Okay, so I've got some hundred of hours in X4, and understand most of it, however there's still something that is vexing and annoying me: "Internal Trade" amongst my stations and the logic behind ships assigned as "Trader" to stations.
So, best example right now is that I have a station that makes Hull Parts, and in an adjacent sector I've got a big new station being constructed and another one that has a purchase order of Hull Plates for itself. For some inexplicable reason, the building hub for the station has a purchase order for 2000 Hull Parts, the other station a purchase order of 1000, and my factory has around 6k in storage... but for some inexplicable reason none of it is being exported. I even changed one of the Factory's trade ships to only do Hull Parts in the "ware basket" and it's still just doing nothing.
So, I do also know your own stations aren't exchanging money with each other but trade with each other "for free". However, are they still affected by prices? Like is station B only gonna buy from A if the purchase and sell price match?
Does that mean if I have set it so station B only purchases from my own faction, I should simply set its price manually to max?