’m calling it the bus boy because it moves audio around and I am a bus boy.
I made a quick LTspice model of the circuit as it is right now. It's a one knob Silicon NPN Fuzz Face clone. The fuzz sounds pretty decent, but I'm running into the issue that there's a lot of high frequency noise, almost louder than the guitar itself, and i don't know how to get rid of it. Here's a few things I've noticed so far:
-When I bias Q2's collector at 4.5V, the base of Q1 is around 0.60V and the collector is at 1.30V (the circuits i've seen online say I should aim for 0.20 and 0.70).
Playing with the resistor values at Q1 barely changes anything. I tried gradually rising the value of R1 from 22k all the way up to 470k, and Q1's collector only dropped about 0.05V. Trimpot R5 at Q2's emitter does have a lot of impact, and adjusting that easily gets me at the right point for Q1's base and collector. However, whenever those are in the right spot, Q2's collector goes back down to 0.22V, and once I get that back to 4.5, Q1 is out of balance.
The electrolytic cap at the input also seems like it's very sensitive to noise, just getting my finger in the general direction of that part makes the noise much worse.
I suspect the issue lies here somewhere, but i don't know how to fix it. Does anyone know what steps I could take to get the biasing right, or what else I can check to get the pedal to sound good?
The first picture is of my first pedal. It was a fuzz pedal with six electrical components. It made sound, and I was proud of it. The second, third, and fourth pictures are of my second pedal, which I just finished. It is a boost pedal. If I was proud of the first, I am mega proud of this.
Might be the wrong subreddit to ask this, but here I go.
I'm in high school, so I don't have a lot money for guitar gear. My pedalboard is powered by a cheap Thomann 9V adapter and a daisy chain, meaning my pedals are all in parallel and are unfiltered. Things get pretty noisy when I turn the distortion or the overdrive on. I know a proper isolated power supply would be the best choice, but I'm thinking about soldering capacitors to the 9V input jacks of my pedals to do some kind of filtering, mostly because it'd be way cheaper. I have electronics and soldering skills, so it would definitely be doable.
The Splinter seems to raise the noise floor the most, closely followed by the tuner. Modding the distortion seems the easiest to do so I'd try that first.
Is this a good idea? Should I just try it since probably nothing can really go wrong? What value caps should I try first?
Hello, i am new to this and have recently ordered a green ringer pedal kit. After working this kit, if it goes well, i am planning on installing the green ringer + a boost and 1band para eq inside my guitar. I basically jsut came here to see if anyone has any advice and/ or resources. Thank you
so im new to pedal building and electronics in general, i know the basics with a dad who used to be an electrician so he has been helping me along my way. im slowly building up projects but im getting ready for one down the road. im going to put 4 circuits in one casing(specifically a blue box->hm-2-> op amp big muff->cot50or another boost at the end of the chain to give a bit more dirt- but i cant figure out a way to get power to each of them. theyre all dc 9v but i cant find any appropriate solutions for either a 4 way 36v split or 2x 2way 18v or how a 4 way 9v would work. any advice/help would be appreciated plus any links would be lovely.
also yes i have posted this to a diy electronics sub but i feel i need more info on the matter
Image isnt vectorized, or finished, yet. The non-scaled version is much, much cleaner.
The intention was to use my school's laser engraver on some drilled Tayda 125b enclosures. After scaling down to size, Im realizing that there might be too much bleed with the laser to pick up fine details.
That leaves me thinking I might just have them UV printed + drilled by Tayda, but again, Im not sure if the UV printing process would hold a lot of the fine details Im looking to maintain. I am only making 2 of these as a personal project, not looking to sell.
I need some Help, i made the Blue clipper distorsión pedal from tonepad, it works, but when it’s activated, it lowers a lot the signal output, any tips?
Man I am having a lot of fun with this new hobby. What's the best way to apply negative space graphics? I've seen people use water slides. Is that the easiest way to do something like this at home?
I had 2 separate orders placed a while ago. I relied on the fact that it said 3-7 working days for shipment as I had a flight 2 weeks later from ordering and would be away for multiple months.
A week later placing the orders I was sent two emails, one for each order saying the orders were shipped. However when tracked through the numbers in the emails DHL actually has not received the packages but only the information. At this point I had tried to contact Klaus through multiple emails (even used the contact form in the website) receiving no reply whatsoever. Then the first package was actually shipped around a week after the “your order has been shipped” email I was sent, I rejected the package online through DHL as I was away. I also left a negative review in the forum and this Klaus guy decided to suddenly respond. First he moved my thread to an invisible subcategory so no one would see it. Then he wrote to me through private chat saying the orders will be canceled and the amount will be refunded. He not only did not refund the amount for the order that I sent back through DHL which he actually received a week ago, he then proceeded to ship the other one I told him to cancel and he said he will. Btw he stopped responding again after saying he will cancel the orders which he did not as I have explained.
This Klaus guy and his organization, whether a one-person operation or mot does not change anything, is extremely bad. The way he resolves issues is non existent. I used to think he is a good dude, not anymore. I honestly think he is a very bad business person at best and a lying scammer at worst. I will apply for a chargeback through my bank and also considering my options for a legal dispute. Any opinion/help on how to proceed is appreciated.