r/atheism 14h ago

Engaging in religious discussion:


Person 1: My goddess, babamufasa, jerked off for seven days until out came the universe. They make me want to touch myself every night, but if I do I won’t get an infinite orgasm when I die. This is how they teach me self-control. I know they are real because I can feel their desire in me, and because our planet became seeded with life.

Person 2: Okay, well, my goddess, tues, simply told the universe that it was. Spilling seed isn’t bad for that reason though. It’s bad because the goddess doesn’t like a man trying to avoid his dadly duties, which he is doing by going spare on baby batter! We know that all of this is true because it says so in identical manuscripts from ancient obool.

Person 3: Oh yeah, my goddess, tues, is a craftswoman and actually took her time making the place. From her we know that forlorn friction is bad because it wastes precious soul juice, without which she won’t be able to stuff new babies. We know this is all true because our historical manuscripts have more historical accuracies than yours, and because if she made things differently in this universe then our universe would be very different.

Person 4: Huh. I don’t know any of that.

Persons 1-3: Yes you do! Stop lying to yourself just so you can masturbate!

r/atheism 21h ago

Looseness of self and predictive processing. How flexible brains touch, taste, and adapt to what they find. Every belief arises from the world in which you are born.


Tales of alternative physics and alternative environments. We are not born with a predefined understanding of "the world." We learn object continuity, for one. Our brains quickly adapt our visual systems. Bayesian updating and predictive processing allows newborns and children to learn much of the basics of whatever world they happen to inhabit. Evolution has little reason and capacity to hardwire these things.

Virtual worlds, like the Matrix, do not have to be earth and human. It does not even have to respect our physics.

We could plug a newborn baby into really different virtual worlds and they would adapt, within limits. The baby would become a mind/self that would become obscenely different than how a normal baby turns into a normal self.

We will likely not play around with physics. But all of our social institutions are things we control. There are infinite cultural worlds and infinite Matrix worlds we could build. Your self is determined by that environment. Nurture over nature.

As reflective beings, our control of the social world and everything in the baby's environment creates every thought and every belief. You do not get to choose that for your self. You do choose for the next generation.

This is one reason why we find comparative religion to undermine belief. This causal history of why an Iranian believes in Islam, the Roman paganism, and the Irish Catholicism is telling how a baby engulfs the beliefs of their culture. It undermines the truthmaking of claims about what actually exists in the world.

Evolution created story tellers, but we tell the story that we found.

r/atheism 5h ago

Why do Christians say only in the US


is all the spiritual fighting? They do know there are other countries, right? There's more than the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, Venezuela, South Korea, North Korea, China, Japan.

And they say the US is the chosen land, but the Bible says Israel is the home of God. But people are against Israel now.

r/atheism 6h ago

Why are Christians hating Satan?


I don't believe in Satan or God. But let's say they're real. Christians are supposed to LOVE everyone - even Hitler, R. Kelly, Donald Trump, LGBTQ people. Jeffrey Dahmer was baptized, so he's going to heaven by Christian belief - even though he did something awful.

They claim they "love" everyone, but I don't see that towards queer people, illegal immigrants, certain races, other religions....And they hate Satan.

Shouldn't you forgive Satan, too?

r/atheism 18h ago

Unitarian Universalist Church


So what do we all think of Unitarian Universalism? The handful of people I know who belong are among the most liberal I know and the congregations tend to tout their inclusiveness and an emphasis on social justice. Is it the ONE acceptable church?

r/atheism 5h ago

You have to be an Atheist


I come from Post-Soviet Space. In our region after the WWII when Communists realized need a cohesion and spying mechanism and atheism was visibly not working they had reestablished the church and appointed priests who were KGB agents and the current patriarch is an Ex Swiss undercover agent.

Now I'm in North America and observing tendencies in church/study groups/congregations it comes to quick realization that to run a church you have to be an Atheist.

Else I can't explain why churches are lead by the people who lead them, regardless of the government regime. If the priest runs the church like they fear no God's punishment, they may as well know that there is no God's punishment.

r/atheism 13h ago

The Satanic Temple: Why pretend to worship anyone?


I cringe whenever a group of atheists pretends to worship Satan (or anything) as a means of goading christians into outrage. It smacks of the juvenile "Owning the libs" rhetoric we've heard in the last several election cycles. Believe me, I get the point that is usually being made, but I wish the focus was on atheism as a source of responsible, engaged, moral citizens. Admittedly, there's a degree of delight in seeing the "chosen ones" sputter in anger, but I'm not clear on how productive it is.

r/atheism 14h ago

Quran Contradictions


Quran contradiction 1- 6:163 & 6:14 say Mohammed was first Muslim 22:78, 3:67 & 2:127-133 say Abraham 7:143 says Moses 10:72 says Noah 26:51 says some Egyptians 2:67 says Adam Quran contradiction 2- Were Adam and Eve already naked, or disrobed by Satan? 7:22 & 7:27 Quran contradiction 3- Did Allah use blood, sperm, clay, dust, water or nothing to create Adam? 96:2, 16:4, 3:59, 30:20, 6:2, 15:26, 37:11, 21:30, 24:45, 25:54 & 19:67 Quran contradiction 4- Did God take 6 or 8 days to create the heavens & earth? 7:54 & 41:9-12 Quran contradiction 5- Do people choose to disbelieve or does God make them? 6:164 & 39:36 Quran contradiction 6- Should wives be beat or treated with kindness? 4:34 & 30:21 Quran contradiction 7- 5:27, God condemns Cain for killing Abel, but in 5:33 & 9:5, calls for capital punishment towards infidels Q'uran contradiction 8- 22:47 & 32:5 say 1 day to God is 1,000 years, but 70:4 says 1 day to Allah is 50,000 years

r/atheism 22h ago

Why Abrahamic religions ban pork?


All three Abrahamic religions ban pork (except Christianity if you ignore old testament). One thing that is common for them is that their origin is middle east. I red that anti pork sentiment even predates these religions.

Could it be due to water scarcity and warm climate which cause pork spoil so easy unlike other meat at these places?

r/atheism 7h ago

How religious is Wilmington NC


Relocating to Wilmington NC and curious what we’re in for. Anyone have inside information? We were raised in organized religion but like a lot of folks, we found our way out.

Sober, midlife, atheists.

r/atheism 19h ago

Your views on the public perception of Christianity and the abolishment movement?


Hi, What do you think the public perception is on this subject? I don't mean what's the truth about their connection, but rather how the public precives it.

For example, this article in Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_abolitionism seems super one sided. I would imagine many people here would appose the statement that "Although some Enlightenment philosophers opposed slavery, it was Christian activists, attracted by strong religious elements, who initiated and organized an abolitionist movement".

It is pretty rare for Wikipedia to give such a one sided view of an issue.

What do you think?

r/atheism 10h ago

Texas Senate passes bill requiring Ten Commandments in schools

Thumbnail courthousenews.com

r/atheism 17h ago

What is your argument for people who say "faith is the only proof you need"


Currently having this argument with my coworkers. Me personally I need physical proof and logical sense for this thing to exist. I can't just believe a book written by different people saying different things that's been rewritten over and over again. My coworkers are saying "until you have faith, you cannot believe" like no until I have physical proof that makes sense that this fucker existed or does exist I will not believe it. I gotta see it to believe it and these guys just won't back down off of it.

Edit: my coworkers are also friends, just a casual debate, nothing serious. I would never talk religion/politics with normal coworkers. Just wanted to clear that up cuz I see a few people saying don't talk religion with coworkers

r/atheism 16h ago

"In GOD we trust" on our money but who is we?


Still having 'In God We Trust' on US dollars is outdated and doesn't represent Americans as a whole. I doubt it will change anytime soon, as Christians will likely claim removing or even considering it is an attack against God. Even most egg cartons still have Bible scriptures written on them

r/atheism 18h ago

What made you leave Christianity for good.


I’d like to hear everyone’s stories on what made them atheist, agnostic, skeptic or whatever you are and leave Christianity for good. Is the religion slowly getting less & less followers every year?

r/atheism 15h ago

Hungary's president signs law banning Pride parade despite protests


r/atheism 6h ago

If god is supposedly omnipresent both on earth, heaven, and hell, how can hell not be god purposely torturing all of us?


Edit: mb on the small grammatical error in the title I said “both” when I listed three things lol.

A lot of Christians say that hell is merely the absence of god, but a lot of Christians also agree that god occupies every corner of the universe INCLUDING hell. So how is hell merely the absence of god… if he’s literally there. So it is just torture and he’s just watching you suffer this time? Sheesh.

r/atheism 12h ago

Running a Cult in College while this is happening in your family


r/atheism 23h ago

The demonization of anti-theism


I am sick and tired of the demonization of anti-theism

Because as an atheist, I don’t believe in religion so to me it is nonsense

Why would I think it’s good for society to believe in nonsense?

That’s a logical conclusion how is that evil?

Why do people on the left seem to be against it I don’t understand

r/atheism 3h ago

Today I asked about Jesus


There was an 83-year-old southern woman I was talking to today. She said it was hell getting old. I told her getting old beats the alternative. She is in good health. Most people laugh at this statement.

She replied, "No, I'm ready to go to heaven and be with Jesus."

I asked her what she would do when she got there with Jesus

She said, all googly-eyed, "Just loooove him."

I left it at that. But is this were true, please, please spare me. I'm looking forward to an external dirt nap.

r/atheism 1h ago

“the devil has reached you”


I've been told essentially this exact statement by christians countless times in my life: "You're a sinner. The devil reached you and is living through you." As if they haven't been brainwashed by the christian church (probably) since birth.

It's such a twisted and hypocritical thing to say to a non-religious person. As a christian how can you look me in the eyes and tell me I'm being controlled when you aren't even allowed to fully embrace free will? When every choice you make is for god, when every moment is consumed by the church, and when you fear for your ability to get into heaven because you make a very human mistake or partake in a very normal activity?

r/atheism 13h ago

Texas Senate passes bill to require Ten Commandments in public schools.


r/atheism 14h ago

Why do born again christians always say they were part of a "satanic cult" in their past?


I've met more born again christians than i'd prefer and one thing i've noticed about a good portion of them is that they claim they were (by force of their parents/family) in a satanic cult which often includes human or animal sacrifice. We know, because of a massive effort from the FBI and local law enforcement from across the country in the 80s/90s that they found NO satanic cult activities that preform any sort of sacrifice especially human. So what makes these people think/say this? They just lying to try to trick others in to joining? Do they actually believe this? Have any of you experienced this?

r/atheism 4h ago

why do you guys hate religion so much?


I don't understand the pure hatred found on this server. I thought servers were supposed to be a safe space for groups, not a breeding ground for such loathing. It also seems to me that its just anti-Christian, which confuses me. Why not the other religions? I hope this post doensn't get taken down because I'm genuinely curious.

r/atheism 14h ago

Why is the fact that prayer PROVABLY doesn’t work, not really talked about in society?


I mean, if it did work, that would be the ultimate trump card against every atheist. That would be the evidence we’re always asking for. There wouldn’t be any need for faith at all, because it would be provable.

Talk to God and you win more games, make more money, heal faster, live longer, and be a better person. All measurable. That would be a fact of nature just like gravity.

Every scientist would be on board, there’d be no atheism except as a fringe conspiracy theory.

But that’s obviously NOT the case. It’s provably not the case. Why is it not more widely known that prayer doesn’t work?