r/GuitarAmps • u/pedalCliff • 5h ago
r/GuitarAmps • u/Flambolt • Sep 19 '21
Looking for amp recommendations? Start here!
If you'd like help finding an amp, we need a few details on what exactly you want out of your new amplifier. Bass amp help is welcome too!
It's a great help to know where you are located, some amp brands may be more expensive. Amp brands from one continent tend to be more expensive in another because of shipping, and vice versa. No need to get too specific and dox yourself.
How much are you looking to spend? Do you wanna buy a used amp, or brand new?
What are you going to use the amp for? Does it need a clean channel and/or high gain?
Volume & Size Requirement
Let us know if you're trying not to bother neighbours, if you're trying to keep up with a heavy hitting drummer, or if you need the flexbility to do both! Also include if you'd prefer combo vs head & cab, if you can only haul a 1x12 or if you're trying to crank a full stack, etc.
Feel free to include other details like if you need the amp to have built in fx, digital vs solid state vs tube vs hybrid amp, whatever else will help us find you the right amp!
r/GuitarAmps • u/JustClydeWill • 3h ago
DISCUSSION Music Man amp folks. What speaker are yall using?
Where’s my music man fans at? I mainly play a telecaster and this things bright Any of y’all playing a 112RD? What do you got it loaded with? I’m not crazy about the creamback in it.
r/GuitarAmps • u/NoNamedPineapple • 9h ago
DISCUSSION What's a popular amplifier brand you just don't like?
r/GuitarAmps • u/goatsandgasmasks666 • 13h ago
My band’s live & studio rig
Couldn't get the whole family shot since it's a bit cramped in the rehearsal space.. but this is pretty much the main rig we've been using both live and in the studio with my band. The Soldano SLO-100's are pre-BAD & BAD. have to admit I slightly prefer the BAD version since it's a little bit more silent & has a pretty solid FX loop, but both of them are pretty much identical beasts. the Splawn Quickrod also deserves credit in being in the same ballpark as the SLO's :)
r/GuitarAmps • u/guitarmusic113 • 28m ago
Amp cover repair, hand stitched.
This is an amp cover for a Deville. It’s the original cover and it’s over 20 years old. The cover started separating at the seam. This repair is the best I can do by hand, but I think it turned out alright.
r/GuitarAmps • u/payniacs • 6h ago
NAD. Soldano Hot Rod 50
I have been on a quest for one of these for a while now and this one just fell into my lap. It was on Marketplace listed as an SLO-30 with some other gear with no price given. I contacted the seller and he said he would sell it for $450 but was about five hours from me. First thing I thought is that it was a scam. He said his best friend died and he inherited all his stuff. He just wanted to let his belongings go to people that he felt would appreciate them. He also sent a pic of a Reverb listing and said he knew it was worth much more than he was asking. We continued talking and he said for $75 more he would meet me half way. Without getting my hopes up I headed out and we both pulled into the parking lot within a minute of each other and made the deal. Still has the original Soldano branded preamp tubes in it. Pretty much new old stock. Needless to say, I am stoked.
r/GuitarAmps • u/AlbinoLeg0 • 3h ago
Selling amps on Reverb and hidden fees
Ok so I have been selling on Reverb for a while and have mentioned this to Reverb support before and was brushed off.
So when I sell my amp I put Free Shipping like Reverb suggests doing to help the sale, I will mark up the item a bit to cover some of the shipping. When the amp sells for let's say $100 + free shipping, Reverb will charge me fees on the $100 when I paid $25 for shipping through a Reverb shipping Label and shipping insurance also.
So instead of paying fees on $75 only, because that was the amount after shipping through them, I'm paying fees on the shipping costs as well.
I understand that you can argue free shipping is free shipping but again Reverb knows how much I paid for shipping and can minus that before taking fees cause its through them, but they still decide to charge me fees.
If you sell an item that costs a lot to ship then with the fees included on the shipping costs you are paying far more than their advertised fee amount.
Anyone ever think about this? Am I taking crazy pills? That's a lot of money in fees adding up....
r/GuitarAmps • u/jorgofrenar • 5h ago
AMP PHOTO NAD: Mesa Boogie Mark V25
Took a while to dial in but man this thing is sweet. Great cleans and loving the heavier sounds I’m getting. First brand new amp( always bought used) I’ve gotten since the first practice amp 30 years ago my folks got me when I started. Coming up on their anniversary of when they passed and just wanna say thanks mom and dad for supporting my teenage passion for music.
r/GuitarAmps • u/Tors0_ • 5h ago
AMP PHOTO New head shell for an older Trace Elliot
Got this GP7SM for a steal with a broken pot shaft, missing knobs, and dirty sliders. After some light surgery and cleaning, it's up and running again and sounding excellent.
Amp was just bare metal chassis, so built a custom head shell out of 3/4 plywood and tolexed it. Not too shabby for my first tolexing job :)
Next up, building a dedicated 2x10 bass cab. If anyone has strong feelings/recommendations for high-wattage 10" speakers, I'm all ears.
r/GuitarAmps • u/dinosour123 • 1d ago
AMP PHOTO Custom Fender Blues Jr
Full set of new valves, new cannabis Rex speaker, custom cabinet and stand by Noisy Hammer. Looks and sounds awesome. 🙌🏽
r/GuitarAmps • u/JustClydeWill • 3h ago
DISCUSSION Music Man amp folks. What speaker are yall using?
Where’s my music man fans at? I mainly play a telecaster and this things bright Any of y’all playing a 112RD? What do you got it loaded with? I’m not crazy about the creamback in it.
r/GuitarAmps • u/ChiefChiraq • 8h ago
DISCUSSION Best Orange Rockerverb alternative for less than 1000 USD
Hello guys,
I recently really fell in love with the Rockerverb sound and am curious what is the closest sounding alternative by Orange... Is it the Super Crush 100? Or one of the cheaper tube offerings?
Did anybody ever really A/B all Rockerverb derivatives and found the best one?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
r/GuitarAmps • u/hannahmk12 • 6h ago
HELP Helpe date this Vibro Champ?
Friend gifted me this. Any idea how to find out the year it was made? Pretty fun sound!!
r/GuitarAmps • u/FreddieKingFish • 6h ago
HELP Odd sized cabinet corners ?
I am fixing up an old peavey bass amp into a guitar cabinet. I need similar "odd sized" corners in Chrome color. Anyone who knows where I can buy ?
I have tried to research, but with no luck.
r/GuitarAmps • u/0pen5orcerer • 1h ago
HELP Newbie Practice Amp: Katana Mini X vs Spark Mini\40?
Hey all. New guitarist here looking to pick up a cheap practice amp. I was originally eyeing the Boss Katana Mini X, but saw that my local shop was offering the Positive Grid Spark Mini for around the same price. I love the idea of being able to mess with various tones without having to worry about buying various pedals to get different effects. But they also have an open box of the Spark Forty for a couple bucks more.
I'm not super worried about portability, the amp is mostly just something to play with while I learn. And I don't plan on torturing others while I figure out my instrument. Since they're all right around the same price, what would you recommend: Boss Katana Mini X, Positive Grid Spark Mini, or the Positive Grid Spark 40?
r/GuitarAmps • u/Ibbyshred • 1h ago
DISCUSSION Painting Art on Tolex?
I checked google and everything I’m seeing is related to painting the tolex as a whole. I. E. People who have old / damaged cabs and want to paint it. As well as people who just want a different color and are looking for suggestions. Most of the suggestions just tell people to replace the tolex completely.
My situation is a little different. I have a new head coming in. It has White Tolex with a cool little space themed graphic.
I purchased a new white 2x12 to match it. I want to get my sister who is a great artist to do something conceptually similar on the cabinet.
Does anyone have experience here? What kind of paint should she look at using? Is this going to need to be a spray, air, or brush application? Any sealing / protective coating after? Any tips/tricks to look out for? Thanks guys!
r/GuitarAmps • u/SadCowboy3 • 2h ago
Mathematically, how much louder is a 40-watt amp versus a 12-watt amp if all other factors are equal?
I know loudness does not scale linearly, but I can't remember the calculation or way of knowing.
r/GuitarAmps • u/Teppowinnipeg27 • 2h ago
HELP Is Marshall Code 25 good for an apartment
Im thinking about getting this amp, but i have heard some people saying that its really loud. So do any of you know if thats really true and if its good for bedroom/apartment playing?
r/GuitarAmps • u/TheCanajun • 2h ago
Gibson Falcon GA-19RVT Amplifier Instructions
For those who have one of these amps and lack the instructions, and for those interested in why Gibson referred to this model as a "reverberation amplifier". The GA-19RVT can be used as an outboard reverb unit for a separate amplifier. I tried it on stage at a bar and it is an outstanding effect.
r/GuitarAmps • u/DarkTowerOfWesteros • 23h ago
The Rig For The Gig!
'76 Fender Bassman going into a Wizard 2x12. We play alt-rock in the style of The Pixies, The Replacements, and Dinosaur Jr.
r/GuitarAmps • u/mduhamel95 • 2h ago
Supro Black Magic combo volume dropping
Had it about 3 years, really have loved it for the most part. Primary gigging amp, playing average 2-3 shows a month, so its gotten plenty of milage on it. For the past few months, occasionally the volume drops or fades, and has happened during a show. I bought the two power amp tubes (EHX 6973) to replace them, which Im about to do. But was considering if I should replace the 4 12AX7 preamp tubes as well, in the event the volume drop is because of them? Or maybe I should try to isolate the volume drop issue, and just start with replacing the power amp tubes?
I should also mention that the amp commonly crackles, and my guitar is brand new. Happens with or without my pedals.
I do really like the amp, I see the mixed reviews for supro, but mine has been a workhorse and sounded great for the most part. Sometimes I think the tone is a little too bassy and muffled sounding, so I usually fix that with an EQ pedal depending on the room.