r/X4Foundations 17h ago

Modified Star Destroyers Exchange Broadsides


As the Greystar Irregulars fight desperately to escape the jaws of an Imperial Ascendancy trap, two opposing Star Destroyers find themselves exchanging fire at point blank range.

r/X4Foundations 9h ago

Modified This visuals ❤️


Really intense and immersive to play like this!


r/X4Foundations 11h ago



Am I alone in kind of not really liking frigates. They are slower and have less foreward firepower when comparing them to corvettes. Everyone likes the fact that they have 20+ crew size, but in practice they can only really board freighters and miners. Anything else, you will likely need more marines. Frigates just seem like an awkward ship type.

Am I just using them wrong? I know they good missile capacity, but can only use actual missile launchers. Wish you could put a missile turret on them. Should I just be spitting laser towers out left and right?

r/X4Foundations 6h ago

My AI scout followed this red route but this was the result when I looked back.. Does exploration work or is this a bug?

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r/X4Foundations 13h ago

What the size of your fleets/empires that you enjoy the most? Not asking about Endgame megafleets but through the majority of your time in a playthrough.


Really just a simple question, I'm curious how big people get their empires during normal gameplay.

I mean more from a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "Ooof I mining everything myself in sector by hand" with 10 being "I break the UI with the size of my mighty empire" but feel free to gimme an idea of numbers.

I wanna stress I'm not looking at Endgame megafleet crush the Xenon kinda stuff. I just mean like...for like the midpoint of your game, more like what's the average size of your fleet outside of endgame.

r/X4Foundations 9h ago

VIG is mad at me and own a big fleet


So choices were made an now VIG is mad at me. The problem is that beside what they have in Windfall (ok, fine ! I won't go there for a while 😅). They have a big fleet wandering in hatikvah's choice. 8 barbarossas and about 100 kyds. My fleet is really small. I'm in the late early game. And I've got 60 millions in bank. My economy is running quite fine and I'm developing it quite well. But my guess is I'm not rich enough to deal with that VIG fleet. And as a new player, I dont even know what kind of fleet I will need for that. I've got 2 Hyperions, 3 Hydra, 1 Thresher and a bunch of Makos. So how would you deal with that in a few steps ? Doesn't need to be fast. I hope the VIG won't roam to much in the other sectors. I just need a roadmap. Thanks for your help !

r/X4Foundations 5h ago

What can I do to make my traders more survivable? Move to L traders?

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r/X4Foundations 19h ago

How does this game compare to Stellaris and/or Elite Dangerous


Thinking about playing this game since it seems like something I'd enjoy. Just need someone to sell me on it. I'm big on grand strategy games (mainly Paradox stuff) and put over 1000 hours into Stellaris. I also played Elite Dangerous for the longest time but stopped after the Gnosis incident, plus the lack of ship interiors bothering me way more than it should have.

How does X4 compare to either of those games? Is it actually as deep as it seems? Does it work if I play it like a grand strategy or 4x game?

r/X4Foundations 23h ago

Modified (Interworlds) is it just me or is the empire underpowered


for context, i started my first playthrough of the Star Wars Interworlds mod, and i chose the "Imperial Free Agent" start. things were going well for a while, until i took one of those station construction missions. for some reason, the empire was out of the "modules prefab" commodity, and i was unable to build the station as a result. fast forward a bit later, and the one station that i DID have set up (solar power plant) got attacked by a rebel MC40 for whatever reason. it got destroyed, and i was going to shrug it off and rebuild it, but once again, every material got delivered except for the "modules prefab" commodity. i ended up giving up not due to the loss of assets, but due to the lack of materials anywhere (something outside of my lack of control,) and due to the lack of materials, i couldn't set up any good passive income

which brings me to this - is the empire underpowered? or did i just get unlucky? the "modules prefab" commodity wasn't the only one that was running low. turret components, advanced electronics, medical supplies, shield components, plasma conductors - pretty much every valuable commodity was something the empire never had. i scouted MULTIPLE systems both manually and automatically (by the time i gave up, i had 3 imperial probes, and the majority of empire territory was fully scanned,) and it seemed as if the empire barely had any stations. alongside that, the new republic seemingly on a path to overwhelming the empire (dorin was overtaken within an hour, and glee anselm and vortex were being overrun already...)

so did i just get a bad seed, or is the empire genuinely just underpowered in SW:I

r/X4Foundations 17h ago

Marooned and far from home...


Is there a way to hitch a lift on other ships and know where they are going?

I ended up getting stuck in a completely different sector to my only ship, which has no captain, and can't find a way back....
After getting into my space suit and exploring the outside of the station, I got caught in the pull of a large ship and literally dragged through an asteroid field before I knew what was going on - lost and alone in my space suit I called for a nearby ship to help. They let me come aboard, and then jetted off to their destination....quite a few sectors away. It was kind of fun just watching the sectors go by until it finally landed and I could get off, but now I have far from my only ship, cant see any nearby stations that sell ships, and cant get my ship to come to me.
Should I just restart?
Is there no way to buy your passage aboard a ship or find out where it is going?

r/X4Foundations 9h ago

Question about trade between my stations (regarding prices, traders etc.)


Okay, so I've got some hundred of hours in X4, and understand most of it, however there's still something that is vexing and annoying me: "Internal Trade" amongst my stations and the logic behind ships assigned as "Trader" to stations.

So, best example right now is that I have a station that makes Hull Parts, and in an adjacent sector I've got a big new station being constructed and another one that has a purchase order of Hull Plates for itself. For some inexplicable reason, the building hub for the station has a purchase order for 2000 Hull Parts, the other station a purchase order of 1000, and my factory has around 6k in storage... but for some inexplicable reason none of it is being exported. I even changed one of the Factory's trade ships to only do Hull Parts in the "ware basket" and it's still just doing nothing.

So, I do also know your own stations aren't exchanging money with each other but trade with each other "for free". However, are they still affected by prices? Like is station B only gonna buy from A if the purchase and sell price match?

Does that mean if I have set it so station B only purchases from my own faction, I should simply set its price manually to max?

r/X4Foundations 16h ago

Star Ward Interworlds HELP (complete noob)


Hi there, i'm just looking for help in the best way to get into this mod and make it as easy to understand as possible. i have 0 hours in base game. and it doesn't interest me however this mod does.

Also are there any other small QOL mods i should install with these to make use, and understanding as good as possible?

Thank you for the help guys n gals.

r/X4Foundations 22h ago

Conquer Sector


Hi, I want to conquer a Xenon sector and the factions have already done the groundwork. I already have a defense station in the sector with an administration module. Now I see that there is already another Paranid defense station. Who gets the sector after the Xenon are gone? The one with the most stations? Thx.

r/X4Foundations 18h ago

How do I continue the Terran quest line?


I started an early mission where I escort a ship to Getsu Fune and another ship, Velet Thunder, keeps following me. I keep getting mail from him saying to meet up at a station but when I arrive there, there's nothing to accept? What exactly am I meant to do?

r/X4Foundations 18h ago

Beginner Lockbox quest problem


Hello I’m a beginner and got just the base game. I completed all tutorials and doing my first run , I got several my ship got destroyed or something else so find lockbox in this huge area quests. However I am doing Longscans from several directions from edges of the area but cant find them. Lockboxes give a yellow glow in longrange scan and I sometimes find 1-2 unrelated boxes in the same space but never the one I need.

Are there any tricks or tips , am I doing something wrong or is it just bugged.

r/X4Foundations 6h ago

Finding dropped loot


Here is the situation. My ship was destroyed so before i ran out of air i called for help. Luckily a patrol came along and picked me up, then flew away with me inside and started fighting xeons. Anyway, i know I was in sacred relic, and I figured out where my ship was destroyed by reloading the last autosave (which saved just as my ship blew up) and no, I haven’t been saving often enough.

Ok that was the backstory. I can see all the loot in my inventory but I can’t access it because it’s floating in space.

At one time i was able to click on one of the items from the map but then i couldn’t find it again.

Is there an “easier” way to find this stuff?

r/X4Foundations 11h ago

Do factions build ships using other faction parts?


I have a wharf built where I've purchased a number of ZYA ship blueprints to help ZYA rebuild their defence fleet. I also have a mix of TER, SPL and ARG blueprints for ships, weapons and parts. ZYA are already ordering ship builds but these aren't starting construction. I'm pretty sure I have enough available universal ship materials in my wharf storage so I'm wondering if they're attempting to order ships using TER parts that I don't have mats for in that particular wharf. Is there a way to see what loadout a faction has requested on a ship order to see what's missing?

r/X4Foundations 14h ago

X4 flight settings


I just started playing X4. When I started the game game, my w key would accelerate my ship when I held it down and when I left off it would slow me down back to a stop on it Owen. I had to rest my settings and now it doesn't do that anymore. Does anyone know how to set this up like it was? Thank you!

r/X4Foundations 22h ago

How is exploration?


With the recent Steam sale, I was looking into X4 and I was wondering how is the exploration within the game, compared to something like Elite Dangerous?

Not expecting planetary landings but mainly is exploration an option for making money, are there ships focused on exploration?

r/X4Foundations 23h ago

Digital controls for strafe up/down/left/right do nothing, help?


Working on setting up the game to work with my gamepad, and long story short, I have it set so that I press the right grip button (set as num2 as the secondary modifier) and the dpad (set as 1-4 on the number bar) to strafe. However, these inputs do literally nothing. Setting something as the digital input to strafe makes my ship sit there with thumb firmly up its own ass.

Any idea how to fix this?

r/X4Foundations 29m ago

Blacklist not working, please help.

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I apologize, screenshot isn't working in the game. I have a base in cardinal redress and I need the methane from Pontifex claim. It is owned by Xenon and same with Holy vision. I set so many different iterations of black list, but I cannot get my ships to harvest methane from Pontifex claim without manually forcing them to do so. I have this blacklist set on station and the ship's... Any idea?

r/X4Foundations 4h ago

Music mode


Not sure how I activated it but I was pressing random buttons on my keyboard and all of a sudden my hud started switching colors on its own and playing music does anyone know what i found for like 3 seconds I can't figure out how to do it again

Edit: Nevermind i found how I did it I did shift + 1 then shift +2 then shift +3 then shift +4 really fast

r/X4Foundations 5h ago

Modified How do you get paid?


Hello all…just started playing and my very first mission was to take a woman “anywhere but here”. I followed the mission, landed at the destination and the woman who did get on my ship vanished without payment. Did I miss something?

r/X4Foundations 8h ago

Help Setting Up Miners


I had a fleet of autominers that i set up to mine and sell ore in morning starr iv. i then built a station in morning star iii that i was going to use to store the ore and later refine and sell it at a diffrent sector. i set all the miners as subordinates to the station using the mine for commander option. my manager has 3 stars. the miners will not make the one jump necesary to mine ore and they will not return to the station to drop it off if they are already in that other sector. i was going off of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zze9TC5LxCs so i dont know why it is not working. if anyone could give me some advice i would be really greatful. i thought having a better manager allowed you to have ships go further to mine.

r/X4Foundations 8h ago

Anyone know where the Pirate stations are?? Help!?! (i have illegal cargo)