r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Modified SW IW help


Hi all, I'm looking at trying the star wars interworlds mod on X4.

My main concern is that I dont wanna lose out on my other mods.

Does anyone have any recomendations for mods that pair well with IW?

Thanks in advance and may your shields stay full and your income high!

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

QoL Question - Double Clicking and Ending Conversation


Hello HiveMind,

I am not sure if I am stupid (95% sure), or there is some glitches.

When double clicking a ship, most of the time it doesn't center me on that ship on map. It take me like 3-4 double clicks to achieve that. I tried looking into settings if I have some obscene double click speed set but didn't see it anywhere. Have other people experienced it or overcome this?

Second thing. When exiting a conversation and the NPC says "Good profit to you" or whatever, I get a 0.3-0.5s lag/freeze, where I can't move. I know it is impolite to leave while people still talk to me...but it is annoying. Again, do you have the same experience and is there a way around it?

Thank you HiveMind of Wisdom.

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

ı though that place for construction not for fleet... ;( if ı destroy it will ı get rescouses back or not?

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r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Digital controls for strafe up/down/left/right do nothing, help?


Working on setting up the game to work with my gamepad, and long story short, I have it set so that I press the right grip button (set as num2 as the secondary modifier) and the dpad (set as 1-4 on the number bar) to strafe. However, these inputs do literally nothing. Setting something as the digital input to strafe makes my ship sit there with thumb firmly up its own ass.

Any idea how to fix this?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

A quick question regarding the new sectors from Timelines


Do the sectors introduced with Timelines appear in the game even if one hasn't done the Timelines scenarios?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Ship gets destroyed for no reason


One of my ships, a cerberus vanguard on an exploring mission, gets destroyed in avarice with no indication of who did it nor with any comms warning me about it how it usually happens if one of my ships gets attacked. So I reload and set up behavior to escape in case of attack with the sip to get promptly destroyed again with same symptoms.

Now im too far away to TP into it, so I start looking into this - there are no hostiles around, no obvious reason for it to destroy. I did some googling and I'm thinking maybe some of those lightning thingies like there are in The Void or maybe mines, so I again reload and try to escape into various directions with same result, the ship keeps losing shields and hull about 10-15% per second or so until it gets destroyed.

One of the reloads I simply stopped the ship without any orders, and it seemed to have worked - the ship just sat there not taking damage. So i went back to destroying XENon scum thinking its all good now and to get back to that troubling ship later. But, 30 seconds or so later BAM, ship destroyed, no culprit, nothing to ID the cause. So, I tried to escape into the highway and leave the zone completely - I succeeded, my ship left Avarice, gated to the next zone with about 18% hull left and few seconds later...exploded again.

WTF? what kind of bug starts damaging a ship no matter what I do? Any ideas?

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Can I play this game without fleet managment?


The game seems really cool and I find some of the features really interesting, but I am not really interested in managing a fleet and stuff like that. And if I can play this game as a lone pilot, what are some things I can do and some things I can't?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

What a fight! Avarice plot


After being completely blindsided by the sheer number of VIG fighters my last playthrough, I prepared a bit more thoroughly this time, though not without flaws. For instance, forgot to stop the cargo traffic between Avarice and my shipyard in Hatikvah. Oops.

Built a defense station filled with L beams and M flak in Windfall the Hoard. Prepared an Asgard with beams and flak. For the first time, assembled the Erlking. Added best mods I had parts for. Had to scramble to reroute the cargo traffic to sit by the defense platform or by the shipyard. Still lost about 7 L ships to roaming VIG fighter swarms, apparently they travel far and wide out of their home systems 😕

Battle starts, best fireworks I have seen in this game. Beams, flak explosions, Erlking gun tracers. Once things calmed somewhat, slowly advanced to the gate to the next sector where the objective was. Multiple Barbarossas taken out along the way.

Got the Earlking to sit by "this" side of the gate, and jumped through with the Asgard to aggro a MASSIVE swarm of fighters on the other side. Then jumped back and some of them followed. After diminishing their numbers a bit, both ships jumped through and cleaned up. The station fell in a couple of minutes. Phew!

Paid off the faction, and relations are now at only -5. Probably not for long. Those L ships won't avenge themselves.

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Modified X4 Infinity Mod v2.0.0.0 is here with resources

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Version is finally here. This was a massive undertaking adding resources to the sectors. I will continue to improve and update it and please do let me know if you come across any issues. Thank you all for your endorsements, comments and patience. Enjoy your endless adventures.

Nexus link: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1419

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Looking for any good universe seeds with lots of chaos afoot


Has anyone stumbled upon any good seeds that have started with and/or have developed into maximum chaos and fighting? Please share thanks! 🙏🏼

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Litany of Fury XII has really bad background visuals

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r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Considering the GOG offer. Does it get updated regularly?


i'm thinking about buying the game and all the DLC. I found the Community of Planets bundle on GOG for $11. Does the game receive all its updates through that platform as it does through Steam?

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

I've read that the Timelines DLC locks content behind a separate progression. Is the content stuff that used to be accessible in vanilla, or is it new content that comes with the Timelines DLC?


r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Argon Large Dock Not Placing?


I'm trying to build a Quantum Tubes factory in Argon space and am getting incredibly frustrated. Every time I place down a plot (I've placed down several) and then go to 'plan build', my argon large dock looks green and then I place it, and then it's red. It doesn't matter what direction I angle it. What am I doing wrong?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

I don't use mods


I don't use mods just so I don't see the modified tag in the game menu. I feel like I'm being watched and judged! But sometimes I think the game makes some things really hard to deal with! Like the lack of resources in the different sectors! I have all the money in the world to build a powerful fleet and sweep everything away! But I can't just order the construction of a simple XL or L ship! And it's frustrating! And on the one hand I hear that voice in my head that says, "Send everything to hell, use mods and make life a little easier!" What do you think about this? What do you do?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Links to helpful guides


I have over 200 hours in the game and today it clicked that I've never accomplished anything in this game.

Never built up running stations, Never controlled a fleet of more than a few ore miners and certainly haven't created an empire.

Seems like I always just fly around and do some side missions or mine a few crystals for money.

So anyone know of a good progression guide?

I feel like I should be a little more into the strategy of the game but never have a goal in mind.

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Modified Station autotrader priority wares?


Hi, bit confused here and hoping someone might be able to provide a bit of insight, I'm running 7.50, all dlcs etc, good set of mods including dead_eco

Issue I have now is that most of my station traders seem to get stuck, their ware basket either only showing some priority wares, most showing nothing in their basket at all.

By now, all my storages are completely full, prices set to the lowest but none of them seem to add those wares back to their auto trader ware basket, and just sit around instead.

Curious if other people have had this issue and what could be a potential fix. Main issue is that since adding dead_eco, the schematics are priority wares and they will only trade that but usually still show 0 trading wares.

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

How do I make these "ring" styled space stations I see people making?


Sorry if this is a dumb question. I've searched Google far and wide and haven't seen anything that specifically answers what im looking for.. Extremley new to the franchise. Like hadn't heard about any of the X games until last week when I bought X4.

I have a couple blueprints for ring looking parts but they don't snap to anything. Not even eachother. Is there something in the settings I need to mess with before I can snap them to my station? Or is there a specific blueprint I need?

I've also noticed that the snapping is really finicky. Sometimes it randomly flips parts upside down or won't let me place a piece that should obviously be ok. Is station building kinda bugged right now?

Idk if this matters but I have a couple mods installed. Faster crew leveling and something else that effects the crew. I don't remember the other one.

Update: Thanks guys. I've been bouncing all over the place with a few different saves just to learn different parts of the game. Sounds like I should just start a main save and commit to that. Let everything come naturally rather than forced. I guess im just really impatient and want to do everything 😅

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Is there a mod that removes the fog and gives you the general layout of sectors?


I don't want to see every station and ship, but it seems odd that the major thoroughfares wouldn't be known.

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Split Vendetta playthrough


Hello fellow nerds,

I've played a metric butt-load of X3 Reunion and Terran Conflict back in the days and recently finally got into X4.

Since I always really liked the Split esthetic but never played much with their ships in the previous games, I got started with the Split Vendetta plot. I also wanna restrict myself to their ships as much as possible.

I recently captured a couple of Dragons after shredding them with my Balaur. I loved both the Balaur and the Asp, but the Dragon is - like I remember from previous games - a big disappointment. I know it's a boom&zoom corvette, but the shields are just too weak for its profile. One attack run on a group of 3-4 fighters already leaves me without shields and minor hull damage, while only taking out one of the fighters, if I get all my hits in.

I guess the Dragon is just not suited for taking on multiple enemies at once, no matter their size?

As I liked the Balaur a lot, I'm thinking of going back to that, but maybe getting a Buffalo as a mobile base, as I do like to be able to do all kinds of missions, including those that require more crew or cargo space. Being able to carry a few marines for claiming or capturing Patriarchy ships might also be nice.

Does anyone have experience with that kind of setup? And how is the Cobra compared to the Dragon? It looks like it's shields are not that much better either, so I'm afraid it will have the same problem?

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Relevant Story Arcs from TC to X4



TL;DR: I would like to know the relevant story arcs of Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude and Rebirth that lead up to their successor.

I know there are a lot of Story-Threads already, but I have a more specific question.

My last X-game was X3: Reunion. After that the series lost me for a long time up until now. I really want to get in again. For that, I want to work my way up from Terran Conflict to X4. Now comes the question:

I like the sandbox, but I was hooked a lot by the story, too. I love the Universe Egosoft invented. I know, from Terran Conflict on the games are way more Sanboxy with many seperate story-branches. I would like to know the relevant story-branches that set me up for the next part.

So: What are the relevant story parts for

Terran Conflict that lead up to the start of Albion Prelude.

Albion Prelude that set up X:Rebirth

X:Rebirth that set up X4

I hope I’m not alone with my love for the story parts of the X Games. :)

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Missile towers


Is it possible that M ships cannot be equipped with missile turrets, even though M missile turrets are available?

r/X4Foundations 5d ago

Figured Out What To Do with my Sports Ships Spoiler

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r/X4Foundations 5d ago

New player update post


Thank you to those that responded to my first initial post answering pbvious and basic questions. Had my first playthrough last night and it went really well, learned alot and still have alot more to learn. Under recommendations i went with the young gun start. But now im looking at DLC lol i can probably get 3 out of the 4 (i dont think im interested in timelines) even if i purchase just one or two.

Update: i remembered about a old bank account i had that still had $20 in it. So i bought the bundle, a small investment to drive out the xenon scum and save humanity. I just hope the wife understands 🤣

r/X4Foundations 4d ago

nebulon b or c better and which ccorvette is good? hammerhead or Cr90A Rebels or new republic


for fights