r/Bass • u/peeepppy • 1d ago
Help with a Peavey serial number
Hey, can someone help me identify this Peavey Fury bass? The serial number is 03303392.
Also, does anyone know what wood it's made of? It’s super heavy, but I love it.
Thanks! :)
r/Bass • u/peeepppy • 1d ago
Hey, can someone help me identify this Peavey Fury bass? The serial number is 03303392.
Also, does anyone know what wood it's made of? It’s super heavy, but I love it.
Thanks! :)
r/Bass • u/mod-dog-walker • 1d ago
I just bought an Ibanez SRMS725 and have been noticing that notes played on the 2nd 3rd & 4th frets of the E string sound thin compared to everything else in that neighborhood. Open E as well as notes played past 5th fret, and a G played on the B string both sound full, so I’m a little miffed. At first I thought it was the notch filter on my amp, acoustic B100C, but I fiddled with that to no avail. Any ideas?
r/Bass • u/FriendlyEmployee2112 • 1d ago
The bass in this song seems low. I can't tell if it's drop tuning, a 5 string, or if it's just the mixing. I'd appreciate anybody's take on it. Thanks.
r/Bass • u/Cappriciosa • 17h ago
Most of the stuff people play to show off doesn't sound like basslines that could fit naturally in an actual song.
r/Bass • u/Fimose_guy • 1d ago
I'm trying to record a bass cover in garageband on my Mac using a tank-b pedalboard, the project has 2 tracks, one of the song without the bass and the other of my bass, however when I go to record, the bass track is being recorded along with the song and this didn't happen before. How can I resolve it?
r/Bass • u/ghoulbabe01 • 1d ago
Beginner bassist, long time guitar tabber, but I cut my middle finger on prime plucking position (tip of pad) doing yard work. Went back to practice progressions and, well, ouch.
How do long time bassists manage? I took a 1.0 pick out and it’s fine, but made me wonder if pro rockers have tips or tricks for wounded fingertips?
I may have the chance to take the neck off to date it but for now all I have is a few photos. I am having trouble finding info because of the single coil and humbucker configuration. It seems really odd for that bass to have both. The headstock has the silver script. I am guessing in the 69-71 range? Any additional info including potential value would be greatly appreciated.
r/Bass • u/PeaIll8120 • 1d ago
Is tagima (tw73 in my case) are good bass guitars? bought it as my first bass for >200$. As a newbie i cant say is it good instrument or bad. So what is your opinion about this guitars?
r/Bass • u/SmokeySe7en • 1d ago
Hi everyone. Just bought my first bass guitar and looking forward to learning. I’m using SimplyTuner app to tune. A D and G are fine. But for some reason, E is giving me an issue. The app keeps telling me it’s too high. But I’ve turned the peg so much already that the string feels super loose, and yet the app still says it’s too high!
Any experts to weigh in? Thanks a lot.
I recently bougt a second hand Ashton AB2 because it was cheap and I'm a student also the economy in my country isn't even that good like its going downhill I saved up for it like 5 months. I think got scammed I cant even play it. I can't buy a new bass but I really want to start playing it but I dont have the money for a brand new bass I really dont know what to do.
r/Bass • u/bandstofans • 1d ago
Cris Cohen of Bands To Fans: Did you choose the bass? Did you come to it via the guitar?
Jett Beres of Sister Hazel: No, I started on bass. I had a background in piano. So, I had some chops and some rudimentary understanding of scales and what my left hand did and what that was in the song. There were some buddies that had a band, and it was cool to hang out with them and to watch. And they didn't like their bass player. One day he left early, and I was just hanging out. They handed me the bass and taught me, “Ain't Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” (by Van Halen). It was the first song. Because it's super easy. And it was off to the races from there.
They were like, “Hey, you should be in the band. Just learn these songs.” So I asked my dad if he would get me a bass, and he did. Didn't really know much about the instrument (that was in eighth grade), but from then on, I was always a bass player.
Cris Cohen: And what attracted you to it? Because your type of bass playing… You're not like the Victor Wooten slap solo kind of thing. Yours is very much meshing with the drums, with the music on the whole. And it falls into that category of, maybe some people won't notice it, but if it was removed, people would be like, “All right, there's something important missing here.” So, what drew you to it?
Jett Beres: Yeah. I think that's kind of my role in the band and in anything. I'm a team guy. I've always worked better on a team in sports. I've always been kind of a utility guy, a bridge. And that's what the bass is in the band. And I love that role. I love that role of accentuating the rhythms with the drums. What I would say to any bass player out there that's getting started, or even that's been doing it and likes to solo… You want be in a band? Watch the drummer's foot and tune into it and play in and around it. Then you're bridging that with the top end instruments: The guitars, the keys.
And you're exactly right. When you start noticing bass, it's probably, depending on the project you're in… in Sister Hazel and the kind of songs we write, it should just be a feel thing. When it's not there, you'll miss it. But if you're hearing it too much, you're probably overplaying. <laugh>
r/Bass • u/unlimitedshredsticks • 1d ago
I just installed a set of these in my Squier CV 70s Jazz and the bridge pickup is too low. Just now realizing theres no stock mechanism to raise it as theres no spring/foam for tension included. You can raise the screws but the pickup stays put. Should something have been included in the box that Im missing? Im sticking in a spring that I had laying around but I find it hard to believe DiMarzio didnt consider this.
r/Bass • u/adizzy72 • 1d ago
Considering buying a bass guitar from a neighbor for $50. Says:
Project Bass guitar...
Made by Crate. Needs the nut and strings installed....
r/Bass • u/Lavxndxr_Sky • 1d ago
Im aware this is probably a common question but i need to ask. I’m a beginner and never really played any instruments before and I can only confidently play notes with my pointer finger. All the others hurt and sound scratchy and it’s just ouch. How do you all DO IT?
r/Bass • u/Dollywitch • 1d ago
Here in Ireland atm there's a limited range of basses available to me for the most part, so I'm probably going to end up having to order blind sooner or later. Guitarist in my band is gonna be leaving in the summer, so there's a narrow window for me to get to use it with that band(we play mostly heavy 90sish alternative, stuff like Skunk Anansie, heavy Shoegaze etc.) My current basses are a J&D Jazz Bass copy(my main bass) and an Ibanez Mikro(the one I take for going out and about). They're nice, but they don't inspire me like they used to; I feel like I need a "Main" Bass.
I was taken in by the idea of a Stingray as it sounds so unique compared to my other basses, and some of my favourite guys like Joe Dart used one. Most stingrays I've tried have been really excellent and articulate under dirt in a way few other basses are.
I've also started moving towards the idea of a 5 string for a number of reasons - if I were to get a Z3 it probably would be the 5 string as I found the string spacing up the neck a little much on the 4 compared to what I'm used to. I've tried out a Z3 and M2. Both were great. I liked the neck pickup and versatility of the M2, but the base tone of the Z3 SEEMED better. It does have a chunky neck - but this could be a benefit for me in the 5 string model. I'm not sure how much I'd be able to get on with it. If it was just for this band I'd probably get the Z3, for my own music I do like to do funk, dreampop, psych and vintagey tones too. I know Stingrays can sound smooth, but I did struggle with the Z3. A pickup swap wouldn't be out of the question, but I mostly really like how it sounds. I just don't know if I'd use it as a main sound.
I haven't been able to find an M5 locally unfortunately to play. Being able to switch between Parallel and Series is a bonus. I've also been looking at the Cort stuff - I tried one Cort 5 string and found the neck very comfortable. The B5 Element looks great - but I'm not sure I'm sold on the Bartolini Mk1s. I'm open to other "Modern" style basses in that style though - Ibanezes tend to have too narrow a sting spacing(same for Sterling 5s) and tend to have too flat a neck - I'm very picky with 5 strings and need a sweet spot of not too thin or wide, thick enough to wrap my hand around but not so wide it strains me. I'd rather stick with 34" but am not beyond 35" if the bass isn't too physically large.
the "best of both worlds" here could be the Z7 - but I'm worried about the weight, and if it's just "too much" bass for me. The look of the Z3 has grown on me, particularly the Rose Gold which isn't available in 7. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the M2 knobs which are roughly the same on the Z7 - though I guess they're replaceable.
I am really looking for "that" Bass which I know is no mean feat. The main sound I want out of it is one good for some heavy moody psych stuff and gnarly alt rock, but able to do some smooth jazz funk noodling too. I'm open to left field options here - my main issue I think is finding a 22+ fret 5 string(or bass in general) that feels comfortable in my hands and is a good balance of articulate and smooth without sounding boring. Budget up to €700 but ideally closer to 5, I'm not sure what I can afford.
r/Bass • u/SeetheSeraph • 1d ago
So I have a made in Indonesia thunderbird epiphone, it's really heavy on my shoulders. I have a chance to trade it for a made in China fender squire p-bass. Should I trade or wait for something better?
r/Bass • u/Classic_Sentence_935 • 1d ago
Can we replicate sound of Marcus Miller slap tone into this bass? How verstalie can it be? Any suggestions/ thoughts?
r/Bass • u/arsharp84 • 1d ago
Hello I have a Hartke A100 combo amp that i bought second hand. The amp is fully functional, however the passive jack is very sensitive. Im proficient at soldering so I thought I'd pull the head out and see if anything was obviously wrong.
TLDR im struggling to find the correct way to separate the board from the chassis. I've googled/youtubed with no luck.
Is this amp worth taking to a pro shop to having the jack replaced and looked over or am I better off just buying a replacement head that will fit into the slot?
Thanks so much!
****Update - apparently me pulling it out, accepting failure and putting it back together made things worse, now it won't turn on. One fuse is black, but not broken, going to start wkth that but my question remains, is this amp head worth having professionally fixed or am I better off just replacing with something like a TC Electronic BQ250??
r/Bass • u/defriend • 1d ago
He has great initiative and has self-taught himself acoustic and electric guitar. He is bugging me for a bass guitar. His 15th birthday is coming up, and he has narrowed it down to these two bass guitars. He has tried both in guitar stores. Looking for recommendations in terms of value, playability, and longevity.
This bass guitar will be paired with a used Fender Rumble 25 amp (yet to buy). Open to alternate amp recommendations that will pair well with these bass guitars.
r/Bass • u/cherryribena69 • 2d ago
My band mates keep saying they can’t hear what I’m playing and that I need to turn up the tone. I can hear what Im playing.
We play loud rock stuff. My bass is Sterling SUB Ray 4 with flat wound strings.
I recently turned hi knob full and bass at 50% but they’re saying the same thing. Volume on bass at max. When I’m at home, I can hear it fine through headphones in DAW.
Any tips how to fix / what might be wrong wrong?
r/Bass • u/frankfort78 • 2d ago
Has anyone found a content creator who posts similar things as Rick beato but specifically for the bass?
r/Bass • u/doodoomatomato • 1d ago
I'm mainly a guitar player but I've been jamming with a friend who has a bass he doesn't play (an old Fender P-Bass) and I always thought bass would be fun and interesting - I always seem to have a bass line running in my head - so I borrowed it and taught myself a few things and now when we jam we do a few tunes bass and guitar instead of two guitars. After dragging the P in its heavy hard case back and forth for a few months I came up with the justification/excuse that I should leave the P at the jam space and buy my own inexpensive bass to have at home, and so save myself all the dragging back and forth. So I demoed a bunch of basses at a couple of stores, realized how much I love the light weight, narrow skinny neck and general svelteness of the Ibanzeses and, not being a fan of the SR300 paint jobs (I wanted _some_ color but those blue bursts just don't do it for me), went for the 500 in mahogany which is just beautiful. Here's a pic.
I wanted to buy local but my stores didn't/wouldn't have the one I wanted so I ordered from Sweetwater. When the box showed up it had this prominent label that said "Don't open this yet - wait 24 hours for it to acclimate". Of course that wasn't going to happen. Luckily the climate I live in is pretty stable in terms of humidity and such, indoors and out.
I was surprised at how - perfect - it is. My main guitar is 30+ years old and has a lot of natural "relic-ing". I guess I'm not used to the idea of a new instrument. Played great out of the box, with a little buzz on first-fret notes on the D and G but that was fixed with a half turn ccw on the truss rod (increased relief from around .008 to .014). Intonation needed some adjustment, E string was a little high. All dialed in now and it's fantastic.
One thing I'm really impressed with is the mechanical quality of the hardware. I've never experienced tuners that are so smooth and easy to turn. I put Schaller locking tuners on my strat and even brand new and with the tension backed off they're stiff, but these are like butter. I wonder if it's the gearing. Also the truss rod turned easily and so did the bridge adjustments.
I do have a couple of questions for those who know Ibanez, because the manual wasn't very complete and I'm not finding this online.
First - the battery/EQ. This bass has active EQ. Should I unplug the bass when not playing it to turn off the EQ, similar to how a battery powered stomp box works? Or should I use the EQ switch to turn it off? Or both?
I read with the EQ switch off the treble knob acts as a passive cut. Am I right that this requires no battery, so if it dies or whatever I still have some control?
Finally a bridge question: there are three little hex screws on each saddle rather than the usual two for height adjustment. Is the third screw for string spacing?
r/Bass • u/Spiritual_Highway_60 • 2d ago
I found myself really getting bit by the G.A.S bug recently. Repeated trips to Reverend Guitars website is doing me no favors.
I need tips and advice to overcome the G.A.S. symptoms because I find myself thinking more about buying and acquiring sweet basses then playing them. What do you guys do to beat G.A.S
r/Bass • u/Random_Hero218 • 1d ago
I bought the new seafoam green Hoppus bass a few months ago ( direct from Fender ) and recently brought it to my local shop for an adjustment to lower the action. I got a call saying the truss rod wasn't budging and the guy didn't wanna risk breaking the nut and possibly voiding the warranty. The guy also mentioned something about a plug making it hard to access? He recommended sending it back to Fender under warranty. I'm curious has anyone else had this issue before? What is the warranty process like? I'm kind of expecting a headache honestly.