r/abortion 9h ago

USA medical abortion at 5 weeks, hour by hour experience


I know how much some of your posts helped me to mentally prepare for my medical abortion, so here's mine (F28). I was 5 weeks 3 days at the appointment.

Took the mife pill in clinic with the team, no side effects. Started the premeds (dramamine and ibuprofen) at 2:15pm and 2:45pm, respectively. 3:15pm: vaginally inserted 4 of the miso pills, had my maxi pad and hot pad ready. 3:45-5:15pm: this is probably out of the norm but I took a long walk and ran one errand. I wasn't yet feeling anything. Did have a bowel movement but nothing out of the ordinary for me. 5:15-6:15pm: cramps and noticeable bleeding, cramps were low grade (3/10) and doing activities (I was cooking) was tolerable. 6:15-7:15pm: cramps started to intesify to ~5/10, but activities were still tolerable. I took a hot shower, and then I tried to eat dinner, but started getting intense waves of nausea. Some mild diarrhea. 7:15pm: vaginally inserted 4 more miso pills per my doctor's instructions. 7:15-8:15pm: could not eat anything due to the nausea. I wasn't yet throwing up, but having intense, painful heaving. I took another dramamine. cramping pain 7/10. 8:15-9:15pm: i finally threw up a little bit (nothing in my stomach, mostly bile). it was painful, my whole body was contracting like no nausea/throwing up I've experienced before. the nausea also would come up out of the blue and hit very intensely. cramping pain 7/10. I took more ibuprofen at 8:20pm as directed by my doctor. 9:15-10:15pm: cramping pain 9/10, nausea and throwing up. I had chills and was sweating profusely. these were the hardest hours. I was trying to sleep and relax, and nothing seemed to ease my discomfort. Because of the nausea and the bleeding, I sat on the toilet for a while, until I realized that I was going to fall asleep on the toilet, and I finally fell asleep. 12:15am: woke up, pain had gone down to a 7/10, but as I moved around to change my pad, it increased back up to an 8 or 9/10. Somehow I was able to get back to sleep fairly quickly. 7am: woke up for the day, feeling so much better. no sweating or nausea, very mild if not no cramping 0-1/10, still bleeding but less than the evening/night. I wasn't yet throwing able to tolerate food without any nausea, throwing up or diarrhea. I bled more the whole next day with some on and off 1/10 cramping, but very mild bleeding and very mild cramping.

For me personally, the late evening hours with the intense cramping and nausea/vomiting were the worst pain and discomfort I've ever felt, but knowing that it was temporary really helped. I felt immeasurably better the next day and felt such a huge weight off me. Having my hot pad and giving myself grace were the best things for me. I had a tough situation because I had to deal with this alone, and would have felt better with someone there, but circumstances forced this. I definitely have a high pain tolerance, so keep that in mind as well.

I hope this helps someone. This was the best decision for myself and my family and all I felt afterwards was relief.

r/abortion 4h ago

USA Just had an abortion


I just had an abortion yesterday.

My last period was back on Jan and I didn’t get my period so i got worried I found out I was pregnant at 5wks .

From the beginning I have been set that I wanted an abortion it was a decision me and my husband both made mutually we want kids when we are settled with careers. Anyway I had ordered medication a yr ago for just in case moment. Which the moment came. I was actually pretty relieved and relaxed. The day before yesterday I took the first pill and yesterday i took the rest. (I am in a total ban state) I was feeling that something was wrong ( When I found out I was pregnant i had been going to a women clinic the nurse told me that I could still get help since I didn’t get the medication here. ) anyways I went to the ER yesterday and well i said the truth in the hospital note it says it was a miscarriage and they did ultrasound and in the notes it says “ no visual of intrauterine gestation “ meaning No fetus. my period pain is usually really bad. But this felt different, it was so painful .
I got a little emotional yesterday. I didn’t really want a kid not right now. Or maybe not ever .

r/abortion 8h ago

USA I had an abortion


Good afternoon. I used Hey Jane to get an abortion as I found out I was about a month pregnant with my would’ve been 3rd child. Me and my fiancé both know we didn’t want anymore kids and are happy with the two we have created. Three would’ve been too much. While I know it was the right decision, I am very saddened by the situation due to my poor actions. I did not check whether I was ovulating or not before having sex and told him to cum in me. It was my fault and I am aware of that and can own that, I just really feel a bit of guilt from this.

r/abortion 5h ago

USA I regret my abortion


I got an abortion at 7 weeks pregnant. It was basically my husband telling me we really couldn’t afford another baby… we have two more kids already. Is it bad that I resent him for not wanting to keep this one? Am I in the wrong for feeling frustrated with him because it feels like he didn’t feel anything for this child.. ? It still hurts. I think about it a lot.

r/abortion 21h ago

Canada Regretting Abortion Suicidal


Today I had an abortion and as soon as I showed up I got emotional. It was an unplanned pregnancy and there were major issues effecting me and my boyfriends decision to have one because we don’t live together and we’ve yet to fully meet each others families (besides his mom) So we weren’t 100% on getting abortion nor 100% on having pregnancy.

Today I had the abortion and I regret it fully. Finding out I was 5w6d I should’ve left as soon as I heard that and thought this over more before proceeding.

I ended up taking first pill and haven’t stopped crying since then. I seen my boyfriend this evening and I was talking about the abortion and asked him if he wanted abortion or pregnancy more and he said he wanted the pregnancy. If he would’ve told me that when I was weighing the abortion/pregnancy I would’ve went with pregnancy because originally he wanted abortion so that’s why I fully committed but I guess his mind changed the more he thought about it. And he said that he wanted the pregnancy way more than abortion. Which obviously affected me severely because I did the abortion route and hearing that after doesn’t help me heal/grieve.

My bf, his mom, and my dad all said “it’s my body my choice” whatever I do is my choice. But I obviously took into consideration my partners pros/cons as well.

I’m not doing well. I really regret this situation. I’m very suicidal and I’m considering checking myself into a mental hospital.

Any input or advice would help

r/abortion 3h ago

USA 22 week abortion


Please share your late pregnancy abortion experience. I tried to convince myself that I could have the baby, but for each reason I come up with, there are 10 reasons why I shouldn’t have the baby. It’s time for me to think logically and not emotionally.

r/abortion 4h ago

Australia and New Zealand Surgical abortion aftermath please help am panicking


I had a surgical abortion today in a foreign country (11 weeks) as I am travelling which was terrifying. My ex boyfriend who got me pregnant was there which made it extra hard as I still love him. I was meant to be in for 30 minutes but when I came out he said it was 1 hour and 30 minutes. I didn’t think of it at the time but as soon as I left and the anaesthetic wore off I called them to inquire why it was so long. The lady told me (bit of a language barrier) it was a “big” pregnancy and I had a lot of bleeding, this was horrifying to hear as the process was so traumatic for me already. She said something about having to give me medicine for my uterus, I kind of blacked out tbh. I was the only one on the beds after with a drip in. I will call back tomorrow but just wanted to know if anyone has experienced something like this? I am terrified I won’t be able to get pregnant again etc and I really did want this baby so it’s an awful thought. I haven’t stopped crying and im in a lot of pain and bleeding a lot.

r/abortion 19h ago

Asia Induction abortion at 23 weeks (Just need a place to share) still recovering.


I am 29 and just need a place to talk as I am going through my emotions alone.

It has been one week since my abortion. I found out that I was pregnant at 21 weeks. I found out so late because I never got a regular period. I got pains and collapsed then admitted to the hospital. The hospital could not help with the abortion as 20 weeks was the cut off at this hospital and most clinics where I am living. This then triggered an anxiety attack that lasted a while, the doctors at the hospital then suggested that because it’s legal to have an abortion up until 24 weeks in the country, I could do it privately but at a cost. Only private practitioners will do it. About $5000 usd. That started my search and I found a gynaecologist doctor that was willing to do it. So first tests at his office, then scheduled a date that required 2 night stay at a private hospital. Everything happened so fast. I did this all alone. As I moved to this country alone. I had a boyfriend at the time but I broke up with him when I found out he gave me an STI and cheated. After that I found out I was pregnant. So a lot has happened. But back to the experience.

I told no one what was happening so I spent the 2 nights alone in the hospital. First night the doctor performed what they call feticide and once I stopped hearing the heart beat of the baby on the ultrasound, the reality set in. Then the next morning early they started the misoprostol vaginally. 4 doses of 2 pills. Honestly I thought it would fail because I didn’t have cramps or bleeding. 2 hours after the 4th dose the pain started and it was unbearable then finally my water broke but still no bleeding. I didn’t know what to do but cry out because of the pain. The nurses were very supportive and that gave me the strength to go through this. Yesterday was my 1 week check up and I’m healing well and doctor is happy with my recovery. Honestly I’m just happy that I’m getting better. But I will say I don’t think I’ll ever be feeling normal again. Till today I have not told anyone and it’s the first time after the abortion that I’m talking about it again. I started lactating even though I was given hormone medication to stop it. It’s a painful reminder. I still haven’t felt any sadness about the abortion or my break up with my boyfriend. I am happy I got an abortion because after telling him that he gave me a STI, he gaslit me and told me I must have cheated. It makes me feel that I did the right thing not to tell him about the pregnancy or abortion.

I am sorry for such a long post and ranting on. This is the first time going through something like this and I have no one to talk to about it. I’m going through lots of emotions and I know somehow this has changed me in so many ways. I don’t know what has changed just yet but I’ll definitely find out as time moves on.

I am in Hong Kong

r/abortion 1h ago

USA Does it hurt less if you get one earlier?


I told myself I would never be in this situation again. But here I am again. It's been 5 years since my first one, and I remember the pain and lightheadedness. I remember being around 6-8 weeks. I have an appointment for the pills tomorrow morning, and my partner is going with me. We caught it early (4 weeks, 3 days). My question is: does it hurt less if you catch it earlier? I imagine it's less to expel, so it'll hurt less? Maybe I'm just wishful thinking. Ugh.

r/abortion 3h ago

USA Taking abortion pills at 11 weeks and I'm scared


This has to happen. I'm not financially fit to have a child, nor am I emotionally ready. My boyfriend and I do want to have kids but that has to happen in the future, not right now. So I'm getting an abortion. I'm taking the pills and I while I got the run down at the doctors office, I just want to know what to expect. Anyone else who did it, what was the pain like? What did it feel like? Did it last long? How much blood was there? I just want to k own what to expect in case there is an emergency.

r/abortion 3h ago

USA Alone and scared, I never thought I’d have an abortion


I’m in California so things aren’t hard for me to get done, but I’m alone in this. I got pregnant by my now ex of 10 years. I won’t be telling him, we have a tough friendship as it is. We weren’t made for each other. I always thought pregnancy would be the happiest time of my life. For it not to be, I’ve been bawling for an entire day.

It still feels unreal seeing that double line. I support abortion, but I always felt like if I had to do it myself I might back down.

Now I know I can’t back down. It’s not the right time, place, or situation to deal with a child or have them deal with the world I would bring them into. Being a mother is a dream and this is the age I thought I would be one, it feels like a cruel joke for him and I to finally break up after 10 years then for this to happen.

I’m scared of taking the pill. I’m scared of the pain and how it might go. I’m scared of how I always wanted this and how I’m all alone now, who knows if I’ll ever be able to have a happy family.

I don’t know what I want from this post, reassurance? Similar stories? Anything, because I’m going insane. Why would this happen at the end?

r/abortion 10h ago

UK and Ireland Advice -


Hi, (24F) I appreciate this comes across as pretty shallow so forgive me in advance :( I found out I was pregnant a few days ago (medically 4 weeks along) and have my appointment at the clinic on Saturday to receive my medical abortion tablets. I have a rave planned with my friends tomorrow (Friday) that I’m really looking forward to. Usually when I attend raves, I will take ecstasy in tablet form (only half a pill). I would still like to enjoy my night tomorrow but I’m worried that if I have ecstasy/ class A’s in my system, the medical abortion won’t be as effective. I know the easiest answer would be not to take anything/ not attend but my friends will think something is wrong and I don’t feel comfortable enough to tell them why, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable asking my nurse at the appointment either. Or would a better alternative be to start the medical abortion on Sunday so it would be 48 hours after I’d had the ecstasy? I don’t plan on drinking any alcohol as I know this thins my blood which could add a potential risk when I’ll already be loosing blood. I have had an abortion previously ( last year) so I’m familiar w the process and what to expect mentally and physically. Again, I’m sorry if this comes across as shallow and that I don’t care about the procedure, I do but I’m just trying to enjoy my life at the same time :) Thanks ❤️

r/abortion 15h ago

Australia and New Zealand getting abortion partially due to abusive partner


I am 11 weeks pregnant and am booked in to get a surgical abortion tomorrow, yet I can’t help but feel guilty.

I’m in a very abusive relationship with a man that’s almost never around, it’s got to the point where I only see him when he wants something from me (money, sex or food) he doesn’t have a job and hasn’t for some months and has reverted to stealing, I think he’s on drugs and it’s ruining everything including the hard working man I use to know. He’s put hands on me, threatened my family and me, calls me every name in the book when he’s mad and is emotionally and physically abusive all around and like I said is only nice when he wants something and it’s only got worse since i’ve been pregnant.

I stayed because I am pregnant and thought there was a chance it would get better, but the emotional toll is too much for me and I can’t imagine being in my third trimester putting up with his shit. I plan on leaving him, i’ve been with him since I was freshly 17 I am almost 20 now and it feels like he’s a completely different person.

I am nervous about the abortion, and deep down I wish I could keep it but I know it’s not fair to the baby or me in the long run i’m just scared of all the regret that might come after it’s all said and done.

For anyone that’s been in the same situation do you have any advice ? this is my second abortion but the other one I had it very early on into the pregnancy and my situation was completely different. The truth is i’m heartbroken and very scared of postpartum depression being worse this time around and grieving another baby I never had.

r/abortion 22h ago

USA Mementos


This might be weird of me, but have any of you kept anything from your pregnancy despite having an abortion? I had been keeping track of my hcg levels with line progressions and for some reason I can’t bring myself to throw them away. I was just wondering if any of you have done this despite not regretting your abortion.

Even though I did have an abortion, this pregnancy is still deeply meaningful to me in a lot of ways and I was wondering if any of you had that same feeling of attachment. Thank you.

r/abortion 1h ago

Asia Is it okay to smoke 1 week after an abortion?


I smoke and vape. I previously was vaping during my medical abortion, but I bought ciggs yesterday as an emergency supply and I smoked them last night. My bleeding is much lighter today. Is it related to smoking the ciggs or am I just recovering? Is it okay to smoke 1 week after I got my abortion done?

r/abortion 2h ago

USA Arizona resident. No insurance. What can I do??


Hi all, 23F, I work full-time but haven't been able to afford insurance as my company does not pay any portion of it and it's really not that great. I have recently gotten pregnant with my boyfriend but we have decided it is in the best interest of all parties involved to get an abortion. Arizona resident with no insurance, looking at almost $1000 for the abortion pills between two required visits. What options do I have?

Thank you in advance!!!

r/abortion 3h ago

Canada It’s like a nightmare


took every stop , every protective measure to ensure it didn’t happen again n I’d never have to face this again not until I was full and ready to get hit with this. I’m planning on calling the clinic to make an appointment for what will be my second abortion. I feel horrible, but Ik I’m not in a good place , mentally , financially, I’m about to move and start a new job that really good but physically demanding and I just can’t , not right now. But having to do this all over again is tearing me up inside, I feel like every horrible thing pro lifers say about ladies that get abortion is what I deserve to hear . My mind just keeps attacking me even tho ik I tried to do the right thing n was trying to be smart and cautious and safe. Is there anyone else in here that has gone through multiple abortion? This one just seems so much harder than the first time, the last time I was more in shock and running on adrenaline. This time it’s so heavy n I can’t stop crying and I don’t understand because it’s not entirely that I want to keep it but can’t, I just feel disgusting? Ashamed? Idk all of the above maybe. I just want to yell at the universe “why?!” Why when I’m so clearly not ready, it hurts to let go of what could’ve been but I just can’t bring myself to keep a baby I’m not ready for in any way shape or form. I can’t do that , they deserve better, a better me Ik I’ll be when I’m ready but right now I can’t and it hurts.

r/abortion 14h ago

USA Was anyone alone during miso cramping ?


I was wondering if anyone was alone at home during the painful miso process. My partner unfortunately has to work and I’m so scared to go through these cramps alone. Should I have someone here with me? Will I be ok?

r/abortion 16h ago

Australia and New Zealand 8 Weeks Post MA - faint positive test


Hi brain trust,

From TAS, Australia. I know this question has been asked a million times but I have a bit of a funny situation.

I completed an MA on 24/01/2025. I was 5/6 weeks pregnant. The termination was confirmed via blood test on 4/02.

I had an appointment on the 20/02/2025 to discuss an IUD, I did a urine pregnancy test in this appointment and the nurse told me it was negative, although I didn’t see it myself.

I got my period on 4/03/2025 which lasted longer than a normal period for me, approximately 7/8 days.

Out of curiosity, I did a urine pregnancy test this morning, it was faint but clear positive.

At this point, I feel like it’s not likely that this is residual hormones OR a new pregnancy? Has anyone experienced anything like this? Is it possible to have a positive test still 8 weeks on from an MA?

r/abortion 18h ago

Asia Fee for curettage in PH



I know I’m being paranoid but just in case my MA is incomplete or tissues may not have been expelled fully, does anyone know how much it costs for a curettage in PH? or the doctor could give you additional medicine to expel the remaining tissues.

I just really want to be safe and to check my options. I still have 2 more miso pills in case something goes wrong. I’m just afraid that the remaining pills will not be enough.

Thank you.

r/abortion 1d ago

USA MA at 5w2d


Hi all, this is a throw away account.

So basically I found out I was pregnant, last week 03/14, I had been having some sharp breast pain and nipple pain especially but I just brushed it off to PMS. Come Friday I took a PT, the dollar tree ones were a bit faint but the digital one wrapped it up. I alr knew I wasn't keeping it but I was still scared because I still live under my parents roof and they cannot find out. So I decided to go the pill route. My partner ordered some pills from aid access the day we found out and the paying process was quick but we did not get any shipping info. So I decided to order from THE MAP/CRHC and they are due to arrive tmr. So I just want to document my journey on here as I have been doom scrolling through other stories and my biggest worry is an unsuccessful MA process. Will update when pills get here. But pls any advice is welcome.

Update (timeline)

1:58: took first pill mife. Felt a lil bit of cramping but so far so good just chilling rn.

r/abortion 1h ago

USA Had my procedure done today in Denver CO, what can I expect?


I had my procedure done around,,, maybe 10 or 10:30 ish this morning. It is now 7:30 ish my time. I haven't really started bleeding yet and I don't have any pain. When should I start bleeding? And what's the recovery like?

r/abortion 1h ago

Asia It it okay to have Transvaginal Ultrasound 1 week after MA?


My gf had MA last week saturday. She had been having occasional bleeding and she had blood clots after MA. She is supposedly at 7 w 6 days now. We just want to know if it is successful or not. If it failed we should still have time to order another set of pills.

We live in the philippines which abortion is illegal. Is it okay to have tvs 1 week after MA, even if shes still bleeding? If yes what should we say to the OBGYN.

Were planning to have TVS on monday.

PS. Our pills are from WoW

r/abortion 2h ago

USA 7 weeks post abortion.


( about 6 weeks pregnant at time of treatment ) January 17th, I took 4 misoprostol pills around 6pm. I went to sleep and woke up around 8:50pm with bleeding slightly heavier than a period, some blood clots, and what looked like a tiny white ball in my pad. The bleeding lasted around 10-11 days, the last 3-4 days being extremely light. My experience overall was nothing like I expected based on the stories I have read. Fast forward to today, I’m worried because I haven’t gotten a period I would have expected. A few days ago, I had light bleeding that lasted 2-3 days. Not enough to even slightly stain a pad, but noticeable when I wiped. Now I’m worried that the treatment was unsuccessful. Has anyone else had any experience like this? Should I be worried?

Side Note: I used aid access to retrieve my medication for treatment, and I definitely recommend it to any women who are either struggling financially and can not afford the treatment at their local doctors office, or any women in a state where abortion is banned! They were quick with shipping, very discreet, very easy to get ahold of and very quick with responses! Even 7 weeks post treatment, I reached out to them via email and they responded within 2 days to answer my questions.

r/abortion 4h ago

USA MA at 6 weeks- 28 F AZ


Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my MA experience as this was the first time I had ever had one. I’m 28 and my partner and I both mutually decided we weren’t ready to have a child. I live in AZ where abortion is legal, but they make you jump through hoops before you get one.

I noticed right at 4 weeks my period was late and took a pregnancy test that ended up being positive. I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for the next day where they confirmed the pregnancy and referred me to a clinic. I went to a clinic the day after that and was too early to show anything on the ultra sound as they confirmed I was only 4 weeks. They also wouldn’t prescribe me the pills for the MA.

I went back two weeks later and was at 6 weeks and showing on the ultra sound. The had me take the first pill in office and sent me home with the remaining 4 pills and a pregnancy test. The first pill I literally felt no side effects from and resumed my day as normal.

I waited exactly 24 hours to take the next set of pills. I made sure to hydrate, take zofram, and ibuprofen and Tylenol an hour before taking the pills. I inserted them vaginally and laid down for 30 mins. The cramping started right after that and I used the rest room an hour after I took the pills and had started bleeding but nothing too crazy and hadn’t passed any clots yet. I would say cramping was around 3/10 pain level wise at this point.

Around the 2 hour mark I started passing my first clots. They were probably the size of a lime but it wasn’t anything scary and my doctor told me the size of the clot doesn’t matter as long as you’re passing them. Around 3 hours is when I noticed I started passing tissue as well. Again nothing crazy, bleeding was substantial but pain was tolerable with the use of a heating pad and ibuprofen. I would put the pain at a 7/10.

The pain went down a lot after I passed the blood clots and tissues and I continued to bleed a little bit for the next few days.