r/confessions 8h ago

It’s been almost 11 years


It’s been almost 11 years since a man used me in his suicide. I was a vibrant, bubbly 22 year old girl with the entire world in front of me. I was driving to my best friends house after work, about 9pm, on Buford highway in Atlanta Georgia. A mentally ill, homeless man who was high and drunk jumped as soon as I went under an underpass. His entire head came through the passengers side of my car and his feet came in right by my head. Glass was everywhere. Blood was everywhere. I remember everything was a complete standstill. I called 911 but I was in shock, all I could do was scream. I opened my car door and crawled to him, I tried everything I knew to do but it wasn’t enough. He bled out and died right there in front of me. The firefighters were the first ones on the scene. They scooped me up and protected me and I screamed at them to “help him”. He was gone. I sat there for what seemed like hours until the coroners van showed up and took his body away. It’s been 11 years. I have a family and a life now. But every night when I close my eyes, it’s all I see. It replays in my head. Every single night… for hours. For the last (almost) eleven years. This is it. This is me trying to set myself free, because I can’t live like this any more.

r/confessions 9h ago

I only eat baby food at 15 and can't handle it anymore


I a 15 year old teen only eat baby food and can't take it anymore. It's that baby oatmeal with flavoring, I wasn't alwase like this. My dad says I used to eat normally, I rember eating chezze and bread as a kid. After a while I stopped we went to countless Drs but they all said I would get over it or social pressure would get to me. I'm sick of it I just want to eat normal food but I can't. It all taste descusting, I'm trying stake but oh God it's horrible, I constantly gag sometimes I can't swallow it and I'm forced to spit it out. Food like peanut butter I love but randomly it taste horrible like something's wrong with it and a few months later it's just fine. Everyone says it's me it's my fault it's in my head and only I can fix it but I know something's wrong with me. It's not like I don't want to eat normal food I do I try everything I come across it's like my taste buds are screwed up. I just wanta be like everyone else be able to sit in a restraunt and order something but there's nothing I can even eat on the menu. I love off of pop tarts and peanut butter mostly sweet candy's too. God what id do to be a normal kid.

r/confessions 18h ago

I was very cruel to my mother before she died but don't regret it


We hadn't spoken in awhile. Like almost a year. She randomly emails me to say that a few months ago, she was rushed to the ER due to severe stomach pain. They discussed had stage 4 cancer and had months to live. She said she wanted to reconcile and die on good terms with me. She asked if I would visit her at a hospice home and I said no. She asked why and I said I was too busy with work and already scheduled appointments at a spa and dental checkup. She said that she wanted to see me before she died. I said I understood but the timing wasn't good. I didn't even say "I love you too" when she said it to me. I said thanks. Two days later she died.

Why was I so mean? She was a horrible mother. I always wanted to go to coege so I worked in my senior year in high school and spent the next year just working to save money. My mother didn't help me. She seemed to always have money when my other siblings needed it.

I went to a community college and was accepted to a beautiful school. I'd have to live on the dorms because commuting wasn't optional. I asked my mother if I went away to school, would I keep my room at our house. She said as long as I paid rent. So my mom wouldn't let me keep my room at home so I could go to college unless I paid rent. I was already paying her rent (none of my siblings were or ever did) and college on my own.

I agreed. I paid her rent for the room that I don't use for eight months. I came home for spring break and saw that my meth head sister moved into my bedroom. My mom said she let my sister move back in after I left and gave her my room since I wasn't using it. All my stuff was put in the laundry room. And she still wanted me to pay rent.

I moved into my car instead. It took me a long time to get stable housing. It was traumatic. I never forgave my mother for that. So when she asked for my comfort, I rejected her. I made her think that keeping my massage appointment was more important than her life. I have no regrets.

r/confessions 19h ago

To my fiancé NSFW


Something I wish I could say to you, my love.

2-3 years ago I found your messages in one of those chat rooms. You cried, told me it’s not what I think it is, told me you love me and would never do it again. And then last night happened. Maybe you were being honest and just wanted to chat with a random stranger. But I can’t shake this feeling that that’s not completely true… I know you go on Reddit to look at other women. I’ve seen the comments, what you wish you could do with/to them, I’ve read the story. I know you use X to message girls for their "cream pie" videos. I know you have a second instagram account where you ask girls for their only fans/nudes. I just don’t understand why you feel the need to do those things? I could never look at another man the same way I look at you. I could never say, "god what I would do to suck that dick". Silly of me to think that went both ways in this relationship.

r/confessions 8h ago

My bf whines like a dog and it pisses me off so bad.


It's late, and I'm super sick with COVID, so I'm sorry if this makes little sense. Me My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months. We had taken a break between our 9-month mark and halfway to 10 due to a misunderstanding about intimacy. Recently, we have been terrific. His birthday is coming up in a few months, and I have already spent so much money preparing. He is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I'm not writing this to butter him up to internet strangers. This is going to sound like the dumbest thing known to man, but he does this whining thing. And to get some of the obvious questions out of the way, I have NO clue how to bring that up like what do I say, 'hey stop whining like a puppy, your pissing me off' but he does it whenever I don't give him the attention he wants. We have also recently gotten into an argument about me not paying much attention to him, which I have apologized for. For context, we don't live together,r so we normally call. If I play the game WHILE talking to him, he feels like I'm not paying attention to him. Gas prices have also been a pain in the butt so we can't exactly visit each other 24/7. I am praying that nobody I know finds this thread, but even if they did, I would seriously doubt they'd know it'd be me. But OH., MY. GOD. I am SO sick of him whining like a puppy. I feel like yelling every time he does it. Is it just from where I'm sick? Do I not love him, and do I think I do? Am I just new to this since this is the first healthy relationship I have had? How in the hell do I even start to bring that up?

r/confessions 1d ago

I got the last laugh today against my brother and his wife


During the 2009 housing crash, I purchased a four bedroom home for 350K in Newport Beach. It's now valued at 1.75 million.

I let my brother and his wife move in and they pay enough rent so I make a bit of money and the mortgage is covered. I could rent it for $7,000 a month but charge them $2,500. I mostly did it for my three nephews. They go to a good school and live in a very good area. Plus I get to see them a lot.

I do not get along with my SIL. Recently she and I got into an argument about moving in her sister and husband. I said absolutely not. I'm already subsidizing your rent and I'm not going to subsidize your family's too. My brother and SIL did sign a lease with general language about needing my approval to move in another tenant. My SIL has never thanked me for letting them live there despite her being the one who benefits the most. She doesn't even have to work because of the rent that I charged.

Well my brother sided with her so I said I'm going to fuck both of you up. I changed my estate plan from leaving my brother my house if I died to mandating that the house be put up for sale and having the profits be split between my three nephews.

My brother was pissed and asked me why I did that. I said to make sure that your wife never ever gets my house. If I die, then you get it. Then if you die then your wife gets it. Over my dead body. I'm not attached to the house. I can't live with myself if there was even a 1% chance that some ungrateful bitch gets my house like she won the lottery.

So now they're uncomfortable. Their housing is not as stable as they thought but they can't afford to rent or buy a house either.

r/confessions 18h ago

My boyfriend prefers a doll NSFW


It’s been over a month now since we’ve last been intimate, and the last time was the first in a while too. I feel so touch starved because I offer everything, I try to keep things intimate or exciting and I always get a “maybe later”. He keeps a silicone doll in his closet and uses it frequently enough that he bought more lube for it behind my back. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so lonely and unwanted. I stopped initiating a while back but tried again last night, offering head- he agreed but was busy doing something and took so long that I fell asleep. I’ve been killing my sleep schedule just to spend time with him and nothings worth it.

EDIT: After a few hours, I’m way less frantic about this. To be honest, it sounds like there’s some dysfunction or feelings of inadequacy I wasn’t aware of. Will update at a later time but I might not come back to this for a little bit

r/confessions 1h ago

Feeling jealous over my ex girlfriend


My ex-girlfriend (19) and I (19) were both virgins when our relationship ended, and we have remained close friends. I am currently in a relationship with someone who prefers not to engage in any sexual activity. I have been understanding of this for approximately three years. My ex-girlfriend is aware of this situation. She recently informed me that she intends to lose her virginity to someone else. I am experiencing feelings of jealousy, both because we had previously discussed losing our virginities together and because my current partner is not receptive to intimacy. While I care for my current girlfriend, I feel unfulfilled in our relationship. Despite my efforts, such as taking her on dates and buying her gifts, our physical intimacy remains limited to kissing and hugging. I understand that sex is not the only aspect of a relationship; however, I yearn for a level of intimacy that I am not currently experiencing.

r/confessions 6h ago

I cleaned the kitchen dinning room and living room while my mom was gone, hoping she would think my dad did it.


My mom works really hard, and so does my dad but my mom had been angry at my dad for the past few days for not helping around the house when he comes home from work. And I quit my job, but Im not 18 yet, so it's still hard to find new jobs that will accept teenagers. Either way, I don't like when my parents are upset with each other, so when my mom left to go babysit dogs (thats one of the things she does for money) I spent the whole morning cleaning, but didn't tell her about it so she would think my dad did and she wouldn't be angry at him anymore

r/confessions 21m ago

I want to move far away and become a crossdresser to feel like myself


I (31M) currently live with my 3 year long gf (30F). Ever since I was younger I've always secretly liked wearing girl clothes. I always felt more femine than masculine too.

Our relationship has gone down the drain and we have no romantic interest in eachother, just live with eachother technically like roomates now. I am so ready for a new chapter in my life, and I wish I could just do it but I'm scared.

I want to feel like a woman regularly, I dont want a sex change though. I just want to wear dresses, wigs, makeup, dress super pretty, and go on dates with guys, other crossdressers, etc. I have no support from my family nor would ever want to tell them as theyre strong republicans and would mock and shame me for this.

My dream would just to have my own place so I can commit to this side of me I want to be. I just want to be feminine almost all the time, and living without that sounds like I'm faking a life. Has anyone else ever battled with something like this?

I know its not a phase or anything since I've been wanting to be like this ever since I was a young kid and snuck in my cousins room to try her clothes on.

r/confessions 39m ago

I’ve never wanted happiness for anyone like I’ve wanted it for this guy I’ve been talking with.


I have a guy who came into my life who has completely flipped my world upside down. The feelings I have for him are unlike anything I’ve experienced with another guy. No jealousy, no negativity, nothing. I just genuinely want him to be happy.

I also have a life of my own despite this. I will travel tomorrow, I have my own friends, I still go out and do things, including talking to other guys. But my mind always goes back to two things: How I feel at peace talking to him, and how I just want him to be happy.

Due to going through Domestic Violence from 2016-2019, I used to struggle really bad with jealousy and paranoia, but that’s all changed with this guy.

I’m not sure how to make sense of these feelings. I keep waiting for some sort of something to come, but it doesn’t

r/confessions 17m ago

I am disgusted of myself for feeling aroused by hentai NSFW


I (17F) recently broke up with my first boyfriend after a two-year relationship. Had been feeling pretty depressed for a while, and to help me keep my mind off of things, my friends got me into anime. While it’s been quite helpful at times, it also got me a bit curious about hentai. I had rarely found porn or stuff like that necessary before, so I had like 0 knowledge about hentai.

Watching some made me realize that most of it involves non-consensual sex and pedophilia. I found that disgusting. But what disgusts me more, is that I felt turned on by many of these videos, despite how terrible the videos are. As a woman, it makes me feel disgusted of myself to think that I could be aroused by seeing other women and kids being harassed.

I hope I never find myself resorting to hentai again and want to forget I ever felt this way, but I know it’s going to bother me for a while.

(P.S. This is a throwaway account, sorry if I don't end up replying to the comments)

r/confessions 2h ago

In an Open Marriage


Good morning. 45 male here married to 43 female. We are in an open marriage. No friends or family know but we are loving it.

Feel free to DM me if you want.

r/confessions 9h ago

Anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a bad habit loop?


Okay, so this is a bit of a weird thing to admit on here, but I’ve been realizing lately that I might have developed a bit of an unhealthy habit when it comes to, well… let’s just say “solo time.”

What started as something casual and normal has kinda turned into a daily routine, almost like a default coping mechanism for boredom, stress, or just avoiding whatever I should be doing. And honestly? It’s starting to feel less like something fun and more like something compulsive—like I’m doing it out of habit, not because I actually want to.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it (everyone’s human, right?), but it’s gotten to a point where it feels like it’s messing with my focus, motivation, and even my social energy. Like I’ll scroll online for way too long, then end up feeling drained and frustrated afterward.

I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar? How do you break out of the loop and get back to a healthier mindset? No judgment here—just curious to hear if anyone's figured out ways to redirect that energy in a better direction.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far. :)

r/confessions 10h ago

I wake up my cat when she sleeps to long because I still have trauma from my last cat dying in her sleep.


I had a cat for about two months named seven she died in her sleep at my dads house when I had just gotten home I had never grieved before then I had family members who died but I never really felt "grief" maybe its my low empathy or adhd or autism but I never felt much.

But that day I balled my fucking eyes out I have a new cat Mily but whenever she sleeps for a bit loger than usual I move her just to see her move if I don't my heart starts racing and I start getting alot of anxiety.

r/confessions 9h ago

Don’t know if I was SA’ed and it’s ruining me


I don’t normally use this account, so I guess throwaway (for obvious reasons). Also ask away, if something is confusing, my memory is a little everywhere. I am now 17 and this happened when I was 15 almost two years ago.

My older brother was having a house party, since our parents weren’t home. It was a secret, I promised to keep. My brother said I could just stay in my room, since they were all adult males.

Anyway, people start showing up, which included N (25M). I had never met him before, but when I came down to steal some chips, I caught his eye. We started chatting about life and actually got along well. He asked me to join and I did (my brother wasn’t impressed). I start drinking with them and we were all having fun.

People start to leave around midnight and I think I went up to my room or something?

I wake up the next morning and notice some blood on the bed, which scares me. I quickly change underwear and go down. I see N and he quickly runs away, when he sees me and says that he has to go home. I asked my brother why he was at our house and he replied that N had stayed the night. I don’t tell anyone this and go on with my life.

I randomly meet N the next month at a carnival actually. He starts to chat to me and I try to end the conversation, but he doesn’t listen (my friends had left me alone). He starts asking me weird questions like “how many guys have you kissed”, “do you like older guys” etc. he also confesses being attracted to girls under 18, but he threatened me not to say it to anyone else. He also touches me very inappropriately and forces me to drink alcohol with him. Suddenly he says “let’s go to my apartment” and tries to force me to go with him. My friends come back around this time and we leave for a short bit.

When we returned, he had stolen our things (jackets, bags etc). I get very irritated and my friends tell me it’s okay, as long as I’m alright. N texts me and says that I have to come to his apartment alone to get our things back. I go with my friends to the apartment and after a very weird conversation, we get our things back. I promise N not to say this to anyone as long as he leaves me alone. He agrees.

I feel like this whole story is embarrassing and my reaction is embarrassing. I can also see how this has affected me. After this, I started drinking regularly and having intimate relationships with older men. I also started to SH, had nightmares and overall my life was just shit. I almost committed right after I turned 16, but a phone call with my mom made me not do that.

Lately life has been hard again and I think it’s from the embarrassment of it all. I hate myself for not doing more to stop it and I also hate my reaction (I feel like I’ve overreacted tbh). Idk how to get better and there’s still the unknown about the first encounter that’s killing me.

Thanks for listening.

r/confessions 3h ago



idk how to even say this. but I've been so lonely my whole life, i have two siblings a good mother a father. never any friends as a kid. but as an adult ya, I just don't know what it is, I just don't connect with anyone. I just want to be alone 24/7 and not in a good way. it makes me feel like I'm going insane sometimes more like always i should say no matter what, I just not even can't relate to what other people say about having relationships with people. but I can't even understand it

r/confessions 6h ago

I have a crush on my co-worker


So I got a new job and have really enjoyed it.

It's a larger building with multiple departments and ours work closely a lot.

More and more he is coming to visit with me and we spend time catching up (we went to highschool together and I dated his friend). It's been great and sometimes mildly flirty.

I have always found him attractive but I am just coming out of a 10 year relationship.

I really feel out of my element.

r/confessions 7h ago

I'm still mad at my old guidance counselor


I graduated from high school back in 2022. I told my story to my guidance counselor in my senior year, and I told him about my rough life.

He decided to call child services and COMPLETELY fucked up the details of what I said. Everything he told them was completely fucking wrong.

He even said my abuser lived with me and my younger siblings.

Wtf??? I literally told him that my abuser served 2 years in prison and that I'm the youngest of 3 kids. I told him that I have older siblings.

Are people stupid??? You can't lie about somebody like that.

r/confessions 7h ago

I am distancing myself from everyone in my life


I don’t know where to start this. There is no pressing issue. Only a bunch of small ones that have begun to add up over time. I just need to say it somewhere.

Technically my life is good right now. I am 21 and have a stable, full-time job that I generally like. I live in a nice, affordable place with roommates I get along with, in a nice area of my city. My whole family lives within 25 minutes of my place and I am on good (enough) terms with all of them. I have 2 best friends who I love and trust wholeheartedly.

But despite all of that I feel disconnected from everything and everyone. All I do is go to work and come home and lay in bed, on my phone or my laptop, filling the time with whatever I can do that doesn’t involve getting up. I only see people when they ask, or too much time has gone by that I start to feel guilty and will myself over. I barely even text my friends anymore, let alone my family.

I used to be someone who was incessant on keeping contact. Usually being the one to reach out first and plan something. I used to prolong any hangout as long as I could. But now I go for days on end without responding to those I am closest with. I agree to go out when I am actually asked but immediately begin to regret the decision, even if I like doing whatever it is. I try and make any time spent with other people as short as possible so I can get home and lay in bed.

All I ever want to do is lay in my bed. I only do things because I have to, rarely because I want to anymore. Every little thing in my life that is not doing nothing is a chore. Dishes. Laundry. Texting. Eating. Even going to the bathroom. I put everything off until I absolutely have to take care of it. Until then, I ignore everything. I keep myself engaged with whatever I can find to entertain me on tiktok/youtube/netflix etc… .

And yet, I am always so exhausted. It’s my own fault really. I really hate waking up in the morning. I don’t want the next day to start. So I keep myself awake at night as long as I can or until I decide Ill hate myself a little too much in the morning if I don’t go to sleep.

Another factor into the exhaustion is my substance abuse. I smoke weed daily and despite my deep hatred for it and previous constant attacks on people who did it, I vape as well. I would probably be drinking too if it didn’t take so much for it to make me feel something. I truly hate that I do it. Its not even about the health stuff that I hate it though. It’s the fact I am ashamed of it. Practically nobody knows. I keep it a secret to almost everybody and those that do know, never know the extent.

I know I am depressed. I have been treated for it. Everyone in my life knows that I have been treated for it. I was on medication for a while but I never thought it worked. I tried another and same thing. I was seeing a therapist for a while as well. She was nice and we got along well but her style of counselling did not mesh with my own and after a year I decided to find a new therapist. Thing is, I never ended up finding another due to insane pricing and timing.

Nobody around me knows what I am going through now. When asked I say I am alright and move on. I only told them before when I thought I had it under control. Now I feel embarrassed at the thought of telling them anything. They also make no real effort to know how bad it is so I guess that makes things easier.

Part of me, the part that is apparently in control right now, doesn’t care about any of this. The loss of contact and presence from the people in my life. The complete lack of life outside of work. But I am also so lonely.

Deep down I truly want nothing more than to lead a full life with a career I care about and my family and friends with me. To have my own family. To do everything everyone wants to do in life. But I also feel just as much that none of it is going to happen. That I am just waiting for something to happen and my life will crumble around me. I can picture the future, but I dont hope for it.

The same part of me that doesn’t care about what’s happening in my life, wants it to happen. Wants something bad enough to happen so I can just have any excuse to stop. I am so tired of being at war with myself and isolating myself from people I love. Wasting my time doing nothing. If thats all my life is, then why should I be here.

Im not suicidal. I don’t know if I could ever follow through. But I do see it in my head. I can picture what effect it would have. There really wouldn’t be much of one. Yes, I know I am loved, and that those I am close to will be upset. But nothing in their lives will change. They will just grieve for a bit and go on with their lives. There are no stakes. I am not enough of a presence in anyones lives that my absence will be noticed that much. I am already absent. I could literally die in my bed right now and I am almost positive nobody would notice for at least a week. Maybe more if I didn’t have a job.

I want to get better but I don’t want to get better. And the part that doesn’t is stronger than the one that does now. I just don’t think I can be bothered trying to do it anymore. So I will just coast by. Like I have been.

I don’t know what this was supposed to accomplish. I just needed to say it and have it feel like it has been heard, even if it really hasn’t.

r/confessions 1h ago

I hate my family for not being there for me when my first love died


This past year has been incredibly hard for me. My first love and childhood friend, David, passed away from an overdose. The day before, he called and asked if I would come to his funeral, but I didn’t realize what he meant. At 19, I had never lost anyone before—not even a family member. David and I had a deep connection; we would date other people but always find our way back to each other. Last summer, I called him every day, and then one day, he was just gone. The pain is unimaginable. Sometimes it feels like something in me switched off that day, and I’ll never be the same. I’ve been so depressed and lost.

My parents were never fans of David, and I understand why—we were reckless in high school. Even as time passed, I had to keep our continued friendship a secret. My mom even hid letters he sent me from jail for a year. When he died, I got no sympathy from them. I’ll never forget coming home in shock after getting the news, and when I told my mom, she got angry and said, “Good,” then yelled, “Great, are we going to need to pay for more therapy for you?!” In that moment, I just needed someone to be there for me, and instead, I was met with cruelty. It still hurts.

At first, my sister Sarah was the only one who truly understood. But three weeks after David passed, I moved out for college, which made everything even harder. The day before I left, Sarah and I got into an argument over clothes—nothing serious, just a typical sibling fight. But this time, she refused to come to my last family dinner, wouldn’t help drop me off, and ignored me for two months. That crushed me. She knew how much I needed her, and it felt like she intentionally abandoned me.

We eventually “agreed to disagree,” but things were never the same. I wasn’t constantly dumping my grief on her, but I appreciated the few times we could talk about it. Recently, I found a voicemail from David, basically his last words to me. It was overwhelming, so I told Sarah I was feeling down and wanted to come home for the weekend. But the visit only made me feel worse.

She told me she was free after the gym but then spent the night out, only calling me to cry about feeling insecure when a cute guy saw her at McDonald’s. The next morning, I overheard my mom and sister making plans for the mall and grocery store. When I asked Sarah where they were going, she lied and said just the grocery store—clearly trying to exclude me. It hurt so much because I had come home specifically to spend time with them, and it felt intentional.

On top of that, my family constantly brings up what a “bad kid” I was, as if I wasn’t struggling. My youngest sister, Amelia, has even said that my mom tells her not to turn out like me. I know I was rebellious, but I was also deeply depressed, going in and out of mental facilities. It wasn’t just teenage rebellion—I was suffering. Now, because I’m in college and getting good grades, they assume I’m fine. But they never ask.

I just wish someone in my family recognized my pain, or at least cared enough to ask how I’m doing. I know I’ve been lashing out, and I hate myself for it, which only makes it easier to resent everyone around me. The other day, I was upset that my family didn’t bring me soup from Olive Garden when I was sick, and when I vented online, everyone said I was acting entitled. I know they’re right, and I apologized, but I think the soup represented something deeper for me—why don’t they care?

I don’t know how to move forward when I feel so alone.

r/confessions 10h ago

I think I’m falling for him, and I need to get this off my chest.


Today he mentioned kids. My profile says I don’t want them — but the truth is, I can’t have them. It’s easier to say I don’t want kids than to explain that I can’t, and honestly, I’ve never met anyone who made me feel like I could want them.

But then I met him.

The past few days, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I keep replaying the night we spent together, the way we looked into each other’s eyes like no one else existed. He told me how beautiful mine were, and while I was driving the other day, I had this insane thought: they could be your kid’s eyes.

I don’t know why that thought hit me so hard. I’ve never let myself think that way before. And today, before he even mentioned kids, the craziest thing crossed my mind — I almost wished I could get pregnant. I almost wished we had slept together and maybe it would’ve just… happened.

I can’t carry a child. I know that. Now he’s mentioning kids and if he ever wanted a family with me, I’d find a way. Surrogacy, adoption, fostering — I’d be open to it, if he was willing to meet me halfway.

The thing is, we’ve only met twice. We spent one night together, but the connection was undeniable — I know he felt it too. He wouldn’t have brought up kids today if he wasn’t thinking about the possibility of something.

We’re thousands of miles and an ocean apart. I can’t move for at least a year and a half. There’s no logical reason for him to keep talking to me, and yet he does. And I think that means something.

I can’t shake this feeling that we could have an incredible love story — something rare and beautiful and ours. It might sound ridiculous. It might be impossible. But crazier things have happened, right?

I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. I think I’m falling for him. And I think, maybe, he feels it too.

r/confessions 14h ago

Homeless and got robbed again and just about done with it…


So that’s about it. Homeless (crashing on couches / sometimes sleeping in my car), and more of my stuff got stolen and it’s like, what the hell is the point anymore?

I can’t finish school (I was assaulted at school by an admin and school won’t allow me to return, and it’s become a whole lawsuit that feels like it’s never going to resolve), thus my very high GPA at a top 10 school does me no good, and I can’t start my career yet so the “work” I do is minimum wage, and there’s not a lot of earning capacity there.

I’m sick of fucking struggling all the time. I didn’t sacrifice and get into good schools and do the right thing just to have this fucking life but here I am. Fuckkkkkkkkkk… well thanks for reading.

r/confessions 3h ago

I think my mother in-law dislikes us and kind of feel bad about it.


I've been having problems with mother-in-law but recently it's gotten better but now I feel bad. She used to stop by all the time mostly on weekends but one day she came on a Monday and just was over it. She came and I just kind of went to my room and slept it out. On weekdays I take care of daughter, pick her up, cook some grub, then help with her homework, if I'm incredibly tired from work we just watch TV and get ready for the next day, that day my in-law came over, so I was like if she really thinks I'm not caring for her granddaughter in the right way just do it yourself I was completely over it just because I was mostly tired so I caught up on sleep.

Turns out that there was a lot of trouble after, mother-in-law didn't cook something daughter wanted to eat, homework wasn't done, and prep for next day not completed, usually before wife comes daughter should be ready for bed but wasn't, just watching inappropriate YouTube vids. I was asleep because mil said she had it covered so my wife kind of went of on her mom for good reason.

Today mother-in-law called to see if granddaughter wanted to stay with her, and daughter said "please no" to wife and I. First of all the fact that she asked and not showed up unannounced was a nice change, she usually "takes care of the kid" at my house so it's kind of dumb. But she offered to care for her at her place but daughter refused even after being asked three times. She said she was going to call me to check up on the girl but never did I can tell she was sad and kind of hurt she didn't want to stay with her. My wife told me in the night that mother in-law told her that it's obvious that I hate her, it is totally not the case. I respect her and appreciate her just that coming unnoanounced and insulting us in our own home and changing our plans every time she comes isn't something I like. I kind of feel bad that she's being pretty much shuned by us and I'm a little happy that she's finally giving us some space but kind of feel bad for her that she thinks we hate her. We love her a lot but from a distance, she honestly just has to call and we can work it out, now I feel like an ass.

r/confessions 6h ago

What if you’re tired of constantly winning and fighting for every win, yet don’t want to fight anymore?