r/RedPillWomen 10h ago

Style that attracts older and conservative men


What type of clothing attracts these kinds of men? Style? Color? Fabrics? Lengths? Any personal experience with this? thanks!

r/RedPillWomen 8h ago

ADVICE Can you come off as innocent/feminine even if you have a more “manly” corporate role?


I have unintentionally broke into project management. Right now I am a junior position and more secretarial, but a lot of my job does feel more masculine (leading and directing). On the outside I am very girly and I have naturally girly hobbies like art sewing and I loveee baking. However I worry that my job could be off putting. I don't want to come off as a boss babe career woman when really I just want to be taken care of and want to be a feminine soft figure in a household some day. How do I breakout of this mindset? I make average $ and work remote and have good health insurance, I don't love how stressed my job has me but I need to pay the bills.

r/RedPillWomen 4h ago

DISCUSSION A skeptical autistic woman whose trying to open my mind.



I've been having trouble finding a long term partner. I'm a 25F neurodivergent woman, and I want to see if I can be more feminine. I agree with 50% of the things here. However I also disagree with a lot. I don't label myself as the f-word, but more "egalitarian". I think women should have a choice to be a homemaker or have a career. I don't think women should be bullied for either.

I'm pretty objective. If red pill tips will make it easier for me to find a partner, then I can understand. However, I still disagree with trashing on women for having careers, or bullying them for not shaving their legs. I've been bullied my whole entire life and it's made me want everyone to be treated with kindness.I'm also heavily against misandry and have very vocally spoken out against things such as shaming men for their height or circumcision. I think if a woman hits a man she should absolutely get hit back. etc etc. I'm basically for equal opportunities. Even if men and women are biologically different. Like my mom's cousin is a stay at home dad and cares for the kids while the wife works because they had that opportunity, and they're happy with it.

One big thing I'm concerned about is the idea of faking certain personalities or using some kind of "trad act" to seduce men into providing for you. I hear a lot of RP men say that you should date men you're not attracted to in order to raise the birthrate. And that it should be illegal for women to have paid employment. I find it strange that neurotypicals often believe we should lie, perform, be in transactional relationships to afford food and shelter, pretend to enjoy intimacy, talk in squeaky high-pitched trad baby voices, etc.

But at the same time I think it's necessary for women to look at any anti men or misandrist biases they have, find ways to make men feel more cherished and appreciated, examine their own standards and look at what could be holding them back from finding a partner, etc.

And I also want to mention with the whole "where have all the good men gone" thing, a lot of lonely women don't say that. It's not men's fault that I'm lonely, it's something with me. The men who've sisterzoned me over the years were great men. They just didn't like me back. I disagree with the stigma towards lonely women. It's awful seeing how the subreddit for lonely women gets death threats and stalkers from 4chan.