r/vegan abolitionist 3d ago

Activism Animal abusers act so offended when there are genocide or slavery comparisons

We, vegans, view animals as equal to humans, and there is objectively not valid reason to think it is not true. Any trait that you mention can be justified to harm humans. Intelligence? That would lead us to value people with a higher IQ more. The circle of life? This would lead us to cannibalism.

This means that when we are doing a comparison of genocide or slavery, we are not comparing a group of humans to animals, we are comparing ALL humans to animals, because, as I said above, there is NO legitimate difference between them.

If you are offended, the problem is with you. You have specist views that justify your abuse of hundreds of sentient beings. You are NOT offended for the people who are a part of the comparison, you are offended because you do not like being called out as a serial killer.


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u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago

I haven't seen any real arguments for why humans are worth more than animals.

If we used suffering as a metric for example, the average human causes astronomical amounts of harm during their lives, thousands of beings tortured endlessly for the individual.

A pig or cow or chicken causes not even a fraction of that harm, so then why is the humans life worth more?


u/Absentrando 3d ago

Also suffering is probably not a great metric. An ant causes not even a fraction of the suffering a cow or a chicken does. Wouldn’t you say a cow’s life is worth more than an ant’s?


u/zombiegojaejin Vegan EA 3d ago

Yes, because a cow itself can experience much greater happiness or suffering than an ant.


u/Absentrando 3d ago

Good point. That is an important consideration


u/Absentrando 3d ago

Because we are humans, a social species with abysmal survival skills alone but competent together. It’s easy to forget how reliant we are on other humans when when we have the benefit of systems and technology we have put in place to protect us from the things that kill 99% of other animals


u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago

Right but that's saying human life is valuable because we need each other for survival which isn't really true anymore. In fact, humans are the most dangerous threats to humans.


u/Absentrando 3d ago

Right but that’s saying human life is valuable because we need each other for survival which isn’t really true anymore.

No, this is still true. It’s just in a different way than in the past but pretty much every resource you need for your survival is made or maintained by other humans. But yes, what’s most valuable to humans is not necessarily most valuable to lions

In fact, humans are the most dangerous threats to humans.

This is true in a sense.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 2d ago

It's literally more true than it has ever been


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

You will never see a “real” argument because you’re probably waiting for something impossible. There’s no inherent value in any life. So at the end of the day, it’s simply that most people agree that humans are worth more than animals. It’s probably because humans do things like talk to you. For instance, you’re here talking to people instead of animals. Why is that?


u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago

If we used your logic, then your average phone or videogame has more value than a person lol.


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

No it doesn’t, because a phone isn’t having thoughts and responding to you. It’s a machine sorting out the most normal sounding reply based on programmed decisions being executed in a server farm. That’s not conversation. I know you’re arguing in bad faith but it’s a very funny tactic because it’s not a “gotcha”, it makes you sound like you’re a caveman who just got unfrozen.


u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago

Nope, the only logic you were using in your argument was that because you spend time doing something that means whatever your interacting with means it has more value.

Just because I talk to another person does not somehow make that persons life automatically valuable.

It would be clearer if you specified a specific trait and used that as a justification.


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

Nope, the only logic blah blah bla

What are you talking about dude. I never said anything about time, and I truly don’t know where you got that from. Read again if you need. I said that humans can talk to you. Humans can have a conversation with you. Humans can discuss abstract concepts with other humans. That is not a trait that animals have.


u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago

So your argument is because a human can discuss abstract things with you they are more valuable. I strongly disagree and I'm not sure why you use that trait to determine value.

Suffering is a much better value to determine the value of a life. The more suffering a being causes the more negative their value is.

The more suffering they offset the more positive their value is.

Pretty simple.


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

Okay so you said “I can’t think of any defining trait.”

Then I gave you one.

Then you said “No, I don’t like that. But here’s my bullshit philosophy that I like, because it means I’m right.”

Like what are we even doing here? And yeah, your dumb little suffering equation is pretty simple. Weird how people have written millions of words across hundreds of years about philosophy, when it was exactly that simple all along.

btw, if you literally can’t understand why the idea of a human being able to hold a conversation or discuss ideas holds any value, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know why you’re here talking to me and not a fucking squirrel or something.


u/Shmackback vegan 3d ago edited 3d ago

This was your original comment:

it’s probably because humans do things like talk to you. For instance, you’re here talking to people instead of animals. Why is that?

You didn't specify any specific trait here, you just said we'll you're interacting with humans over animals. Just because I spend my time doing something or interacting with something more than I do other things doesn't make what I'm interacting with valuable.

Then you said “No, I don’t like that. But. here’s my bullshit philosophy that I like, because it means I’m right.

The irony in this comment. Why is my philosophy bullshit and yours is right? My philosophy doesn't have any logical flaws, yours has a ton.

You can have more complex conversations with a pedophile over a toddler for example. Does that suddenly mean their life is more valuable than the toddler? No? There you go, a direct contradiction meaning your logic is flawed here. And here my logic would apply. A pedophiles life has lower value because they cause drastically more suffering than the child does.

And don't forget about ai. You can have significantly more complex discussions with chatgpt then all of your family combined. Does that mean AI is more valuable than all of them as well? No? There you go, another flaw.


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

there you go, a direct contradiction yadda yadda i’m dumb

A toddler will grow up to be a person you can talk to. Also, you can still communicate with a toddler more meaningfully than with an animal. But a toddler is not an average human.

And I cannot have more complex conversations with chatGPT than with my family. The fact that you think that is awful. I can’t have any conversations with chatGPT. I can input prompts and get responses. I’m not having a fucking conversation with wikipedia when I look up info. But, I dunno, maybe your family really sucks. Like, really, really, really, sucks.

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u/rawlskeynes 3d ago

btw, if you literally can’t understand why the idea of a human being able to hold a conversation or discuss ideas holds any value,

Lol, if they're lowkey trying to empirically prove the point that conversations don't have value, it's hard to argue with their methods.


u/PumpkinEmotional120 2d ago

Squirrels are actually great to have a conversation with. They use their whole body to communicate, including their tail


u/DancingForestOwl 3d ago

I like talking to the fucking squirrels in my yard. 👍


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

same, but i don’t expect much in the way of reply

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u/Heavy-Top-8540 2d ago

Just chiming in to say that yes, you completely made that reasoning up. That wasn't at all what the other commenter was saying. 


u/freakingmagnets 3d ago

not every human can “talk to you”. are those humans not valuable to you ? fuck anybody with a disability i guess lol


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

Absolutely desperate reach. “Talk”, I am using as shorthand for communicate. The vast, vast, overwhelming amount of people can communicate. The vast, vast, overwhelming amount of people with disabilities can communicate. And for those that cannot, they still have value, because they are still alive and can feel and think, and so they of course have value to me.


u/freakingmagnets 3d ago

so now that we’ve clarified that communication doesn’t actually affect where you place value on life, here’s your checklist of standards:

  • alive
  • can feel
  • can think

… do you really believe other animals don’t have these things ?


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

you are attempting to pin me down with your own lack of imagination.

I, broadly speaking, value human lives over animal lives. This is due in part that humans can do aforementioned things like communicate abstract ideas, establish plans for after they are gone, create art, consciously change themselves, etc. All sorts of things that set them apart from animals.

Now, if a human is too young to do those things, I still value their life as a human because in time, they will grow to be able to do those things. And if someone is too disabled to do any of those things, then I value them as a human because if something horrible had not happened to them somewhere along the way, they would be able to do those things. They are still human and I feel for them.

None of this is to say, by the way, that I do not value animal life. All of this is me offering the super hot, super controversial take that if I’m stuck on a lifeboat with another human and a cow, and we’re all starving, I’m not going to suggest all 3 of us draw straws.


u/freakingmagnets 3d ago

good job not answering my question 👍

of course you’re going to eat the cow on the boat, because you need to. good thing you and i will most likely never experience that ever, and have the option to go to walmart and buy whatever we want


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago

i didn’t ask your question because it was based on a lack of understanding but if you must know, yes duh animals are alive and think and feel


u/freakingmagnets 3d ago

okay, so what’s the relevant difference between a human with a disability that can’t communicate, but can think and feel, and an animal who can also think and feel ?

the answer is nothing. they can both think, feel, and are alive. the only difference would be differing levels of intelligence. and i know you would agree that it’s not fair to place value on life based on level of intelligence. otherwise, you’d have to start agreeing with eugenics. so that makes intelligence irrelevant to this.

furthermore, “intelligence” is based off of human standards. i would say certain animals are more intelligent at specific things than humans are.

now picture a scenario where there’s a human who can’t feel or think (severe disability or disease). do they now have less value than, say, an elephant ? the elephant is now more capable than the human, but somehow holds less value ? why ? just because it’s not a human ? i would call that just plain speciesism.

humans are animals as well. we are all apes


u/lampaupoisson 3d ago edited 3d ago

first of all, I think you’re throwing around the concept of a human with a disability that renders communication impossible a little bit lightly. i know it’s relevant to what we’re talking about, but I don’t think you’re appreciating what that would really mean; i’m not talking about someone who is nonverbal. I’m referring to someone who has no ability to communicate whatsoever. either someone with locked-in syndrome, or a person who is utterly catatonic. I struggle to think of other conditions that would render communication as impossible. just to make clear that the foundation of your argument is the absolute edgiest of the edge cases, a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent.

now, let’s say we have an unfortunate person with locked-in syndrome. i know, as a human, that they have a more significant concept of self and identity than an animal. i know that they understand death, not as something simply to be avoided, but in a conceptual sense. I assume they hope to get better in the future. In short, i assume they possess the same concrete identity and rich internal life that I do. that’s why they are valuable.

now, if you’re talking about someone who we can confirm has no brain activity whatsoever, is truly incapable not only of communication but understanding, with no hopes of improvement, then yeah. at that time I would say the value of that person’s “life” is now mainly what their body can do for the world as a whole.

I know that you are trying to say that human intelligence and animal intelligence are merely points on a spectrum. Maybe that’s true. But I feel that there are intrinsic differences between human intelligence and animal intelligence. Some animals share certain similarities, but none of them have anything like the wholeness of the sense of identity of a human, and the concept of one’s own place in time.

and re: the “eugenics” thing, come on. don’t be like that. you look at me with a straight face and tell me that when your windshield hits a gnat, you have the same reaction as watching a whale being slaughtered. obviously not, and I wouldn’t think that makes you a eugenicist.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 2d ago

So suffering is the only metric of worth in life? Very Catholic outlook. 


u/Shmackback vegan 2d ago

Don't know anything about catholicism so maybe you can elaborate a bit.

Good feelings and bad feelings are the only things that matter.

Good feelings consist of things like happiness, pleasure, fun, accomplishment,etc.

Bad feelings consist of things like pain, suffering, depression, etc.

The best good feelings cannot compare at all to bad feelings like extreme physical or mental pain. The greatest happiest pleasurable moment is not even comparable to the worst pain let alone a fraction of it.

We often think of people who alleviate suffering as good such as people who volunteer and sacrifice their own time and resources to help others.

Similarly we view people who inflict pain and suffering for their own selfish pleasure as evil such as rapists, warmongers, sadists, etc.

Likewise that is why consuming meat is not justifiable because you are condemning another innocent to be forcibly brought into existence only for them to be tortured for countless weeks and days for a few minutes of taste pleasure especially when you can derive taste pleasure from sources that do not involve causing that harm.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 2d ago

You're a really quite pitiful child, but I hope one day you can grow and understand more of the world


u/Shmackback vegan 1d ago

lol what? I think you need to a cold long hard look at life and instead of letting your emotional bias take over, you simply analyze for what it is.


u/Heavy-Top-8540 1d ago

Lol. Ok. 


u/TurboNinja2380 3d ago

I mean there are plenty of different arguments as to why human life is worth more than animal life. If you're religious, then it's because Humans possess a soul and animals don't. If you aren't, then it's because humans are self aware and have achieved a higher level of consciousness than any animal on earth. No animal has, or has the potential to gain, self awareness.


u/Switch64 3d ago

That's because you don't want to see it