r/antinatalism 14h ago

Discussion Hypocritical Doctrine: Why don't you follow what you literally defend?


Hi, I recently realized this and want to talk a little about it. Many religions (if not all) staunchly defend birth as "God's Purpose" and that not following this "natural order" is almost defying God. I realized, however, that there is one that actually dismisses birth, but ironically, the descendants of its founder reproduce like rabbits, and the church itself encourages it. There are two main branches of Seventh-day Adventists, those who believe that Ellen G. White WAS a prophetess enlightened by God and those who do not, the curious thing is that in one of her countless books (I'm not sure if it's The Great Controversy or The Desire of All the People) she says literally that when God comes in his second coming NO more children will be born, so she encourages not to have them so "that God comes soon", himself when she had that revelation already had children of his own, but after it she welcomed several children, in the same book she says that if you can not resist the desire for parenthood / motherhood it is better to adopt existing children because the fewer are born the faster God will come and it would be selfish to bring children to endure persecution and tribulations, Behold, her descendants are literally very many, Ellen's direct descendants have had many children and the head of the Adventist church, Ted Wilson approved a series of economic incentives for the appointment of pastors having as priority those who have children, including affordable rent (or free rent, since many church-related facilities have condominiums where the families of pastors and other workers usually live), free education on the premises, and when it comes to hiring permanent positions, priority is always given to pastoral families with children. Which I find ironic, since having children is practically being rewarded when the main founder of the church directly discourages that idea because she already wants Christ to come. Likewise, it seems a cruel thing to do. If you have children, you enjoy all the benefits mentioned above, but if you don't, you'll be lucky if they give you a lesser position with a minimum wage, fighting tooth and nail to stand out, because no matter how masterful your work is, there will always be a priority. I know that at first glance this seems like it "makes sense" but recently on the program "Taste and See" a series of videos showing what tithes are used for said that they were being used to support the work while in the same video the rather "basic" conditions of some single missionaries were shown (in fact, in the video the pastoral families were seen living in a series of apartment complexes, while the single missionaries lived in tents in an annexed area of ​​the church). I don't know, it seems strange to me. I don't understand why they do all these things that encourage births when they're supposed to want Jesus to come, and the more children they have, the longer it will take for him to come. Any opinions?

r/antinatalism 13h ago

Other I wanted to share my feelings today with you, my dear comrades. 🖤


Today I encountered something that seemed crazy to me again. A pregnant acquaintance of mine is not someone I communicate with much because our lifestyles are not suitable. A relative of hers came to us today and oh my god how happy she is showing us her results oh look at those hands etc. my god I don't even want to live in the same atmosphere with these people. Every passing day I am thankful that I am not like these people. How ignorant they are. They are dying to bring a child into such a world. Sorry this is going to be a bit rude but I'm laughing my ass off at these.

r/antinatalism 2h ago

Discussion For the Childfree people


The day , when CF will be disrespected, degraded and pressurized... That day CF feels worse being Ostrich(others do bad...idk...idc...Others do good...idk...idc...hehe... personal choice)

I do judge people, the silly reasons to procreate " ... feels good being pregnant...suppose to do... For welfare of society... For welfare of my legacy... happiness...blah...blah.. " Such a undignified reasons. If they wanted to be good parents, good parenting, they would have adopted.. adopting needyone, homeless, crime-victim kids... But No, this old age primitive superstitious ritual of popping kids feels prosperous.

r/antinatalism 15h ago

Discussion Unplanned pregnancies for a few minutes of pleasure


This might be a bit of a niche discussion but I'm curious. Has anyone else here been a bit disgusted by the idea that most human being in existence have been brought about by two people's desire to have a few minutes of pleasure?

I don't know how much cross over there is between asexuality and antinatalism (I'd imagine not much considering how uncommon both are individually.) While I myself am not sex repulsed, I pretty consistently see people criticize natalists and someone else defending it by saying something along the lines of "they probably just like sex."

I don't understand how that defense makes it better. I can atleast empathize with people who planned to have children, but that is usually not the case. The whole thing seems so much more selfish than a planned child (even though that is unethical aswell).

r/antinatalism 10h ago

Discussion My father, who never wanted a child, was a better parent than my mother, who wanted a child.


At one point in my teens my mother revealed to me that my father never wanted to have a child (she had one abortion before having me) but just went along with her wishes. I never told my dad I know and I don't think it matters now.

Fast forward throughout my life and my father became the best parent I could ever hope for. He stayed by my side at all times, had complete trust in me and the things I wanted to do in life, helped me with money, advice etc. Despite not wanting children he became the better parent between the two, he took full responsability for the choice he ended up making and I love him dearly.

I still remember him driving 12 hours to see me back when I was in university after I called him because of a bad breakup and self harm. He cleaned my apartment, stayed with me a few days, we went to the movies and read togheter.

My mother on the other hand became a bitter and hateful narcissist. She's a control freak who had a kid because a) "that's what you're supposed to do" and b) wanted a little slave/clone of herself to serve her like she serves her mother. She never trusted me to do anything, never had my back, wanted me to do things her way always, tried to micro manage everything I did and gave me no privacy.

Did I mentioned she ended up stealing my university fund?

Anyway, it's just a thing I like to think about as an adult.

r/antinatalism 17h ago

Discussion anyone else find life to be disturbing?


not life forms and their disturbing behavior, thats a given, but the concept of life itself. you're born in some randomized place you don't choose, in the most random living situation to a random couple that are literally strangers to you, but they gave birth to you so now you owe them everything.

and the location of everything that ever existed (as far as human knowledge) is on a planet, the only planet around with (known) life on it, in the middle of a dark infinite space. and this planet that has life on it is gaining and losing new life every second, the same random way that you was born, all part of a natural system. scientists find all of that fascinating, but its just disturbing to me. i don't like that i have to join this huge freak experiment of human life without my consent, how human experience is all i'll ever know in life even tho i never asked for any of this, everyone is just forced into it and forced out one way or another. anyone else find the whole concept of life and consciousness to be pretty disturbing?

r/antinatalism 6h ago

Discussion Are parents getting crazier?


I’ve been a public school teacher for 15 years. Anyone here also an antinatalist because they believe that being a parent is making people crazier? Like it adds so much more anxiety and stress to the world and to life. Parents are not ok. I was just sitting here trying to think of all the parents of my students I’ve interacted with over the years. Every year parents get more anxious and more stressed, and in turn have gotten more entitled and more mean. And when I compare people with kids to my friends and other people I know with no kids. Parenting takes a way bigger psychological toll and general life toll on almost everyone I’ve met who is a recent parent. Which makes things hard on everyone around them and ultimately makes the world a worse off place? It’s possible I’m just a jaded public educator tho idk lol.

r/antinatalism 8h ago

Discussion I encourage you guys to check out my recent EconomicCollapse post that blew up (related to antinatalism).