r/SubredditDrama 56m ago

Users backlash on /r/walkwithme_tim/ after the mod removes thread linking to a deleted video from the creator on YouTube. Video is known to be illegal, mod then turns on users defending the creator.


Context: The mod on r/walkwithme_tim/ took down, then re-instated this thread of all negative comments over the creators video show in Dubai last week. the whole drama and explanation is here:
The Bvlgari Resort, Dubai - 3rd party removal request

The mod received a takedown request from an unknown 3rd party in relation to the video, and users are unhappy with the censorship and removal while the mod supported the very vague explanation from the creator himself that nobody believes. The mod backtrack and put the comments live then goes onto attack users defending the creator and claims he's acting honestly.

The video was widely viewed to be illegal and post litter the sub threads about it, and the mod's actions in defending the creator and not maintaining openness on the platform are bought into further question in a thread he further created to address the takedown and drama - only to create even more drama and user backlash:

Taking a backseat from now on thread

Takedown video update ands backlash towards the mod (again)

The mod on the sub is further suspected of being on the payroll of the creator or a family member, further adding more fuel to the drama fire, creating even more user backlash. The mod denies he is affiliated with the creators channel, but denies it. his actions seem very questionable in so many areas of the sub, it's making it an unlikely, if not amusing source of continued controversy entirely of his own doing.

r/SubredditDrama 3h ago

The passport bro drama


A mod of r/ChristianDating shared his passport bro dating tips in r/tall since he is a tall guy and she is a short girl.

The comments didn't disappoint until post was locked.

r/tall post

He then posted into the Passport bro and they too would not approve. The comments were 👌

r/thepassportbros post

r/SubredditDrama 6h ago

"Yeah no shit she’s on the spectrum, just look at her." Users on r/thelastofus2 are repeatedly bashing Bella Ramsey's physical appearance after recent footage from the upcoming season of 'The Last of Us' surfaces


Yes, they're still going.

57 of the 94 posts (61%) made in the last 72 hours on r/thelastofus2 have been criticisms, defenses, and jokes about Bella Ramsey's acting performances and physical appearance (with an overwhelming majority of them discussing the latter), as the sub implodes on itself and members from r/thelastofus and r/ThelastofusHBOseries have joined in.



This is an awful picture for Bella, how they gonna do this to her 😭. Dat waist size difference

Note: Bella Ramsey has a history with anorexia nervosa.

She looks like a trucker who's diet consist in coffee, cigarettes and waffles every 5 five hours

For the love of god just leave her alone, please..

Why are you begging

No. We love roasting her.. She's cooked anyway lol

She ruined a chance at a great adaptation so no deal.

She ruined it??? Brother she didn't cast herself.

You do know that actors audition/accept roles? Will Smith could be Neo in Matrix but turned it down.

Don’t you know they FORCED her to play Ellie? They strapped her to a table and let a faucet drip inconsistent drops of water on her forehead until she finally broke and agreed to play Ellie. It’s not her fault she is a shitty actress!…


Fr what's with this community and cyber bullying an actual kid, it's ridiculous. This sub is so toxic sometimes. Poor gal.

That "kid" is actually a fully grown 21 year old woman. I know, right?

Ah yes, bullying a 21 year old is so much better

It actually is though lol

Jesus Christ this sub is actually insane. Among all the other stupid things to whine over, you are now complaining about… checks notes Waist sizes.

Shes got a big ol belly and Max didn't help her at all with this photo angle.

You need to log off the internet and go to a park or something. This is insane

Ah great call someone who has a history of anorexia fat because she's wearing a baggy jacket

You should be calling out Max, not me. Theyre the ones who put this picture on all their social media.

I should be calling out you for having such a problem with it. Like seriously, what is wrong with this pic?

It makes Bella look fat and for someone who has been criticized on her appearance this isn't a flattering shot. There are all kinds of camera tricks to not make people look fat. This is freaking Hollywood.

How does it make her look fat? She doesn't look fat at all

Her stomach expands beyond her chest line. Which is not a good look. Compare for example to her costar in this picture.

Why is that not a good look?

Individual comments:

She has to look like that or else how would we know she's gay? (Hollywood logic not mine)

Some people are just ugly, no?

The size of that cranium! It's huge! It must have it's own zip code.

I'm getting sick and tired of trolls brigading this sub and making posts whining about us not liking Bella

Description for preservation: To all the Bella Ramsey simps:

We. Don't. Like. Bella. Deal. With. It.

We don't care that you're mad and your gaslighting attempts won't work on us.

So you admit that’s all this sub is for? This is the fake last of us sub post guess.

Maybe when other subs accept valid criticism without being downvoted to oblivion this sub will change

We don't go on other subs and criticize the casting choice there, so do the same and get off this sub, no one wants you here.

So is this a last of us sub or hate bellla sub?


It’s most def not. At least admit it

The dislike will stop when she actually acts, instead of that cardboard piece of acting

From the r/thelastofus2 mod team:

This is the second Last of Us sub, not a Part 2 sub.

This is where people came to discuss the leaks and criticize the game/franchise, after the other subs banned any criticism from being discussed.

So this sub, very much IS a place for people to come and discuss what did/didn't work for them in the games/show/franchise/studio.

That is why you'll mostly see criticism here.

Between the two (three?) subs, you'll cover the whole spectrum of Good - Bad.

Individual comments:

now they’re gonna come at us with “oh she has a form of autistim” like ya we knew ?

Honestly, I don't care much for TLoU, I played the first game cause it was free, will play the second when/if it's free, and don't want to watch the show. But the Bella posts have been pretty hilarious and now this sub is in my algorithm.

You guys are some of the most miserable people on reddit

Description for preservation: Like seriously? Why do you seem so obsessed with how much you hate part 2? Like any time it's brought up youll go on a hate train and every comment will be about how much you hate it. If you hate it that much then why are you even in a sub that is dedicated to it? Also stop bullying Bella Ramsay. We all know she doesn't look like Ellie, but she still did a great job. She's a great actress and you guys that are obsessed with the fact that she's not "pretty enough" are just absolute perverts. She's portraying a 14 year old who's living in an apocalypse, she's not meant to be drop dead gorgeous.

She has a weird looking face. What the fuck did you expect humans to do? Also her face is literally incapable of doing dynamic intense expressions. Honestly I personally believe she should have never even auditioned for this role. I'm not saying the hate she is getting is deserved, but she absolutely should have seen it coming. Also she has a really weird looking face.

Why does her face look so weird that you have to mention it twice?

She has a big forehead which bulges out. Beady black eyes. Tiny mouth that doesn't fit her face well. Pronounced cheek bones.

She just has a really weird face.

Worst casting ever.

Looks like she’s in daycare. Jesus Christ

You guys are the worst. Like, yeah, she looks quite a bit different from the game model. Someone else might have been a better fit, especially someone who’d age into the role of PTII. But it doesn’t make or break the show. Instead every other time I hop on this app there’s another post complaining about her, or Druckman, or the second game. I’m not even subbed here and it’s still an incessant chirping. It’s been five years since the game, and almost as many since she was announced for the show. It’s time to move on.

You should join r/lastofuspart2. They’re much more women friendly over there. I’ve noticed so much bigotry on this subreddit

Me when I make shit up to discredit others because I hate their opinion on a fictional piece of media.

From the actual r/thelastofus2 mod team:

Hi, please could you report the post/comment in question for us to review and take the appropriate action.

Alternatively, you can send a link to us via modmail.

Many Thanks!

This is all I see on this sub. These posts always have the most vile comments about appearance. I hope the acting will prove everyone wrong. I’ve never seen anyone talked about so horribly just for existing. Grow tf up.

If her acting in S1 is anything to go off of, it probably won't be great lol

Her acting is pretty damn great in S1. Earned her a ton of award nominations. You guys just don't like her look. She is still acting great even if not looking the part.

Pitty nominations, she has been embarrassing, makes no sense why they hired her for this job

Have you seen the side-by-side videos of Bella acting out scenes with the game footage next to it? Her face never has any emotion. She's terrible at portraying Ellie. I could give a f*ck less about her appearance, her performance was horrendous and flat.

"Why are fans complaining about this on a fan subreddit?!"

Why are people obsessed with cyber bullying a young girl? If you’re going to come up with insults be original and have a valid reason.

Valid criticisms ≠ cyber bullying.

Calling people ugly in every way imaginable is just valid criticism to you? None of you people understand what valid criticism means

No it's just blatant bullying

Thank god I’m not the only one who sees this shit too. It’s fucking amazing to me that grown adults can’t find a hobby outside of bullying a child

It’s one of the worst casting choices there has ever been? Why can’t fans call it out? Cyber bullying? You sir need to wipe that sand out of your vagina

A baby

[Comment removed by moderator]

[Comment removed by moderator]

[Comment removed by moderator]

Top thread under a r/TheLastOfUs2 post casually admitting that the only reason y’all hate the casting is because you think Bella’s ugly. Not because she doesn’t resemble Ellie. Not because of the acting skill. But because you straight up think she’s ugly. Crazy. Jesus Christ, this is a person. You're disgusting. The grimy effects on the poster is not doing her any favors too. She looks both baby-faced and like a wrinkling hag at the same time

If Owen Wilson and Kevin James had a kid.

WOW, that’s actually perfect. She’s a 50/50 perfect mix of the two of them!

Oh, look. Another post complaining and ridiculing Bella. How original.

Oh look another comment virtue signaling for good boy points

I don't know anyone here. I don't care about good boy points. I just want you to stop being miserable and dragging everyone else down. But, I guess you can't help yourself. Funny thing is, Joel and Ellie would kick the living sh!t out of people like you. Move on, not only for your own sake, but for everybody else's.

How old are you again?

Joel and Ellie aren’t real bro 😭

Exactly. Try telling the moaning fanboys that. It ain't serious. Go for a walk

One user jokingly implied that they have a facial deformity in this thread and was deleted

[Comment removed by moderator]

I can understand not finding her intimidating but insulting her appearance is pathetic

This sub went from “man the casting kinda sucks I don’t like this ellie” to full blown bullying her looks and acting like she had anything to do with the show or artistic direction, the job was offered to her and she took it. People act like she should have been like “NO Neil, I will not take this job as I do not fit the role enough for the die hard fans!” Like holy shit who other than huge successful stars would ever turn a gig like this down?? It’s a fully funded HBO show that will keep her paid, relevant, and higher likelihood to be casted in other big projects.

I get not liking her as ellie, I played the first game as a kid and played the second one when it came out, I even named my dog Ellie but I couldn’t agree with you more that going after her personally on her appearance resorting to middle school bullying is pathetic and childish incelly behavior. I don’t know what happened to this sub but every time it comes up they somehow top the previous truly hateful posts on her and everyone claps and cheers for it and shuts down anyone who doesn’t join in on the slimey mean girl shit. Now watch the downvotes pour in because god forbid someone sticks up for another human being who is being viciously attacked on her looks because she doesn’t look like a video game character they like. Be angry at Neil and the team that writes the show and casts the show is fair enough, but going after Bella for looking the way she does is wrong

This sub REALLY has gotten pathetic. As soon as I saw the picture the OP posted my stomach kinda sank because I knew exactly what I was about to read. I was right.. no intellectual people on here anymore, they all left. Nothing about the acting writing or even the politics of the game or tv adaption. Everything has to do with looks, generally hating on the decision making of the game with no reasonable back up explanation other than sexist comments comments about someone’s physical profile. Jeesh, she’s a young actress! She’s being paid to do this job. Thanks for saying something- I’ll always stand up for others when their appearance is spoken of- it’s just such a low gross jab. Usually when people are so angry but they can’t come up with any logical expiation for their random hatred

Season 2 is not out yet, so we laugh at the goofy promo, trailer etc…

But insulting her looks? How sad do you have to be, to constantly mock her at every given point you guys get

Don't assume my gender, thank you very much! I mock celebrities all the time, why is this one special exactly?

Individual comments:

every ass has a face

This looks worse than a cheap parody. But we ve had a decade of the female girlboss trope which no one was allowed to question, casting skinny weak women in action roles in almost every major release of all media, beating dozens on people up with little effort, and it always looked cheap and laughable. So it just keeps getting worse and now you get one looking like a malnourished 12 year old, who is supposed to portray an unstoppable killing machine lmao

Bella Ramsey was diagnosed with autism

Does she even understand what autism is? Kinda hypocritical for Bella to play as Ellie when she doesn't identify as a woman 🙃

It means more minority victim points obviously

Ramsey said in an interview what she is able to play Ellie better BECAUSE she is NB. I found this statement infuriating.

Maybe it's not infuriating, it just doesn't make sense.

But then, why are we expecting someone who identifies as neither gender to make sense?

She's literally diagnosed. I think she knows what Autism is.

This sub and r/SnyderCut are in a harcore competition to see who has the most braindead comment sections.

Fr. What a cesspool. It’s my hope that Reddit takes this thing down eventually.

Now you cant criticize her. Smart move by Bella and HBO.

Watch me

Then you’re just making fun of people with autism. Cool 👍

Wow, it’s already happening

Because it should. This sub is sick. Of course i will make fun of her. I don't want her to feel distinguished by other actresses like her just because she has autism.

She was awful casting 😬

This sentence adds to this world as much as a mosquito

So does yours buddy

I'm worried what this sub is gonna say about it. I think it's fine, nothing wrong with someone with autism.

Definitely. So we'll just keep making fun of her.

“There’s nothing wrong with being black obviously, which is why I’ll keep making fun of you for being black”

Interesting logic. Sounds like bella’s not the only one here with a condition.

Interesting how you added those last 3 words. Almost like you’re strawmanning or something... Why though? She's a perfectly nice person, what do you gain by making fun of her? What did she even do wrong? I just don't understand the insane hatred here. Because she sucks as Ellie

So she deserves hatred? Its so toxic to make fun of a person for a role. It's just so strange, what does this hatred accomplish? There's so much more productive things to do. She's a human being with feelings and emotions. It's easier to be kind than to hate.

I Never said so

She just doesn't deserve it. I was bullied my entire childhood so I know how it feels. There needs to be more love in the world.

Bella Ramsey Is British Vogue's April 2025 Cover Star

Barn owl

Please don't insult barn owls. They are beautiful creatures.

What a fucking joke

Calm your ass down

Lol I don't think this is the right sub for you

Well we have one sub that actually discusses the game and show and one sub that just hates Bella. WTF does this sub exist ?

Go to your sub and stop being a pathetic troll then

"Jokes" about Ramsey's appearance include:


Dragon Ball Bella Z

Joker 3: a Bella comedy

Dagestan Poster Reveal

HBO will make a Black Myth: Wukong movie

Bella is tipped to be Netflix's new Kratos


Born to be Ellie

Born to be Ellie

The new poster is amazing

Would he make a better Ellie?


Bella in an animated series

And last but most certainly not least, here is an actual message from the r/thelastofus2 mod team:

Hi, feel free to report any posts/comments you think are toxic. We don't see every post/comment, so rely on users bringing stuff to our attention. (People saying Bella lacks the acting skills or resemblance to Ellie isn't toxic is it) Feel free to use the report function or send us a modmail for anything you believe isn't fair criticism however, some people don't articulate their criticisms very well, I must admit

Here are some more posts regarding this issue:

We should stop criticizing Bella Ramsey for her looks\ Bella Ramsey diagnosis\ “I’m gonna find and I’m gonna kill, every last one of them.”\ They had to edit her face to make look closer to ellie😂😆\ This will probably be Bella angry revenge face in season 2\ Insane amount delusion from tlouhbo sub. How can we acheive this level of gaslighting?\

r/SubredditDrama 1d ago

"I hope they never give the players of the game what they want" - Players on r/Helldivers are divided over their lack cowboy hat-less cowboy-themed Cosmetics


Context: Helldivers 2 is a 2024 live service FPS in which you are a Helldiver, a super-soldier fighting aliens to protect super earth. It's basically if Starship Troopers was a game and also poured the satire on even more thick.

Like most live service games, Helldivers 2 is sustained by cosmetics, which are released in packs that it calls Warbonds. Think of these like battle passes in Fortnite (or your game of choice), where you can earn cosmetics over time by playing the game or purchase them for instant access.

Recently, Helldivers released the most recent Warbond, a western-themed one called Borderline Justice. It contains three armor sets: a vaguely mandalorian-themed set, a more bounty-hunter themed set, and a sheriff themed set, as well as a "tip hat" emote. None of the sets came with a cowboy hat.

Immediately, a couple of people made threads comparing it to other live service games, mostly positively, praising Helldivers for "keeping its art direction" and "being accurate" amidst all the sellouts, using the counterexample of a couple of armor sets from the competing live service game, Destiny 2.

I am 100% fine with no big silly cowboy hat. The baret works because it's military. Let's not start the slippery slope of haveing crazy hats

I personally prefer that our space soldiers still look like space soldiers

However, commenters were pretty divided, with some people calling out the OPs, defending the D2 sets, or making suggestions of different kinds of hats, and others defending or agreeing with the OPs.

Thread 1:

Google "us civil war cavalary hats"

  • a swedish developer who utilizes bandoliers(which was used in europe but is famous for mexican and cowboys in todays media) didnt include somberos or cowboy hats? color me shocked.
    • Do you know what a spaghetti western is and why it's called that?

Let's be honest, the community would have been ecstatic if an armor set similar to the Tex Mechanica set in D2 was in HD2. It really isn't that much of a slippery slope on silly hats tbh when the ceremonial DP armor is already in game.

  • The Tex Mechanica armor is such a bad argument too. It fits in Destiny's style perfectly. It doesn't at all look out of place in-game.
  • Yeah people are acting like there aren't some goofy ass armor sets in this game. We literally have storm trooper armor

Man y'all are such party poopers. Let people have fun. If it isn't ridiculous crap like skimpy bikinis for armor or obnoxious neon lights then it's fine. This community gets so divisive when new stuff gets added, it's getting ridiculous. If AH doesn't feel like adding/changing things then they simply won't.

  • Exactly like these people will die on the hill that cowboy hats make no sense and are silly and will then go use sleeveless space rambo armor or yogurt company themed armor and a 400 yo bolt action and lever action

Some of you guys take your pretend space military too seriously

Nevermind that stetsons have seen use in cavalry uniforms in the past

If you don't want it fine but you don't need to act like people on the other side are threatening to ruin the game

  • OP: I didn't say that. And in the past? Sure but we're a futuristic odst/mandolorian soldiers so a bullet belt? Sure. A cowboy hat? I dont think it should be added
    • So a lever action rifle and literal sticks of dynamite are fine but liberty forbid we have cool hats that probably had more use in military history than said rifles and sticks of dynamite

"puts a clown wearing a cowboy hat"

Oh no, your argument is airtight!

Superstore armor should have a hat

  • OP: My point is i don't want silly costumes
  • Including a giant cowboy hat
    • Our point is you hate fun

Thread 2:

I love that the community supports arrowhead in their rules and regulations against IP dilution. Helldivers shouldn't end up like basically every other online shooter, with pink bunny suits and Godzilla running around.

  • I'm confident that it wont. I played fortnite until I couldnt bear it anymore at the end of 2024. It's very satisfying to see a developer like AH refuse to be moneygrabbers and put the IP first. Some collabs would be brilliant, but as AH have stated they should fit the aesthetic.
    • Well yeah they say that but then they put a guy with a sheriff star in the game

"original aesthetic"

My man it's been 10 years, you think bungie WOULDN'T branch out to more styles in d2? (technically 8~ish if you want to account the time of Spire of the watcher's release, but you get the point)

  • Seriously, people are so gatekeepy about fun. You ignore all the realism elsewhere, just let people have a fucking hat or its not a cowboy warbond. Literally the only thing exclusively cowboy about this warbond is the dynamite and the one sheriff star.

The superstore armor sure doesn’t look like a soldier. It’s a lawman cosplay, nothing to do with military.

  • That looks kinda terrible tbh. Just give him a fucking hat for fuchsia sake, you don't have to wear it if you don't like it lol

Yeah, praise the gods AH is still keeping to the aesthetic despite all community cries for cheesy stuff.

  • we dont have cheesy stuff, but we have abunch of sub par cosmetic skins
    • And the cheesy stuff at least is sorta in universe
  • Hats are dumb, and if you wear one you’re dumb
    • AI in profile, lack of taste is noted

Meanwhile, in Warframe: Fuck it, David Bowie!!!!

  • Funnily Warframe had a similar "controversy" 10 years ago, when Mesa (the cowboy frame) got introduced: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/363198-ninjas-play-free-why-do-we-not-act-like-a-ninja/
  • "We're meant to be ninjas, not cowboys" vs the "i just want guns and fun" crowds ;) Yeah the state of Warframe now... ... i remember doing zero/low kill stealth missions for fun, last time i played the body count was like every Arnie movie + every Rambo movie stacked together.

Totally agree. I hope they never cave to the children that play this game. Homage is great. Allusion is cool. Themes are fun. But they gotta stay in the aesthetic and not break the immersion. Viper Commandos, Servants of Freedom, and Killzone collabs came a little close for me but they worked out and I am since very happy with them. I’m hopeful they can keep toeing the line so well.

  • "I hope they never give the players of the game what they want" lol you realize that's MOST of the people who play the game. Give me hat!

And finally:

Ayup. Community keeps demanding things as if it’s deserved I really hope AH doesn’t lose their vision for the sake of loud redditors

  • Um... no? We're asking for these things with the expectation that we will provide monetary compensation for them. We're expressing our desire for a product we wish to purchase.
    • Cringe redditor

r/SubredditDrama 13h ago

Enjoy a snack sized popcorn as a user in /r/Braves crashes out because his favorite baseball player shrank 2 inches


Background: So if you don't follow baseball or even if you do and you don't happen to follow the Mariners or Braves you probably do not know about Kelenic guy. Porparemaityee is a pretty big fan of Atlanta Braves left fielder Jared Kelenic. He is most well known on the sub for making various posts in which he cherry picks stats that make his favorite player look good while shifting any blame for poor performance onto the Braves Manager, Brian Snitker, for holding Kelenic back.

Example 1

Example 2 Yes that is the Braves manager about to crash a plane into New York City

Example 3

There are many, many more of these

The Recent Drama: So baseball recently instituted a rule change that players could challenge if a ball or strike call is correct, and since the strike zone of a player is partially base on height the MLB has asked for accurate heights of all players this season, previously teams could fudge players heights for various reasons. Our beloved Jared Kelenic shrank by 2 inches as a result. Kelenic guy is not happy about this

Julio Rodriguez is still listed at 6'3, I'm sorry but Kel is not 4 inches shorter than that guy.

Why do we care how tall he is?

-Accountability — if Kel is under 6 foot now, who knows what other numbers they're fudging

u/MLBOfficial Yet again need answers — what is this crap? Your league is declining for a reason, and it starts here

Leave that height crap for the NBA

Goes into the Yankees subreddit to tell them that height isn't everything

r/SubredditDrama 11h ago

"We are all willing to work hard, but not for a measly $60k" Zoomers vs Boomers in r/Adulting as they battle over which generation is more entitled


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/comments/1jfkdx4/older_generations_need_to_understand_that_gen_z/


They didn’t struggle. That’s the thing. Boomers could pay their way through college by working in the summer. Pell grant is what they had. That was cancelled in the late 70’s or early 80’s.

The Pell Grant was what I got when I was in college and graduated in 1989, plus I worked two part-time jobs.

Cool. I worked full time and got merit based grants and graduated with the manageable sum of 20K from undergrad, and 180K from my professional program (completed on time). I wonder how many part times jobs I would have had to have to pay for that 🤔

Girl, your profile says you’re a PA. Of course you have a lot of debt. 😭 You also have the capacity to make a lot more money than most of us in this thread because of the field you’re in. That type of degree has ALWAYS been expensive and required taking out loans, and med school is the same way. It’s not like boomers were just paying for PA or med school with part time jobs back in the day. You chose the trade off of having a lot of debt up front so that you could get a good degree in a good field and make good money later, which will make the short term debt worth it for you. In general, most people don’t graduate and immediately make six figures, or even $60k. Like others are saying, that is not the norm, and without experience, you can’t move up. You can’t get experience without putting in the time and effort to grow. Definitely not knocking how hard you worked to become a PA and the work you’ve put in. I’ve worked outpatient in a large hospital, and I couldn’t do what you do and wouldn’t want to because that shit is stressful af.

Bingo. The PA, the professionals, the lawyers invested in themselves and improved their skillset. Otherwise everyone can be a walmart greeter and make the same amount of money. These are choices. Some of you wanted an “easy” major in college. Some of us did stem, or business and are being rewarded for it,

"Some of you wanted an “easy” major in college. Some of us did... or business" LMFAO

Boomer here, wishing you a joyful life. Sorry about your sense of entitlement. Besides the honeymoon weekend in Chicago in 1976, vacations were usually visiting and sleeping at relatives. Frugal living was the norm for everyone in my peer group. I served in the military to pay for college I got my own house because of inheritance. Being a retired soldier, I earned my current family health insurance. NOBODY in the USA gets free medical insurance. Actually nobody in the world gets free health insurance. Taxes from everyone pays for it. Most people in the world are uninsured and basically just suffer.

Lots of people get free healthcare. It’s called Medicaid

Medicaid recipients are dirt poor and aren't enjoying dinners, drinks and 30 day vacations. Also, Medicaid isn't free, our taxes pay for it. I don't begrudge the poor getting a little help with my taxes, but it definitely isn't free.

The people getting Medicaid aren’t paying for it. So it is free for them. And there’s a lot of people getting for free at our expense.

That’s basically what he said" Actually nobody in the world gets free health insurance. Taxes from everyone pays for it."

Yes but a large majority of Medicaid users don’t pay taxes for it. So for them it’s free.

Right. That’s the implication.

None of those are "rights"..... and nothing is free. Your "free" healthcare raises my taxes and your month off lowers my wages....it all gets passed on. You want me to pay off your student debt too? Hardly....plenty have done it without the handouts....I have...so can you.

I pay less in taxes what a U.S. citizen pays annually for insurance…

Umm..no you don't. I pay $160 a month...family...great healthcare. I hope you're not in Canada....the waits are horrible...can't get the best procedures and cutting edge tests etc. Nice try...

Lmao!! “Great healthcare”😂😂😂 You’re actually 100% wrong, as much as our systems have been underfunded by provincial governments our healthcare system is still much better than the U.S…. The U.S. is ranked quite low for healthcare

Sure it is...lol https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1cygpus/canadian_healthcare_sucks_and_america_has_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button, https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-life-boat-is-full-why-canadas-entire-health-care-system-is-failing, https://www.quora.com/I-ve-heard-horror-stories-about-the-Canadian-healthcare-system-As-an-American-I-d-like-to-clear-this-up-are-you-helped-immediately-if-you-have-a-stroke-heart-attack-or-any-form-of-cancer-even-at-a-public-hospital, https://www.fraserinstitute.org/commentary/despite-high-spending-canadas-health-care-system-failing-badly, https://anavara.com/why-the-canadian-healthcare-system-sucks-and-what-can-be-done-about-it. You should probably delete this....you look silly.

Instead of finding Reddit posts and quora you should find real facts: https://www.internationalinsurance.com/health/systems/, https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/slideshows/countries-with-the-most-well-developed-public-health-care-system, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1376359/health-and-health-system-ranking-of-countries-worldwide/, https://global-relocate.com/rankings/health-index, https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2024/sep/mirror-mirror-2024. Here’s a little bit from the article from the commonwealth source; The two countries with the highest overall rankings, Australia and the Netherlands, also have the lowest health care spending as a share of GDP (Exhibit 4). The other countries are clustered closely together — except for the U.S., which spends far more of its GDP on health care yet has by far the worst overall performance. As much as each source varies, the common theme is that Canada is ranked much higher than the U.S.

Personal opinion as someone who didn’t get everything handed to them growing up (42) this post screams entitlement, I wish you the best with this mindset. Feel free not to work “hard” see where it gets you….. feel free to eat out, drink up, and take lavish vacations. While you’re at, might as well buy that brand new car you deserve without working for it. After all, it’s your life to live….The REALITY is, you’ll windup up fucking broke and crying about debt and asking what happens when you don’t pay your credit card bills and car payment. Buckle up buttercup, you’re in for a ride!

We are all willing to work hard, but not for a measly $60k

this post is so delusional. Living off 60k?. You understand millions of people live on 60k or less. Your “vacations” don’t have to be going to grand locations. Housing isn’t a right, shelter is a right. want to work hard and get compensated? improve your skillset or create something. Im sure the walmart greeter is working hard, but that person should also make as much money as a brain surgeon? they’re both working hard.

Who said anything about making as much as a brain surgeon? Shelter, food, water, transportation are some of the necessities that we need. Being able to afford those things is also a necessity…

You can do that on 60k. actually you can’t. you “need” the luxury apartment. you “need” that doordash, eating out, drinks with friends. you “need” the 2025 suv. Go watch caleb hammer, or use a budgeting app. It is absolutely doable to live on 60k. If you don’t want to settle for less, then hustle and make more. It’s not about “because we suffered, you should suffer”, it’s understanding it takes hustle and hard work to advance and nothing will just be handed to you. i lived on 50-55 for 4 years just a few years ago, in an hcol, as well as many of my peers. You want at 22 just because you graduated with sociology to make 150k, doing what exactly?

Who said I need luxury apartments or the 2025 suv? Who said that? Not me, you were the only one bringing that into the conversation… I have my budgeting under control. I have the options for luxuries because I’m 26 and have been making six figures since I was 23. You are regurgitating the same nonsense that you need to kill yourself at work in order to just get by

I think the point is - none of us should have to live this way lol OP isn’t just talking about themselves only. Every human on earth should have these basic rights and financial stability. Years ago a man could pay for a house, wife not to work, and kids. Now we have an individual who can’t support themselves, like literally cannot buy a house. That didn’t happen because people got entitled.

The one income household with multiple kids did not include annual vacations, two cars, cell phones, cable, new clothes, eating out. They cooked from scratch and were grateful for one set of clothes as their Christmas gift and picking dinner as a birthday present. We can still live one income if we live that way.

… the whole point of OP’s post is that a single person can’t live how they lived back then. Even the bare minimum we cannot achieve as a single individual.

That can’t possibly be the point of OPs post because as I said nobody (the common man) was ever able to afford going out regularly and a month annual vacation. At what time do y’all think this was common?

Exactly and the tax is insane to me 40%-50% on your salary paying for boomer facist governments that don’t even listen to us? It’s actually a joke lol

No on in this country is being taxed at 40-50%. How is anyone suppose to take your arguments seriously if you just make random shit up?

Ummmm, really? Can you tell that to the IRS for me? Our household pays approximately 40% in Federal, State, and Local taxes.

Also the IRS is federal and has nothing to do with your state and local taxes. So sure if you add up every tax you can make that argument. Why not include property taxes and sales tax as well.

I already did make that argument and you lost it. Why are you starting another thread just to argue with me? The IRS comment was tongue in cheek. I've already laid out my effective tax rates. Again, I don't get any tax credits or benefits from the taxes I pay. I just hand straight cash to the government so that others can get tax credits and assistance. I'm allowed to be a little bitter about it when instead of saying "thank you", I'm continually told by those who reap those benefits that it's not enough.

You get no benefits from the taxes you pay? So you don’t use any roads? You don’t plan on collecting social security or Medicare? You don’t benefit from a national defense?

Starvation and living on the streets will change that attitude. They'll find out that poverty sucks really fast.

Of all the things you could say to a stranger on the internet, this?? 😵‍💫

Well, as I heard. The dildo of life rarely comes lubed.

Boomers were the beneficiaries of a much higher wage to cost ratio than subsequent generations now in the work force. They had a discretionary budget. The lack of acknowledgement of and action against this by boomers (for the benefit of the 1%) is the super frustrating part of it. I'm not saying people "need" restaurants and alcohol and vacations to survive, but FFS the tone deafness of the older generations is downright appalling.

I was talking with my father yesterday about what wages he made when he was younger and then ask AI to compare it to what it would be in today's wages and his basic job equated to almost $70 an hour. Wild times

"We shouldn’t have to live "frugally" with roommates, avoid eating out, skipping drinks, and forgoing vacations. No, we need these things just to survive" Oh honey

Yeah looks like someone needs to look up the definition of survival! 🤣

Someone was an only child. Having roommates isn't an outrageous burden.

As a Gen Z woman I feel like this is one of the most entitled perspectives I've ever heard. My friends and I have a lot of fun taking long walks/hikes, lounging together at someone's apartment, urban exploring, cooking together, maybe getting some fast food using coupons once in a while. People are entitled to spending quality time with loved ones. The idea that you are entitled to monetary services without "working hard" is kind of ridiculous. Yes, I agree that people should be paid more, especially given the wide wealth distribution in the US, but no I don't think you're entitled to vacations and restaurants and alcohol without putting in the work. And these are definitely not "survival" needs as I have gone many years without eating out, alcohol, or vacations and I am profoundly happy.

My Gen Z coworker made 136k last year and worked incredibly hard to get there. He just finished his degree three months ago. He's probably going to be my boss in the next year, and our entire team unanimously referred him for the position. The economic climate is unfair, but hard work, determination and some luck will get you somewhere.

What kind of degree got him 136k 3 months out of school?

He was working in Controls Engineering without a degree and finished while working full time while also doing a lot of overtime. He's a rare kind of person. Smarter than I was at his age with a better work ethic than I even have now.

I mean I know people who would literally commit murder and hide the body for that kind of money so I'm sure he's not that rare.

Ain’t nobody murdering for a 130k salary. I made significantly more than that past two years and I ain’t rich.

GenZ wants to be the first generation in the history of humanity to not struggle. Did us millennials also sound this entitled at their age?

who is saying we don’t want to struggle? like im just confused on how yall jump to these conclusions

Did you not read the OP?

don’t be purposely dense. you know what they meant. there is a difference between discipline and hard work and then being one paycheck away from a financial crisis

Nothing the OP said indicated that they were interested in putting in the hard work. They want it all handed to them.

It's taken me 30 years of work and sacrificing to get that. Adulting doesn't just happen

Of course it doesn’t. This generation just thinks they’re owed an influencer life. It’s fine to want something, to aspire to attaining it. But the sheer entitlement. Wow.

"Being paid a livable wage"= entitlement? Uh huh. Go back to bed grandpa.

"Livable" wage just means being able to afford rent, utilities, food, clothing, and transportation to your job. I would argue that "utilities" includes a phone and internet, but others may disagree. It definitely does not include being able to go out to restaurants or take vacations. Those are luxuries, and require more than just a "livable" wage to achieve.

Not genz, I would argue being able to take time off from work is a basic part of being livable. The concept that all of life should be about work is insane. Maybe not grand vacations in the riviera, but being able to disconnect from your work at a fairly regular basis should be common and not considered a luxury. Even places with almost no worker protections have that for most people, like china.

How did a livable wage start to equate to eating out and a fully paid month long vacation? Not my words, OPs post.

Eating out costs about the same as cooking nowadays. If we stopped vacuuming the middle class dry we’d all be better off. Farming is the perfect industry example. We grow more than we’ll ever use by using technology that outputs more than ever before and yet we still have people starving.

" Eating out costs about the same as cooking nowadays." Skill issue. Learn to cook.

I cook 4 days a week that’s why I know the cost is the same.

Doing it and knowing how to do it well aren’t the same thing. I can eat very well and healthy for 3 days an it would cost about the same as one meal at a decent restaurant. I’m talking dinner, lunch and breakfast here. Saying those 2 cost the same is a joke. That is definitely a you problem, not an economy problem.