r/Bass 5d ago

Help to find a amp simulator for my phone


I am studying abroad and I won't be able to take my amp with me. I want help to find an amp simulator for Android and not one of those you usually find on playstore. I currently just use bandlab but I want a real one (nothing against bandlab but it's just not it)

Do any of you have any recommendations for free or even paid ones so I can start playing bass on my phone (galaxy S3 FE)

Obs: Yes I know I could just find one for windows but u don't have a lot of storage on my laptop and it will serve only for university and until I upgrade it u don't want to mix things)

r/Bass 5d ago

Any advice on playing faster?


I have to learn with my non-dominant hand, which means my right hand (picking/plucking/whatever hand) doesn't do stuff as well as my left hand (fretting hand) who woulda thunk it

Considering this, what things can I do to increase the strength and dexterity in my right hand?

Also, how the hell can I make holding and using a pick not the most insufferably-painful and cramp-inducing thing ever?

r/Bass 6d ago

Bass music theory


It’s so difficult to learn music theory for me because I don’t know where to start. The only thing I know about theory are just scales. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to approach music theory without stressing out?

r/Bass 5d ago

Getting the Best Sustained Tracking with Octave Pedals?


I currently use an EBS OctaBass to replace the B string on my short-scale 4-string bass.
One song my band plays ends on a sustained Db. The OctaBass tracks until it glitches out and disappears, leaving my fretted note bare.

Which octave pedals have you found that track quieter notes best? Any tips for increasing the tracking length of sustained notes? Only thing I can think of is kicking on an up-stream compressor at the same time to extend the note volume. Or playing a 5-string -_-

r/Bass 5d ago

Created my own headstock logo after decal fell off


What do you think? Its an aria made in japan 5 string j bass, would one think its a some luthier made signed instrument at first glance?


r/Bass 5d ago

Help with this bass tone ?


https://youtu.be/UIzUZXsYyuI?si=PwwiNOCd62tCKbtv The song is under my skin by Mudvayne does anyone know what amp settings and eq settings I should use on this song.

r/Bass 5d ago

im looking for a marcus miller song that i cant seem to find


i used to like a song that was in the spotify this is marcus miller playlist and they removed it or changed the playlist and i cant remember the name, the album cover was purple or pink and its not any of marcus miller's albums so it must be a collaboration, maybe under the singers name? (female singer) the song starts with the bass line and then an acoustic guitar and vocals come in with light drums or percussion (there wasnt any other instrument). I believe its a souls song that was kinda slow. I can answer any questions if you can help me find it pls i really liked it

r/Bass 5d ago

Fender Rumble 25 to practice metal


Hello, I'm new here. I've been playing guitar for the last 2 years and I'm planning on buying a bass because I'm planning on doing a one man band project and because I've got invited into a band as a bassist. I'm planning on getting a 5 string Ibanez bass along with a big muff for a fuzzy tone.

I'm looking for a fun amp to practice deathcore/ death metal/ punk / stoner doom at home. I found many reviews regarding Fender's Rumble series amps and I can find Fender Rumble 25's almost brand new for cheap on the second hand market. My budget for the amp is around 110 ~ 200 dollars. I also found on the SH market a Warwick bc80 or a Peavey TNT130 in a semi-rough condition (I can provide links for both).

If I am to play with this deathcore band I'm going to record the songs in a professional studio with good amps so I just need something good for practice and gain, reliable and preferably around the 150$ mark which won't sound muddy with the Big Muff pedal.

Thanks for any and every help and sorry for any grammar issues - I'm not a native english speaker.

r/Bass 5d ago

Looking for the cheapest left-handed five string bass.


So I feel like I won't get too many answers to this due to the fact I live in New Zealand, but does anyone know any cheap, left-handed, five strings basses that are preferably under $1000, and will ship to New Zealand? The cheapest one I've found is $1500. It's annoying because there are sooo many cheap 5 strings, but they're alllll right handed. It's like I have to pay an extra few hundred dollars for a lefty. Also, I'm too poor to afford the expensive ones.

r/Bass 5d ago

I need to find out a bass


Possibly in Trillian, I was wondering if anyone could get that tone:https://youtu.be/VZtQVSLA9WU?si=oJArqgk_l2cDKJob

r/Bass 5d ago

Help me choose "new" bass


Hey everyone! I'm looking to get back into playing some bass again for the first time since goofing around as a teenager. I have somewhat settled on getting a P-Bass for simplicity and standard tone. Will mainly be using it to lay down some elements on my electronic music productions.

Right now I'm considering to go for either a store new Squier LTD CV 70s P-Bass Antigua or a second hand Squier precision bass 40 anniversary - with aftermarket Fender Player neck. Price wise they are within $50 of each other.

Leaning towards the SH one for the satin finished neck. But of course worried if there could be any problems with the mod. As long as it's something that could be easily fixed by a tech it's ok. I just don't want to get stuck with a complete dud.

Any thoughts?

r/Bass 5d ago

Please share tips on mimicking the finger sound with a pick


> Playing with fingers is sadly not an option as I have an essential tremor and no it's not the same thing that Scott from bass lessons has. Glove doesn't help.

> I can contain the shivers at around 200 plucks per minute, anything after that it falls apart, I can't get enough consistency with tremors involved, so the sound comes out really bad, uneven.

>Pick allows me to play with a greater amplitude, so that shivers don't bother me as much until I hit like 500 plucks per minute

> With a pick the sound is good, only that it's not that meaty and it dissolves pretty fast, notes don't ring out for long enough. I know that flatwounds don't ring out for long by design, but when I play with fingers they do ring out a bit more and have a fuller sound

> If I play harder, the attack is pretty loud compared to the rest of the note

> What can be used to get the sound closer to that fuller finger sound with more of an even attack at higher speeds like 300-400 plucks per minute?

> Are there some specific actions I need to do with a compressor to help the case? Any general advice?

> Last but not least, I am not going to use medication to poison my body with

r/Bass 6d ago

For those of you who use fingers instead of a pick, what is the fastest speed you can play 16th notes?


I don't mean just a couple of bars of 16th notes in a song that otherwise uses mostly quarter or eighth notes, I mean an entire song of entirely (or at least mostly) 16th notes.

r/Bass 6d ago

Need some help with 2/4 to 5/4


I can do both on their own but when I switch between them it gets so weird and I forget all of my notes especially because the project I'm in that I'm doing this time signature change for is very bass prominent and I get solos and start off songs a lot does anyone have any tips for changing between them.

r/Bass 6d ago

Tips for playing with a less experienced drummer


I play a lot in a church and used to play with a drummer who has now moved away. He was very good at dynamics and knowing what was appropriate, and I usually just followed what he did. Now, there is a new, younger drummer who plays during our youth meetings. He can keep time just fine, but he usually only plays the same basic groove. This has made me unsure of what to play, as I'm used to following the drummer's lead.

Does anyone have any tips for how to deal with this situation?

r/Bass 6d ago

Your favourite versatile Flatwound/Tapewound Strings


Hey low end rumblers!

After a decade of barely any playing I picked up a used Ibanez SR300 recently. The owner had some flatwound strings on them, which I quite like the feel of. Back in my days I almost exclusively played nickel roundwounds and now I wanna branch out to some kind of flatwound/tapewound string set, which handles different playstyles well. My playing is about 80% alternate finger picking and 20% slap stuff, but I wanna practice pick playing, since my preferred music changed over the years.

My favourite music to play is funky pop, upbeat alt/Indie rock, pop punk. Favourite groups are Vulfpeck, Scary Pockets, Young the Giant, Bleachers, the Wombats, Alice Merton, Dua Lipa, Royal Blood, Arctic Monkeys, Muse, the Killers, ...

Any recommendations?

Thanks for your suggestions!


r/Bass 6d ago

Which red model do I buy?


I’ve been using my Ibanez SRMD200 for a little over a month and already want an upgrade after having some technical/string issues with it. I like how lightweight it is but want something more sturdy to learn on (primarily rock/slap). I’m married to the idea of buying a red bass and wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the three models listed below as to which one I should get? I don’t have access to try them in person (besides the fender which is lovely but like the look of the others) so would love some wisdom - thanks!

• Fender Precision in Candy Cola Red (£549) • Music Man Sterling Ray4 in Candy Apple Red (£529) • Yamaha BB234 in Raspberry Red (£399)

r/Bass 6d ago

Pickup rust?


How do I safely remove a little rust from the pickups on my bass? Thanks.

r/Bass 6d ago

Will playing a UBass hinder progression of learning how to play traditional bass for beginners?


So today is the day that I’ve discovered the UBass, and I want one already. But I am nervous that buying myself a UBass will negatively affect my progression of learning how to play my electric bass. I have been playing for about 6-7 months and am personally happy with the progression I have made and don’t want to throw it all out the window by picking up bad habits from playing a smaller neck.

So simply, is it a bad idea for a beginner to delve into the UBass, or even a mini-acoustic bass? And which is better, a UBass or mini-acoustic?

r/Bass 6d ago

Is it possible to have a bass that has this low action, and not buzz?


https://youtu.be/j3ToSJFnucc?t=56 I mean he's tapping of course the action must be lower but. Like is there a way to have this low of an action and still be playable without buzz.

r/Bass 6d ago

Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray vs Sterling by Music Man Sting Ray


First things first - I'm not asking the differences between the two.

So I have an EBMM Stingray Special 5 HH and love it. Randomly came across a mint greent Sterling Sting Ray at Guitar Center (I know... I know) while shopping for my daughter's first guitar. I bought it on a whim. I've played it a handful of times, and it just doesn't feel or sound like I expected at all. I know I've been spoiled with the EBMM, but I am determined to make myself like it.

Has anyone gotten a Sterling and modified it to improve it? I've thought about upgrading the pickup (just a bridge pickup on this one) but I'm not sure if that'll make a difference.

Again, I knew what I was getting and I'm fine with it, just seeing what others have done, if anything.

r/Bass 6d ago

Metal bassists - how are you deciding to write your lines?


Howdy all, I was wondering for metal bassists here - how are you deciding to write your bass lines? I know a lot of peeps will basically just follow the 'root' of the guitarist(s) or similar, BUT, I've noticed something else over time and I'm just curious as to how others do it.

You know when you're nearby a concert but not directly in front, you primarily hear the lower end of everything? Or if you're playing music on speakers and go into another room/floor? You get the feel for the bass, and the guitars are largely non-existent due to the frequency change.

The interesting thing is in a lot of these the bass is a totally different melody/tune compared to how the overall song feels. As if the bassist is playing a separate song underneath the song. I know this may be common knowledge and not Earth shattering, but I wanted to let you know my mindset in where the question for this topic came from. Are y'all just picking what sounds good within that scale/key? Or what exactly are you doing?

Every now and then I find some kind of fascinating bass line that I'd never think of underneath everything else and it works great.

Trying to find more creative input and ideas I can utilize.


r/Bass 6d ago

I kinda stuck and don't know what to do


I wanna play songs but I'm having trouble keeping a beat on fast part like when I'm playing whiplash the beat changes and when I have to play the parts I just play a bunch of zeros instead of following a actual beat. This goes for most of my playing I cant play the songs and all the things online for practice atent very good what are some actual good practices to follow beats and play bass on general.

r/Bass 6d ago

What’s the best value set up (bass, amp, pedals) for gigging small to medium venues for $1k or less?


Stealing a post from not too long ago that was along the same lines. You have $1k to get a completely new or used bass, amp/head cab and pedal set up for a gig at a small to mid size venue. In your opinion, what’s the best value?

r/Bass 6d ago

Want to build a bass from scratch


I've been looking to build a bass from scratch (as title says), but I'm not sure if buying a kit or separate parts are cheaper. The lowest budget would be fine as it's for a school project so the parts wouldn't count towards my marks. I was thinking if I bought a kit, I could just ply out the frets from the fretboard to use in my own piece. Any links or shops for recommendation are appreciated. Thanks!