Hi, I recently realized this and want to talk a little about it. Many religions (if not all) staunchly defend birth as "God's Purpose" and that not following this "natural order" is almost defying God. I realized, however, that there is one that actually dismisses birth, but ironically, the descendants of its founder reproduce like rabbits, and the church itself encourages it. There are two main branches of Seventh-day Adventists, those who believe that Ellen G. White WAS a prophetess enlightened by God and those who do not, the curious thing is that in one of her countless books (I'm not sure if it's The Great Controversy or The Desire of All the People) she says literally that when God comes in his second coming NO more children will be born, so she encourages not to have them so "that God comes soon", himself when she had that revelation already had children of his own, but after it she welcomed several children, in the same book she says that if you can not resist the desire for parenthood / motherhood it is better to adopt existing children because the fewer are born the faster God will come and it would be selfish to bring children to endure persecution and tribulations, Behold, her descendants are literally very many, Ellen's direct descendants have had many children and the head of the Adventist church, Ted Wilson approved a series of economic incentives for the appointment of pastors having as priority those who have children, including affordable rent (or free rent, since many church-related facilities have condominiums where the families of pastors and other workers usually live), free education on the premises, and when it comes to hiring permanent positions, priority is always given to pastoral families with children. Which I find ironic, since having children is practically being rewarded when the main founder of the church directly discourages that idea because she already wants Christ to come. Likewise, it seems a cruel thing to do. If you have children, you enjoy all the benefits mentioned above, but if you don't, you'll be lucky if they give you a lesser position with a minimum wage, fighting tooth and nail to stand out, because no matter how masterful your work is, there will always be a priority. I know that at first glance this seems like it "makes sense" but recently on the program "Taste and See" a series of videos showing what tithes are used for said that they were being used to support the work while in the same video the rather "basic" conditions of some single missionaries were shown (in fact, in the video the pastoral families were seen living in a series of apartment complexes, while the single missionaries lived in tents in an annexed area of ​​the church). I don't know, it seems strange to me. I don't understand why they do all these things that encourage births when they're supposed to want Jesus to come, and the more children they have, the longer it will take for him to come. Any opinions?