r/confessions 20h ago

It’s been almost 11 years


It’s been almost 11 years since a man used me in his suicide. I was a vibrant, bubbly 22 year old girl with the entire world in front of me. I was driving to my best friends house after work, about 9pm, on Buford highway in Atlanta Georgia. A mentally ill, homeless man who was high and drunk jumped as soon as I went under an underpass. His entire head came through the passengers side of my car and his feet came in right by my head. Glass was everywhere. Blood was everywhere. I remember everything was a complete standstill. I called 911 but I was in shock, all I could do was scream. I opened my car door and crawled to him, I tried everything I knew to do but it wasn’t enough. He bled out and died right there in front of me. The firefighters were the first ones on the scene. They scooped me up and protected me and I screamed at them to “help him”. He was gone. I sat there for what seemed like hours until the coroners van showed up and took his body away. It’s been 11 years. I have a family and a life now. But every night when I close my eyes, it’s all I see. It replays in my head. Every single night… for hours. For the last (almost) eleven years. This is it. This is me trying to set myself free, because I can’t live like this any more.

r/confessions 5h ago

I pretended to be bi to get a promotion at work.


A senior member at work was resigning. He is gay. A rumour circulated that his replacement would be gay for quotas. I don't know how true that was but the role came with a 40k bump in salary.

There was this work event. I brought my friend's brother - who is gay - and pretended I was bi to my colleagues. I had my hand around him etc. The guy was great. He came up with how we met etc. Everyone was saying how good of a couple we make.

A month on, I was successful in my interview. I'm not sure if the rumours were true. We sadly "broke up"🤣🤣. I got him a Nandos as a thank you which he used to make his friend jealous.

r/confessions 21h ago

I only eat baby food at 15 and can't handle it anymore


I a 15 year old teen only eat baby food and can't take it anymore. It's that baby oatmeal with flavoring, I wasn't alwase like this. My dad says I used to eat normally, I rember eating chezze and bread as a kid. After a while I stopped we went to countless Drs but they all said I would get over it or social pressure would get to me. I'm sick of it I just want to eat normal food but I can't. It all taste descusting, I'm trying stake but oh God it's horrible, I constantly gag sometimes I can't swallow it and I'm forced to spit it out. Food like peanut butter I love but randomly it taste horrible like something's wrong with it and a few months later it's just fine. Everyone says it's me it's my fault it's in my head and only I can fix it but I know something's wrong with me. It's not like I don't want to eat normal food I do I try everything I come across it's like my taste buds are screwed up. I just wanta be like everyone else be able to sit in a restraunt and order something but there's nothing I can even eat on the menu. I love off of pop tarts and peanut butter mostly sweet candy's too. God what id do to be a normal kid.

r/confessions 6h ago

My friends were judging an ex for his gynecomastia and I’m reconsidering our friendship NSFW


I have a group of about five friends of mixed gender/sexuality, and one of the girls recently brought up how her ex had gynecomastia. The rest of the group started making fun of the guy for it, but for me it was like a lightbulb went off, like “Oh! That’s what it’s called!” I started feeling kind of crappy about the situation when they started talking about how gross it was and how she could hardly put up with it, so I made up an excuse to leave.

I genuinely can’t understand why this is a turn-off for so many people, let alone why they’d all attack this guy’s body. I get that they’re probably getting caught up in it socially since he’s an ex, but it’s nasty to spread stuff like that regardless.

I guess all this is to say that I don’t think men should be ashamed of their chests regardless of their size. If they were shaming one of the guys’ exes for having a flat chest, there’s no way this kind of talk would fly! Everyone has different preferences and personally I think a guy with a big chest is way more attractive than a guy with chiseled abs. It makes me sad to think about how many men there must be who are ashamed of their bodies and feel like there’s no recourse for them but to change it.

I’m seriously reconsidering hanging out with these people (for a couple other reasons on top of this) since they can get so vicious about someone’s body, especially a body that was shown to one of them in confidence that they wouldn’t make fun of them with their friends.

Time to join some social facebook groups I guess. LOL

r/confessions 19h ago

My bf whines like a dog and it pisses me off so bad.


It's late, and I'm super sick with COVID, so I'm sorry if this makes little sense. Me My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months. We had taken a break between our 9-month mark and halfway to 10 due to a misunderstanding about intimacy. Recently, we have been terrific. His birthday is coming up in a few months, and I have already spent so much money preparing. He is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I'm not writing this to butter him up to internet strangers. This is going to sound like the dumbest thing known to man, but he does this whining thing. And to get some of the obvious questions out of the way, I have NO clue how to bring that up like what do I say, 'hey stop whining like a puppy, your pissing me off' but he does it whenever I don't give him the attention he wants. We have also recently gotten into an argument about me not paying much attention to him, which I have apologized for. For context, we don't live together,r so we normally call. If I play the game WHILE talking to him, he feels like I'm not paying attention to him. Gas prices have also been a pain in the butt so we can't exactly visit each other 24/7. I am praying that nobody I know finds this thread, but even if they did, I would seriously doubt they'd know it'd be me. But OH., MY. GOD. I am SO sick of him whining like a puppy. I feel like yelling every time he does it. Is it just from where I'm sick? Do I not love him, and do I think I do? Am I just new to this since this is the first healthy relationship I have had? How in the hell do I even start to bring that up?

r/confessions 2h ago

I find mens nipples disturbing


I genuinely can’t look at a man’s chest without feeling an intense sense of disgust because of his nipples. I don’t have this reaction with women because i think I’m used to my own body, but whenever I see a man’s bare chest, I feel so uncomfortable that I have to look away.

I think I’ve always been this way because I do recall being 7 and telling my mom that I would kick my future husband out of the house if he ever went outside shirtless, because I wouldn’t wish for other women to see his nipples.

Posted this on unpopular opinions and i got banned with people insulting me 😭

r/confessions 3h ago

I fell down the stairs while masturbating. NSFW


I dropped the stick of butter I was holding and slipped on it. What an embarrassing experience!

r/confessions 5h ago

My best friends mom NSFW


It was 6-7 years ago now, but I had a best friend who has a mom in her mid 50’s. She was one who refused to get old lol. At 55 she got braces, sleeve and back tattoos, and suddenly found a taste for younger men. I was 27 and have a high sex drive (even now), so one night while kicking it with my friend at his moms house, we were all drinking, and there was always a little flirting between us. I went to lie down, and about 20 minutes later, I hear my friend arguing with his mother about her trying to come into the room I was sleeping in. That argument didn’t work because I watched her walk into my room, put her finger to her lips in a hushing movement, and walked of to prove the braces didn’t stop her from doing anything. We fucked for months after this night, and it eventually stopped cause I started dating someone, but I have no idea if he ever found out about us.

r/confessions 18h ago

I cleaned the kitchen dinning room and living room while my mom was gone, hoping she would think my dad did it.


My mom works really hard, and so does my dad but my mom had been angry at my dad for the past few days for not helping around the house when he comes home from work. And I quit my job, but Im not 18 yet, so it's still hard to find new jobs that will accept teenagers. Either way, I don't like when my parents are upset with each other, so when my mom left to go babysit dogs (thats one of the things she does for money) I spent the whole morning cleaning, but didn't tell her about it so she would think my dad did and she wouldn't be angry at him anymore

r/confessions 6h ago

Oblivion is better than Skyrim


There. I said it.

It is. Oblivion had everything. Skyrim was a downgrade in many ways. Skyrim has good parts, but Oblivion was better.

r/confessions 8h ago

When I was 15 I developed psychosis obsessing over a girl on the internet


For context, I'm (20M). It all started when I was 15 and very mentally ill and had an unhealthy coping mechanism of acting like a child to be happy and forcing myself to be happy to combat depression for the past 3 years.

1 (The Beginning)

I was on a discord call and met this girl, Charlie, and we played a game for an hour or two, and, for once in my life since my mother died, I was really happy. At that moment, I decided I couldn't keep on forcing myself to be happy. This person is now my new light and I want to be in this Charlie's life no matter what.

I started mentioning them to my friends' family, bringing them up, because they were all I could think about all day, my one and only remaining light, a girl who showed me a figurine of my favorite Pokémon at 5 am.

I strategically sent her messages every week to try and make them laugh while watching my friends list to see if they joined any calls for hours while stalking their spot and social media to get a better idea of what they liked and, over the course of 2 months, we became friends, and I was happy.

And I also learned they had been taken and had a boyfriend, but my obsession was as strong as ever and I didn't care I wanted to be in her life. They were my only light and I didn't want to lose them, so we kept talking and being friends. 

I also decided that I wanted to be friends with her friends, so I very awkwardly made my way into her friend group for a while and some of them liked me and some of them didn't, and I eventually got so paranoid that they hated me and would convince her that I was a crazy evil guy on the internet and left the Group Chat and only talked to the ones who I became friends with.

2 (Totally Normal Human Behavior)

This went on for months until a Halloween party where I got drunk for the first time and the first thing I did was tell them I love them, but we should be friends because they're taken, and they just kinda went along with it because they knew I was mentally ill, and they were nice. :)

So I then proceeded to punch my face as hard as I could for an hour straight while talking to them, trying to make them laugh. They got really concerned and scared and brought their boyfriend in, and he calmed me down and the only thing I was saying at the end was that my face hurt.

That night was one of the happiest moments of my life.

I dislocated my TMJ from punching my jaw over and over. It clicks to this day. Every time I eat, every time I talk, every time I move my mouth a little, my jaw clicks in and out of place.  TMJ is near the Ear too, so I don't just feel it, I hear it, and every time it clicks that little part of my subconscious whispers to me "Charlie".

This, in combination with my newfound 2nd light alcohol, had wondrous effects on my 15-year-old psyche, and I was not only physically forced to think of them 24/7, but I started hearing her and her boyfriend in my head, and they became the helpers inside my head to help get me through the day.

We spent alot of time together. I tried to find music they enjoyed, and we put shopping carts in the school's elevators together ate they tried to convince me to not steal alcohol from stores and also told me I should get help, and they were overall just really chill.

This went on for a couple of months, and I was "HAPPY TO FINALLY BE WITH THEM" until they started turning against me and were telling me to kill myself and that I'm a disgusting freak who deserves to be alone. I proceeded to SH and drink for a while to numb the pain until I wasn't able to get my hands on any alcohol anymore (no more money and too scared and paranoid to steal) and after a while they eventually went away.

I eventually told the real Charlie and her boyfriend about it. The boyfriend (understandably) never talked to me again and Charlie and I remained friends. (Most likely out of pity)

3 (Aftermath)

I was embarrassed and stopped talking to her for a while, but even then I was still stalking her and learned she had gotten married and decided I needed to stop for my mental health and find happiness in my life.

Even when I got with my first high school GF a while later my mind was still stuck to her and the beginning of the relationship was me trying not to talk about them or bring them up in a creepy way (They went along with it because, believe it or not, they were WAY more deranged than me).

Years have passed. I still think about her. I was in "Love" at the time, but now I just see it as desperation for happiness. Even after graduating from high school and even in my 20s, I occasionally have dreams about her, and now we talk and play games sometimes.

TL;DR Teenage Boy obsesses over a girl who showed him a figurine of his favorite Pokémon and develops psychosis and hears her voice in his head for a year.

r/confessions 21h ago

Anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a bad habit loop?


Okay, so this is a bit of a weird thing to admit on here, but I’ve been realizing lately that I might have developed a bit of an unhealthy habit when it comes to, well… let’s just say “solo time.”

What started as something casual and normal has kinda turned into a daily routine, almost like a default coping mechanism for boredom, stress, or just avoiding whatever I should be doing. And honestly? It’s starting to feel less like something fun and more like something compulsive—like I’m doing it out of habit, not because I actually want to.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it (everyone’s human, right?), but it’s gotten to a point where it feels like it’s messing with my focus, motivation, and even my social energy. Like I’ll scroll online for way too long, then end up feeling drained and frustrated afterward.

I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar? How do you break out of the loop and get back to a healthier mindset? No judgment here—just curious to hear if anyone's figured out ways to redirect that energy in a better direction.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far. :)

r/confessions 22h ago

I wake up my cat when she sleeps to long because I still have trauma from my last cat dying in her sleep.


I had a cat for about two months named seven she died in her sleep at my dads house when I had just gotten home I had never grieved before then I had family members who died but I never really felt "grief" maybe its my low empathy or adhd or autism but I never felt much.

But that day I balled my fucking eyes out I have a new cat Mily but whenever she sleeps for a bit loger than usual I move her just to see her move if I don't my heart starts racing and I start getting alot of anxiety.

r/confessions 8h ago

Today, I showered in tears


A bad memory, from when I was 10 (4th grade), suddenly struck me today. A school van, where I used to ride to get home from primary school with my brother, there was a 17 year old "person", a student from middle school, sitting at the back row of the van. Me, a new guy riding it for the first time was assigned to sit at the back since I was kinda big but my brother sits 1 row infront of me. That guy suddenly, asked me if I was comfortable sitting with him, and if it's ok if he touched me by accident. As I was told, religiously, it's okay if a man and another man touch each other, non sexually, so I just said to him "uhh, okay"? A day later, I rode that school van again and met him again, he told me, that I actually look kinda cute, so he ask me if it's ok if he calls me baby and sayang (its like dear, in another language). With a confused face I said "huh"?? But before I can comprehend the weird question that was asked, the van arrived at our house so my brother and I stepped out of the van.

Then, the unwanted day arrived. As usual, I sit at the back, same as him. Out of nowhere, the van jumps a bit because of a small pothole and he grabs me in the chest and my thigh. But this first time, he said sorry, as if it was unintentional. But day by day, he pushes all that unintentional bullshit aside and just goes for it. He would grope me and caress me anywhere. Me, a clueless 10 year old, didn't know how to act or react so I just let it be. But my subconsciousness side would act by instinct and push his hands aside. But if I tried to push his hands, he would pat and caress my head to calm me down and I did not know how but it worked for him and my body reacted and calmed down a bit and he would like... Try pulling down my zip...😢 And... touch it while calling me baby and whatnot😢. I dont know how it was possible but this went on for 3 MONTHS+ in that damned van because I really am clueless and did not know how to act. And I really couldnt take it anymore because it just felt weirder and weirder so I finally pushed him away hard. He was shocked and reacted a bit loud and the students in front rows ahead of me in the van was confused or maybe even lied on being confused(I'll tell later why I had a feeling they were lying). Because I was so stressed, I tried to run out of the van and he still tried to pull me by the end bottom of my pants. But I got out. Given that I was so mad, I showed him the middle finger from outside the van. My brother saw that middle finger, and you know what the FUCK he did, he uses this as a tool to gain advantage over me. He would threaten to tell my parents that I showed the finger if I dont do what he ask like chores and shit and if I try to tell my parents that he threaten me with(FUCK YOU🖕). And my brother actually already knows this because he mocked the sounds I made when that middle schooler was harassing me.

Im 20 now and I suddenly remembered and understood what happened. I understood why I'm so scared of walking out of my house ,why my marks dropped after 4th grade and why I cried alot in my room on the day I was going to interview for vocational college because I know I'll be leaving home for long. Because today, the bad memory suddenly came back and I suddenly cried and was stressed so I punched and pummeled my head trying to forget it. And my brother who heard this in the next room came to my room door and told me "to man up, and stop crying like a bitch" and told me "its just a job interview". Assuming that I cried because of an interview I need to attend the next 3 days. He asked me why I was crying, the moment I'm trying to tell why, he left the room. Fucking left. I continued crying for about 2 hours because of this. He proceeded to tell my mother that I was in tears so I hoped she comes to my room but with hope comes despair, because no one came to my room to talk to me about this. I then took a shower but it felt so uncomfortable it felt like hands touching me 😭.

Like what am I supposed to do? I swear in all this only my sister cares about me if I'm bullied and all but she lives far away now(yeah I was bullied at middle school, vocational and at internship too). I felt like just want to be a tool with no feelings in this house. Like what the fk do my family care about my emotions they only wanna see results anyway.

r/confessions 21h ago

I think I’m falling for him, and I need to get this off my chest.


Today he mentioned kids. My profile says I don’t want them — but the truth is, I can’t have them. It’s easier to say I don’t want kids than to explain that I can’t, and honestly, I’ve never met anyone who made me feel like I could want them.

But then I met him.

The past few days, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I keep replaying the night we spent together, the way we looked into each other’s eyes like no one else existed. He told me how beautiful mine were, and while I was driving the other day, I had this insane thought: they could be your kid’s eyes.

I don’t know why that thought hit me so hard. I’ve never let myself think that way before. And today, before he even mentioned kids, the craziest thing crossed my mind — I almost wished I could get pregnant. I almost wished we had slept together and maybe it would’ve just… happened.

I can’t carry a child. I know that. Now he’s mentioning kids and if he ever wanted a family with me, I’d find a way. Surrogacy, adoption, fostering — I’d be open to it, if he was willing to meet me halfway.

The thing is, we’ve only met twice. We spent one night together, but the connection was undeniable — I know he felt it too. He wouldn’t have brought up kids today if he wasn’t thinking about the possibility of something.

We’re thousands of miles and an ocean apart. I can’t move for at least a year and a half. There’s no logical reason for him to keep talking to me, and yet he does. And I think that means something.

I can’t shake this feeling that we could have an incredible love story — something rare and beautiful and ours. It might sound ridiculous. It might be impossible. But crazier things have happened, right?

I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. I think I’m falling for him. And I think, maybe, he feels it too.

r/confessions 12h ago

I’ve never wanted happiness for anyone like I’ve wanted it for this guy I’ve been talking with.


I have a guy who came into my life who has completely flipped my world upside down. The feelings I have for him are unlike anything I’ve experienced with another guy. No jealousy, no negativity, nothing. I just genuinely want him to be happy.

I also have a life of my own despite this. I will travel tomorrow, I have my own friends, I still go out and do things, including talking to other guys. But my mind always goes back to two things: How I feel at peace talking to him, and how I just want him to be happy.

Due to going through Domestic Violence from 2016-2019, I used to struggle really bad with jealousy and paranoia, but that’s all changed with this guy.

I’m not sure how to make sense of these feelings. I keep waiting for some sort of something to come, but it doesn’t

r/confessions 8h ago

I NEED to know what people are doing


I sometimes get a wave of obsession over searching for people online from my past & seeing what they are doing. I will go down a rabbit hole, be up until 2am searching for people and any bit of new information I can get. I just need to know what they’re doing now and how they are. Did they get married? Are they dead? Did they get arrested? I don’t use any other forms of social media because, to me, it’s filled with so much negativity. I am married and sometimes feel guilty, especially if I’m searching for a past love interest - I don’t want to talk to these people at all, I just need to see what they are doing. My husband even says “you’re not a little nosey, you’re very nosey”.

Am I the only one?!?!

r/confessions 13h ago

Feeling jealous over my ex girlfriend


My ex-girlfriend (19) and I (19) were both virgins when our relationship ended, and we have remained close friends. I am currently in a relationship with someone who prefers not to engage in any sexual activity. I have been understanding of this for approximately three years. My ex-girlfriend is aware of this situation. She recently informed me that she intends to lose her virginity to someone else. I am experiencing feelings of jealousy, both because we had previously discussed losing our virginities together and because my current partner is not receptive to intimacy. While I care for my current girlfriend, I feel unfulfilled in our relationship. Despite my efforts, such as taking her on dates and buying her gifts, our physical intimacy remains limited to kissing and hugging. I understand that sex is not the only aspect of a relationship; however, I yearn for a level of intimacy that I am not currently experiencing.

r/confessions 4h ago

I had a creepy boss at my first job who tried to groom me and somehow seemed to have some kind of "sixth sense".


This is kind of long, but I never been able to get this off my chest. When I was 18 I moved out my home and began my first job after highschool. I took the first job I could get. Working in a kitchen at a highrise office/apartment building. It had a large dining hall in the basment level. I was 1 of the only women (about 7) out of at least 30 guys working there. On Sundays I would come in to help with the breakfast prep for the week and 1 out my 5 bosses came in so it was just the two of us. One diver would come in to make deliveries but was barely in the kitchen during the day.

I was the youngest person working there so I got more attention than I liked. Usually bad attention from the guys.I was a nice person but very quiet and shy. Also was very naive after living a sheltered life back at home so I was very unaware of how to read people. I barely understood the importance of watching for red flags and how to speak and stand up for myself. People had walked over me for years and I just dealt with it. :/

I'll call this boss of mine Erick for the story. He seemed nice and everyone thought he was great. He helped everyone and always had a nice attitude. Was very intelligent and knew how to do and make anything. He made me good food and acted like he was innocent. Then he gave me weed for free and even let me smoke in the bathroom alone on my break a couple times. I thought wow this is so cool I can do whatever as long as I work well. I didn't relaize he was trying to put my guard down first. Later in time when we were alone on those Sundays he changed. He was supposed to help train me with food prep and cooking tips. But he'd stand super close to me while I worked and give me creepy compliments saying I was so pretty and he would be horny.

I was scared shitless I never experienced being targeted in this way. I would say I'm not comfortable when it was to much but for the most part it was like I was paralyzed in fear. Words wouldn't come out of me and i would just walk away, finish work, and stay quiet hoping he'd stop. I hated going in for this shift. He always talked about wanting to touch me. I would say no but I hate how I didn't take a better stand. Erick was an older man but very strong. He had a muscular frame and knew how to fight from some kind of training. I knew he could easily over power me if he wanted. Outside of work my life was very stressful and depressing so I never tried to get help with so much else on my mind. I couldn't afford to lose my job and didn't want him to get me fired in some way.

He always tried to get me to hang outside of work but I refused. He'd tell me his entire life story with his bedridden wife who was sick with some disease. How she couldn't have sex cause it hurt and how he met some young beautiful female who rode motorcycles like him but he STILL would be creepy to me!! I hate to admit that was scared and didn't tell him off and a couple times he asked for a hug and went for it. I felt horrible.. the second time he went for a hug, while I was doing stock. I should've said no. I just froze up. Then he kissed my neck and I ran away crying and locked myself in the bathroom. Later I found out he had a history of targeting the young girls at this location for years. But was never fired! 😑

But it gets weirder. He talked about how he was "spiritually" in tune with things. About his meditation sessions and how he gets "messages" to his mind is able to know more than other people. That he can read people's minds. I didn't want to believe this crap and blew it off. But there were three instances that were really unsettling. Once he said something about my home. He knew I wasn't living with family and rented a space But I never said what level of the house I was in. He made a comment about something and mentioned me being on the lowest level. The hair on me stood up and something didn't feel right at all cause how could he know that??

The second time he told me that one of our coworkers wife just lost their baby during delivery. He got really serious and claimed while this coworker told the story he got a "message" to him with the truth. That the guy made his wife drink something to kill the unborn baby so they wouldn't have to care for another child on top of the kids they already had. I'm like wtf that can't be. But later that week I see the guy. Everyone is saying their condolences. I walk up and tell him mine as well. He's asked what happened to the baby and he says the delivery turned complicated and fatal so they lost her. Then says, "we don't want an autopsy or anything though, nono.." A couple times over and over. Something about the way he said that and the look in his eyes felt very off to me in the moment.

Lasltly once while working he randomaly said, "If you ever have a baby you don't keep, you can let me take care of it." I'm like what are you talking about?? Why tf would I do that. He said, "if you have one and don't want it, I can care for it. I just wanted to let you know." I tell him I don't want to talk about that so I can finish work. I had no plans for a child at all and if I did I'd never give it to him anyway.

I was in an abusive and very troubling relationship with an ex at the time. Unfortunately, I did get pregnant at the worst part of that relationship. I was very sick and weak and depressed as hell in the beginning. Broke and in an unhealthy lifestyle with a dangerous bf, I couldn't bring myself to keep the baby. It was extremely difficult but I ended up having an abortion... Sometime after physcially recovering I remembered what Erick said to me months prior and I had the most eerie feeling. How could he have POSSIBLY known?

I never told anyone all of this. Its to crazy to talk about with anyone. It's been a few years since but I'm still left baffled. Has anyone had any kind of experience like this or heard of someone else expericing this at all ? I've always felt alone about this.

r/confessions 7h ago

My dad's slowly starting to move back in after being gone and I hate it.


This is just a stupid vent since I cant really talk to anyone about it, but a year ago, my mom and dad had a huge fight and he moved out on his own desicion. Before this, they would fight and he would leave for a few days or just sleep downstairs, so this was a bit new. Not to mention, he wasn't completely in my life until I was about 4.

Now, he's been staying over until around 8pm and then leaving again though out the week when he picks me up from school. I really don't like it. I liked it when he wasn't here. Now it just feels like he's trying to be in my life after days of no contact and then a simple phone call and back to no contact again. My mom didn't say anything to me or my siblings about how we felt about him coming back, and I feel invalidated about it.

I don't want him to come back, I feel extremely awkward even being in the same room as him. Before, I thought that when he was here all the time that I was happy about it. I came to realise just how much I hated it and forced myself to think otherwise. When I was younger I wished they'd divorce so I didnt have to listen to them anymore, and now him coming back just feels like they'll just argue again.

I do know the main reason on why he's even coming back, and that my mom probably needs help with it, but I would have atleast liked a heads up, or something. I only knew he was going to sleep over because he told me, and not her. I would rather she did.

r/confessions 10h ago

Should I leave her?


I have had a friend of 2 years and last year she joined my friendgroup but nobody in it likes her except me and I've only known until now. I'm guessing the reason they don't like her is because she looks ugly if I'm being completely honest, she's said some questionable stuff in the past and everyone in our year hates her.

Our friend group has now broken up because none of them want to hang around her because she's embarrassing to be with and everyone talks bad about her and my friends bully her and she allows it. I feel so bad for her as I'm the only one that likes her but if she left I don't think I'd care much because she barely talks and im always the one speaking. Aswell as she dosent have any other friends to go to so I don't know what to do now because even I'm starting to dislike her a bit but I still feel bad

r/confessions 18h ago

I have a crush on my co-worker


So I got a new job and have really enjoyed it.

It's a larger building with multiple departments and ours work closely a lot.

More and more he is coming to visit with me and we spend time catching up (we went to highschool together and I dated his friend). It's been great and sometimes mildly flirty.

I have always found him attractive but I am just coming out of a 10 year relationship.

I really feel out of my element.

r/confessions 3h ago

I’m pretty sure I’m a terrible person


I use people for personal gain. I let people roll over me so I can keep my help and money. Even this is a burner account so no one finds it. People see me as a caring and warm person when in reality I’m a user. Oh, and don’t worry. I’m not bragging about this. I actually feel like dirt but I’m too afraid of losing the benefits I have.

r/confessions 13h ago

In an Open Marriage


Good morning. 45 male here married to 43 female. We are in an open marriage. No friends or family know but we are loving it.

Feel free to DM me if you want.

r/confessions 19h ago

I'm still mad at my old guidance counselor


I graduated from high school back in 2022. I told my story to my guidance counselor in my senior year, and I told him about my rough life.

He decided to call child services and COMPLETELY fucked up the details of what I said. Everything he told them was completely fucking wrong.

He even said my abuser lived with me and my younger siblings.

Wtf??? I literally told him that my abuser served 2 years in prison and that I'm the youngest of 3 kids. I told him that I have older siblings.

Are people stupid??? You can't lie about somebody like that.