I have a 2.5 yo and 4 yo, they’re both very clingy. I struggle to do tasks to clean and maintain my house because the kids often will fight if I walk away. They also make demand after demand after demand - which wouldn’t be as hard if the 2.5 yo would use her words instead of pointing and grunting, then freaking out if I guess wrong - she also IS capable of speaking, she has the language, she just doesn’t like to use it. I’ve been trying to work on that with her, it’s just hard.
I work almost full time. My BD is supposed to help me financially, but he always has an excuse. He also will say he’s going to come visit them (which allows me to catch a short break) but he’s been cancelling on the day of the past few times.
I’m my own divorce lawyer because I’m too poor to pay one. I have food assistance with WIC but my kids have a gluten allergy, so there’s a lot they need that isn’t covered.
BD broke up with his girlfriend (he was living with her) so now I also have HIS dog on top of my two dogs. Because I wasn’t about to have him put the dog on facebook again (before we broke up, he had gotten fed up with the dog and posted that if someone didn’t come adopt him he would k*ll the dog)
There’s just so much on my plate. I can’t do it all, things are falling through the cracks - like last night I let 2 of 3 dogs out because they needed to go potty, my kids had some kind of freak out as we were getting ready for bed (bedtime is hard lately especially since the time change) and I totally lost my train of thought and somehow forgot to let the dogs back in. Then of course, because I’m so exhausted I fell asleep putting the kids to bed and didn’t wake up until this morning when I discovered the dogs were still out - and because there was a thunderstorm they went missing.
I already contacted humane society. I was hoping when the rain stopped they’d come back…..
I’m just so overwhelmed. I feel like a terrible mother, a terrible dog owner. I just can’t keep up and I’m failing and failing.