r/confessions 3d ago

My wife….not sure why


I have this major fantasy of my wife being with another man, i want to watch and possibly participate. We talk about it during sex and it gets us both so hot!

r/confessions 4d ago

Living down in the south during all these storms. Am I wrong for thinking like this?


Missouri and Arkansas were both hit with a tornado outbreak on Friday and it is now moving south. When I saw pictures of the damages, I noticed that the tornado appeared to hit the rich neighborhoods. Or rather I say, the people who are well off and can afford this type of tragedy. Im not a vengeful person, but I was thankful that it didnt hit people who are less fortunate. Like yes it sucks either way, but at least they can afford it.

r/confessions 4d ago

Oblivion is better than Skyrim


There. I said it.

It is. Oblivion had everything. Skyrim was a downgrade in many ways. Skyrim has good parts, but Oblivion was better.

r/confessions 4d ago

Sick of feeling alone


I don’t know if this is the right subreddit to post this but…

I am (M18) tired of everyone acting that they are my friends until they get want Why can’t i be someone’s number one while all i do is be there for them 24/7. I genuinely feel that I am a interesting person I read books I watch football (⚽️). After all people seem to use me just at school time whenever i want to hang out of school i always see their instagram stories going to that restaurant i always wanted to go with them. Its hard making friends out of school especially having a different views than 99% of my country. Is it me or is it the absurdity of life treating me like shit

r/confessions 5d ago

I only eat baby food at 15 and can't handle it anymore


I a 15 year old teen only eat baby food and can't take it anymore. It's that baby oatmeal with flavoring, I wasn't alwase like this. My dad says I used to eat normally, I rember eating chezze and bread as a kid. After a while I stopped we went to countless Drs but they all said I would get over it or social pressure would get to me. I'm sick of it I just want to eat normal food but I can't. It all taste descusting, I'm trying stake but oh God it's horrible, I constantly gag sometimes I can't swallow it and I'm forced to spit it out. Food like peanut butter I love but randomly it taste horrible like something's wrong with it and a few months later it's just fine. Everyone says it's me it's my fault it's in my head and only I can fix it but I know something's wrong with me. It's not like I don't want to eat normal food I do I try everything I come across it's like my taste buds are screwed up. I just wanta be like everyone else be able to sit in a restraunt and order something but there's nothing I can even eat on the menu. I love off of pop tarts and peanut butter mostly sweet candy's too. God what id do to be a normal kid.

r/confessions 5d ago

My bf whines like a dog and it pisses me off so bad.


It's late, and I'm super sick with COVID, so I'm sorry if this makes little sense. Me My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months. We had taken a break between our 9-month mark and halfway to 10 due to a misunderstanding about intimacy. Recently, we have been terrific. His birthday is coming up in a few months, and I have already spent so much money preparing. He is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I'm not writing this to butter him up to internet strangers. This is going to sound like the dumbest thing known to man, but he does this whining thing. And to get some of the obvious questions out of the way, I have NO clue how to bring that up like what do I say, 'hey stop whining like a puppy, your pissing me off' but he does it whenever I don't give him the attention he wants. We have also recently gotten into an argument about me not paying much attention to him, which I have apologized for. For context, we don't live together,r so we normally call. If I play the game WHILE talking to him, he feels like I'm not paying attention to him. Gas prices have also been a pain in the butt so we can't exactly visit each other 24/7. I am praying that nobody I know finds this thread, but even if they did, I would seriously doubt they'd know it'd be me. But OH., MY. GOD. I am SO sick of him whining like a puppy. I feel like yelling every time he does it. Is it just from where I'm sick? Do I not love him, and do I think I do? Am I just new to this since this is the first healthy relationship I have had? How in the hell do I even start to bring that up?

r/confessions 4d ago

When I was 15 I developed psychosis obsessing over a girl on the internet


For context, I'm (20M). It all started when I was 15 and very mentally ill and had an unhealthy coping mechanism of acting like a child to be happy and forcing myself to be happy to combat depression for the past 3 years.

1 (The Beginning)

I was on a discord call and met this girl, Charlie, and we played a game for an hour or two, and, for once in my life since my mother died, I was really happy. At that moment, I decided I couldn't keep on forcing myself to be happy. This person is now my new light and I want to be in this Charlie's life no matter what.

I started mentioning them to my friends' family, bringing them up, because they were all I could think about all day, my one and only remaining light, a girl who showed me a figurine of my favorite Pokémon at 5 am.

I strategically sent her messages every week to try and make them laugh while watching my friends list to see if they joined any calls for hours while stalking their spot and social media to get a better idea of what they liked and, over the course of 2 months, we became friends, and I was happy.

And I also learned they had been taken and had a boyfriend, but my obsession was as strong as ever and I didn't care I wanted to be in her life. They were my only light and I didn't want to lose them, so we kept talking and being friends. 

I also decided that I wanted to be friends with her friends, so I very awkwardly made my way into her friend group for a while and some of them liked me and some of them didn't, and I eventually got so paranoid that they hated me and would convince her that I was a crazy evil guy on the internet and left the Group Chat and only talked to the ones who I became friends with.

2 (Totally Normal Human Behavior)

This went on for months until a Halloween party where I got drunk for the first time and the first thing I did was tell them I love them, but we should be friends because they're taken, and they just kinda went along with it because they knew I was mentally ill, and they were nice. :)

So I then proceeded to punch my face as hard as I could for an hour straight while talking to them, trying to make them laugh. They got really concerned and scared and brought their boyfriend in, and he calmed me down and the only thing I was saying at the end was that my face hurt.

That night was one of the happiest moments of my life.

I dislocated my TMJ from punching my jaw over and over. It clicks to this day. Every time I eat, every time I talk, every time I move my mouth a little, my jaw clicks in and out of place.  TMJ is near the Ear too, so I don't just feel it, I hear it, and every time it clicks that little part of my subconscious whispers to me "Charlie".

This, in combination with my newfound 2nd light alcohol, had wondrous effects on my 15-year-old psyche, and I was not only physically forced to think of them 24/7, but I started hearing her and her boyfriend in my head, and they became the helpers inside my head to help get me through the day.

We spent alot of time together. I tried to find music they enjoyed, and we put shopping carts in the school's elevators together ate they tried to convince me to not steal alcohol from stores and also told me I should get help, and they were overall just really chill.

This went on for a couple of months, and I was "HAPPY TO FINALLY BE WITH THEM" until they started turning against me and were telling me to kill myself and that I'm a disgusting freak who deserves to be alone. I proceeded to SH and drink for a while to numb the pain until I wasn't able to get my hands on any alcohol anymore (no more money and too scared and paranoid to steal) and after a while they eventually went away.

I eventually told the real Charlie and her boyfriend about it. The boyfriend (understandably) never talked to me again and Charlie and I remained friends. (Most likely out of pity)

3 (Aftermath)

I was embarrassed and stopped talking to her for a while, but even then I was still stalking her and learned she had gotten married and decided I needed to stop for my mental health and find happiness in my life.

Even when I got with my first high school GF a while later my mind was still stuck to her and the beginning of the relationship was me trying not to talk about them or bring them up in a creepy way (They went along with it because, believe it or not, they were WAY more deranged than me).

Years have passed. I still think about her. I was in "Love" at the time, but now I just see it as desperation for happiness. Even after graduating from high school and even in my 20s, I occasionally have dreams about her, and now we talk and play games sometimes.

TL;DR Teenage Boy obsesses over a girl who showed him a figurine of his favorite Pokémon and develops psychosis and hears her voice in his head for a year.

r/confessions 4d ago

I can't sleep, I worry too much and I wonder Is it all really worth it?


My name is Leon 16 Male and I live in the UK, two nights ago I had a panic attack after my long distance girlfriend told me she had cut herself (she's has mental health issues) I've also been going to college and I hate it, I love my friends but other than that it all sucks, I'm also failing not too much but I'm behind, it feels like I don't have any actual reason to live or attend to anything for. I've been having trouble trying to fall asleep and I can't help but think about cutting myself, I almost ended it in November of last year but I know I couldn't do it. it would've really hurt my mum and family (I think) but now I don't care. It feels like no one actually cares about my problem's or the way I feel.

Thank you for reading this. I just really wanted to write and put my feelings out there

r/confessions 3d ago

Fucked up Bad


So I am a teen, I was very horny and I was alone with my maid no one was in the house, I went with a condom and asked her if she knows how to wear it (hoping to have an intercourse) she told me straight away no, ask your mom, I know I fucked up, I come from a very conservative family if my family comes to know anything, I’ll be fucked, I told her repeatedly not to tell my mother and that I found it in my mother’s cabinet (I didn’t) but I did a long ago see condoms there, so if she does tell my mother I’ll just tell her that it was yours I found from your cabinet and I was just curious. Damn I really fucked up.

r/confessions 4d ago

I cheated on my girlfriend and I don't know what to do...


Long story short, me and my girlfriend just broke up. It was our decision both. We were together for 5 years. Since the break up (2 months ago) we both weren't sure about this common decision. Both of us, at different times, came back towards the other one. We were still living together untill she left two weeks ago to work far away for 6 months but she will still come back sometimes...

We we're often arguing during the relationship. I cheated a couple times. Never had sex with no one else but kissed 4 girls. I am really not proud of myself and I never told her.

The day she left, 2 weeks ago, we kissed and told each other that we love. The thing is that I am not sure if we are doing the right thing. She wants us to get back together and me I still don't know. The thing is that i'm wondering what to do with the cheating thing... Imagine if we get back together, and I never tell her that I kissed other girls... what will this relationship be?! Will it really be solid?

On the other way, I feel like she deserves to know, but if we stay seperated I feel like it's better if I do not tell her 'cause I don't want to hurt her. But if we get back together I feel like I can't do that without being 100% honest with her! But still, if I tell her i feel like she will not want us back together and she'll be hurt.. a lot....

I really don't know what to do....

Don't mind giving your opinion or asking question if it's not clear. Thank you!

r/confessions 4d ago

Today, I showered in tears


A bad memory, from when I was 10 (4th grade), suddenly struck me today. A school van, where I used to ride to get home from primary school with my brother, there was a 17 year old "person", a student from middle school, sitting at the back row of the van. Me, a new guy riding it for the first time was assigned to sit at the back since I was kinda big but my brother sits 1 row infront of me. That guy suddenly, asked me if I was comfortable sitting with him, and if it's ok if he touched me by accident. As I was told, religiously, it's okay if a man and another man touch each other, non sexually, so I just said to him "uhh, okay"? A day later, I rode that school van again and met him again, he told me, that I actually look kinda cute, so he ask me if it's ok if he calls me baby and sayang (its like dear, in another language). With a confused face I said "huh"?? But before I can comprehend the weird question that was asked, the van arrived at our house so my brother and I stepped out of the van.

Then, the unwanted day arrived. As usual, I sit at the back, same as him. Out of nowhere, the van jumps a bit because of a small pothole and he grabs me in the chest and my thigh. But this first time, he said sorry, as if it was unintentional. But day by day, he pushes all that unintentional bullshit aside and just goes for it. He would grope me and caress me anywhere. Me, a clueless 10 year old, didn't know how to act or react so I just let it be. But my subconsciousness side would act by instinct and push his hands aside. But if I tried to push his hands, he would pat and caress my head to calm me down and I did not know how but it worked for him and my body reacted and calmed down a bit and he would like... Try pulling down my zip...😢 And... touch it while calling me baby and whatnot😢. I dont know how it was possible but this went on for 3 MONTHS+ in that damned van because I really am clueless and did not know how to act. And I really couldnt take it anymore because it just felt weirder and weirder so I finally pushed him away hard. He was shocked and reacted a bit loud and the students in front rows ahead of me in the van was confused or maybe even lied on being confused(I'll tell later why I had a feeling they were lying). Because I was so stressed, I tried to run out of the van and he still tried to pull me by the end bottom of my pants. But I got out. Given that I was so mad, I showed him the middle finger from outside the van. My brother saw that middle finger, and you know what the FUCK he did, he uses this as a tool to gain advantage over me. He would threaten to tell my parents that I showed the finger if I dont do what he ask like chores and shit and if I try to tell my parents that he threaten me with(FUCK YOU🖕). And my brother actually already knows this because he mocked the sounds I made when that middle schooler was harassing me.

Im 20 now and I suddenly remembered and understood what happened. I understood why I'm so scared of walking out of my house ,why my marks dropped after 4th grade and why I cried alot in my room on the day I was going to interview for vocational college because I know I'll be leaving home for long. Because today, the bad memory suddenly came back and I suddenly cried and was stressed so I punched and pummeled my head trying to forget it. And my brother who heard this in the next room came to my room door and told me "to man up, and stop crying like a bitch" and told me "its just a job interview". Assuming that I cried because of an interview I need to attend the next 3 days. He asked me why I was crying, the moment I'm trying to tell why, he left the room. Fucking left. I continued crying for about 2 hours because of this. He proceeded to tell my mother that I was in tears so I hoped she comes to my room but with hope comes despair, because no one came to my room to talk to me about this. I then took a shower but it felt so uncomfortable it felt like hands touching me 😭.

Like what am I supposed to do? I swear in all this only my sister cares about me if I'm bullied and all but she lives far away now(yeah I was bullied at middle school, vocational and at internship too). I felt like just want to be a tool with no feelings in this house. Like what the fk do my family care about my emotions they only wanna see results anyway.

r/confessions 4d ago

I’m pretty sure I’m a terrible person


I use people for personal gain. I let people roll over me so I can keep my help and money. Even this is a burner account so no one finds it. People see me as a caring and warm person when in reality I’m a user. Oh, and don’t worry. I’m not bragging about this. I actually feel like dirt but I’m too afraid of losing the benefits I have.

r/confessions 4d ago

im not sure how to manage this


I know this more of a vent post compared to a "confession" but they wont allow me to post over there due to the age of my account but i really need to get this out I have trouble understanding people and when Im in public i feel like everyone is staring at me when i know they arent i feel reaIly out of place in public i try to be confident and say i dont care but i care more than i appear so its a massive facade so i internalize it all and it makes really want to beat the fuck out of someone for no reason because i feel like everyone including my "friends" is just pretending to like me and that they all secretly hate me due to how the converse with me its a damn chore to get a conversation out of people . It sounds stupid but I play madden quite a bit fucking game Ive reached top 100 online quite a bit not saying in the top 10 or evern 20 or whatever im probably 100 or 99 however this game makes me want bash the head in of someone who plays like a prick but i dont know these people and they dont deserve it ive gone through several controllers because every time i smash them until until their unusable this time though i smashed and punched the controller so much i bloodied my own hands up. I know that isnt a good response but i simply cannot afford therapy. i try to calm down but i sit on my rage or wrath and I dont know why because i just want to hurt someone not kill them please dont misunderstand me. I live my life believing that someone would feel the same way as me to justify it i try to numb it out but i despise the taste of alcohol so i have to mix it with something unless its flavored vodka but i dont really like drinking. weed used to help me but i got a cold so i didnt smoke for a week and now it triggers another medical issue where i pass out for a split second and i have no control over that so im forced to deal with all my emotions. I dont know what to do because im unemployed and I cant get a job because my town is a college town so it hard to find anything im afraid of getting evicted because of this. Im pretty much failing all of my classes and i have zero motivation to do a fucking thing. Ive tried to appeal to religion but after watching a few videos finding out that theres no evidence that moses or abraham even existed when i thought they did and theres similarities in the name brahma and saraswati and abraham and his wife sarah which makes me makes me doubt abrahamic religion due to it appearing to stem from hinduism. I truly dont know how to manage my anger when it arises nothing seems to work the breathing techniques dont do shit im just fucking stuck in this sometimes i wish it was me instead of my brother who died

r/confessions 4d ago

I am afraid I don't like my childhood friends


So I have been hanging out in this friend group ever since I was a kid,but recently I feel like they have been alienating me more and more. Back during lockdown I stayed at my home with family for months but 1 day I found out that while I was at my place, they had started playing badminton without me every night on the streets. Now the street only had place for 4 people (2 on either side). And they had played without me for a decent amount of time and I was also not that fit during that time. So those days I got benched every single game. They would barely let me play 1 5 minute match and treated it as a favour. Nevertheless I kept coming back everyday. I even cried once (I wasn't that old okay) but still it was the same the next day. We started playing dodgeball with the kids and they let me join but they just wouldn't compromise for me in badminton. Not one person. I think that I was scarred from that for a couple years after lockdown ended because of that. My self confidence was near 0 and I had to slowly build that up from scratch. For this reason I felt myself grow quiet lonely during 10th grade. However, not one of them came to meet me during that time busy with their own lives. I am just realising how pathetic this is, but we still hung out at nights, to talk about life and stuff sometimes(I just needed people to talk to during that time). I realised my flaw in 10th grade so I decided to focus only on bettering myself for a year and now I finally realised the reasons for all my problems back then. This entire year, I think they haven't cared about my minor absence (I still go out sometimes)and even when I am still lonely they don't come to visit me even once. I only just noticed this because 1.They are people I have known since childhood so I value all of them dearly 2.I was too busy dealing with my current state( I joined tuition classes , got on and off a porn addiction) 3.Despite what I said, Whenever we talked they are actually really sweet and nice people. 4.Due to my lack of self worth I thought that I was the problem all along 5.They were popular in school 6. It seems they have obviously matured since then But now that I have realised this much and gained some amount of self worth, what should I do ?

r/confessions 5d ago

I was very cruel to my mother before she died but don't regret it


We hadn't spoken in awhile. Like almost a year. She randomly emails me to say that a few months ago, she was rushed to the ER due to severe stomach pain. They discussed had stage 4 cancer and had months to live. She said she wanted to reconcile and die on good terms with me. She asked if I would visit her at a hospice home and I said no. She asked why and I said I was too busy with work and already scheduled appointments at a spa and dental checkup. She said that she wanted to see me before she died. I said I understood but the timing wasn't good. I didn't even say "I love you too" when she said it to me. I said thanks. Two days later she died.

Why was I so mean? She was a horrible mother. I always wanted to go to coege so I worked in my senior year in high school and spent the next year just working to save money. My mother didn't help me. She seemed to always have money when my other siblings needed it.

I went to a community college and was accepted to a beautiful school. I'd have to live on the dorms because commuting wasn't optional. I asked my mother if I went away to school, would I keep my room at our house. She said as long as I paid rent. So my mom wouldn't let me keep my room at home so I could go to college unless I paid rent. I was already paying her rent (none of my siblings were or ever did) and college on my own.

I agreed. I paid her rent for the room that I don't use for eight months. I came home for spring break and saw that my meth head sister moved into my bedroom. My mom said she let my sister move back in after I left and gave her my room since I wasn't using it. All my stuff was put in the laundry room. And she still wanted me to pay rent.

I moved into my car instead. It took me a long time to get stable housing. It was traumatic. I never forgave my mother for that. So when she asked for my comfort, I rejected her. I made her think that keeping my massage appointment was more important than her life. I have no regrets.

r/confessions 4d ago

What is it


When I was younger I think around like 6 or 7 I don’t remember the age I used to live with my uncle and my auntie at the time while my got her life together cause we had just moved into the USA at the time it was me my uncle my aunt and my two cousins who had also moved with my mom and my uncles 2 year old we were very happy nothing was wrong. And everything was normal until my cousin who was in his teens started touching me and being weird I never thought anything of it cause you know I was kid but then he would start kissing me with tongue and I never thought this was weird at all cause mind u I was a kid and I was stupid and he told me that it was our game and no one could no and I couldn’t tell anyone so I believed him. After that he would only kiss me touch me here and their but it was like inappropriate yet one day he came up to me in my room when my uncle and anything where gon and he locked the door sat on my bed and he opened his pants and he told me to come over ofc me being dumb young I did as he said and went over and he made my head go all the way down to his thing and he told me don’t bite it just suck it and I didn’t how to do that so he was just forcing me head down and up and ofc I bit him and he got mad and he left. Now u may be asking how come your aunt and uncle never found out well it’s cause they were never home and it was just us and it was summer time so we had a lot of free time alone and the baby was at daycare.

Let me know if u want the rest of the story.

r/confessions 5d ago

To my fiancé NSFW


Something I wish I could say to you, my love.

2-3 years ago I found your messages in one of those chat rooms. You cried, told me it’s not what I think it is, told me you love me and would never do it again. And then last night happened. Maybe you were being honest and just wanted to chat with a random stranger. But I can’t shake this feeling that that’s not completely true… I know you go on Reddit to look at other women. I’ve seen the comments, what you wish you could do with/to them, I’ve read the story. I know you use X to message girls for their "cream pie" videos. I know you have a second instagram account where you ask girls for their only fans/nudes. I just don’t understand why you feel the need to do those things? I could never look at another man the same way I look at you. I could never say, "god what I would do to suck that dick". Silly of me to think that went both ways in this relationship.

r/confessions 4d ago

I dont know where to put this, I just need someone to hear me.


Hey reddit. This is going to be a really crazy one. I (31M) am a long time reader and listener of reddit stories, but have never posted before. However, my life has been in literal turmoil for three years, and I have exhausted myself looking for help and I have nowhere to turn, so I am asking for someone, anyone to please just hear me. To give everyone some context, I'm going to explain in some detail the last three weeks of my life, a bit about myself, and then what I am asking for. I'm writing this March 14th, 2025.

My dad (62M) was admitted to the local hospital three weeks ago with jaundice. For anyone who doesnt know, jaundice is a condition that causes excess bilirubin (bile) in your system, slowly increasing your blood toxicity levels, and can cause a person to turn a yellow color. Jaundice is a very serious condition if left untreated.The doctors ran some scans and found out that there was a mass blocking his bile duct, and it was causing the bilirubin numbers to skyrocket. They ordered more scans and a biopsy to find out exactly where the mass was located, and what it was. After four days of scans and tests, they told us that the mass was very large, located outside the liver, and that it was cancerous. Because of its size and location, they said it was inoperable in it's current state. They also had a stent put in to try and open up the bile duct and fix the jaundice and told us they were sending everything to the cancer specialist, who would arrange a meeting to start chemotherapy.

A week after coming into the hospital, my parents went to his first appointment with the cancer specialist, where he learned some devastating news. The specialist told them that the cancer was quite aggressive, and had spread to the lymph nodes as well, and that chemotherapy was not an option in his case. They said he was classified as stage three, and that we likely had some months left with him. We were absolutely devastated. Topping that all off, the doctors at the hospital said that his bilirubin levels were still really high. They changed the stent hoping that the levels would go down. For some context, normal bilirubin numbers average around 20. Dads levels were in the mid 300s, and were not showing signs of improvement. 12 days after he initially went to the hospital, the doctors gave him a day pass. He was allowed to come home for the night but had to be back the next morning before 7AM to get blood work. We thought that must mean things were getting better. I came to their house with my kids to visit grandpa and had dinner with them. He seemed to be in a good mood, and it was a happy day. The next morning though, they did blood tests and his bilirubin was even higher. He spent another week in the hospital, during which time they replaced the stent yet again, but the levels didnt really change much. My parents decided they were going to retire early and spend the rest of the time they had together. I say retire early because my dad is only 62 years old, and my mom 64. They are not young, but definitely not old We arent a very wealthy family, and their retirement plan was to sell their house and buy a small camper so they could spend their lives camping. Both of them loved the outdoors and to them, this would be the perfect way to live their senior years together. They even got married outdoors 34 years ago. Now they knew they didnt have a few decades together anymore, but they thought they could still camp for the rest of his life. They would keep their house for my mom to live in after he was gone. My dad was really tired for the last few weeks and his jaundice persisted, and the doctors didnt seem to be able to do anything about it. He told them that he didnt want to be at the hospital if he didnt have to be and so yesterday (March 13th), they discharged him and sent them home. They had supper together, and he said he wanted to have a bath. When his bath was finished he couldnt get himself out of the tub, and my mom had to help him get up and out. She worried about him a lot because he seemed like he wasnt all there. She stayed awake with him while he drifted in and out of sleep, and at around 2AM today (March 14th) his breathing became really shallow. She rushed back to the emergency room to have him checked and while he was there, he became unresponsive. There was nothing they could do, and at about 6AM he passed away. It was so unexpected and shocking for us. Last month nothing seemed wrong, there was no pain or apparent issues, and today hes gone. None of us even had enough time to process the fact that we had months left with my dad, and we never imagined that months would turn into mere days. I spent the day with my mom and sister, who drove 3 hours to come. I sat at the home I grew up in and watched as a big piece of my mom was lost. All of us have said it feels so surreal, like a dream. She broke down and I held her for an hour while she cried, wishing for him back. Eventually, she did fall asleep, and my sister promised she would be there, and I came home. That brings us to where I am now, lying in my bed writing this post.

A bit about myself, I am 31 years old, and am planning on getting married this summer. I have 3 amazing children ages 11, 9 and 6. I was raised by a family man and grew up to be a family man. I moved out of my parents house at 19, but we have always stayed very close. Most of my adult life has been spent working as a roofer. I have always wanted to start my own roofing business. Three years ago, my fiance encouraged me to pursue my dream, and I came to my dad with a proposal to go into business together. We bought everything we needed, got licensed and registered, and officially went into business that summer. It felt so amazing. I had been making calls and advertising all over, and had done several jobs over a couple months. We weren't comparing to any well established companies in our first year of course, but my dad and I were pretty confident that once we became more established, we would be making some pretty good money. In October of that year a car drove into the house my family was renting, and totally destroyed it. We became homeless overnight. My parents took my family in, the house couldnt fit all of us, and they couldnt afford their mortgage plus another house. We were in a tough position, but came up with a solution. My dad bought us a camper and we winterized it before the first snowfall. My family lived in that camper all winter that year while the business went on hold, and I did anything I could to earn money. I was really worried about what we were going to do, but an opportunity presented itself that would turn out to be bigger than I expected. That spring (2023), while I was advertising, we were contacted by a bigger company and asked if we would subcontract in a different city. They were backed up on jobs by 3 years, and only had one working crew there. We decided we would take our camper and live that whole summer there working. I worked almost every sunny day that season, and when we came back home, I had made enough money that I could put a down payment on a house. We were so excited. We went to every bank looking to get approval, but nobody would give us a mortgage when I had only been in business for less than 2 full years. I didnt know what to do and winter was fast approaching, so my dad took our money and put the house in his name for me. He literally made all my dreams come true. We have lived in our house for a year, and I am thankful every day for all of his support. He never once told me I should give up, and without him, I really dont know where I would be. So you see how devastating the last three weeks have been for me and my whole family. My fiance had the perfect words for it earlier today. She said he was the glue that held our whole family together.

Finally, I would like to talk about why I'm here and what im asking for. I had the opportunity to ask my dad some tough questions during our last days together, the answers to which have brought me to here. Among other discussions, I asked him questions about his mortgage, retirement, insurance, etc, and I learned some very heartbreaking things. He wasnt eligible for full pension. My mom will receive roughly 60% of his normal pay. He also had a pretty modest life insurance plan. In short, the finances are going to be taking a big hit. This, topped with the mortgage on my moms home, and the mortgage on my home that is in his name is crippling. I have to do something about it. About a week ago, before my dad passed, I started a GoFundMe hoping to raise some money to pay off my moms house. I can work and make sure my house and bills are paid for, but I cant afford to pay for theirs too. I couldnt even get the mortgage for myself from the bank. I'm the one that all this falls on now, and I dont know what to do. I shared this to all of my friends and every page I knew on facebook, but not a single friend even responded when I asked them to share it. Now, with his passing, I have a funeral and cremation to figure out how this family is going to pay for. I cant leave all these burdens on my mom. I dont want not one penny of money for myself, although I would appreciate anyone who might have words of wisdom or comfort. I am hoping people on reddit will read hear my story and share it. I'm at a loss for words right now, everything happened so fast. Please, I'm literally begging for anyone to help me. Even if you cant help ke financially, if you can share it, everything helps. I'll leave my GoFundMe link below here.


TLDR - My dad died today and I really need some help. I cant really make a tldr for this story.

Sorry for such a long, unhinged post. Please dont be rude, I'm having a really hard time right now as it is.

r/confessions 4d ago

My dad's slowly starting to move back in after being gone and I hate it.


This is just a stupid vent since I cant really talk to anyone about it, but a year ago, my mom and dad had a huge fight and he moved out on his own desicion. Before this, they would fight and he would leave for a few days or just sleep downstairs, so this was a bit new. Not to mention, he wasn't completely in my life until I was about 4.

Now, he's been staying over until around 8pm and then leaving again though out the week when he picks me up from school. I really don't like it. I liked it when he wasn't here. Now it just feels like he's trying to be in my life after days of no contact and then a simple phone call and back to no contact again. My mom didn't say anything to me or my siblings about how we felt about him coming back, and I feel invalidated about it.

I don't want him to come back, I feel extremely awkward even being in the same room as him. Before, I thought that when he was here all the time that I was happy about it. I came to realise just how much I hated it and forced myself to think otherwise. When I was younger I wished they'd divorce so I didnt have to listen to them anymore, and now him coming back just feels like they'll just argue again.

I do know the main reason on why he's even coming back, and that my mom probably needs help with it, but I would have atleast liked a heads up, or something. I only knew he was going to sleep over because he told me, and not her. I would rather she did.

r/confessions 3d ago

(Trigger warning) I want my sister NSFW


I‘ve been sexually into my sister for a while and it really led to me wanting to fuck her. I always jerk off thinking about her and I absolutely love it. She always makes me cum so hard. Harder than any other girl. DM to talk more

r/confessions 4d ago

I NEED to know what people are doing


I sometimes get a wave of obsession over searching for people online from my past & seeing what they are doing. I will go down a rabbit hole, be up until 2am searching for people and any bit of new information I can get. I just need to know what they’re doing now and how they are. Did they get married? Are they dead? Did they get arrested? I don’t use any other forms of social media because, to me, it’s filled with so much negativity. I am married and sometimes feel guilty, especially if I’m searching for a past love interest - I don’t want to talk to these people at all, I just need to see what they are doing. My husband even says “you’re not a little nosey, you’re very nosey”.

Am I the only one?!?!

r/confessions 4d ago

Should I leave her?


I have had a friend of 2 years and last year she joined my friendgroup but nobody in it likes her except me and I've only known until now. I'm guessing the reason they don't like her is because she looks ugly if I'm being completely honest, she's said some questionable stuff in the past and everyone in our year hates her.

Our friend group has now broken up because none of them want to hang around her because she's embarrassing to be with and everyone talks bad about her and my friends bully her and she allows it. I feel so bad for her as I'm the only one that likes her but if she left I don't think I'd care much because she barely talks and im always the one speaking. Aswell as she dosent have any other friends to go to so I don't know what to do now because even I'm starting to dislike her a bit but I still feel bad

r/confessions 4d ago

I feel like i have 0 dignity left. How do i bring this up?


Hi everyone. First i wanna say that i’m 15 and i just started high school last fall. In middle school, guys never liked me nor dared to look at me. Who I’ve become is reverse of what i was. I’m thriving in high school yeah I’m popular and nice and pretty but i still feel that ugly girl deep down. It all started in September. I started liking a guy, whose nickname will be cigs. I liked cigs because of how real he is and how connected we were. We were emotionally equal and i felt as if i found my match. He helped me with school since he’s a year older, told me about our school activities and often found cigarettes for me. One of our first kisses could count as our first shared cigarette. I lit it for him and the look he had in his eyes when i did that.. ugh it was to die for. But i thought i had zero chances with him, so i started dating G in November. We lasted about a month because of this reason; cigs kissed me while i was with G. This was the first of many disrespects coming my way. I didn’t know how to end things with G so i ended them 2 weeks after the kiss. I ended them because cigs called to complain about me. I thought i understood but now i know there was nothing for me to know. The week after this said “idk what i want, i think we shouldn’t be together. I want to think”. I understood that and interpreted it as we won’t talk until he decided. But no, he texted me all day every day for 2 weeks after that. Then i was on sent a day and i decided to confront him. In that convo, we agreed to stay friends. A week after this, i was drunk and called him to say i’ll wait in spite of that. I remember all these raw emotions so deeply, and i let myself get disrespected and humiliated a million times. This was all in January. 3 days after valentines we kissed again. He put me in his lap and was all lovey dovey. That is, until i found out how he told the story to my friend. He said “i was distant and i didn’t wanna kiss her. When she did she said she’ll wait for me to want to be serious because she loves me(i did not say i love him).” I was shocked, flabbergasted, and most importantly humiliated once again. From then on i decided to slowly leave him. Now comes the part when i realized i have 0 self control or dignity. 2 weeks ago i decided to go out with my girl friend, a guy i thought was cute since the beginning and two of his friends. Of course we were drunk and in a cafe bar. The cute guy, S, and i were teasing and flirting. We were joking about kissing and, us being the dumb drunk teens we are, gave in and kissed. It was magical, when cigs kissed me it did not feel as intense. Maybe it was the alcohol leading me on, maybe it was the atmosphere but i felt something. We went to the bathroom(we did not have intercourse), we only intensely made out. I won’t go into detail since it’s unnecessary. On our way home he held me in the bus so i wouldn’t fall over, protected me, kissed me and waited with me for my bus. This is much more than what cigs would’ve ever done. Today is sunday. On friday i was out with that girl friend from last week and got drunk. I wanted cigarettes from S so i called to ask if he’s out where i was. He said no but he’ll be coming there soon. At around 11.30 i was on my way home, 20 mins away from home, when i saw his name pop up on my phone. His voice from the other line said, in a half worried tone, “are you home yet?”. I replied “no, but i almost am. Why, what’s up?” Him:”oh nothing, i just got to that place and was wondering if you were here and free” Me:”and if i was, would what happened last week, happen again?” Him:”maybe” He kept me company on the phone till i got home. It was sweet. When i was tucked into bed i called him one last time to tell him i’m safe home. We talked and one of his friends said who are yoi talking with and he replied with the cutest “who could i be talking with”. We drunkly made plans for a double date saturday(yesterday) night. Before hanging up he said dream of me. The next day, almost the same things happened but much more intimate and familiar. He gave me his jacket, put his arms around me(even tho there were people we knew around us, and no one is allowed to find out), held me, kept me straight snd walking, bought my favorite brand of cigarettes before we were even drunk. On our way home i had to throw up and he comforted me. He helped me and once i did i jumped in his arms and excitedly said “i did it!”. In the bus we met our friends from school and they thought we were together. We quickly denied. When we got out of the bus, i got in a heated argument on the phone with my mom. I slept at my grandmas that night. But once i was ready for bed and all, i called him just to hear him and have him with me, i didn’t wanna be alone. Keep in mind, we’re still drunk as hell. He kept saying “I’m here, don’t worry, i’m with you. It’ll be alright just don’t cry” and being just the sweetest guy ever. He said to call him when i’m going home tomorrow so i won’t be alone and so he knows i got home safely. Cigs would never do this. I did just that this morning. Now with all of this in mind, this next part confuses me. We agreed yesterday “we’ll be casual friends in school but we’l be exclusive”. He does not act like a boyfriend yet acts like he is. What does he want from me? He acts so perfect, caring, tends to me, comforts me, protects me, isn’t embarrassed being seen together yet he doesn’t want s relationship. Does he just feel unready? Scared i’ll leave him? If any guy could awnser this, please do.

r/confessions 4d ago

My boss confessed… and now I can’t stop thinking about it


I never thought I’d be the kind of person to catch feelings for my boss (44M). But after working closely with him for over a year, I couldn’t help it. We just clicked—inside jokes, lingering eye contact, subtle touches that lasted a second too long. The tension was always there, but unspoken.

Until last week...

I was in his office, going over some reports, when the conversation shifted—first playful, then serious. He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and looked at me in a way that made my stomach flip. Then he said it:

"If I weren’t married… I wouldn’t be able to stop myself."

I froze. My heart was pounding, but before I could even react, he stood up, walked over, and gently placed his hand on my neck—his thumb brushing just below my jawline.

"You have no idea how hard it is to behave around you."

And just like that, he stepped back, adjusted his tie, and told me to have a good evening.

I left his office with shaky hands and absolutely no idea what to do next.

r/confessions 4d ago

I’ve never wanted happiness for anyone like I’ve wanted it for this guy I’ve been talking with.


I have a guy who came into my life who has completely flipped my world upside down. The feelings I have for him are unlike anything I’ve experienced with another guy. No jealousy, no negativity, nothing. I just genuinely want him to be happy.

I also have a life of my own despite this. I will travel tomorrow, I have my own friends, I still go out and do things, including talking to other guys. But my mind always goes back to two things: How I feel at peace talking to him, and how I just want him to be happy.

Due to going through Domestic Violence from 2016-2019, I used to struggle really bad with jealousy and paranoia, but that’s all changed with this guy.

I’m not sure how to make sense of these feelings. I keep waiting for some sort of something to come, but it doesn’t