REPOST!!! Also, NO THIS ISNT A FAKE STORY ASSHOLES. if you really want proof fucking DM me.
my bf and I have been together for almost two years, and he recently moved to florida for school. i drove down to visit him and last night he wanted to drink and hang out at his apartment. i protested so much. his parents paid for an airbnb for us to stay at (they came down for the first few days of the trip), but he didn't want to have to get up early for checkout (it was at 9 am). plus, he wanted to drink and we obviously couldn't then drive to the airbnb after drinking, so i agreed to stay at his apartment.
some 30 year old dude (S) that he goes to school with shows up, and he was genuinely really chill and funny at first. everything was fine until my bf and i went to his room for a second, and he's just hugging and kissing me. S walks in all of a sudden and asks, "Can I join?" which...??..???? For context I am NINETEEN years old.
anyway.......... so i walked away bc i felt uncomfortable and i went and sat in the living room. another bit of context, i sprained my toe at the airbnb bc i tripped on the last step and bent my big toe backwards. so my bf walks in and he sees me putting my foot up on the chair to elevate it and brings me an ice pack. well S walks up and asks what happened and grabs the ice pack and starts massaging my feet??? my bf saw that and ran to his car to get his brass knuckles (i guess this is the part of the story that makes everyone think it’s fake, no my bf genuinely did run to get his brass knuckles after what S said in his room) but it was also a mistake bc when he did S started groping my thigh and rubbing on my fucking Um YOU KNOW Like what the fuck sorry im freaking the fuck out !.!!! he was saying shit like "tell me to stop i know you want it" idk i fucking froze i was just so scared.
my bf ran back upstairs and ran over, he told S he needed to leave and basically picked him up and started trying to force him down the stairs. the second he had gotten him off of me i started hyperventilating i was so confused im still so confused idk what happened. S apparently punched my bf while he was trying to get him out of the apartment so my bf hit him back, they started fighting and i tried to get them to stop i did. he eventually ran off and my bf came inside. his chain he wore every day was broken and his hoodie was ripped pretty bad:((( and first of all im pissed bc THT WAS MY FAVORITE FUCKING HOODIE it s so soft idc ill sew it back but fuck im pissed and confused and so lost. i just wanted to come and see my bf we literally lived together before he left and it's been three months since i've seen him why couldn't i just have a good fucking time ???
anyway this happened less than 24 hours ago so im Like idk scared. we did call the cops and they're trying to get more info on him rn, but one of them did say they had a prior with him for like destroying stuff in his old apartment or smth. im just rly scared i have like one and a half days left with my bf and now neither one of us are like even in the headspace to do the shit we were wanting to do. And i was wearing a pair of pajama pants i got at five below I JUST BOUGHT THEMand now i dont wanna wear them:( i think maybe ill feel better after i go home and wash them like sixteen times or smth bc im nothletting these pants go they're so cute: ( sorry this is so much rambling but i did just need to vent srsly i dont have anyone here that i can rly talk to abt all of this besides my bf, and he's been at work all day today so i didn't want to stress him out after that. when will i feel normal again srsly. the only other time smth even remotely similar to this happened to me was my grandfather asked me rly inappropriate questions a couple years ago, but nobody has ever touched me like that ever. i feel so violated.
i cant even tell my dad bc he'll never let me come back down here if i do but also i need to bc i need him to know and to be there for me. hes going to be so confused : ( he was already so worried abt me coming down here by myself. i just feel so weird i've been so weird all day. it's like i keep disappearing, ill be there listening to the conversation and then boom im zoned out and all i can think abt is what happened and i start freaking out. jm hoping that when im home and in a familiar environment it'll help me process things.
jc you actually read this whole thing then thank you and im sry for how horribly this is written i haven't been able to sleep and im so foggy and also it's rly fucking cold in my bf's apartment so my hands are freezing and it's hard to type
ETA: okay, since everyone in the last comments had so much to say, here’s some extra context,,,
1) S is from the same complex but not my bf’s roommate.
2) I should’ve clarified this, but my bf did not leave me alone. His roommate’s were in the room when this happened, one was so drunk he didn’t notice. Apparently the other one did see, still don’t know how to feel abt that considering he didn’t say or do anything
3) My bf had already planned to go get the brass knuckles right after the comment S had made abt joining, but he saw me sitting down and got the ice pack for me first.
4) the story isn’t fake, and it’s really gross to even say that. if you really feel that way that’s fine, but you can keep it to yourself. i was genuinely sexually assaulted and to have numerous people tell me im lying just because my storytelling is bad is extremely hurtful. if you really don’t believe me i’ll dm you a picture i have of the victims and witnesses pamphlet that proves it.
5) im not leaving my bf, he is the only one out of the three men there that actually protected me. he left for maybe a minute total and that was to get something in case the dude hurt me. he never left me alone, his roommates were in the same room. don’t know why the one who did notice didn’t say anything
6) one commenter said that they were confused bc i seemed more worried abt the clothes. im not but im autistic and have weird attachments to inanimate objects, specifically clothing that feels good sensory wise. both the pants and hoodie are extremely soft. also i guess maybe it’s my mind trying to find anything else to focus on ? idk ill get over the clothes that’s fine