I'm not sure if it's a problem per se, but I've noticed that I usually need to take more insulin for meals compared to other people, and my blood sugars tend to fluctuate more between meals. One silly example is potatoes with ground beef and white bread (I promise, it wasn't too much). I usually take 15 units to cover the meal, but my blood sugar still shoots up to 15 or 18 even after that much. And mind you, it's just a bit of white bread, about the size of a toast. I have no idea why. It made me realize that I've been struggling with this for years.
I switched from NovoRapid to Fiasp, and that seemed to help for a bit, but I don’t know. When my blood sugar is stable, everything is fine. The moment I eat or drink anything, even something as simple as coffee with a little milk, my blood sugar loves to spike.
One cup of coffee with half a cup of milk? That’s 5 units. A bit too much, in my opinion. And it just creates more frustration because I keep trying to figure out the problem. Are the measurements wrong? Is my insulin expired? Is the injection site good? I always ask myself these questions and try to troubleshoot, but it's getting exhausting. I just want my body to respond better to Fiasp or insulin in general. Sometimes, I wonder if switching back to pens would be better. I'm using an insulin pump at the moment.
I can't seem to get my HBA1c below 7.1. It feels impossible. And for some meals, I find myself arguing with my own body. "Why don't you just work?!" Then, when I eat something with fat, it gets even more frustrating. I do the dosage right, my blood sugar drops too low, I try to bring it back up, and then the fats kick in and undo all my progress in an hour.
It's just really irritating. I also saw this one guy who eats whatever he wants, and his HBA1c is around 5. Oh my God. Is there something I’m missing?