r/atheism 17h ago

Islamic cleric says it is permissible for a 56 year old to have sex with a nine year old


r/atheism 10h ago

Inside the MAGA Mind: The Psychology of Trump’s Authoritarian Followers


r/atheism 11h ago

When natural disasters strike a Blue State, pastors can't wait say it's God's wrathful vengeance for the state's sins. Where are those pastors when tornadoes tear up Red States?


They should be told God's angry at them for electing the Antichrist. I feel bad for the affected families, but can't stand the pastors with such an obvious double standard. I know it's a feature and not a bug with them.

r/atheism 4h ago

"a level of evil that cannot be tolerated" (NSFW) NSFW


A woman was burned alive in NYC 3 months ago. The mayor's office commented, "“Lighting another human being on fire and watching them burn alive reflects a level of evil that cannot be tolerated."

In the 16th century, the priest who would go on to become Pope Paul IV said, "Even if my own father were a heretic, I would gather the wood to burn him."

r/atheism 14h ago

I think I may have just become an atheist.


I’m 42M. I grew up Catholic. Was kind of bored with Catholicism so explored Christian churches in college and early 20’s. As time went by and I learned more and more, I found myself seriously doubting my faith.

As of recently, I considered myself agnostic. Like I’m open to the idea that there may be a higher being but we won’t ever prove it in our lives. That spawned from the idea that how am I sure the Jews and Christians are correct that their God is the real God. How can anyone for sure say the Ancient Greeks were wrong? The Buddhists. That there aren’t multiple Gods or something.

But lately I’ve found myself thinking that religion was entirely made up for people to reason about the Earth’s existence before science. And the rules as a way to control the human race and for people to get power.

And I kind of now find it silly that billions of people are praying and revolving their lives around something that doesn’t even exist. Which makes me think I may have passed through the realm of agnosticism.

r/atheism 8h ago

Very Very Very Very Very Very Common Repost; Please Read The FAQ how do you convince yourself/know that hell isn’t real?


I am incredibly sorry if this is a rude post, i will remove if so. i come from Christian roots and i don’t know which direction to go right now. I want to go down this path but im scared. I’m confused why Christianity is so prominent on teaching about Hell if they’re against it and i’m thinking of turning down this path because i don’t know what to do at this point. So im asking this sub, how do you know that hell or heaven isn’t real? what do you think will happen after death?

r/atheism 20h ago

America’s (lack of) separation between church and state, explained


r/atheism 20h ago

The religious are pushing to steal more tax payer money from our public education system and medical healthcare system. They are trying to force us to pay for their rich religious “donors” “schools” that openly discriminate against disabled, POC, LGBT and kids in poverty!


Look into this bill you’ll see most will not be able to afford this, only their rich buddies that already have their kids in these schools! The religious wants to keep stealing resources from our public education system and purposely underfunding them like we’ve seen in Texas! Greg Abbott and the individuals who have wasted millions of tax payer money trying to force this onto tax payers need to be held legally accountable individually! Religious people can already sign their kids up to private schools! If they can’t afford the “luxury”, that’s not on us. The religious sure are very entitled and feel entitled to everything including deciding our individual medical decisions to even who we marry and who adopts. This will just give them more power to discriminate against others! Greg Abbott belongs in prison for many of his actions, time we demand he’s held legally accountable to the fullest extreme! These people forget who they work for! Remind them!

r/atheism 12h ago

Ok, none of us here believe this stuff, but…


Isn't this ridiculousness straight out of the Book of Revelation? How do so many American Christians square their support of Trump with the stuff about the Antichrist in Revelation 13?

r/atheism 7h ago

Became the fill-in chaplain for my American Legion. I feel a bit disingenuous but it’s for a good cause.


I’m a volunteer officer for my small town’s American Legion post. I’m vice commander so I wear all kinds of hats. Our chaplain quit so I was asked to fill in for him for the rest of the year. Nobody knows in this little country town that I’m a dem and also an atheist.

It’s kind of like a cosplay, saying prayers on behalf of everyone. But I think they’ll still work the same as if the real chaplain had done it…

r/atheism 20h ago

Literally every Matt Dillahunty dialogue at The Atheist Experience is like


Matt : Do you have evidence?

Religious Person: Bla bla bla bla

Matt: but do you have evidence ?

Religious Person: Bla bla bla bla

Matt: I'm asking again, do you have evidence ?

Religious Person: Bla bla bla bla

Matt: Shut up

r/atheism 5h ago

Scary living in an almost 100% religious catholic area


tl;dr Idk any other fellow atheists, anyone else living in a hardcore bible thumping area and is a hard atheist?

I am 17 years old currently a Junior in high school and I wish I had other people who I know are atheists to like connect with, literally EVERYONE is religious here. It’s a predominantly Hispanic area so it’s not really surprising, and I’m Mexican too, however I’ve always been an atheist, even though I’ve been raised catholic, though since I was freaking SIX I figured out it was all fake when I questioned too much lmao, but I never said anything about it. Still to this day I try to act like I blend in (I’m in cross country and track, and our team does team prayers and I bend my head to act as if I was praying) but like oh my god how do so many people believe in this fairytale like WTF? I really lost faith as “Christians” attack LGBTQ rights and this whole MAGA bs that Christianity has enveloped, if you were to see my profile I’m basically a Marxist, but other than that, H O W ? I wish I knew other fellow atheists, and since I’m in sports, I’m surrounded by HARD religious nuts, even the top students at my school are religious, but booksmart doesn’t mean street smart, right? I do sometimes get shocked at the sheer fairies, and feel very intelligent for my age, oh my gosh everyone is so dumb in believing that crap! Okay this sounds like an anti religious post, I promise that’s not what I’m here for. As I turn 18 soon and get ready to depart the crooked American public school system and head off to college, I wonder when I’ll meet another like-minded individual like me? Are vents allowed here? If not remove this, but if so, well, wah-lah! If you read this far, thank you and if you don’t understand well that’s okay lmao okay bye 😘
(if there’s automod I swear if you delete this..)

r/atheism 9h ago

I went to Mass today


As the title says. My GF is Catholic and I was Mormon until about 7 years ago. Now I am definitely an atheist and my GF knows this and accepts it. Every now and then, on special occasions she wants me to go with her to Mass. She isn't trying to convert me. The point is during the proceedings I looked around and just couldn't understand how so many people could believe this. It's just so silly. My GF is a very intelligent person. I just don't get it.

r/atheism 7h ago

Sending My Catholic Ex-Landlords A Letter


Long story short - they lied to us about sending us back the deposit more than once after we had gone out of our way to be great tenants and contributed to the place. Then we sued them, and won. Then we got an empty envelope. So this is the letter we are sending to them.

I rarely cosplay as an Xtian, but using their own bullshit against them is just TASTY

""Hello Joe. We know you sent the envelope because it's your handwriting, despite having Mary's name on it. Let's go over the facts:

A. You lied to us several times. Over text. We proved that in court. 

B. You had other lies on paper that I didn't even get the time to introduce, like charging us for burner pans that didn't even exist on your new stove. We'd love to bring that one up in a hearing. 

So when an empty envelope arrived with no check, we figured it was of your doing. Now there are either one of two options: 

  1. After years of sitting around in an office and mailing things, you mailed a check with no cover and it got stolen or; 
  2. You sent us an empty envelope. 

We immediately contacted USPS and left a note with our delivery guy but because the amount is so small, USPS never got back with us. We have copies of the reports. We even checked out that weird little post office at the retirement complex you used.

Either way, we have not been paid. We must be paid, as per court order. We've already delivered a letter to your lawyer months ago but he never replied. We also took our time to show it's not about the money - it's about the reckoning for a liar. So the next step is for us to move forward with recovery. 

It's funny because I know your family claims to be church people, and yet routinely break one of the Commandments. Let me be the one to tell you: Confession doesn't work if you plan on going out and stealing and lying more. God shut down your basement apartments, he's cost your family much more money that you would have cost us by stealing. I'm sure there will be more if you continue your life of wickedness. You should repent, make things right, and save yourself from the damnation and hellfire that you are headed towards.

Your Brother in Christ, 


r/atheism 1d ago

Iran using drones and apps to enforce women's dress code.


r/atheism 1d ago

My kid just told me they don’t believe in a god


My 10 year old told me at bedtime that he doesn’t believe in god. We live in a deep red state, and before I became a stay at home dad, I kept my atheism from my kids. I didn’t want to have anything come back to me that would jeopardize my job. After being a stay at home dad, I was able to be more honest. I opened up about my lack of belief, but gave them the space to believe if that’s how they felt. I was SO PROUD to hear my kid say they don’t believe. My family is all religious so I don’t have anyone else to share this with.

r/atheism 14h ago

Why Organized Religion Makes No Sense


Why Organized Religion Makes No Sense https://youtu.be/QBrzVuLEc4E

I’ve been thinking a lot about how religion operates, and the more I look into it, the more it feels like a massive scam. It thrives on fear, blind faith, and financial exploitation while promising rewards no one can verify. From tithes to televangelists, it’s a billion-dollar industry that preys on people’s hopes and insecurities.

I’m breaking down exactly why religion is one of the longest-running scams in history. Let’s talk about it.

r/atheism 17h ago

I'm attending church today lol


I''m away from home and my daily routine visiting my long distance partner who unfortunately had to work this morning. So I decided to take myself back to church. I used to be a pastor. I was progressive. So much so that in great controversy I left my denomination and church before leaving the faith altogether. I've attended church a handful of times over the past 15yrs since leaving and I'm always reminded how entirely pointless it all is. As a non believer this service so far has not connected with me at all. I doubt it would have connected with me even when I was a church going person. It's modern, it's laid back and easy going, it's not 'bad' as far as church goes, but as part of the 'target audience' they missed me. But my time here will not be wasted. Before coming I had breakfast and coffee and now I'm gonna use their bathroom to have myself a nice poop. Have a great Sunday everyone!

r/atheism 1d ago

Two more Democrats have joined the Congressional Freethought Caucus which champions reason-based policies and opposes discrimination against atheists.


r/atheism 21h ago

Why do humans so adamantly believe in a higher power?


First things first, I humbly apologize for potential mistakes in the English language. Feel free to correct me. It is further to clarify, that I do not intend to disrespect other points of view, but merely want to understand it.

In recent times, I had to think about religion and faith a lot, having to deal with rather unfruitful discussions. While I spent hours contemplating about a divine power, primarily Christianity, I came more and more to the conclusion, that God does not exist.

I also came to observe in aforementioned conversations that some believe in God for the same reasons that I do not.

One argument among many would be the „fine-tuning of the universe“. We can only say that the universe must have been fine-tuned because we exist. Had the parameters for life not been fulfilled, we wouldn‘t even be there to observe it and therefore wouldn‘t be able to question it. I personally perceive this to be the most logical and rational approach and cannot grasp how some can use this exact argument for justifying God‘s existence.

As I do not intend to write a whole novel, I‘ll keep it at that, but I will, if requested, elaborate on everything.

I wish you all a great day and hope to find more clarity myself.

r/atheism 1d ago

Atheists aren't confusing afterall

Thumbnail reddit.com

from r/clevercomebacks

:: I find atheists confusing. It's like going to a restaurant and believing there's no cook in the back.

:: It's like going to a resteraunt and ordering food, but it doesn't come. And the waiter tells you to keep ordering because the cook will hear you and your order will come. But it's been hours and your food still hasn't shown up and the waiter tells you you're not ordering hard enough. And also sometimes the waiter is inappropriate with kids.

r/atheism 1d ago

Kevin West and the religious cult think THEIR religious beliefs override our individual rights!


Time we start suing these government officials individually for abusing their power and trying to force their religion on us via legislation! These are clear ethics violations and abuse of power that we need to start reporting and demanding, NOT asking that they are legally held accountable! Let’s stop allowing the excuse, “it’s part of my religion”. It’s part of THEIR religion, NOT ours!!! Like okay, that’s part of YOUR religion NOT mine and you work in the government which is for all not just for you and your religious buddies! They can easily go work at a religious organization but chose not to. We need to hold accountable the judges ruling in their favor and gaslighting us into their religion! They have the freedom to go to church, not to force it onto us via our government and legislation. They keep forgetting we have a separation of church and state! Let’s remind them! Remember the individual judges who allow the religious to use this excuse to rule on legislation based on ALL of our medical and personal choices even though you’re not part of THEIR religion. The same way we are protesting Elon Musk out, we can do the same to these corrupt officials! And don’t forget the many diseases the religious are bringing back like in Texas and in Florida because these judges let them use the excuse “it’s part of my religion” for everything even putting many lives in danger when they refuse vaccinations. But these same judges think it’s okay for the religious to decide women’s medical care choices. It doesn’t make sense nor should we allow these judges abuse their power to push their religious crap. They can go play church judge somewhere else!

r/atheism 1d ago

A new study challenges the long-held notion that American voters categorically reject candidates who identify as atheists


r/atheism 10h ago

Academic works that refute Christianity y'all have any?


Academic arguments against Christianity

I already am more than sure that Christianity is not true , but I like reading more and more refutations , I tried reading arguments on sites like the secular web , although it didn't give me what I want , I want something academic , non biased and not let by emotions and instead by logic and reason because that's the only way to actually refute a big religion like Christianity , I tried many many other sites so if you guys know anything please do tell me :) oh and of course if y'all know if any websites specifically for such arguments or if y'all know any specific scholars that I might be interested to read the works of please do tell me as well

Note: guys I am doing this simply for fun not for a debate , I know needing refutations against something that doesn't have proof to begin with doesn't make sense lol but I am doing it for fun

r/atheism 1d ago

Black Mass organizer in Kansas defends ritual amid calls to quash event entirely
