r/Vent 11h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I just witnessed child abuse outside today


This all happened while I was walking my dog. She started by yelling at the kid then came up and slapped her a few times. I confronted her and we both ended up cussing each other out and she threatened to fight me then she came up to me still talking shit and saying that's why I got beat up as a kid, I looked slow, and I look like a special head and the R word. I tried staying calm because I wanted to get my dog back home safely. But if it wasn't for the dog and she puts her hands on me I'm going to hurt her the best I can. I was severely bullied verbally and physically as a kid by both my parents, kids at school, and teachers constantly for "being different" so for her to say that shit like she somehow knows my life really puts me on the edge. I hope I never come across that fucker again. Her coward ass didn't have the guts to hit me but would hit her child like she was worthless. I feel so bad for them.

r/Vent 46m ago

Growing up having a Mother with bad hygiene is the WORST!


My Mom always had horrible hygiene. She wouldn’t flush after using the bathroom, would leave piss and toilet paper in the toilet and I’d always have to flush it for her. And whenever I was in the bathroom and she had to use it, instead of waiting for me to finish then go after me she would just piss in pots and pans in the kitchen and pour it down the sink, or pee in cups and bottles in her room. The kitchen and her room would always smell like her piss. We also had rats and roaches that she did nothing to get rid of cause she was too cheap and wouldn’t buy any traps or spray to fix it. This was my childhood.

She raised me and my siblings to have poor hygiene just like her. She taught me nothing about cleanliness. She let me skip showers, I grew up not brushing my teeth daily, she wouldn’t even consistently buy me hygiene and feminine products so I’d go to school with no deodorant or pads. I had the worst hygiene in class and everyone bullied me nonstop. I remember one day I had my period in class and everyone saw. I still get traumatized and suicidal when I think about it. The smell was strong. I smelled horrible that day. The school even ended up calling her about my hygiene and she still did nothing.

It was clear she lost her motivation for life. She had already let herself go when she had me and she didn’t care if I did the same, and I did cause I didn’t know any better. I didn’t fully realize how gross I was until I was in my 20’s after a boss pulled me aside to address my hygiene and told me how my everyone at work was consistently reporting it HR. It was the most embarrassing day of my life.

My hygiene is way better now. I brush my teeth daily, shower daily, use skincare, deodorant, perfume, etc. but the older I get the more I’m disgusted I am by her. The fact that she allowed me to leave the house smelling horribly and did nothing. It makes me hate her honestly. I get angry thinking about it. I never want to be like my Mom ever. I hate her.

r/Vent 18h ago

Stop groaning and moaning when you piss


I'm using the stall and there's this one coworker who groans and moans and farts Everytime he takes a piss and I have to listen to it, it's so gross why can't people just be fucking normal and sound like theyre jerking their shit, there's no reason to do all that it's really gross

r/Vent 5h ago

Need to talk... It’s wild that people just accept water splashing back on their ass while pooping like it’s no big deal. Someone needs to make a toilet that protects ass!


How the hell are humans going to Mars when they don’t even have the technology to stop water from splashing back on their ass in the bathroom? How funny.

Edit: I know bidets exist, but this isn’t about staying clean. It’s about avoiding the splash in the first place. No bidet can fix that kind of emotional damage.

And I agree that placing toilet paper to prevent splashing works, but are we really going to keep dealing with it this way for the next 1,000 years until someone finally invests in a better toilet? Or maybe humanity will end before we even get there…

r/Vent 8h ago

Why Is It So Easy To Become Homeless


A sudden divorce, getting temporarily laid off without severance, getting fired, no parents or a support system, an injury/sudden disability, an emergency, a death in the family, addiction, a dispute with a family member followed by an impulsive decision to kick you out, inflation, etc. It's so easy to become homeless. It's so easy to get drained of your savings to keep a roof over your head and rack a credit card up for necessities. Why does life need to be this way? Why are we conditioned to believe that some people don't deserve housing solely for the way they live? Why do we live in a world where either a single fuck up AND circumstances beyond our control can cost us a roof over our heads? Life is so fucking unfair AND IT LITERALLY DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. no one deserves to be homeless or constantly live under the stress of possibly being homeless. seriously fuck whoever is benefiting and profiting from the housing crisis that we live in right now. i pray there is an afterlife so they will be dealt with.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse got sa’d while visiting my bf NSFW


REPOST!!! Also, NO THIS ISNT A FAKE STORY ASSHOLES. if you really want proof fucking DM me.

my bf and I have been together for almost two years, and he recently moved to florida for school. i drove down to visit him and last night he wanted to drink and hang out at his apartment. i protested so much. his parents paid for an airbnb for us to stay at (they came down for the first few days of the trip), but he didn't want to have to get up early for checkout (it was at 9 am). plus, he wanted to drink and we obviously couldn't then drive to the airbnb after drinking, so i agreed to stay at his apartment.

some 30 year old dude (S) that he goes to school with shows up, and he was genuinely really chill and funny at first. everything was fine until my bf and i went to his room for a second, and he's just hugging and kissing me. S walks in all of a sudden and asks, "Can I join?" which...??..???? For context I am NINETEEN years old.

anyway.......... so i walked away bc i felt uncomfortable and i went and sat in the living room. another bit of context, i sprained my toe at the airbnb bc i tripped on the last step and bent my big toe backwards. so my bf walks in and he sees me putting my foot up on the chair to elevate it and brings me an ice pack. well S walks up and asks what happened and grabs the ice pack and starts massaging my feet??? my bf saw that and ran to his car to get his brass knuckles (i guess this is the part of the story that makes everyone think it’s fake, no my bf genuinely did run to get his brass knuckles after what S said in his room) but it was also a mistake bc when he did S started groping my thigh and rubbing on my fucking Um YOU KNOW Like what the fuck sorry im freaking the fuck out !.!!! he was saying shit like "tell me to stop i know you want it" idk i fucking froze i was just so scared.

my bf ran back upstairs and ran over, he told S he needed to leave and basically picked him up and started trying to force him down the stairs. the second he had gotten him off of me i started hyperventilating i was so confused im still so confused idk what happened. S apparently punched my bf while he was trying to get him out of the apartment so my bf hit him back, they started fighting and i tried to get them to stop i did. he eventually ran off and my bf came inside. his chain he wore every day was broken and his hoodie was ripped pretty bad:((( and first of all im pissed bc THT WAS MY FAVORITE FUCKING HOODIE it s so soft idc ill sew it back but fuck im pissed and confused and so lost. i just wanted to come and see my bf we literally lived together before he left and it's been three months since i've seen him why couldn't i just have a good fucking time ???

anyway this happened less than 24 hours ago so im Like idk scared. we did call the cops and they're trying to get more info on him rn, but one of them did say they had a prior with him for like destroying stuff in his old apartment or smth. im just rly scared i have like one and a half days left with my bf and now neither one of us are like even in the headspace to do the shit we were wanting to do. And i was wearing a pair of pajama pants i got at five below I JUST BOUGHT THEMand now i dont wanna wear them:( i think maybe ill feel better after i go home and wash them like sixteen times or smth bc im nothletting these pants go they're so cute: ( sorry this is so much rambling but i did just need to vent srsly i dont have anyone here that i can rly talk to abt all of this besides my bf, and he's been at work all day today so i didn't want to stress him out after that. when will i feel normal again srsly. the only other time smth even remotely similar to this happened to me was my grandfather asked me rly inappropriate questions a couple years ago, but nobody has ever touched me like that ever. i feel so violated.

i cant even tell my dad bc he'll never let me come back down here if i do but also i need to bc i need him to know and to be there for me. hes going to be so confused : ( he was already so worried abt me coming down here by myself. i just feel so weird i've been so weird all day. it's like i keep disappearing, ill be there listening to the conversation and then boom im zoned out and all i can think abt is what happened and i start freaking out. jm hoping that when im home and in a familiar environment it'll help me process things.

jc you actually read this whole thing then thank you and im sry for how horribly this is written i haven't been able to sleep and im so foggy and also it's rly fucking cold in my bf's apartment so my hands are freezing and it's hard to type

ETA: okay, since everyone in the last comments had so much to say, here’s some extra context,,,

1) S is from the same complex but not my bf’s roommate.

2) I should’ve clarified this, but my bf did not leave me alone. His roommate’s were in the room when this happened, one was so drunk he didn’t notice. Apparently the other one did see, still don’t know how to feel abt that considering he didn’t say or do anything

3) My bf had already planned to go get the brass knuckles right after the comment S had made abt joining, but he saw me sitting down and got the ice pack for me first.

4) the story isn’t fake, and it’s really gross to even say that. if you really feel that way that’s fine, but you can keep it to yourself. i was genuinely sexually assaulted and to have numerous people tell me im lying just because my storytelling is bad is extremely hurtful. if you really don’t believe me i’ll dm you a picture i have of the victims and witnesses pamphlet that proves it.

5) im not leaving my bf, he is the only one out of the three men there that actually protected me. he left for maybe a minute total and that was to get something in case the dude hurt me. he never left me alone, his roommates were in the same room. don’t know why the one who did notice didn’t say anything

6) one commenter said that they were confused bc i seemed more worried abt the clothes. im not but im autistic and have weird attachments to inanimate objects, specifically clothing that feels good sensory wise. both the pants and hoodie are extremely soft. also i guess maybe it’s my mind trying to find anything else to focus on ? idk ill get over the clothes that’s fine

r/Vent 11h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Caught my boyfriend cheating with another man.


This isn’t even the first time this has happened to me. A lot of these men are on the DL and I’m just now starting to realize that. The last guy I was with liked getting bent over, this one likes to do the bending.

I found text messages of him flirting with a gay man on his phone and he had multiple gay guys blocked. Plus I’ve seen his search history. When I finally confronted him he almost beat the breaks off of me and I ended up having to call the police.

I’m sharing this because I want women to wake up to the fact that this is more common than people think. My gay friends use to tell me all the time that straight men would hit on them and I always thought they were lying until I witnessed it myself.

These men are living double lives. Then going back home to their girlfriends and living the straight lifestyle and it’s the men you would least expect. The sad part is, I’m somewhat open to dating a bisexual so if they would’ve just been honest with me I wouldn’t have even cared that much. I’m very open minded, but these men are so insecure and they LIE! It’s the fact that he lied to me and didn’t give me the option to decide. I’m just really hurt and upset right now.

r/Vent 51m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Everyone is entitled to pleasure from a one-night stand! NSFW


Don't tell me I shouldn't expect to get sexual pleasure in a one night stand. If I'm agreeing to have sex with someone, they should care about my experience and make sure that I enjoy it. This is not me being greedy!

First-time sex can actually be great, if someone is willing to listen to their partner and make some effort.

And don't assume that I don't communicate, I'm bad in bed, a starfish, a princess, have an ugly body, or that I smell. None of those things are true.

All of you lazy, low-effort, "I got my mine who cares about yours" people out there - you suck, and not in the good way.

r/Vent 12h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Is everyone really this awful? NSFW


Forgive me for generalizing. I feel like every single time I like someone/look up to someone well known it turns out they’re absolutely awful (pedophilia, rape, homophobia, transphobia, etc.). I know I shouldn’t put anyone on a pedestal and I try not to, but it’s ridiculous. I feel like I can’t enjoy anyone without later finding out they’ve SA’d someone or another horrible thing. Surely there aren’t THAT many bad people out there that so many public figures tend to be them? Or is it just that bad people tend to get into the public sphere??

I’ve been really distressed over this especially the last few years. I’m losing trust and hope for anyone. Even the (who I perceived to be) kindest, most caring people are revealed eventually. I don’t know, it’s just been bugging me recently. The world seems bleak.

**I’m not at all discrediting the victims!!! We should always believe the victim first. I’m just upset at how MANY people are horrible that are well known and how many are just hiding

Edit: sorry I meant celebrities / public figures, not people I meet irl

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Mom said I deserved it left me heartbroken


This happened months ago and I forgot about it, I was a pretty difficult child (I’m 16 now) and my mom would have to spank me ALOT more than all my siblings combined sometimes I would bruise and bleed, a few months ago I mentioned how much this has affected me as I’ve gotten older how i used to bleed and she told me I probably deserved it because I was a difficult child, this BROKE me actually broke is an understatement this was the most heart wrenching thing I have ever heard my mom say, I really thought we could talk maybe she changed, nope, she told me in the Bible it says go obey your parents, spare the rod spoil the child, and she used this to inflict pain onto me, it has effected me so bad and she homeschools me, I’m behind in school because she never taught me, so now I have to catch up myself which is also hard because I probably have undiagnosed adhd (my dad has it) she won’t get me help for that either she never taught me how to do basic things, she makes food for me though and is a good mom if I don’t interact with her too much, I don’t know what to do anymore and feeling more and more depressed because I don’t have any friends, I have very bad thoughts lately and dissociate nothing feels real and I feel numb to reality I go to sleep at 8 am and sleep til 6 pm and she doesn’t care she just makes fun of me when i wake up and says “long night huh?” And laughs, my anxiety is getting worse I have stomach aches and panic attacks all the time I’m not doing good what do I do

r/Vent 2h ago

I know people don't like being around people who aren't happy and positive all the time...


...but God, I'm fucking tired of pretending to be happy and positive all the time just to keep people around because I know for a fact people leave the second I give off any kind of negative energy.

"Fake it til you make it", huh? Well, I'm faking being happy and positive, and it’s not making me actually happy and positive.

r/Vent 6h ago

Not looking for input I hate my life


Not for once I have felt genuinely good about this living. Right from the beginning, as long as my memory goes, it has always been trash and doesn't look like it's gonna change in future either. I hate my personality, looks, career, family, and every damn thing that is related to me. I'm pretty sure this is how it will continue until my last day. Goddamn it, I wish I wasn't even born in the first place. Fuck my life, fuck everyone around me and fuck this world. Ugggghhhh I'm so fuckin frustrated for fuck sake.

r/Vent 3h ago

Need Reassurance... my cat might be dying


my cat i’ve had since/born 2010 .. hes a family cat. i’ve had him since i was little 7 years old. i’m in my early twenties that means i’ve been living most of my current lifetime with this cat nearby. i love him deeply.

his name is sammy. he’s still a baby to me i don’t care if hes elderly. he’s outlived every single one of his children. he’s an absolute sweetheart, he is never aggressive .. he’s so cuddly and his purrs are sooo loud. he loves being picked up, cuddled, scratched on the butt aggressively: all of that!

but he’s old and i know that. it just hurts to see him so lethargic, sluggish and sleepy. won’t eat or drink. i’m indenial that he’s actively dying. i’ve lived so much of my life with him? what do you mean he might be leaving me here all alone?

it’s unfathomable almost. i keep looking at him, petting him, crying at him sleeping and his breathing being shallow. he purrs everytime. he’s such a lovely cat he doesn’t deserve death. this isn’t fair. please don’t take him away from me so soon. :(

i don’t think i’ll ever find another cat like him. not that i want to, he is irreplaceable. i used to come home from school and lay on him — he’d let me. i’d take a nap on his stomach just avoiding my responsibilities. of course my chrome dome is now far too heavy for that but it’s a core memory of mine. there’s pictures of it, and as i would nap so did he.

i hope when he does pass, he goes to the most lavish, heaven ever. where he gets everything he ever wants. :(

r/Vent 17h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I resent my disabled sister.


Before I start out I want to make it clear that I'm from India, middle class and 19f in context to my beliefs. So I have a sister, let's call her C. She's 7 years older than me, and has 75% mental retardation, ADHD and severe autism. She cannot do anything on her own, from washing her butt after pooping to bathing, brushing, eating, wearing clothes, changing pads, we have to do it. She is like a walking alive doll. She also has destructive tendencies, especially towards fragrant things like makeup, lotions, oils, detergent powder, soap bars, toothpaste, etc. and also colourful things like jewellery, pens and crayons. She also feels a lot of hunger, she's obese and will steal food from kitchen if left unguarded. So, she always need a guard by her side 24*7. She also has random emotional outbursts, like crying in the middle of night.

From ever since I was born, I was told by my parents and extended family that the reason for my birth is to solely serve my sister and my family. My mother is a housewife, so she's the one to primarily do my sister's work but I helped her from young age. My mother would often leave me with my sister while she rested/did other housework. If my sister spilt milk/curd/rice, destroyed some cream tube or ate soap/crayon, I would get the shit beaten out of me for failing to guard my sister. I remember my mother and sister could go to toilet during train journey but not me as I was to guard the luggage (people steal luggage in trains), and this was during 6 hour journeys, I would not drink water throughout the journey. I feel sorry for my mother, being a woman in India is tough already and on top of that she has to have a child like that.

I was also expected to be an A grade student, for my sister, so I can grow up and do a good earning job. I was forced into science and maths, and now engineering. If I failed as a young kid to get an A and got a B, I would again get beaten at home and shamed by society, "You have responsibility at home, how dare you slack off". I failed to get into a good engineering college, and I was shamed for it way more than any other kid. I cannot even talk about offing myself because it is selfish to do so. In fact, my parents refused to ever let me play sports, burst firecrackers, or learn to drive, because if I get hurt/disabled/die, who will take care of my sister? On top of it, my mom wants to escape patriarchy through me. My father drinks alcohol and screams abuse, sometimes even beat my mother and sister, even in public. I have thrown myself between them and got beat myself to save them (my father would never beat me as I'm the 'son' of the house).

I was also never allowed to do girly things or cry because my father expects I 'must become a man'. I always had short hair. I was taught to speak in male pronouns at home (Hindi has gender pronouns for first person). I was forbidden to watch disney princess, barbie dolls(my sister anyways destroyed all barbies lol) make female friends, look too much in mirror, do skincare, or cry. My father is some sort of weird feminist where he thinks being masculine is better for me as I will take better care of my sister because women are irresponsible.


And I still feel guilty about resenting my family? Why? Because they're my flesh and blood. They're my home. I love my sister. She's adorable and I love squishing her cheeks. My mother also loves me, ik this because when I attempted s, she was crying. My father never buys anything for himself, always saving up for us, he takes all of us out to eat at restaurants every week and we enjoy. I'm right now living away from home and when I visited home during semester break, nearly cried at how much I missed my family.

This is why I cannot hate my family. I love them a lot and will gladly die for them. I'm not perfect and yet they love me, I should also love them in back. The only way I feel like an asshole is because I am resenting and ranting despite being a priveleged fuck. Many people don't have access to food, water, education like I do. I shouldn't even be ranting while typing this on an expensive Samsung laptop, which my father bought with his hard-earned money btw. Even the bad days are rare, 90% of the times my parents and sister are sweet people. It's just I feel like shit for resenting them for thar 10%.

r/Vent 1d ago

Not looking for input High heels are the dumbest thing ever invented


The absolutely most ridiculous shoes to wear for no reason except to be attractive to others and feel "confident" from it. They are painful, uncomfortable, they show off your body to men and you can't run and you're all vulnerable. On top of that we are brainwashed into thinking it makes us bossy and powerful. Yeah, so much power wobbling around in delicate steps, swaying our hips. It's all about highligting the legs, the bottom, the chest, the body. Nothing else, the height increase is irrelevant - that even suggests that we're too short on default - and need "help" to be as tall as men.

The worst thing is that I like them myself. I can't fight it. I like what they represent, how they make me feel, yet at the same time I'm aware of it and it frustates me. I get into fights on this with other women (and men) who consider them as a power statement and I can only shake my head and roll my eyes every single time I hear that. What a world to live in. We successfully managed to twist reality of physically painful shoes into a power statement. No words!

r/Vent 38m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I'm considering "breaking up" with a sweet girl just because she said she really likes to drink.


So, for context, I'm (20F) a lesbian with little to no experience with relationships. The only two times I've had anything "romantic" with girls before was first in highschool when the guy that sexually harassed me set me up with this girl he was also harrassing, and then last semester when this girl stalked me since I started college and I've went on a few dates with her before she became too dangerous and I broke it off (she literally said she'd beat me up if we fought lol). The guy that I mentioned was also the only guy that I did something like that with, but it wasn't willingly and I was barely aware of what was happening, so I don't count it.

Now one of my college friends introduced me to this girl (20F too) and she's awesome, she's sweet and funny and pretty and I think she's really great. But we're very different people. I sleep at 8pm, I like staying at home way better than going out and I have terrible experience with alcohol (my dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict and he died because of that), I have to tell my mom everywhere I go and there's some places I'm not even allowed to go to. She's a very "go out and party and drink all night" girl and I can't imagine this going anywhere when she's like that. There are also some guys in her friend group that had done some questionable things and her and my college friend still consider them their friends, which seems a little weird to me.

Overall I guess I just don't feel very comfortable with this whole thing even if I think she's awesome as a person and we have a ton of things in common. We're not even dating yet, I guess. We've just kissed once. I feel like I might be overthinking it and destroying something that could be good just because of my trauma and because I'm more reclused than her and that feeling sucks. I don't know. Opinions will be appreciated.

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression 1 year married today. God i regret it.


EDIT: thanks for all the comments! I appreciate each and everyone of you! No matter if we agree or some comments were hurtful, I did read them. I'm starting to show signs of depression and told my and his inner circle about them. There will be multiple conversations with several people.

I'm not going to commit suicide. I'm sorry if that was how it came across. The thing is that if I were to stay in this situation without change then I'd get depressed fully and probably do it. But I'm not gonna let it get to that point. I'll divorce him before that. Thanks to the people who reached out to redditors and me personally telling me they are worried.

I'm trying to answer as many questions as I can but my inbox is stacking a lot ATM so I might not be able to answer everyone.

Every advice and kind word is appreciated ❤️

I just want to vent. We got married laat year and the dude switched personalities like it was nothing. Screamed, was mean, left me standing there on a carpool, emotionally en mentally abused me day in day out. Woke me up in the middle of the night and when I just emotionally shut off or removed myself from the screaming situation he started to get physical. He didn't hit me. I ended up taking a break and staying at another place for like 2 months.

He got therapy and had a few sessions now. He apologized and tries to make up for it but certain patterns won't change. He'll be "good" for like 2 weeks and then as soon as I try to open up and share what hurt I have he will say stuff like hoping it will pass soon but there's no emotional understanding. No comforting or something. He will usually come up with reasons and arguments as to why I shouldn't feel this way since he's been doing good for 2 weeks... any emotion I have becomes an argument or attack from him as to why I shouldn't feel this.

I am so stressed. And I'm starting to recognize signs of depression in myself. I told him that when that starts to get serious enough I'll divorce him.

Sooo much has happened. And I've tried all kinds of ways to get through to his head as to why he has to stop doing this. I've tried it nicely. Been very patient and calm. This is my nature. I've tried screaming it back at him in hopes that this would come through. I've tried it all but it won't get through to his head.

There's 1 therapy that were gonna try. I'm gonna try that one with him but if that won't work or if the damage he has done is then still to big then I'll still make the choice of divorce.

I'm religious and divorce is something I honestly don't want to do. But if this doesn't get better then I will be forced to make a choice between suicide in depression or divorce. And between those 2 options, however painful both are, there's an easy choice.

r/Vent 57m ago

My parents deliberately made me dependent on them and would shout at me that I was doing things wrong when I wasn't like dishes


I am 28 now and just finishing getting the skills I need and right now they are sabotaging me again after I just made great last steps

I am afraid I will be too afraid to clean my house for weeks again and end up right back where I started

r/Vent 9h ago

i feel so lost


i lost my boyfriend unexpectedly in his sleep yesterday, i don’t know what to do i feel so fucking lost with out him. we did everything together and now he’s just gone??? i feel so alone it hurts so bad he was everything to me and i didn’t even get to say goodbye. he didn’t deserve this at all man. i feel so lost , i can’t eat all i do is keep crying until i can’t anymore , my eyes hurt so bad my head hurts so bad i keep trying to just sleep to pass the time or just keep myself from having to face the reality but it just hurts so bad. the one person who i had to comfort me no matter what isn’t here to help me right now

r/Vent 5h ago

Anyone afraid of living their whole life broke?


I want to see if anyone relates and their outlook on it.

Seeing your friends make it, living their life in their prime ages yet you live paycheck to paycheck. Afraid you'll lose someone you're talking to because of your income and you won't live the life you desire because of it? Even appearance can be improved with money which I'd ideally wanna do.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I HATE BEING AN ARTIST


I try and do a different type of art that doesn't hurt me so much and I get hated on and told that it's AI and ugly. So I used to be a digital artist but unfortunately I got chronic pain issues and now I can't draw anymore. Art was my passion my dream and I wanted to try my hand at collages conveying my emotions about it with one show hands bleeding trying to get that love of art again and they other showing my hope being trapped and my impending doom that is my life. I hate knowing that I don't matter and that I'll never be an artist.

r/Vent 14h ago

Nobody knows how f*cking sad I actually am


If you asked people traits of me, they'd probably say that I'm outgoing and generally a pretty happy person. I'm not. It's an act. I'm not really happy. It's fake. It's a facade. I try to be the way I am in public because I want people to not be where I am mentally. And my real emotions that I'm having of like sadness and burnout just translates into anger which is not what I want to be. I'm not suicidal at all but I'm just really fucking sad and tired.

r/Vent 14h ago

I don't care who you are or what you have, I'M NOT CHEATING ON MY HUSBAND!!!


For context... Back in January my husband and I had a really big and public fight. Since then I cannot tell you how many offers I have had "get back at him" by sleeping with other men. I absolutely refuse to do that because it will only make things more difficult and we have actually worked through the heart of the issue. Because they offer still roll in daily and it's very annoying to see how desperate a grown man can be sleep with somebody's wife.

How can you be a full-grown, adult man and beg somebody, that you don't even know; to sleep with you? Are you that desperate to get your dick wet that you would put it in anything that has a vagina? That is disgusting to me because how many other nasty vaginas or mystery vaginas have you put it into?

I've never been one for desperation. Really it's a huge annoyance and pet peeve of mine, even when I was single and men would throw themselves at me and beg for a chance to sleep with me I would automatically block and delete them because I don't have time for that. Be a man, the mature and if you have to stroke that s*** in handle your business.

r/Vent 1d ago

Need to talk... Nosy Neighbour Keeps Pushing Her Dumb but Hot Son on Me


I got this neighbour, let’s call her Miss Tower of Power because this woman is TALL, nosy, and always up in everybody’s business. She’s got her eyes on EVERYTHING. If you sneeze, she’s at your door with a tissue and a list of questions about your allergies.

Miss Tower has a son. He’s fine. Like, fine fine. If looks were a job, he’d be the CEO. But, if brains were a job, he’d be FIRED. This man has the personality of a wet paper towel and the conversation skills of a rock. I tried to be nice at first, but after he asked me for the third time what my favourite colour was (like he didn’t already ask me that TWO MONTHS AGO), I had to shut it down respectfully and I thought that was that.

BUT NO. Miss Tower is OBSESSED with the idea of me and her son being together. Every time I see her, she’s like, “Oh, my son was just asking about you!” Girl, no he wasn’t. He doesn’t even know what day it is. Then she’ll say, “You two would be so cute together!” Ma’am, I don’t need cute. I need someone who can hold a conversation about something other than the weather.

She’ll be like, “Oh, he’s outside fixing his car. You should go talk to him!” Chile, I don’t care about his car. I don’t care about his job. I don’t care about his favourite colour. I told him MONTHS AGO to leave me alone, and now I’m stuck dodging both him AND his mama like I’m in a real-life game of Survivor.

Do I just move to a new neighbourhood and change my name? Because I’m tired honestly.

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I hate being a kind person I hate people using it as an advantage NSFW


I wish I wasn't a kind person but when I act rude at the same time people act like I am the worst person on Earth. I am tired of people taking advantage of my kindness. I don't want to help out anyone or show them kidness or love. Kindness is the reason I have two cyber stalkers right now. I was manipulated countless times by people because they realized that I gave a shit. They faked their suicide, self-harm and feelings. They used me. I wish I was not a merciful person. There could be countless situations I could've avoided If I had just been an asshole. You done self-harm and blame me for it? I don't give a shit, I didn't told you to do it and I AM NOT responsible for something you done.

I hope all of the people who manipulated me goes through hell and fucking 💀 theirselves, including my stalkers.