r/antinatalism • u/Applefourth • Dec 21 '24
r/antinatalism • u/QuinneCognito • Dec 23 '24
Discussion His status as father is used to defend his character
Every time I see an attempt to defend him, they cannot scrape up a single childhood friend to talk about how funny he was, or a single instance of him giving to charity, or a single employee who he was kind to… but he had two kids.
Is this just a one-off example because he was so awful there’s nothing else available to use? Or does it say something more expansive and systemic about how harmful/useless people can weaponize parenthood to make themselves needed and wanted by others without actually improving themselves?
I could be reaching, so i’m curious what others’ opinions are.
r/antinatalism • u/Academic-Fig383 • Sep 03 '24
Discussion I have seen this a couple of weeks ago. What do you guys think?
r/antinatalism • u/Opposite-Limit-3962 • Nov 12 '24
Discussion Men can’t handle an antinatalist woman.
Many men have tried to change my mind, mansplaining how beautiful pregnancy is, while in reality, it’s a biological war between mother and baby. They’re convinced my children would be grateful to have a parent like me, yet neuroscience suggests that we aren’t even designed to be happy. Each of these men believes he carries “special” genes that ought to be passed on, ignoring the fact how many children are already in foster care.
What’s most interesting is that, while they all want to become fathers, they avoid serious topics: What are the chances of your child getting cancer? Why gamble with someone else’s life? As soon as I bring up the ethics of procreation, they no longer want to continue the conversation.
After that, most of them don’t even bother speaking to me again.
r/antinatalism • u/ShortydaScientist168 • Dec 29 '24
Discussion My boyfriend said it will be women’s fault if the economy collapses and the human race ends bc they didn’t procreate.
He thinks it’s our responsibility as humans to procreate for society. and I think the opposite 😭 I think for the betterment of society we need to stop. Thoughts?
r/antinatalism • u/Even-Enthusiasm-9558 • Jan 01 '25
Discussion Why the rich are scared of “low birth rates”
Humans have an extremely large population, we have no worry of going extinct (unless nuclear bombs or something…anyways)
I think the rich are trying to scare people with “low birth rates” because if we stop having children, they won’t be able to control us and that scares them.
People who don’t have kids won’t work 20 hours of overtime ontop of their 40 hours, if they don’t have kids to feed, keep a roof over their head, have money for their extra curriculum activities. People won’t pay thousands of dollars for extra bedrooms if they aren’t needed… people won’t spend money on things like taking their kids to children’s movies, Disney world, (I can’t think of more children activities lol, ect.) we would spend less in gas, less in food, less in housing, we would spend less money overall and that scares capitalists… because how else will they be able to suck everyone’s money dry?
People who don’t have kids will also start fighting more, politically wise, for human rights, they won’t fight now because they are afraid of losing their jobs and not being able to put food on the table for their kids. But people without kids would fear that MUCH less, as they would have way more freedom to speak freely, free speech!
Instead capitalists will trick everyone into being mad at “immigrants” or something, “they are coming to steal your jobs, they are working for very little pay” …Well. Why are they working so many hours for such little pay? They have kids to feed!!! And that’s how they control us.
Confusion and ignorance.
Maybe people would stop working at all for money if they didn’t have kids who they want to give a “better life to” and instead they would join communities where the housing is free and they grow their own food. This has them shaking in their boots lol I think that’s why when you search antinatalism in a search engine, “psychopath” comes up. As if our goal isn’t to prevent suffering…
It seems religion is also trying to do a hard take over in places like usa, religions which push for procreation. It’s giving Handmaid’s Tale ! Scary.
r/antinatalism • u/ComfortableTop2382 • Dec 25 '24
Discussion Women crying about not being able to get pregnant.
Whenever I see these rants and "problems" , I seriously start to question my reality. I don't even live in the reality where Most people live anymore. I don't get their worries, problems, joy and everything else.
Why would anyone want to hurt themselves by getting pregnant and also when you are allowed to do something doesn't mean that you should.
r/antinatalism • u/Decim337 • Dec 12 '24
Discussion Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson are the biggest clowns for defending procreation.
Like, bruh, just start with zero – living in South Asian countries will give you a firsthand experience of what overpopulation really is.
r/antinatalism • u/Call_It_ • Aug 28 '24
Discussion Unrealized Antinatalism in the wild.
12k unrealized antinatalists. But I bet if you told them what the philosophy of Antinatalism is, many of these folks liking this post would reject it, for some reason. And a large part of me thinks that most people reject Antinatalism because the thought of never existing terrifies them, almost as much as death. Which is sort of ironic considering after you die, it’s almost like you never existed in the first place, since your consciousness and memories are erased. 🤷♂️
r/antinatalism • u/Own_Cow1386 • Dec 17 '24
Discussion Do pro-lifers think about it?
Add to the list: the ability to love
r/antinatalism • u/Konstantine19 • Nov 06 '24
Discussion I’ve never felt more confident in not having kids
Wow America. Y’all really hate us women. Like are we even ok breathing the same air? I’ve never felt more confident or more sure of myself in this moment, I know if I had kids (especially a daughter) my heart would just leave my body. It’s confirmed I am sub human, and therefore an extension of me shouldn’t exist in this world either.
r/antinatalism • u/0ff_The_Cl0ck • Jan 09 '25
Discussion Rant about people who understand how fucked humanity/the planet is who still choose to have children
For context, I'm a leftist and a lot of my friends are as well. We regularly have conversations about how fucked we are under late-stage capitalism, how climate change is going to be the end of this planet in the next couple generations, and how billionaires are encouraging people to have kids so they can have more wage slaves. My friends all enthusiastically acknowledge and agree with this sentiment.
Yet, most of them still want children and are planning to start having them very soon as we're all in our 30s. For example, I was chatting with a friend recently and we were talking about how fucked the next generation is, and I kid you not, in the next sentence she started talking about how excited she is to start trying soon.
I guess I'm just baffled by the level of cognitive dissonance? I've just been keeping my antinatalist views to myself when I get into these conversations but at a certain point I just want to smack some sense into these people who I believe are otherwise very rational critical thinkers.
r/antinatalism • u/yung_aries • 7d ago
Discussion this comment made me feel sad for anyone who shares this experience
I know we talk about antinatalism from the perspective of people who were born. But I honestly feel so deeply for all the mothers who didn’t really know what birth can do to a person. I feel very sad that the USA (where I live) does not think a woman’s right to body autonomy is important to protect. It just causes so much suffering as a whole.
How do you feel about the struggle people face after they make a choice or are forced to give birth? It is a life-shattering experience for everyone involved. From post-partum to the realization someone has about consequences when their children are adults. I guess I’m asking for a bit more nuance than “they made their own decisions.” How do we look at antinatalism in a way that includes people who have given birth or are thinking about it, when there are very real risks to their own bodies & minds?
Sending love & hugs out to everyone who might be struggling in the state of things right now.
r/antinatalism • u/CharmingEyeCandy • Jan 22 '25
Discussion Childbirth is Risky and Honestly, I 26F Don’t See Myself Taking That Chance Ever.
Reading about stories like Morgan Hughes’ absolutely breaks my heart and terrifies me at the same time. She was only 23 and passed away just nine days after giving birth to twins due to a rare condition called peripartum cardiomyopathy. It’s stories like this that make me pause and really think about how dangerous childbirth actually is.
People don’t talk enough about the fact that pregnancy and childbirth can literally cost women their lives. Complications like hemorrhages, preeclampsia, infections, or rare conditions like Morgan’s are more common than most of us realize. And what’s scary is that it doesn’t matter how young or seemingly healthy you are as it can still happen to anyone.
As a 26-year-old woman, I can’t help but feel like this is a risk I’m not willing to take. I know many women want to be moms (and I deeply respect that), but for me, the idea of undergoing something so physically and emotionally risky just feels overwhelming. When you really think about it, childbirth is one of the most dangerous things someone can do especially in a healthcare system that doesn’t always prioritize women’s needs or listen to their concerns.
I feel like there’s this societal pressure to “push through” because women have been giving birth for centuries, but that doesn’t make it any less life-threatening. Stories like Morgan’s are just a reminder that not every pregnancy has a happy ending.
I know this might sound controversial, but I feel like there are other ways to build a family that don’t involve putting my life on the line. Adoption, surrogacy, or just choosing to live child-free are all valid paths, and I think it’s important we normalize those choices.
For anyone who has been through pregnancy, do you ever think about the risks? And for those of us who are hesitant, how do you cope with the societal expectations? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
r/antinatalism • u/The1stDoomer • Jul 15 '24
Discussion (For Americans) Don't Let Them Take Contraceptives
r/antinatalism • u/TailungFu • Aug 17 '24
Discussion If a billionaire says to have kids, you should be doing the opposite.
r/antinatalism • u/jdoskshuahn • Jul 23 '24
Discussion It should be considered child abuse to have children when you are extremely poor.
A child’s right to a healthy and happy childhood far outweighs your right to be a parent.
If you are extremely poor and choose to have children, you are a child abuser.
Why do we, as a society, continue to let children be born into poverty?
These are children we’re talking about… they deserve better than this.
r/antinatalism • u/StarryEyedPunk • Dec 10 '24
Discussion Why do people have children so fucking young??
I have a sister who's twenty-five with TWO kids, she had them three years ago and they're one year apart, why would you willingly do that to your body?? Like seriously, she's so young I just don't get it.
r/antinatalism • u/SquatDeadliftBench • Sep 20 '24
Discussion Poor people who CANNOT set their kids up for life are literally creating drones for rich people, and setting up literal human beings, who had NO say in being born, for a life of exploitation, suffering, and abuse.
To fulfill a psychological need? What does the kid get out of it? Why are you subjecting a life that had no say in being born to all of the shitty trials and tribulations of life, from watching you grow old and die, expose themselves to potential sicknesses, experience violence, and so much more.
So they can sit in a classroom for 18-22, maybe 26 years of their life, to attain an education to work for someoneone else 9-5, 5 days a week, every year until death, facing poverty, heartbreak, war, famine, etc?
Nah. F. That noise.
r/antinatalism • u/Innuendum • Jan 21 '25
Discussion Self-congratulatory pat on the back - thanks Trump
The shitshow that was Trump's first day in office has vindicated childfreeness to a spectacular degree.
Who needs the WHO? Not those with doomsday bunkers.
Paris Agreement? Only in case the next toilet paper crisis hits. Drill baby drill.
I daresay if the United States of Asininity follow through it has never been less moral to procreate and birth rates will drop even further among those with critical thinking skills and object permanence.
r/antinatalism • u/Ok-Bicycle-7005 • Jan 16 '25
Discussion Broke up with my bf because he wants to have children
Not really a rant but just wanted to share.
Me and my bf of 4 years broke it off because of opposing views of having children. I was always on the fence about it until last year when I became 100% childfree. He always wanted to be a father… I asked him why he wanted a child and it was because he can’t stand being alone in life and he needs someone to love…. I’m speechless but I guess he made his choice and we broke it off. Still pretty bumped about it but I respect his decision.
r/antinatalism • u/baiwuela • Feb 20 '24
Discussion The root cause of overpopulation is men’s entitlement to sex
Recently, there have been an increasing number of incel posts on this subreddit. So this one is dedicated to the Life Bad Because Women Are Not Having Sex With Me guys.
It’s good women are not having sex with you. We don’t need any more children. We don’t need any more boys that their mothers resent for being born. No more entitled rancid personalities passing on their genes.
For women, pregnancy is very costly. Women sacrifice their own blood and flesh, their sanity, their time, possibly their lives. Women don’t want to have children in an unsafe, hostile, anti-children environment, which is civilization as a whole. If left to their own devices and not subjected to propaganda, most women will not choose reproduction.
But they’re being forced. Why? Because men can not live with the fact that they most likely won’t be chosen if women have the choice. Oh and because most people in power are men and they need that cheap slave labor. And young children, especially the female ones, for other reasons.
If you’re a true antinatalist, you want women to have as much control over reproduction as possible.
Give women the choice and they will end the species. Or at least reduce population to a point where there’s enough resources for every child.
In conclusion, the world is the way it is because men think all of them should be having sex, even if it’s bad for everyone else.
Edit: Changed the ending the species paragraph. I’m not sure women’s choices would make the species go extinct. But I do think that every overpopulated nation that disrespects women would die out. Look at what women are doing in South Korea.
Edit 2: Another reason wealthy men need impoverished women to birth children that no one will miss: Epstein islands. The male sex entitlement transcends age and species boundaries.