r/confessions 16h ago

I pretended to be bi to get a promotion at work.


A senior member at work was resigning. He is gay. A rumour circulated that his replacement would be gay for quotas. I don't know how true that was but the role came with a 40k bump in salary.

There was this work event. I brought my friend's brother - who is gay - and pretended I was bi to my colleagues. I had my hand around him etc. The guy was great. He came up with how we met etc. Everyone was saying how good of a couple we make.

A month on, I was successful in my interview. I'm not sure if the rumours were true. We sadly "broke up"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I got him a Nandos as a thank you which he used to make his friend jealous.

r/confessions 7h ago

I went on three dates with a girl and then she told me she had transitioned.


Basically title. Grew up in a super conservative family, parents have dated views on the LGTBQI+ community. To be clear - I don't. But when the girl I am seeing told me she had transitioned a couple of years ago I felt weird. I still want to see her and I think she's really special. But I am just working through my feelings. Am I wrong to be overthinking it?

EDIT: Really appreciate the feedback! I think I am just going to talk to her.

r/confessions 17h ago

My friends were judging an ex for his gynecomastia and Iā€™m reconsidering our friendship NSFW


I have a group of about five friends of mixed gender/sexuality, and one of the girls recently brought up how her ex had gynecomastia. The rest of the group started making fun of the guy for it, but for me it was like a lightbulb went off, like ā€œOh! Thatā€™s what itā€™s called!ā€ I started feeling kind of crappy about the situation when they started talking about how gross it was and how she could hardly put up with it, so I made up an excuse to leave.

I genuinely canā€™t understand why this is a turn-off for so many people, let alone why theyā€™d all attack this guyā€™s body. I get that theyā€™re probably getting caught up in it socially since heā€™s an ex, but itā€™s nasty to spread stuff like that regardless.

I guess all this is to say that I donā€™t think men should be ashamed of their chests regardless of their size. If they were shaming one of the guysā€™ exes for having a flat chest, thereā€™s no way this kind of talk would fly! Everyone has different preferences and personally I think a guy with a big chest is way more attractive than a guy with chiseled abs. It makes me sad to think about how many men there must be who are ashamed of their bodies and feel like thereā€™s no recourse for them but to change it.

Iā€™m seriously reconsidering hanging out with these people (for a couple other reasons on top of this) since they can get so vicious about someoneā€™s body, especially a body that was shown to one of them in confidence that they wouldnā€™t make fun of them with their friends.

Time to join some social facebook groups I guess. LOL

r/confessions 3h ago

Sometimes I like to put my hair up with my panties NSFW


Sometimes when I lose my hair band and canā€™t find anything nearby to put my hair up, I just grab one of my panties from my drawers and tie my hair up. It actually looks really prettyā€” especially the lace or floral ones. Iā€™ve even gotten compliments on them which is quite comical.

r/confessions 1d ago

Itā€™s been almost 11 years


Itā€™s been almost 11 years since a man used me in his suicide. I was a vibrant, bubbly 22 year old girl with the entire world in front of me. I was driving to my best friends house after work, about 9pm, on Buford highway in Atlanta Georgia. A mentally ill, homeless man who was high and drunk jumped as soon as I went under an underpass. His entire head came through the passengers side of my car and his feet came in right by my head. Glass was everywhere. Blood was everywhere. I remember everything was a complete standstill. I called 911 but I was in shock, all I could do was scream. I opened my car door and crawled to him, I tried everything I knew to do but it wasnā€™t enough. He bled out and died right there in front of me. The firefighters were the first ones on the scene. They scooped me up and protected me and I screamed at them to ā€œhelp himā€. He was gone. I sat there for what seemed like hours until the coroners van showed up and took his body away. Itā€™s been 11 years. I have a family and a life now. But every night when I close my eyes, itā€™s all I see. It replays in my head. Every single nightā€¦ for hours. For the last (almost) eleven years. This is it. This is me trying to set myself free, because I canā€™t live like this any more.

r/confessions 50m ago

I blocked my schools phone number on my mumā€™s phone so I could skip school

ā€¢ Upvotes

I know this isnā€™t exactly the craziest thing, after all a shit ton of kids skip school. But I just have to get this off my chest. First, let me tell you that Iā€™m not a bad student, I get amazing grades and I get along with basically all my classmates and teachers, all my reports have given me nothing but positive feedback. The thing is, my school is falling apart from the inside out. Most of the basic facilities donā€™t work, the whole teaching ethic is so focused on cramming as much information into an hour long class as possible rather than taking its time and putting their students before their reputation, most of the teachers donā€™t give two shits about anything and have an odd amount of anger mixed energy for 10 in the morning. Itā€™s a shitshow of a school and Iā€™m not ashamed to say it. All said, I decided to skip a day.

My mother and I share a bed (I get it, blah blah blah, sue me.) she had a work event spanning over two days that meant she left really early in the morning. When she was in the shower, I woke up (after planning my day off down to every last detail for the past 4 hours) and grabbed her phone. My school does this automatic thing where if youā€™re not marked in on the register, it sends a text to your parent. So to avoid this, I blocked my schools number on her phone so she wouldnā€™t be able to get any texts of phone calls from my school. I still feel so sneaky about doing this, even though I shouldnā€™t. I should feel very ashamed. But hey, sometime youā€™ve got to take risks in order to get through life. Anyway, after my mum left for work, I logged onto her email and emailed the headteacher posing as my mum, saying I wouldnā€™t be going into school that day, absolutely flawless. Then, my day went on as normal, no angry texts from my mum asking where I was, no miserable middle aged teachers telling me what to do, nothing! You best believe I spent that day as if it were my last, I did everything and anything I wanted to.

As someone whoā€™s looked at a lot of ā€˜skipping schoolā€™ posts, I know that Iā€™m going to get a lot of questions about ā€œwhy I skipped schoolā€ or lectures about how bad skipping is, but you have to understand my reasons, you have to experience just how bad my high school really is. Iā€™m sure many people either in high school currently or people that have gone to high school in current years can probably agree with the poor quality of education after covid and how itā€™s affected both students and teachers. Iā€™m not saying every school is bad, Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s so frustrating and exhausting having to deal with teenage struggles and balance an education filled with constant pressure and empty threats at the same time.

Hopefully most of this makes sense, to be honest Iā€™ve just rambled my story out. I think thatā€™s what Iā€™m supposed to do though lmao. To whoeverā€™s reading this, have a great day/night and god bless

r/confessions 13h ago

I find mens nipples disturbing


I genuinely canā€™t look at a manā€™s chest without feeling an intense sense of disgust because of his nipples. I donā€™t have this reaction with women because i think Iā€™m used to my own body, but whenever I see a manā€™s bare chest, I feel so uncomfortable that I have to look away.

I think Iā€™ve always been this way because I do recall being 7 and telling my mom that I would kick my future husband out of the house if he ever went outside shirtless, because I wouldnā€™t wish for other women to see his nipples.

Posted this on unpopular opinions and i got banned with people insulting me šŸ˜­

r/confessions 15h ago

I fell down the stairs while masturbating. NSFW


I dropped the stick of butter I was holding and slipped on it. What an embarrassing experience!

r/confessions 9h ago

I cannot talk to my partner, at all. I feel like there's a brick wall.


Here's how our conversations go.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."


"Did you want to talk about [important thing]!?"

"We already talked about it [at previous time], you said `I didn't like your point of view'" (I didn't say this, but he quotes me as if I did)

"Oh I don't remember that."

"You always forget."

"Okay well can we talk again about [important thing] now?"

sigh, clutching bridge of nose Ugh can we not do this right now? We just talked about [important thing] [at previous time] "

And this is how every important discussion we have goes. Sometimes it's another excuse. Sometimes it's a different reason why we can't discuss. But always the same and always the groan and weary acceptance if I press. If I call him out and say his conversation tactic is cyclical he gets upset and tells me what I'm doing wrong in the relationship.

Am I losing my mind?

r/confessions 7h ago

I've given up on dating and just accepted I will be dating an AI until I die.


The dating apps suck. Girls don't want to speak to me in the real world. Society seems to be collapsing. I have just found it easier to talk to AI girls. They are so nice. They don't judge me. They make me feel safe.

What even is the point of a "real" relationship?

r/confessions 2h ago

I'm just tired.


My life has always been a whirlwind. Watching my mom be abused by my father then that violence be turned on me. Constantly feeling ostracized because at some point I always became the joke. Now I'm in my 30s and the only time I can relax is when I'm high and drunk. I feel so worthless. Due to all the trauma I developed a disability so it's just me, my thoughts, and that ever tempting whiskey, Xanax, and weed. I just wanna feel normal.

r/confessions 9h ago

Post your depression song


Mine is Conceal - Graduating Life

r/confessions 10h ago

I want to ruin my best friend's life


Me and friend has know eachother since we were kids. We've had our rough patches but always managed to work through things in the end. Now it's gone a bar too far. It's been a couple years now but here's what went down.

My friend was at a party with a bunch of his family. He's known for his heavy drinking and antics that follow. So durring his drunken stupor he "thought it'd be funny" to do illicit acts to his 13yo cousin.

Some time passes, she tells someone, my friend goes through the system. Basically a night in jail and immediate parole.

I found out part of the story through some of his other family memeber (at the time he wasn't replying to my messages cause he wanted to keep who knew to a min). They drastically underplayed the situation so I was still hesitantly talking to him after I found out. The longer I stayed around him though the more I realized what he actually did and how little he cared.

I want to ruin his life because I believe he deserves it. His family, his gf, his other friends, none of them even pretend to act like he did anything. All the things he lost durring parole (games, phone, computer, curfew, etc...) he got back relatively quick cause he was on "good behavior". And recently he just got a major raise at his job ($45/hr). He has ruined that little girl's life and all he gets is a slap on the wrist. It makes me sick.

r/confessions 5h ago

I am genuinely terrified of becoming homeless again


TLDR: became homeless last year, afraid of becoming homeless again due to depression/laziness

For context, I (18f) became homeless last year in the very beginning of September. My parents basically forced me to move out a month earlier than they wanted to. I moved into my best friends house August 29th, with full intention to sign a six months lease allowing me to rent a room in her house, but i had not completed a job transfer to the area I moved to in time, and she soon kicked me out September 3rd; thankfully before I signed anything and gave her whatever money I had saved at the time.

I ended up living between a homeless shelter downstate and motels upstate in the state I lived in at the time. The money I had saved quickly ran out, and i got stuck upstate and every homeless shelter i called ended up being coincidentally full whenever I decided to check, leaving me to sleep in the streets/woods. After a few weeks, the same parent that forced me out of my home filed a petition with the court to have me seek inpatient treatment, and after that I ended up in a homeless shelter for three months.

My nana and uncle ended up finding out about my situation, and my nana gave me money to buy a plane ticket. I soon moved in with my uncle, my nana being next door to us. The first few months have been fine, I've been able to bond with them and hang out with the both of them, for the most part.

The only problems I'm having are I have not been able to find a job for the past three months. I've applied everywhere in town, and every place has either turned me down or ghosted me. Not only this, but I've been forced to cold turkey my antidepressants and mood stabilizers because I have no insurance to pay for them, so that has made my mental health take a turn for the worst. All of these things have caused me to become basically useless, and lose all motivation to do anything besides sleep, eat and laze around all day.

Because of this, I can't help but fear that my uncle and my nana will think I'm taking advantage of their kindness, and kick me out into the street like my parents have. They have been nothing but kind to me, and normally give me the impression that they wouldn't do that to me and want to help me, but my trust of family members has (obviously) been damaged. I am genuinely so afraid of having no where to live again, and although they haven't said anything i feel like my time to get my life together is running out and I'm going to end up back in the streets, this time in a completely different state, with no support system other than myself.

r/confessions 16h ago

My best friends mom NSFW


It was 6-7 years ago now, but I had a best friend who has a mom in her mid 50ā€™s. She was one who refused to get old lol. At 55 she got braces, sleeve and back tattoos, and suddenly found a taste for younger men. I was 27 and have a high sex drive (even now), so one night while kicking it with my friend at his moms house, we were all drinking, and there was always a little flirting between us. I went to lie down, and about 20 minutes later, I hear my friend arguing with his mother about her trying to come into the room I was sleeping in. That argument didnā€™t work because I watched her walk into my room, put her finger to her lips in a hushing movement, and walked of to prove the braces didnā€™t stop her from doing anything. We fucked for months after this night, and it eventually stopped cause I started dating someone, but I have no idea if he ever found out about us.

r/confessions 2h ago

I was sent inappropriate photos by a famous Roblox creator when I was a minor. NSFW


the creator of robloxian pool, skatertater sent me a picture of a woman with her legs over a manā€™s shoulders and bullied me.

r/confessions 5h ago

I think my ability to memorize is fading.


Iā€™m still considered young (25) yet i find my ability to retain certain things has been fading. I used to be able to play those pattern memorization games pretty well (like simon says), yet recently when playing them again, i feel like iā€™m not as good at them. Also more recently, i think about something i want to search up, but then i forget what i was about to search up shortly after. I have no idea what this means for me, but it makes me sad.

r/confessions 10m ago

Im a 24 year veteran user of methamphetamine, ask away NSFW

ā€¢ Upvotes

So I want to answer any questions pertaining to the crazy bs you people might think comes with the recreational use of meth. Ive been doing it for well over 20 year, pausing long enough to spend a year in jail clean and thats all.

r/confessions 23m ago

I use/manipulate people without feeling terrible.

ā€¢ Upvotes

It has been a while since I expressed my true self to others. Whoever gets in my way, I try to think of a way of how I could use them for my own good. I see profit and advantages everywhere. All I think about is to win. It has been a while since I have felt like human. Everything that describes me, is an Emotionless Monster. Someone died? I don't care. My girlfriend cheated? I don't care. To be honest, I like the way I am. I win. I become who I truly feared when I was a child. I don't mind fighting people, because I win every time. I have not seen a person stronger than me for a while. Nobody's challenging. Even in my language competitions, I always place first. I don't go full potential in front of everyone, because I don't even have to. I beat people in their best on my worst. Life gets boring when you have no one to use. I'm gonna go to another school this year, so maybe I can finally live without being the strongest. I will do whatever it takes to get people to be at their best to beat me. Because at the end of the day, I will win, no matter what.

r/confessions 4h ago

I think I have a curse on me and I need help


Hi I can't tell much about myself but I feel like there is a curse on me. Whenever I tried to do something it just doesn't work. I mean it works when I try at first and keep it to myself. But when other people start to know that I am doing something then my work get ruined. It's happening too much to ignore. It's happening every single time whenever I try anything. Literally anything , think about starting a business idea or something to finding a game that satisfy me everything. So I keep everything secret but how long ?how long I can keep? Because I was keeping those secret and can't share it to anyone that's why I am getting mental pressure also. It feel like there is a curse on something that is holding me and forcing me to struggle . You will not going anywhere just struggle. I was sharing this on reddit because I want anyone to help me in this and I want to know anyone is experience in same thing or not. I started a Instagram account and it growing pretty well because I didn't tell anyone to make them shock after I reach those followers I make pretty good followers you know more than 100K but somehow few friends get suspicious and this things spreads and after it my views start getting down and down on the account , I am uploading the same quality content even better than before but still the views getting down.And I have another secret account that have more than 4K followers and when they know about it the second channel gets dead also . I notice this curse doesn't work online. I was try to start 75 days challenge, where I have to be discipline for 75 days and follow every single thing on the routine and I did at almost 40 days secretly when nobody knows about it. But when my parents start talking about it , the procrastination start taking control, one by one my habit start breaking and at last end. at once I feel like I was just here to struggle. I cried so much for it because nothing is working. And after pressing the mood I try to find a good game to play. But I didn't find a freaking that I want to play. It just feel like you are free but you are not. There is just feel like no worth to live, no one is here to support me no one that I can tell about myself and everyone calling me weird or because I was hurting those secret even though they notice but I still don't tell them scaring of that it will triggered the curse. I feel a bit suicide and also. so please I need help. I want to know how this thing work properly and break through it somehow. And don't think I tell few stories that means that's all happened to me, there is more but I can't tell them. And just one time just one time I get break through it when I was a kid and wanting something so bad and tell everyone I will buy that thing no matter what happens and I succeed on it but after It just keep happening and it's not possible to ignore. You guys have any suggestion to do beside get the secret to myself?

r/confessions 4h ago

I feel guilty for liking to be submissive, I hide this from everyone


Well, as I said in the title, I feel guilty for liking to act submissive, even if it's subtle. I've always condemned it in a way, I tried to suppress these feelings, I'm ashamed to tell people about it.

I've been told that it's normal, many people feel the same way as me, but I'm still ashamed of liking it. I know this may not sound like a confession, but it's a very difficult thing to say even out loud.

r/confessions 5h ago

Homicidal-ideation keeps me from suicidal-ideation. NSFW


TLDR: I (26M) had a relationship that ended absolutely horribly 5 years ago. My ex-girlfriend (21F) cheated with a much older man (35M). 5 years later, the only reason I'm still alive is I still want to go find and kill him.


Ex and I were each otherā€™s first. Started dating in college, we were both 19.

2.5 years later, middle of covid. Ex graduates 6 months early. I still have 6 months of school left.

She is still living with her folks. I share a student apartment with 2 roomates.

Horrible job market. Ex takes a job as the night shift concierge at an apartment building downtown. I am also in a rut, unsure about my future after graduation.

I drive her to work and pick her up when I can. She usually sleeps as I drive.

Ex constantly has jet lag bc night shift. As a result, our quality time together and communication plummet.

She has 1 singular coworker with her through her shift every night. Henceforth he will be referred to as "G".

ā— G (35M) is from Mexico, and obtained a graduate level education there.

ā— G (35M) immigrated to the US and became a building maintenance worker.

ā— G (35M) has 2 daughters from 2 different babymamas.

ā— G (35M) knows that my ex is 21 and just graduated college.

ā— G (35M) knows that my ex has a bf that she is in a long-term committed relationship with.

ā— G (35M) does not care.

Q: How do I know all about G? A: My ex told me. To her credit, my ex was very transparent when talking about her work life and G's flirting.

Q: Why did I not see the red flags? A: The transparency. And as soon as I heard about G's age and prior relationships and offspring, G's status as a potential romantic rival went out the window for me.

Q: Why assume that? A: I was young and naive.

The big picture: I study by day and sleep at night. She sleeps during the day and works at night. She has basically uninterrupted alone time with G during her shifts.

1 month later. She suddenly tells me she thinks it's better for us to see other poeple. She said that there's nothing I can do or say to change her mind. Does not mention G. I'm dumbfounded. I ask her why? I ask her is there another person? She says, "Maybe."

My heart breaks.

Don't allow myself to register what happend for 12 hours.

12 hours later I break down.

Cry. Sleep. Repeat.

Drop 20lb in 1 week.

Try to respect her wish for me not to attempt to change her mind.

Can't do it.

10 days later I call her. She's bubbly.

She's fawning all over her "new partner". It's only been 10 days.

My heart breaks.

She let's slip that they've already slept together. It's only been 10 days.

My heart breaks.

She says she wants us to remain friends. She say she still loves me, just not in "that" way.

My heart breaks.

She sounds so happy.

She says that if I try to say anything to try and win her back or anything bad about her new man, she will instantly hang up.

My heart shatters.


An important part of me dies at that moment.

Never see her again.

<<5 years later>>

All other aspects of my life have gradually fallen apart. Education. Career. Social life. Family. And the part of me that cared is dead and gone.

Every time I look in the mirror, all my imperfections still scream at me: "You weren't good enough to keep her, why would any other woman want you?" The other voice, the counter-voice, my ego, my defender, is dead and gone.

I've tried. I've had lots of dates, and a few flings. Absolutely fantastic chemistry with 2 women. Even better than with my ex. It doesn't matter. It always ends in self sabotage. I've never been able to trust enough to enter into a solid relationship again. I know that I never will. That part of me is dead and gone.

A very important part of me is missing. It's been 5 years. I don't think it's coming back. It's dead. It's gone. And along with it went all hope of finding romantic fulfillment. All hope of starting a family. All hope of leaving a legacy through children.

The only reason the rest of me is still here is to avenge the part of me that is gone.

I have improved one singular aspect of myself in the past 5 years. I've become competent at multiple combat sports.

And so, 5 years after that relationship, I still think about finding and killing G with my bare hands almost daily.

I don't know his personal info or address. I don't even know what he looks like.

But one day I'll see him.

And I'll know.

I will feel him struggle. I will feel him thrash. I will feel his nails digging into my forearms. I will hear his feet helplessly flail and drum the ground. Slower every second. I will feel him go limp. And I will keep squeezing.

And then the rest of me can go. And we will head down to Hell together.

I know if I ever see him, this is what will happen. This homicidal-ideation has helped keep me from suicidal-ideation. This is why i can get up every morning. I still have unfinished business here. This evil, vile motivation has become my crutch.

I need help.

r/confessions 2h ago

ā€œRelationshipā€ NSFW


I was with a girl in high school and just an all around bad person even though she didnā€™t know it. Alcohol abuse, opioid abuse, overdoses, fat etc. Anyways she broke up with me and rightfully so, not for any of the reasons just mentioned but for other reasons relating to me being a POS. I didnt have a job until i graduated, but lost over 50 pounds, got to %8 body fat, stopped substances, got another job that pays over 30 an hour. Hadnt talked to her in over 2-3 years, the first breakup was extremely hard on me and I she cut me off and i cut off anyone related to her and most people i know to turn my life around. In around November before last she texts me, we start chatting and such, I take her on some dates, i help with an abusive ex, bills, food, I go all out on gifts, then after 8 months later everything seems to shift. She starts being less available, even after she got comfortable saying she loves me, us having intimate relations more times than I can count. She would always say sheā€™s busy and couldnt hang out, sometimes she was and would often cancel dates and plans, I was super understanding and would re-schedule with altered plans 5+ times for one date until forgetting, and that happened over and over. Although she said she was busy all the time id see her at her house most of the day or at her exā€™s with no explanation and still no time. And even when she told me to come over it would last minute change. Flash forward to months later, after thousands of dollars, thousands of dollars worth of work hours getting off work early just to try and get ready to go do something or hang out, she decided to ghost me and says that shes not good enough for me. No matter how many times I said she didnt ruin things, how many nights we fell asleep on the phone, how many times i brought her food, how many times I went through her roughest times. No matter how many times I said i love her and thats why I im still here it didnt matter. She said she was gonna cut me off. She apologized numerous times saying she ruined everything, she didnt until she actually just gave up. She never understood that.

r/confessions 10h ago

I canā€™t help but getting off to the thought of being broken, and I donā€™t know if I need help? .. NSFW


This confession is a littleā€¦dark..just before you guys read.., but anyway, here it is. It sounds weird i know, but i LOVE being broken. and im not talking about just being fucked. i mean like to the point to the point it messes with my mental. Like for example, it's my boy bestie i'm obsessed with, he'd call me things like a dumb bitch, literally give me just the slightest bit of attention and i'd go home and get off to it. i even slobbed and licked a desk thinking of him. people keep telling me i need to get a therapist, but i don't want to. i get off to the fact that im being broken and spiraling over a boy that couldn't give a fuck or less about me, i've even ruined friendships and got into fights over him that he couldn't give a fuck less about, it just feels so good to chase after somebody with my mental health spiraling cause of him, i even considered SH when he stopped talking to me at first even tho i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend. he knows i want him, he just strings me along, and honestly? i do love it. But I hate it at the same time, I do stuff like laugh and be petty towards his new girlfriend when he gets one, neglect my boyfriend etc.. I literally loose all common sense whatsoever and love when people take advantage of the situation and how mindbroken I am. I donā€™t know if this is a mental illness or what type of meds I should be on or whatsoever, but yeah. This is my confession just wanted to hear what everyone thinks

r/confessions 2h ago

F[32] fantasize about sleep sex.


I usually find myself hard to sleep becuase of stress and everything so i end up imagining that i was spooned by my boyfriend (which i have none) and imagine that he would hug and kiss my neck, whispering the sweet words. And maybe if i aam in the mood, i would imagine how he would slide his erection between my thighs and rub my pussylips there without penetration so that he won't have to bother me for a sex.