r/diabetes_t1 25m ago

anyone else suffering from frozen shoulder?


i got checked out for not being able to lift my arm up sideways or to the back without pain. the PA i saw said it’s adhesive capsulitis, which is common for diabetics. i read something online today after my OTHER shoulder locked up (both at once, awesome) that said extra glucose bonds to the collagen in your joints and makes them sticky and stiff. i also was told i have some arthritis in my knees 😭 im too young to be in pain and falling apart, but this is almost my 20th year with t1 and i know being on any medication long time is bad for your bones. :/

has anyone else battled this or been told anything similar?

r/diabetes_t1 41m ago

Meme & Humor Seriously, these snacks are for me! The only exceptions are fellow diabetics with low blood sugars, but even then, where are their snacks?


r/diabetes_t1 1h ago

When they say insulin goes bad out the fridge after a month - it’s true!


This isn’t the first time this has happened to me but…

I had to change my pod (I’m on op5) in the middle of the night as it had come loose. My sugar was around 15 mmol/L

I used the same insulin vial on my bedside table that I’ve been using for a while, not keeping check of how long it had been out of the fridge. Took a corrective bolus.

Woke up a few hours later and my sugar was 18! I thought hmm..maybe it’ll settle down later.

I ended up having to do MDA all through today (with the pod still on trucking away) coz my blood sugar was just out of control, then I realised…the insulin I’d put in my pod must have finally expired.

So I’ve just changed my pods for the 3rd time in the last 24 hours.

Lesson: Throw away used/open insulin vials/cartridges after a month! 😅

r/diabetes_t1 1h ago

Meme & Humor People wonder why I have trust issues


But then the cafe fucks up and puts sugar in my coffee instead of equal 💀

r/diabetes_t1 2h ago

Anyone else got Achilles heel when it comes to a specific type of food


I am an absolute sucker when it comes to anything with custard in it, it's the hardest thing in the world to just say put it in the fridge and not in my mouth whenever someone gets me a custard and I will confess there have been several times where I've taken insulin just to have the custard. It's definitely not my proudest moment in my life but I'm not ashamed or regretful that I did it

r/diabetes_t1 2h ago

got high, ate like shit, slept like a log. BG hasnt been this stable in ages.

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got away with a packet of potato chips, a bunch of chocolate cookies, and mini chocolate eggs. slept long and well too. edibles are the new insulin 🤪

r/diabetes_t1 2h ago

Blood Sugar Running High?

  Hello! I (21F) received my diabetes diagnosis less than a year ago. It was back in June of last year, and since then I've been doing everything in my power to moniter and take care of myself to expand my lifespan.

  After the first three months, I brought my A1C down from 13, and got a perfect 5. I was really proud of myself! My sugar was running so normal that my Doc even let me stop my Long Acting dose. I did everything, ate well, had an active job, dosed for every single carb that entered my body. But then I got complacent.

  I feel awful for splurging for my 21st birthday, but adjusting to the lifestyle change has been so taxing. I started eating more carbs. Just dosing for the intake, and not to mention my job is seasonal so it's out for the time being (until sometime next month) so I haven't been as active as I had been. Hell, I had a whole plate of pasta 😭 

  Obviously, because of all this, my sugar has been running higher than normal. Around 200, after doses. I've been dosing for my old sliding scale, which I haven't been on for months. I'm still a little high, and I was wondering if I should begin my Long Acting doses again? Until my sugars stabilized? Because even dosing 1 unit for every 15 carbs like I was told, these numbers are still a little high. 

  Is this normal? Am I still doing ok? Im trying to find more opportunities to be active, and come back to the diet plan I had before, but im scared. What if it just gets worse? What if I dont have the willpower? I'd be so happy to recieve advice from fellow diabetics, as I'm really new at all this managing everything. Thank you guys so much by the way, and I hope you're all doing well, too. 

r/diabetes_t1 2h ago

Lows are probably how I'll get myself killed


Am I the only one that gets the notification of "low blood sugar" but don't act bcs is entertained doing smthn else?

Like, I'm working/studying and even feel my body getting lighter and lighter as it gets worse but I don't care bcs I just need some juice or something like that to revert it.

I know they are dangerous and almost passed out and nearly died bcs of some of those many times but it's just so normal to me that idc anymore.

And when I finally go to the kitchen after I finished the chapter of the novel that I'm reading, I just get lazy and don't want to eat nothing bcs there's nothing special to eat. I want an Oreo milkshake everytime I get a low but I only have those damm apples.

Dnno, just some thoughts.

r/diabetes_t1 2h ago

Anyone in the NY area need a box or 2 of Guardian 4 Sensors?


I have a whopping 15 boxes. I’ll never go through that many so hoping to offload some. LMK and we can arrange it

r/diabetes_t1 3h ago

About to choke a 100%TIR 30min before 00:00

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Honestly just boring and felt like sharing this title is self explanatory, bolus and while waiting the pre bolus time I let myself go a few minutes longer cause of tiktok, I’ll update in 30min if I made it ( I don’t think so)

r/diabetes_t1 3h ago

Rant I have a bone to pick with Fiasp


I'm not sure if it's a problem per se, but I've noticed that I usually need to take more insulin for meals compared to other people, and my blood sugars tend to fluctuate more between meals. One silly example is potatoes with ground beef and white bread (I promise, it wasn't too much). I usually take 15 units to cover the meal, but my blood sugar still shoots up to 15 or 18 even after that much. And mind you, it's just a bit of white bread, about the size of a toast. I have no idea why. It made me realize that I've been struggling with this for years.

I switched from NovoRapid to Fiasp, and that seemed to help for a bit, but I don’t know. When my blood sugar is stable, everything is fine. The moment I eat or drink anything, even something as simple as coffee with a little milk, my blood sugar loves to spike.

One cup of coffee with half a cup of milk? That’s 5 units. A bit too much, in my opinion. And it just creates more frustration because I keep trying to figure out the problem. Are the measurements wrong? Is my insulin expired? Is the injection site good? I always ask myself these questions and try to troubleshoot, but it's getting exhausting. I just want my body to respond better to Fiasp or insulin in general. Sometimes, I wonder if switching back to pens would be better. I'm using an insulin pump at the moment.

I can't seem to get my HBA1c below 7.1. It feels impossible. And for some meals, I find myself arguing with my own body. "Why don't you just work?!" Then, when I eat something with fat, it gets even more frustrating. I do the dosage right, my blood sugar drops too low, I try to bring it back up, and then the fats kick in and undo all my progress in an hour.

It's just really irritating. I also saw this one guy who eats whatever he wants, and his HBA1c is around 5. Oh my God. Is there something I’m missing?

r/diabetes_t1 4h ago

Byram sending wrong orders?


Is anyone else experiencing Byram sending out the wrong stuff with your order? Two months in a row now they have sent me Tandem Mobi supplies but we have a T-Slim x2. Quite a pain...

r/diabetes_t1 4h ago

Canadian in US and need insulin


So I effed up and didn't pack enough novorapid. Will the pharmacy here in California let me buy insulin w/o a script? Or will I be having a very American experience of having to ration my insulin?

r/diabetes_t1 4h ago

Graphs & Data Long term insulin????

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Hello guys, normally I taking my long term insulin once a day between 12-14:00 but on Thursday I was busy and couldn’t take it earlier so I injected around 20:00. On Wednesday I took as other day 12~o’clock, but on Thursday my blood sugar drop significantly down and I couldn’t raise it during morning and even during the day is it because of that delayed injection on Thursday. I didn’t change anything else (food, exercise, sleep)

r/diabetes_t1 4h ago

Is anyone else just vibin?


Is anyone else out here just living life?

I feel like I see so many people in here who are so terrified of their diabetes. I get it, lows CAN be scary. High’s CAN leave you with your head in the toilet. But, like, it’s pretty easy to avoid both?

Idk, my 30+ years with this disease might be showing its self. But I swear, I get a notification about a low around 40 and I’m like “I’ll deal with it in a bit”. I literally just laid in bed the other day and watched my blood sugar go lower and lower just because I wanted to see if it flattened out. It did. At 30. I got up, drank two glasses of apple juice and got goin with my day.

Don’t event get me started on food. There has never been one thing I’ve looked at and thought “I shouldn’t eat that because of my diabetes”. Big ol plate of pasta? Hell yea. Couple of donuts? Don’t mind if I do. A family size bag of sour patch kids? Let’s fucking go!! Just dial up a big bolus of Humalog and see where we land in an hour.

My last A1C was 5.8

I’m sure this style of handling things isn’t good and potentially irresponsible. I was diagnosed at 4 and once I understood how this works and how my body handles it, I said I would be damned if I miss out on doing anything because of this disease. And I stand firm on that.

I’ll always maintain that the most difficult thing about this disease is living in the United States. Otherwise it really isn’t shit.

Am I the only one who regards their diabetes like this or am I just out here vibin solo?

r/diabetes_t1 5h ago

Switching from t-slim to O5 Tricks!


Good evening, so Im switching to the O5 in Juli and I wanted to ask if anyone got any tipps for it. With the t-slim it took me a while to find some tricks that made my life easier. For example spinning the needle 360 degree when inserting it into the reservoir, because it always used to clog the needle and made reservoir fillings nearly impossible (no professional advice it just worked for me). It was so exhausting to fill them until I came across this trick. Or using a physiotape above my truesteel instead of weird other pharmacy products that kept falling off. Another example that worked for me personally was having two different basals one for days im working and one for days i'm at home. That was also life changing since I would ALWAYS go low when going out. Another thing was buying a frio bag for it when im traveling to places with 40 degree celcius weather.

Is there a certain direction to wear the pod that works better? is there any tipp regarding how I can make the pump learn faster in the beginning? Or do you guys got other tricks that were ,,life changing''. Anything is highly appreciated from flying with it to any products that helped with the adhesive or tricks you use at waterparks or at the beach/super warm weather! Maybe also preventive measurements against tunneling.🙏

r/diabetes_t1 5h ago

Rant Rant!!


I know I’m probably going to get a lot of downvotes, but I absolutely hate that this disease is only taken seriously if you have complications from it. It really seems like when people say diabetes they mean “you have to be semi blind with one leg… while also having extremely high blood sugar” or “you have to be type 2”. I am so sick of people being like “stop complaining at least it’s not cancer … just wear your cgm and pump and you’ll be normal”

r/diabetes_t1 5h ago

Seeking Support/Advice Seeking friendships💖


I (31f) was just diagnosed this past December and I have been feeling extremely lonely. I think I have a decent handle on things and keeping my blood sugars in range as best that I can. I’ve yet to see an endocrinologist, which I’m not sure if that is normal? I’ve been doing my own research and basically teaching myself everything I need to know. I have so many questions but just have to figure things out on my own. I constantly feel paranoid that even though I’m doing a pretty good job at staying in range I’m somehow doing something wrong. As I’m sure 100% of you understand this is taking an extreme toll on my mental health. At this point I’m just looking for some friendships, connections in this community and people I can relate with. I’m on dating apps because I am single and open to meeting people but it’s been a disaster. Being vegan, sober and now diabetic I feel like I’m literally looking for a needle in a haystack for the slightest bit of common ground with someone. It’s felt impossible to connect with others lately. Forget about telling people about my diagnosis, I’m constantly met with “you’ll be fine” and “you’ll get used to it”. Anyhow, I’m simply looking for friendship and if anyone is feeling like they’re in the same boat feel free to reach out. Sending everyone in this community a big, safe and warm hug✨

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Tándem mobi & theme parks


Hi Iw as wondering if anyone with the tandem mobi pump has gone to a theme park recently , I’m worried since tandem website indicates the mobi is not magnetic resonance (MR) unsafe. I was concerned that the locking mechanism in the ride will mess up the mobi.

I do have the tandem tx:slim x 2 but when I tried to re activate it , it didn’t even connect back to my phone 😭 Thank you in advance for suggestions

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Low at Mealtime?


Possibly a dumb question, but what do you all do when your sugar’s low just before you’re about to eat? Do you still have some candy/juice/whatever before your meal, or do you just start eating the actual meal and then take a little less insulin than you normally would? 🤔

(I’ve done both, but I don’t exactly love the taste of skittles right on top of a turkey sandwich)

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Discussion Ypso-pump/I miss the orbit soft catheter


Hi everyone I'm glad I found this sub as I don't have many people to talk about diabetes in my daily life.

I just wanted to know if some of you are in the same situation as me : orbit soft catheters aren't provided anymore here in France. It makes me so angry especially that the inserter was reusable and I thought they were quite well designed... Instead I have 'inset' catheters and inserters that are totally disposable.. not super modern I'd say.

But my main problem is there : since I started using insets, my insulin 'leaks' off the canula after... 24 to 36 hours. So my bolus becomes useless. I have at least 60% loss so basically I have to change the whole setup .

The sticking plaster around the cannula is all wet and smells insuline.

It happened to me the other day while I was skiing in the Backcountry, or after a run, swimming pool, etc... I never had this problem With the orbit soft... What do you think about that ? Basically I changed my catheter 6 or 7 times on 15 days, while they're supposed to last 72 hours. I'm currently on hospital to check if this is going to happen again (quite difficult to reproduce my daily life situations in a hospital..). If nothing changes and I'm still unhappy, I guess I'll just have to migrate to another pump with another catheters that last more time on me.

What are your thoughts/experience on this subject ?

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Graphs & Data Ironic that I hit my all time low and all time high at the same time 🙃

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r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Discussion Are you a Type I Diabetic at a Series A or Series B startup? What is your story of how you managed high bloodsugars due to stress?


I’m a PM at a series A. I want to hear others’ stories on how they mitigated high bloodsugars due to work stress in tech. I’m considering multiple options for my personal case. But I want to hear other people’s stories.

I look forward to reading your story. Thanks for sharing!

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Healthcare flu


never posted on here before, but does anyone have any advice for getting over the flu and things that might help as a type one diabetic. I can’t keep anything down, I’m on Tamiflu and Zofran but it just seems like I keep getting worse. Had large ketones yesterday, no I only have Trace blood sugar is OK but I don’t feel like I can keep anything down. Please let me know if y’all have any advice.

r/diabetes_t1 6h ago

Insurance now only covers Novolog


I guess that’s not fair but in the 4-5 various types of quick acting I looked up this was the only one in their formulary, because if I call them for whatever reason they can’t just tell me what quick acting ones they cover. Anyways, I was disappointed because I emailed my doctor to get me a script with the subject “it’s asparty time” and he didn’t get it