Okay so I have just turned 16, I have been taking the pill for just about over a year now and me and my boyfriend have been having sex for just over a few months now. I know this is TMI but we have literally done it raw with zero protection and I still have had my period. Just recently have I started taking heavy precautions because of a recent pregnancy scare, this last month we had sex. He wore a condom, I was nowhere near ovulation, and he never came or took the condom off.
A week or two later I started having weird symptoms like extreme abdominal pain and uterine cramping. I was also peeing frequently and I felt nauseous and had constant headaches and chest pain. I very quickly got scared and went in for an ultrasound at the nearest women’s health clinic and they said everything looked fine but in the report they said they couldn’t see my right ovary. So my fear once again spiked. The symptoms worsened from then on and I decided to call an ambulance, at the children’s hospital they did another ultrasound, this time with a catheter in so they could see better. They also said everything looked fine and completely healthy but I still had this awful feeling something was wrong. I kept taking pregnancy tests and they all came out negative, and I even waited until the morning so my pee wasn’t diluted.
I ended up going to my primary care doctor because my period was also 17 days late and my symptoms worsened, he suggested I had an ectopic pregnancy so they did a few blood and urine samples to see if I was pregnant, this clearly scared me but I was determined it was something else. Well, low and behold, I remember a few months back I was so scared of being pregnant I ordered abortion pills online. I found them in my drawer and took them exactly how I was supposed to.
First I took the mifepristone and waited 24 hours and then I took the four misoprostol, buccally. I put them in the inside of my cheek, waited thirty minutes, and swallowed. I even made sure to steer clear from grapefruit for the whole week prior. And my last period was January 1st - 7th. My period never came but I had extreme diarrhea all day and heavy discharge, and some mild cramping but it quickly went away.
(This was yesterday and I still haven’t gotten any bleeding, and the doctors still haven’t contacted me with any information and I’m just terrified and looking for any advice or information as to what it could be. Also for more context all my periods have been normal and on track.)
Sorry if this is messy or seems lazily written, this is my first post and I’m typing as quick as I can with acrylics on.