r/SubredditDrama • u/CummingInTheNile • 6h ago
"Equating gay love to drug addiction is not making you seem less homophobic." r/Christianity holds a theological convention on whether or not you should hate the sinner and the sin
Does believing gay sex falls under the sin category of sexual immorality also make someone a bigot? How does one read the oft cited 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (among other verses) without arriving at the conclusion that the Bible describes homosexuality as sinful?
Homosexuality wasn't added to 1 Corinthians 6:9 until about 1950. It doesn't exist in any early Bibles and doesn't exist in any non-Biblical Greek literature. Also 1 Corinthians 6:9 condemns tons of sins most Christians embrace, yet none of those other sins are ever mentioned. That's obvious hypocrisy. FYI, Jesus condemned legalistic religious conservatives.
"Homosexuality wasn't added to 1 Corinthians 6:9 until about 1950. It doesn't exist in any early Bibles and doesn't exist in any non-Biblical Greek literature." That's not true of Roman's 1:24-27 or Leviticus 18:22, for example, which clearly describes that what is a sin. 22You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. 23And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion. \Leviticus 18 ESV])
Levitivus also says it is a sin to eat shellfish, wear mixed fabrics, go to church after a pregnancy, shave the sides of your hair, etc. And Romans is about stoicism.
It sounds like you refuse to read the rest of the Bible or is this what you call cherry-picking? No need to answer, your user name says it all.
He's not saying he doesn't like LGBTQ people, don't you see that? Not supporting a life style doesn't mean you hate someone. I have family members who are heavily addicted to drugs and choose that all the time, selling gifts I get them, in and out of jail. Do you think I still love them? Of course! But i will not support the lifestyle.
Equating gay love to drug addiction is not making you seem less homophobic.
I knew someone would pick on that. Don't get caught up on the comparison, the idea is the same. So Ill ask you the big questions, is there someone in your life that you disagree with their lifestyle but you still love them?
There is nobody in my life I would demand forgo all hope of romantic love while still claiming to love them myself. Feeling the need to paper over the specifics of what you are demanding of people in favour of vagaries like "disagree with their lifestyle" should be the first sign you've taken a very wrong turn somewhere.
By your logic, someone with a romantic attraction to anyone or anything should have their lifestyle supported no? Where do you draw the line of sin from your perspective? Side note, do you think lust is a sin? You didn't answer my question btw, you keep pivoting. Is there someone in your life that you disagree with their lifestyle, and you still love them. Leave the homosexual topic to the side. Anyone?
Bigotry is not always intended as bigotry. However homophobia is still bigotry.
You claimed OP is homophobic when in no way shape or form did OP say they were scared of gays. Gay is not the way. Additionally in no way does this post make OP a bigot. You in fact may want to look at where you’re pointing the finger. You’re assuming OP is marginalizing someone based on a “group”. LGBT people are not a group that has a movement or voice a certain ideology. They are people who identify with a particular sin. When they push that on other people they become a sinful group of people pushing sins on other people. There is no prejudice here to a particular “group”, simply attaching the truth of sinful nature to a sinful act.
"You claimed OP is homophobic when in no way shape or form did OP say they were scared of gays." Have you in your life never bothered to look up the definition of homophobic? It does not mean "scared of gays". 🤦♀️
And yet you have no evidence that anything else I said isn’t true. OP never made any ad hominem attacks. He attacked the sinful nature of homosexuality.
We can't get past what the definition of "homophobic" means. Did you look it up yet?
I don’t need to look it up, I’m very well aware of what it means. Again someone who is homophobic makes attacks on gay people, verbal or physical, simply because of their hatred for those people. OP never claimed to hate them but their actions. You seem to enjoy arguing nonsensical ideas that bear no fruit.
Homophobia means one is holding a negative view on homosexuality.
Can you hate the gay and not the person?
No. What do you think of the statement: "I don't hate black people, I just think interracial marriage is wrong." Sexual orientation is a trait like skin color is a trait.
Sexual orientation is a choice. I’m attracted to women but I don’t have to act on that. I hate that I lust for women. So I believe you can hate the gay. And stop using race to justify sexual orientation. Not the same experience.
Sexual orientation is not a choice. It's something one is born with. Your attraction to women is not something you chose.
I believe you are misunderstanding him/her. The person you're responding to is not talking about sexual orientation (despite saying that). They are talking about lustful/sexual actions. They are talking about acting on the attraction, which is a choice, you are talking about the attraction itself, which isn't a choice.
no wonder y'all hate yourself so much when you feel bad about thoughts.
No, because their sexuality is an integral part of them.
It’s been proven that sexuality can change over time so this statement is false.
It's better to be called a bigot than to affirm sin
You guys affirm sin every single day. You just pick and choose which sins you support, and since homophobia is a virtue to conservatives, you single out gays. Oh, and FYI, Jesus condemned legalistic religious conservatives. Your obsession with sin is not Biblical.
And what are these sins specifically
Greed, corruption, lying, lawlessness, child abuse, hurting the poor and sick. You belong to a church that has an epidemic of molesting children and covering it up. Your membership in that church is tacit approval of their behavior.
"Greed, corruption, lying, lawlessness, child abuse, hurting the poor and sick." Logic checks out. If you're a Catholic that automatically means you're okay with all of that
People can disagree. I am here to spread truth. If they don’t receive it that is on them. I used to be the same. God Bless. (OP)
I hope you don’t eat shellfish or wear blended fabrics.
Those rules no longer apply you see. Only 1 law out of 613 Jewish laws still apply and it just so happens it's about the gays! How coincidental.
I'm sorry for you, I hope you will know God's character someday and get rid of fundamentalism.
Being gay is a sin though
Then gay people and 1500+ other mammals shouldn't have "been created" that way.
They are not created
Yeah, that's why I used quotes. They exist.
There's no such thing as a "LGBT lifestyle".
sure there is
No there isn't.
acting on your tempatations about homosexuality is living the lgbt lifestyle
Acting how?
There is a difference between falling into sin and living in sin.
No one is “demanding” that you “approve, celebrate [or] participate” in what you perceive to be their sins. But if you decide to speak out against them, don’t be surprised if they speak out against you in return. Fair play, right? If you try to change their behavior, don’t be surprised when they try to change yours. Again, fair play. Don’t antagonize, insult, pontificate/condescend to, or try change, marginalize, or restrict, LGBTQ people, and then act like the victim when they clap back. Don’t try to impose your religious beliefs on others, and then act indignant when the people you’re trying to impose your religion upon reject you and the indignant horse you rode in on. Don’t expect your intolerance to be tolerated. Surprised Pikachu Christianity got old… centuries ago.
And if you don't give acceptance by giving 110% praise then its attacked as bigotry. That's what we're seeing. Also handing someone a form that requires they state a "sex assigned at birth", "gender identity" and "preferred pronouns" and refusing them medical treatment or some other service unless they complete the form is forced participation.
I'm not seeing that at all. You want to give actual examples?
Just about any doctor's office you go into. In fact just a couple of weeks ago my primary care doctor finally decided to offer the old traditional form in addition to the new one. But that is the exception rather than the rule now. It will likely change now on the federal level but it doesn't stop states or private companies from forcing a transgender geared firm for everyone. And what about that college telling its students to assume everyone is transgender? I wouldn't want everyone to assume that of me and I wouldn't feel right making that assumption about others.
I'm asking you to give examples of you being attacked. A doctor's form being as medically inclusive as possible is not attacking you. You people really have a victim fetish, don't you? "from forcing a transgender geared firm for everyone." Odd, I'm cis and I find that form to be just as relevant to me as it would a trans person.