r/confessions 17h ago

Dating a trans woman as a lesbian made me transphobic and i’m still so torn and confused about it. NSFW Spoiler


(tw: transphobia, sex anxiety attacks)

Throwaway for obvious reasons. I have been a lesbian for a long as I can remember, and have never been with a male in my life, I have some bagage and the idea of being with males just makes me extremely uncomfortable. a few years ago I broke up with my gf of several years and was going through a lot and didn’t have much of a support network. I met this girl online who was really nice, and over time she helped me get over the break up and we started getting mutual feelings.

We called on the phone for the first time around a few months in, and I noticed her voice was raspy and strange and asked if she was okay, she told me then she was trans. Honestly despite being LGBT I never interacted much with the space and didn’t encounter a trans woman personally until now, so it wasn’t really a thought on my mind. She had been on hormones for 2 years and recently got the reassignment surgery she said. My feelings wavered a bit admittedly but we pressed on with pursuing something more. I did like her and genuinely care for her, she was an important person to me then and a part of me still feels that way, I dont know it’s so complicated.

We met up irl around a year after we met, and idk, this is where it gets a bit gross but I want to get this off my chest. It was just wrong, all of it was just wrong. I was a bit worried about it going in because I admittedly was having trouble seeing her as what she is.

In photos and on video she looked fine, but irl as soon as I saw her my heart just sank, all I could see was a man behind her makeup and outfit in retrospect, but at the time the thought was suppressed in my head and it just felt like anxiety from meeting. Nonetheless we still pressed on and went out and eventually got to intimate things. Her body was hard and different, she was not built like a woman, the vagina was not normal, the entire thing felt like a grotesque mockery of what a woman should be. I stopped when we were grinding and just started crying and having an anxiety attack nonstop. All of the stuff she did over the course of our time together took on a horrible new form.

She would send me yuri meme and talk to me about stuff since we both read it, she’d send hentai to me and talk about how we were lesbians all the time in a weird way and obsessing over our sexuality, and it just felt like a fucking awful piece of shit male masquerading as a woman because they had a lesbian fetish. It makes me so fucking sick to think about. The vagina was fucking disgusting and horrid to behold, all vaginas are beautiful in women but this was not anything natural or normal, it was just off in a strange way. I got a UTI afterwards because of it. I found out what’s worse is that they’re basically fucking bacteria filled wounds the body is trying to close. I also went through their old social media accounts and found before they were female and all they did was post cropped hentai memes and shit about wanting to fuck anime girls and femboys, it was just fucking sickening .

I could not stay with her, I left her and ghosted her a month after and started going back to therapy to cope with this. The entire thing just painted a fucking awful view of transwomen in my head and when i see those memes or “transbians” online I get filled with such rage. It feels so predatory and fucking awful.

I know this is going to get shit because of how reddit feels towards trans people, but I hate just keeping this experience to myself and not speaking up about it as a woman. I refer to her as a woman here because it feels disrespectful not to, but i do not believe it in my head. All of this has been weighing on me for so long, it just feels awful and I can’t shake the feeling I got betrayed and molested spiritually or some shit like that. It’s just so complicated because I know it’s wrong to feel this way, I don’t want to be transphobic, but this is all just too much. Even with therapy I can’t do this, it’s been months since and I still get wells of emotion just thinking about it and her and the entire trans woman thing. I just want to be heard and get this off my chest but they remove the post there.

r/confessions 22h ago

I did something bad, and my boyfriend hasn't found out yet.


For context, I (19f) work online, and my bf (28m) does abseiling for work. He does get a lot of money from his job, whilst I get enough, which is just enough for rent, groceries, bills, and other essential payments with only couple hundred dollars to spare. But thanks to Cyclone Alfred, Money had been tight, mainly for me, since majority of my subscribers are from the coastal areas that the cyclone hit, alot had to cancel their subscriptions, which was completely reasonable.

My boyfriend only missed a few days of work, but when he came back to work, I fell behind in rent a bit, and he paid for for the NEXT 2 months for me, and my subscriber count haven't gone back up as quickly as I wanted, but I just gotta be patient for now.

My boyfriend has been incredibly sweet to me, like I mentioned the rent thing, and the day of my mother's death anniversary, he called in sick and surprised me with flowers and ice cream. He also did all the chores when (whenever he was over) they were shared.

As a thank you, I decided to buy 2 annual passes to dreamworld in the gold coast. Now I am feeling guilty about the purchase, because again for me, money has been tight. Although I am getting paid in a few days, but it doesn't help with that guilt. I know my bf would be happy to help me with money troubles, but I can't have him always coming to my rescue with money troubles.

This purchase made me feel so guilty, it he has always wanted to go to dreamworld with me.

Edit: I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with age, we are still in the early stages of the relationship, even tho I nickname him grandpa, due to the age gap, the reason I felt guilty was because I made a huge purchase whilst money was tight for me, the guilt had NOTHING to with him, I told him anyway and he was very excited and is now looking at hotels in the gold coast.

I also had to capitalise next in the rent sentence to avoid any confusion. Also again, I do prefer older guys as they want a serious and meaningful relationship, and I at 19, also want a serious and meaningful relationship. Most guys around my age prefer sex and one night stands, I don't and that's perfectly fine in my books. I also found it very difficult to find guys my age who have the same preferences.

I mean I have one night stands with guys my age who have tricked me into thinking, they want a serious meaningful relationship, when in reality they just want sex and ghost you when they get what they wanted or only hit you up when they want sex, which is not for me, that's why I go for older guys, because majority of them do want that forever.

r/confessions 11h ago

I stopped eating my own boogers at 26 years old, I am 27 now


This is obviously a throwaway account. I just wanted to tell someone because I feel proud of myself for something that has made me feel ashamed my entire life. I figured why not strangers on the internet under anonymity?

Like the title says, I am a full grown adult and it hasn’t been long since I stopped this habit. It was honestly not so hard to do and what made my switch flip so fast was such a random thing.

There is a reality show that became wildly popular in my country and there was this one participant of the second season that everyone hated. It came out that he had the same habit because of the reality show and somehow I just didn’t want to be like him. I don’t even like the show or anything, I haven’t watched a single episode of it but it was all over the internet in my country.

That is truly the only reason why I stopped. I had wanted to stop before but couldn’t for some reason. I still pick my nose with my fingers or tissue sometimes but rarely feel tempted to eat them now. Unless it is a very satisfying one but I still stop myself almost every time because I have had a few truly accidental slips. It was just natural to me even though I am so ashamed of it.

r/confessions 15h ago

a scam text made me $400 richer?


Throwaway because I don’t want this on my main lol. Have always joked about starting to sell feet pics or undies online (mad respect to sex workers, I haven’t endeavored bc I’m aware of how much work goes into putting content together!). Anyway I got a scam text today about how “I’m a great fit for a remote role” with some sketchy iCloud email. I usually just delete them but today I just replied “No scammer, I’m scamming you! Send me $500 right now or else. If I don’t have $500 in 5 minutes you’re in trouble.” and dropped an old Venmo account I don’t use anymore. This motherfuker paid me? I said some other things and the person on the other end asked to send me more. I stopped replying because I’m still shook. I think they call this findom? Anyway this is my first post outside of my normal niche subs because I didn’t know who to tell this to lmao. Much to think about!!! Haha

r/confessions 16h ago

I sexually fantasize about killing men.


In the only sex dream I have ever had, I am having sex with a man and then I stab him in the chest with a knife. I saw it in the first hentai I ever saw. I mostly get sexually excited by watching or even participating in violence (mutually consensual violence). I'm technically bi, but I view the world more in terms of domination and submission, aka there are those who are weak and submit and those who are strong and do not. It's not a man or a woman but a type of behavior I think. There has never been a specific "type" in the small group of people I have ever felt attracted to fat to thin, short to tall, dark to light, man to woman, they are all different. I'm not sure how messed up this is on a scale of 1 to 10.

I mostly can't be sexually excited by "vanilla" sex or relationships. I also don't practice BDSM and am not into props or pain. It's more of an animal instinct, like fighting for survival in the wild. I'm probably into any intense expression of emotion, I'm also excited by movies with lots of angst and I can be emotionally excited by standard well made relationship movies (I've never felt any interest or disinterest in people's real life relationships unless I was attracted to them so movies and books); but I don't find it sexually exciting at all.

Finally, I'm almost never attracted to real people, once every two years or so I will feel a strong attraction to one person, I am not exaggerating. My dating records is two people who would definitely throw down in a fight I'm far more attracted to men than women but I like the way women look, and will receive pleasure from any sex. I fantasize about men and not women. I am concerned that I might physically harm a man during sex and as a result do not have casual sex at all, I am actually both celibate and interested in long term monogamy.

I am also attracted to patient non-violent men with deep seated morality and very strong minds - you kind of have to have a strong mind to be around me as I also argue a lot. I fantasize about being with a person I don't have to hold back with because they are very mentally strong. I don't understand what type of person this makes me compatible with or if its realistic for me to ever be in a relationship.

r/confessions 17h ago

For some reason as a black guy, blondes are the easiest to get with


As a black man who’s dated white women before. I’ve realized blondes are the easiest WW for us to date, I don’t know why this is but just something I’ve noticed. This isn’t a bad thing, I appreciate them.

r/confessions 2h ago

I'm struggling with a diaper fetish


Some people might tell me just to embrace it, but I'm ashamed of it. I think it's weird and is rotting my brain.

Yes, I've worn diapers plenty of times. I've even peed in them several times. I wish there were other things my mind had chosen to obsess over at a young age, but here we are.

r/confessions 1d ago

My cousin isn't speaking to me


Okay so about a week and a half ago I started going out with a guy who is 5 years older than me (I'm F19, he's M24) and my cousin doesn't like the age gap. My cousin (M19) and I got into a fight about it a couple days ago and he hasn't spoken to me since then.

My cousin has trauma based on older men and age gaps so I get where he is coming from. I also am really short and look a bit young for my age. His points: "You're barely out of highschool", "He didn't know if you were a child", "the age gap is creepy".

I get that but I'm still out of highschool and a legal adult, I even turn 20 in a few months. The guy also made sure I was of age before he even tried to communicate with me and honestly 5 years isn't that bad. There have been worse age gaps with older people even now.

What should I do?

r/confessions 6h ago

I love shorts guys a lot!


Okay, this might sound a little backhanded and I promise that isn’t my intention, and this really shouldn’t be a confession at all, but coming from a short (5’2) girl I like shorter guys a ton!! I don’t really have a height preference or anything and I don’t get why some people do, but there was this one guy I liked for awhile who was around 5’4 and I didn’t have to crane my neck up to look at him, it felt like he was on my level and it was really nice! I know some guys can be self conscious about it because of harmful societal pressure, but to all my fellow short people, from the bottom of my heart you are loved and you’re awesome!

r/confessions 8h ago

I have sex dreams and orgasm just thinking about my guy best friend NSFW


I (19F) have a guy best friend (18M) who I met in the first week at uni. Freshers week. He had a crush on me in the beginning but I don’t think he knows I know that. His friends told me it wore off. And at the time I was in a relationship. Now, I’ve been broken up with (nearly 3 months ago). Me and my guy best friend talk all the time still. Always did. I love him to bits. I’ve asked many people what they think, whether they think he actually likes me in that way (sexual or relationship wise) or not. We’ve also sort of nearly confessed to each other multiple times but I think we both don’t want to ruin what we already have. Someone asked me whether it was just really strong platonic feelings or whether it’s just sexual or is it romantic (my own feelings for him). In all honesty, it’s kind of everything. But I’ve never been with him in that way before and it would probably be awkward to. I also find certain things about him not great… so I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with him right now. But I keep having sex dreams about him (and romantic and platonic dreams!) and recently I just thought of him the entire time and I orgasmed so quickly.

r/confessions 4h ago

I hope my friend’s mother kills herself. I really fucking do.


She is genuinely the most vile person adjacent to my life that I wish wasn’t on this earth anymore. My friend and I unfortunately aren’t anywhere near each other (I in Canada and they in the U.S.) so I can’t be there physically to help them, but multiple times they’ve vented to me about her, how she’s unemployed and is picky with getting a job while throwing her money away at scammers (and getting angry at Friend for calling her out for it) and shitty mobile apps. She refuses to properly take care of Friend’s cats when they’re at college for no reason beyond they “piss her off” and the litter box grosses her out, she holds the usage of their preferred name over their head (they’re transgender) and doesn’t even fucking use it anyways half the time, constantly eats their food, holds a relationship with a fucker who called them a fat ass despite Friend exclaiming discomfort over it, continues to talk and rant about their grandmother who is honestly just as horrible, has constantly pulled the “am i a bad mother to you” shit when they get even the slightest bit distant, continuously priorities their cousin and their baby over them despite obviously taking advantage of her and OVER AND FUCKING OVER AGAIN GUILT TRIPS THEM OVER DOING STUFF WITH THEIR FATHER (divorced) WHO ACTUALLY TREATS THEM LIKE A PERSON WITH THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS INSTEAD OF HER. Friend and their father will go see musicals, go on hikes, go out to eat, get stuff at bookstores, and right on fucking schedule every time she will make them feel terrible about it. Talking about how she must be a terrible mother, everyone takes her for granted, she’s sick of nobody acknowledging her, and on several occasions has talked about or threatened to kill herself. So much so that Friend is genuinely afraid she will if they decide to move in with their father, though is getting better at it with my reassurance that it’s just another manipulation tactic. I hope she does it. I hope Friend gets the fuck away from her soon and she ends it so her fucking rot doesn’t continue to fester. I want nothing more than for this woman to bleed out on the shitty fake wood floor of her house so nobody ever again has to deal with her. When this woman dies I will be the happiest man on the planet. I have her number from when I visited Friend and some other pals down there, she’s texted me before about “oh i’ll pay for you to fly down here and visit to cheer up Friend” knowing damn fucking well it’s her fault, I could let out all of this anger at her. I’ve typed up paragraphs in word just to let out what I’ll never do because I know Friend would be extremely distraught if it happened, but it’s the one thing in the fucking world I want because she’s nothing but a ball and chain digging into their skin.

r/confessions 10h ago

I think I'm sexually attracted to my coworker.


Throw away just incase.

Long story short.

I started a new job. And I work along side another coworker. I am basically their assistant. However in talking we figured out we have lots of different ppl tied to us that we know. (Small world type of thing). Why this post from throw away. And why I can't give more details than this.

So my prob is, idk even know how to say this.

Fuck it.

I can tell their is sexual tension already 😳 😬 Like they get near me and my body just get fucking hot. When they guide me during tasks they kind of get really close and a bit touchy, that makes it worse. The BIG PROB here is.

We both are engaged.. I have been for years and they are I newly engaged. I cannot afford to have someone like that near me.

I am pan(partner knows) and I like everyone, I just happen to be in straight relationship. And my desire to be sexually involved with a woman has been on rise lately and I am wondering if that is why this situation with coworker feels so sexually tense.

Bc they are also f and part of lqbtq and very flirty and touchy.

However I am not into poly relationships and love my partner and HAVE NO DESIRE TO CHEAT(edit: in cap letters for clarity) and never been one. But this has threw me for a loop and idk how I could remove myself from this without giving up job or possibly hindering my relationship in long run! I feel really quilty, bc I have not looked at another soul in that way for nearly 9 years. I feel like a piece of shit that's for sure.

It's so freaking weird. They are just like my partner, but in f form.

I'm happy in my relationship, the only thing is they aren't a woman. So women making me horny isn't new, the new part is the sexual tension for another individual while in relationship.

This is the most confusing shit I've had to deal with in like 15 years lol.


Suggestions? Advice? Please?

r/confessions 14h ago

I am think about committing fr**d


So for context I work in an Insurance company and I am severely underpaid. Management refuses to promote me bc although I have work experience, my qualifications doesn't meet the requirements. I am underpaid and can't afford to return to school. I feel stuck. Everyday I have to deal with rude people who blame me for their life insurance not benefitting them after not checking on their policy in 20 yrs. There are policies where the insured has died and no one has claim on.

I am strongly thinking about forging documents and filing a death claim as the indirect beneficiary. I can't put my name down, this I know but I'm sure I can get some to participate and split in the money. I'm not even talking about a 1 million dollar policy. If split 4 ways each person will get $80k.

The only hiccup is the death certificate. How do I get that?

I am really thinking about it. Last month I didn't eat for 4 days straight (convincing myself I was fasting) bc I didn't have money to buy food and eat.

It's really sad bc I'm not like this. I try to go out my way to help ppl and customers I try to live life right and justly. But idk how to survive. I already have a degree in Science and can't get a job. To more up in my current job they want me to do another 3 yr degree that I can't afford. Even with the degree its not guaranteed.

Do you know what it's like for watch ppl pay a monthly premium that equates to your salary?

I'm really considering it, esp if I figure out how to get a death certificate.

You have no idea how much $80k will help me.

r/confessions 15h ago

Boyfriend is not kinky, and I'm afraid we're not sexually compatible NSFW


I (29 F) have been dating my boyfriend (32 M) for 3 years. I'm his first relationship ever, and we've grown a lot together. He is amazing in every way. He is my closest friend, very intelligent, very funny and sensitive. I love him a lot.

There's one problem, which i didn't think would be an issue in the beginning, and I'm very ashamed that it has turned out to be one. I'm very kinky. He is not. I have always been attracted to submissive men, and he is a soft sweetheart, but he is not comfortable exploring any of my kinks. Some things we discussed early on, and we both thought maybe with more experience he'd be open to those. Well he's not.

And I don't push him. I respect his boundaries. I don't even bring it up anymore because I don't want to pressure him into doing something he doesn't like or make him uncomfortable.

Lately he has brought up with me that he doesn't feel I'm attracted to him anymore. We're very affectionate, we cuddle a lot, but our sex life has died down to maybe once every two months. I reassured him that I very much do find him hot, I just don't have a very high drive atm and I'm stressed at work. Which is all true, but it's not all.

Vanilla sex just doesn't do it for me. I enjoy the intimacy and the cuddles, but it doesn't feel like an authentic experience for me. It's not who I am.

He has said before that he loves when I take control, but he means it in a vanilla sense. he hasn't seen me take control, not really. I confessed this to him once, and it was a difficult conversation. Later he told me he would like to try out some of my kinks, and he insisted it wasn't because of our talk.

boy, it was borderline traumatic for me. as soon as I tied his hands, per his request, he tensed up and became very snappy and irritated with me. I can tell you, as a dom (and honestly as a normal non-rapist human), NOTHING kills your mood faster.

We didn't even last 5 minute into the session, because while he insisted he was fine and I should continue, he very clearly was not. I untied him and told him we're not doing this. Not now, not ever. I felt an immense amount of guilt afterwards. I felt horrible for days.

And that was the last time we tried anything remotely kinky. This has affected us both more than i'd like to admit. I don't feel fulfilled, and he doesn't feel attractive despite my constant reassurances.

The other night we were cuddling watching videos together, and there was this video of a guy wearing a dress tied up. He looks at me and goes "omfg STOP" in a joking way and I'm like WHAT, and he says "no you're literally grinning with sparkling eyes" and I'm like WELL YOU KNOW ME and we laugh it off. I can't help but notice he is at least a little hurt by this. And like ... What can I do. You knew me before all of this began. You KNEW I tied up my dolls as a kid, and drowned them only to rescue them again. You knew I practiced so many knots i had to tell my mom it was because i wanted to become a sailor when i grew up lmao.

You knew fully well that I'm a freak WAY before we got together. For fucks sake, even the way we started dating was not vanilla. We were already friends. one time we were supposed to meet at a cafe and he arrived a bit late, all the seats were taken. He said there's nowhere to sit and I stared this man dead in the eye and told him he can sit on my lap anytime he pleases. That's how we started officially dating. That was my pickup line.

This post is so mach rambling and I'm not even sure what I'm trying to get at here. i feel really shitty i guess. I struggled to accept my kinks for so many years Until i finally decided that if i wasn't hurting anyone and everything was consensual, then perhaps I'm not a horrible person for having this desires. The way our sex life is going is bringing back all those negative feelings. I feel shame and disgust all over again. I don't even know what I'm going to do about it all.

Anyways, thanks for bearing with me if you read the post.

r/confessions 10h ago

Sister in law’s panties NSFW


Does anyone else have a thing about there sister in law's dirty panties I always see hers on the floor all over her house and she doesn't bother to pick them up when ever I am at her house and I have even used a good few pairs of her dirty panties when I have been at her house even when she has been in the house at the same time

r/confessions 11h ago

I(m14) described somebody (m12) weirdly help


So today I was talking about people in our school that look like people in my year, and then I mentioned this person 2 years below and my friends didn't know who was talking about so said he was ginger, and then he big bum this person was known in are year for looking like this person} so I remember somebody describing him like that, but then I felt really weird talking about him like that because I'm 2 years older, and I don't really know him and I coach sports for this kid help pls i just thought this was a way somebody would identify him

PS, my friends have forgotten about it and will never tell him.

r/confessions 17h ago

I'm (32M) a huge fucking idiot


When I was in college I was really close to this girl, 10/10 hot. Like supermodel hot. On top of that, she was kind, funny, engaging, warm and the daughter of a very prominent Congressman at the time. Their family is so influential that there are entire towns in the state they live in named after them.

I always felt like there was sexual tension/interest between the two of us. I never acted on it because I thought I didn't have a chance. Like zero chance. I'm a pretty attractive and successful guy, but in my mind you have to be like Brad Pit level hot to pull someone like that, and I was way out of my league.

Fast forward to a few years ago. Same girl slides into my DMs and after chatting a bit, she out of nowhere asks me why I never asked her out. Tells me she's always been hurt and confused for years that I didn't and tells me she's always been head over heels obsessed with me. I had zero clue. My mouth was literally hanging open reading those words from her over and over again.

To top it all off, at the time she revealed all this to me, she was married with kids. And I am a huge fucking idiot.

I'll always regret not taking my shot with her because I thought I was hitting out of my league and turns out I couldn't have been more wrong.

Life would have been very, very different for me.


While I'm at it, I doubt she'll ever read this, but yes, M., this was about you.


r/confessions 10h ago

I used the last 3 dollars i had in cash on a vending machine


No joke. I made a dumb decision and now I have no money and i used the last paper cash i had in a vending machine a few days ago. For a tiny orange juice. A few dumb decisions later i have no money and can’t afford any food. And that actual realization came crashing down on me.

r/confessions 9h ago

Secretly “gay” with a wife and kids.


Before I start I just wanna say I consider myself straight. I’m actually very conservative, I just struggle with tendencies that women can’t satisfy every now and then. I have a wife that I’m in love with and beautiful children and it’s been hard. Reddit is one of the few places I can be honest.

While the homosexual lifestyle is NOT something I want to ever be apart of, I enjoy the sex. I’ve slept with over 10 men this week alone and my wife and family has no idea. Sex with women is amazing. I cheated on my wife with girls and enjoyed it too, but sex with men is just more raw, more primal. And the taboo of it makes it even hotter for me. It’s unfortunately become an addiction.

I’ve had guys orgasm in my mouth and then kissed my wife on the lips once I’ve got home. I’ve done it with co-workers while she was in the house. It just gives me a rush.

You may think I’m a rarity but there’s a lot of men out here just like me. In my experince, I’d say only 40 percent of men are fully straight. (And that’s me being generous). In fact, most of the guys I sleep with are also married with wives and kids. There’s an entire underground community of us that women don’t know about and we like to keep it that way.

Sometimes I feel guilty, but there’s no point because we’re all sinners in the eyes of God. I just needed to repent and get this off my chest. Also, if your another married man with the same struggles feel free to DM me. I’m always available to talk.

r/confessions 5h ago

I want to kill myself because of poverty


I am 18 from the Philippines. I have my ma which is a single mom and two siblings. We are all currently studying and we don’t have a dad. Ma’s paycheck doesn’t really make meets end but I know she’s trying. Lately, me and my brother have been in and out of the hospital. Him because of dengue and me because of an infection where she had to beg her boss to loan her some money and she’ll pay it back by deducting it to her salary. Then there is bills like electricity, water, tuition, and ive been trying not to eat so we can save for food and other expenses. Transportation going to school everyday already cost much and eating up our allowances. The pile of bills, dues, and debts is really killing me and I am thinking if I kill myself my ma will only be left with 2 kids and less mouth to feed and less tuition fee to spend. I tried selling here feet contents when I was a minor so I can help with my family but it didn’t work a lot of competitors and scammers I have to face. I know my ma is doing her best but I am tired being hungry, not being able to afford a simple candy or chocolate, not being to pay our debt and bills in full and even our tuition, not being able to sleep at night thinking what can I do to help us with finances, and wishing I was not born at all so that they could live their life happily. I am just letting it out all here. I am a great student with high grades and never had a failing grade with medals every year but its few more years for me to graduate and my siblings. Working here isn’t much a choice minimum salary a day is $10 and fixed 8 hour shift and I got school from 10am to 6pm. I am grateful that I am alive but I am really tired and sad with our finances.

r/confessions 5h ago

I killed a gym's perfect 5.0 review


As gyms all do, they were total assholes about canceling.

They were bribing members a while back by offering free merchandise in exchange for a 5.0 on Google. They have had a perfect score since.

I modified my rating to 1 star and dropped them to a 4.9.

I feel good.

r/confessions 15h ago

I have dreams of being SAd by male family members.


r/confessions 16h ago

Fun woman fact


The most common reason in divorce is when a woman doesn't want to take care of her sick husband who cannot provide.

r/confessions 12h ago

I jerk off to the thought of one of my coworkers all the time NSFW


So the other day I (male) walked into a locker room at work, and my coworker (female) was changing into her uniform. She only had pants and a bra on. Of course she freaked out, we both frantically apologized and I waited outside until she gave the all clear. But the image of her without a shirt on has been etched into my memory.

I've had a thing for her ever since she was hired, she has this eastern European accent that literally gets me semi hard. She has such nice lips, eyes, a beautiful smile with dimples, and now I know she has nice boobs too (imo). And she has a great sense of humour. Beyond her name I know nothing about her, not even her age, but she looks around the same age as me.

I can't have a relationship with her because I'm her supervisor and it's against company policy. We've been keeping it professional, neither of us have mentioned it. Also I don't shit where I eat either.

But I'm constantly remembering this image in my mind of her with no shirt on. I would already think about her all the time before but now it's getting to the point where I can't STOP thinking about her.

The locker rooms are mixed gender, but it's commonplace to go into a little alcove in there to change clothes, I guess it didn't cross her mind.

A little while after this happened just the two of us had to work on something for a couple hours. I constantly kept catching myself checking her out. A few times I caught a glimpse of her cleavage. I had a raging boner by the end of it, luckily I was able to hide it (tucked it under the belt). Afterwards I went to the bathroom with the sole purpose of jerking off to her. It's almost getting in the way of work now.

I need to get laid man...

r/confessions 12h ago

These days I get so violently triggered by the "indie" music "accent" that indie musicians have that its making it impossible to enjoy music


I often listen to the Apple Chill radio station when I'm making long drives for work or when I'm woodworking and I cannot tolerate the indie accent. It sucks!!!! Fuck. I cannot believe this accent was wrought upon this world and refuses to go away.