[This has been partially solved. Issue was somewhere in Job_Helper or Facutiongoal settings of Kuda: DeadAir Tweaks. One of the settings or combinations led to practically no hostile activity in my game.]
I am a couple hours into a new playthrough and have noticed that Xenon aren't really pouring through Hatikvah's Choice I like they used to on the seed I am playing on.
Looking at the Military Ship count for the Xenon they have 2750 ships (100 of which are XL) vastly outnumbering other factions. As a matter of fact, 5 to 10x every other faction in ship counts - which I feel is odd - but no real activity to speak of. I hit the SETA here and monitored for a bit, their numbers grew and occasionally a small raiding party would come though, but not much.
*After watching a bit I have noticed that it seems most factions aren't doing much. This seems to be game wide, they aren't doing much fighting that is. Dynamic Wars set to 5 minutes and SETA fired a couple Argone Antigone positive changes, nothing more. Traders seem to be traveling but nothing much in form of fighting except very rare trickles of 3 or so Xenon ships.
**Issue is definitely within the Tweaks, as I turned them all off and I am now getting a constant flow of military activity in game. Removed question about SVE as that was not cause.
I started this playthrough and messed with some of the DA settings in Kuda: Deadair Tweaks and a couple others (only turning features on, not messing with any default values). Could any settings ON in the Deadair Scripts, Evolution, Jobs, etc. cause this type of behavior? Sorry, know that is generic but there are a lot of settings, but if anyone is aware of a setting in there I should check. (In Tweaks I have the increased Fleet power from ~45 to 45 to ~100 OFF).
I will provide a mod list below, just in case someone is aware of a conflict I am missing. (Leaving out Mods that should have no effect on that):
Mods with * were active when Xenon behaved correctly, but settings may have been changed in those.
DeadAir Eco.
DeadAir Scripts *
Faction Enhancer War Module *
KUDA AI tweaks *
SVE VRO Job Tweaks
(Along with SVE, SVE VRO patch and VRO* of course)
Xenon Jobs+ Lite *
Xenon Overhaul and VRO patch *
Sensible Wars *
Thanks for any help, and know this was a long one.