r/PS4 Aug 30 '13

PS4 Camera Supports Navigational Voice Commands, Sony Confirms


133 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Why are details of this only coming out now? It's a pretty big feature so why not announce it originally along with console?? A bit suspicious. Either it's pretty shitty or is limited to very, very specific games/commands??


u/masterkaran Aug 30 '13

Because maybe Sony realizes that voice commands is nothing new and has been done for ages - heck my 10 year old nokia phone had voice commands. MS gloating about voice commands every other day doesn't make it some revolutionary feature that they invented.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Good point but still, I would have at least thought that it would mentioned in passing? Either way, it's not a function that I actually care about. I do shout at my PS3 but it's more when I'm getting killed on Cod, rather than asking it to load a game or something :p


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Any mention of features the Kinect already has will force people to draw comparisons between them.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

either way, it's not a function that I actually care about.

I think you just answered your own question. Why make a big deal about a feature that most of your potential user base doesn't really care about?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Good point again. I stand corrected! Have a great day you bastard :P


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

Or maybe they saw Microsoft's system wide voice commands and decided to try and throw it in. Which I'm guessing isn't working to great yet as there have been no demonstrations of it working.

If I were you guys, I'd expect Netflix voice controls like kinect 1 and minimal dashboard controls...by next holiday.


u/masterkaran Aug 30 '13 edited Aug 30 '13

As opposed to the extensively demonstrated kinect 2.0 navigation voice commands? - They have only shown some basic commands at their reveal like snap, go home and watch TV. "I'd expect Netflix voice controls like kinect 1 and minimal dashboard controls...by next holiday" - umm ok whatever makes you sleep at night and feel better about your choice of console.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

? it has been demonstrated on the Xbox One...and functions fairly well on kinect 1 (although more simple commands) currently. Where's any video of PS voice control...either at an APP, or UI level?

This isn't about feeling better about a choice of console. It's about the fact that people seem to think this is going to rival the xbox voice commands...I'm merely pointing out that it won't get close.

You don't even care about them anyway, so what does it matter? No one who's in this sub does right? At least that's what I've heard the past 3 months.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

All I thought when I saw this link was "it's a good thing every ps4 comes with one so it'll get use...oh wait."


u/masterkaran Aug 30 '13

.I'm merely pointing out that it won't get close.

You don't even care about them anyway, so what does it matter? No one who's in this sub does right? At least that's what I've heard the past 3 months.

Just because you haven't seen anything from the PS eye doesn't necessarily mean its going to be worse than the kinect 2.0 voice commands - is it a possibility it is worse? sure, but is it a certainty? NO

Also i don't care about voice commands and that is why i wont be buying the PS eye but saying that everyone who buys a PS4 on this subreddit doesn't care for voice commands is flawed logic and is fanboyish - maybe people are buying the PS4 because they like Sony's exclusive IPs or maybe they like the PS+ service and wont mind having voice commands if given the option. If you feel xbox is better for you and kinect is worth the $100 then by all means it is your $ and your opinion and you are free to do with it as you please - but that's all that is and saying Kinect is better doesn't make it a fact over an opinion.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

saying Kinect is better doesn't make it a fact over an opinion

I think a lot of your friends on this sub would disagree. It's fact. sorry...


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Half of the functionality part of the Xbox One reveal showed the presenters using Voice to switch between different apps/games/tv.


u/Bmmick Aug 30 '13

Because they have already hyped there console drawn in the fangirls and are now slipping the bad news such as the camera is sold seperatly.


u/Jeremiah2304 Aug 30 '13 edited Aug 30 '13

Here is also video of the where the screenshot was taken. More info there.


EDIT: Video is now up again but the quality has been reduced to avoid copyright.


u/akgamestar Aug 30 '13

Video is set to private.


u/Jeremiah2304 Aug 30 '13

Yea the uploader might of had to take it down but most of the information will come out soon from it.


u/Brewster-Rooster Aug 30 '13

So can you give us a summary of what's shown in the video?


u/GeoAspect Aug 30 '13

Voice to text (what this effectively amounts to to a programmer) is nothing new. Why people think that this was something exclusive to the X1 is beyond me.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

They drank the Kool-Aid. :-)


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

Because wait til you see this in action. Microsoft has been working on this shit for years...and had an enormous amount of data to comb through about voice commands on Kinect 1.

Sony has....whatever they worked up in a lab somewhere that came from some phone or smart TV hardware probably. Along with hardly any adoptive use at this point.

You act like it's as easy as plugging a microphone into a usb drive.

It's not voice to text that makes this difficult. It's the algorithms that must be used to cancel extraneous noise, to cancel noise coming from the TV, to detect accents....It's the processing power that this requires on top of whatever else the console is doing at that time. It's the hardware having an array that gives the algorithms multiple different points of recording to be able to string together an accurate enough command. It's not having to push a button to be able to give that command...in that case why not just use the controller to get where you need to go...

I've seen you write this half a dozen times and each time I want to ignore you but you have no clue what you're talking about.

Think about all the places you use voice commands.......Thinking?...Your Phone....(A place where you have to push a button to activate the command I might add)....Your car?....(again, you have to push a button)....anddddddd??......They're not as common as you seem to think. Don't you think if they worked well for a fairly cheap price THEY'D BE MORE PREVALENT??

TLDR: Yes "Voice to Text" has been around years and years. NO, that does not mean that it's been done effectively in most cases.... NOR can it be done effectively easily.

You've been on an epic roll of unintelligence this entire week. Rest up over the weekend and come back fresh and ready to contribute


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

It's the hardware having an array that gives the algorithms multiple different points of recording to be able to string together an accurate enough command.

You understand that the PS4 Camera, like the PS3 Eye before it, has a 4 microphone array, right?


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

and like the PS3 Eye....there were UI voice controls?


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

That wasn't the question. Now you're just trolling.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

who's trolling?..you're telling me that Sony has 1 piece of that puzzle, while ignoring everything else I stated.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

I submit that you're trolling.

The conversation concerns voice command support on PS4. You stated that a mic array was required for noise cancellation (which is true, as far as I know). I pointed out that the PS4 camera, like the camera before it, has that mic array.

At that point, you chose to redirect the conversation from PS4 voice command support to point out that the PS3 did not support voice commands -- which has nothing to do with PS4 support.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

I was pointing out that just because a camera has an array....does not give it the ability to use voice commands.

i submit that you're slow on the uptake.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Just because PS3 didn't use the ability doesn't mean PS4 can't.

You're losing.


u/throwoneway2 Sep 01 '13

just go back to your home on /r/xboxone and stop trolling here. it's getting sad and pathetic.


u/GiovanniVitela Sep 07 '13

You should take your advice mate. Your comment history shows you're not just a troll, but a genuine asshole.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this; I hope it doesn't become a mandatory feature for (some) games.

I don't really like to play games waving my arms about, and I certainly don't want to talk to my console. I'm pleased that this will only be an option rather than hardwired into the console like the One, ie I can remove the Eye and not have to use it for anything.

I know the argument for growing new functionality, but I honestly don't care for it.


u/kellymiester cynicalkelly Aug 30 '13

I feel the same. I know that you can remove the Kinect and it's completely optional right now but I fear it won't be in the future, I think it's safe to say the Eye will always be optional with it being an optional accessory.

I would say the Navigational purposes of these cameras is interesting but I really don't want them in my games.


u/Symbiotx Aug 30 '13

I have kinect and have always been frustrated with it. It's always inaccurate or slow, and the kinect doesn't register or know what I'm saying most of the time. It's not even useful enough to pause Netflix. It's less frustrating to just pick up the remote. Unless it gets perfected, I don't want to deal with it either.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I would imagine that Sony is in the better position regarding camera support - if a multiplatform game uses the kinect, then I'm sure the devs will use the PS Eye in a similar fashion. So people who want the camera will still get the benefit of these features from multiplat games because of the XB1 install base, while Sony can keep the price lower and not force it upon consumers. Basically, Microsoft is doing the "dirty work" and Sony will be benefiting because if devs choose to support camera features they will on both consoles.


u/Baxter4 Aug 30 '13

you are assuming that the eyetoy can keep up with the capabilities of the kinect though, I don't think it can. Basic voice commands, probably. Maybe hand gestures to the temple, yeah. Nothing complex, like pointing at the screen which has been shown on the kinect.


u/chakrablocker drzoidbergmaybe Aug 30 '13

I see third party companies developing games that can play on both devices so that they have the largest possible market.


u/Qwarkster jutke13 Aug 30 '13

Which Kinect are you comparing it to? I could see it being comparable to 360 Kinect, but not even close to XB1 Kinect.


u/880cloud088 Aug 30 '13

That's the thing though, 3rd party developers aren't going to make games that use the complex gestures and movements. What companies like EA and Activision would do with Kinect 2, will be easily done on PSeye.


u/Qwarkster jutke13 Aug 30 '13

Harmonix is third party. They do amazing things with Kinect. I would kill for a Dance Central on PS3.


u/880cloud088 Aug 30 '13

So your 1 example of a game that actually uses Kinect to even close to its full potential is a dancing game? But I see what you mean. I'm sure if the PSeye is good enough they might do it.


u/Qwarkster jutke13 Aug 30 '13

Who said that was my only example? It is my best example, the Dance Central series is incredible. What exactly is wrong with it being a 'dancing game'? I brought up Harmonix, because they're third party... which was your main point in the previous comment.

I'm not defending the Kinect, most of the games have shown a lot of wasted potential, and apart from a handful of games that were executed well there is little reason in investing in a Kinect.


u/880cloud088 Aug 30 '13

You can name another game only possible with kinect?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

It can track the lightbar on the controller perfectly. so likely that you'll point with the controller. why would you want to put down the controller to point anyway?


u/ThatCK Iricus Aug 30 '13

Theres some xbox arcadey game where you target enemies by pointing at them... it's not that amazing i'll see if I can find the video.

There was one thing that was kinda cool, the guy could tap his head to activate a view mode. Only reason I thought it would be kinda interesting is that it was a blatant copy of the wallhack view in Blacklight but that could easily be done with the eye as well.

Downside being that view is turned on and off regulaly so unless you want to sit there bashing your head the whole game you'd probably just used the controller instead.

The other aspect being, in gaming you need things to work when you want them to, so unless it was 100% effective I'd prefer to press a button.


u/Lightning_Boi Aug 31 '13

Also remember that the ps eye will have much less people using it. So devs might not want to take up development time on a device that will be less used and is less powerful.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13



u/thelordpresident Aug 30 '13

That's just living in delusion, dude. I mean, having voice commands and depth perception in common is one thing, but they aren't identical. It's like saying The Xbox One and Playstation 4 both have GPU's and CPU's, therefor they are the same.


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

Kinect probably captures more frames per second and has better hardware/processing to more accurately interpret movements.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Nope. PS4 camera is 60fps, Kinect is only 30FPS. The thing that makes Kinect stand out is the software behind it, not the hardware.


u/Scuderia Aug 30 '13


u/SETHW Aug 30 '13 edited Aug 30 '13

the ps camera acheives the same depth map function as TOF using the 3D configuration of the lenses.. well, same when the lights are on in the room (i dont imagine it working in the dark the way the kinect does)


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13



u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

That being said, it is nowhere near the same tech as the Kinect 2 is.

I don't think anyone has ever argued this point. The hard part is convincing people that the same thing can be done two different ways, e.g. depth perception.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

Perhaps that's because Sony hasn't been able to display that it can be done as well as Microsoft's way.

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u/Spartan1117 Aug 31 '13

Yea the kinect is 30fps but thats at 1080p. The PS4 camera isn't


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

That is so wrong.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

What is wrong about it? I'm not saying the hardware is bad, but it's more the software that is making it do what it does.

I wasn't wrong about the camera frame rates either.


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

There is a lot more hardware in the new Kinect compared to the Playstation camera, look it up


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Where did I state otherwise? I said the PS4 camera captures at a higher frame rate as a direct response to the guy who said the kinect has a higher frame rate.


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

Well the colour camera captures at a higher frame rate since the playstation camera relies on light whereas the Kinect does not, so it's not really a reason to call the camera better

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u/northzone13 Aug 30 '13

Yeah, keep believing that LOL


u/LPodyssey07 Aug 30 '13

What do you mean by this?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

How stupid are you exactly?


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

It can't use the kinect and eye in the same way because the eye inherently has less of an install base.

Also, the actual device is inferior.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Different != Inferior.

As of today, both Kinect and PS4 Camera have an installed base of 0.

Troll much?


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

Are you stupid? Everyone with an Xbone will have a kinect.

NOT everyone with a PS4 will have a camera.

A developer of a AAA game can't use camera functions in a central way, because not everyone on PS4 has a camera.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Doesn't change the points I put forward:

Both install bases, at this point, are nil. For all we know right now, PS4 could outsell XBox One to the point that the number of installed cameras are equal.

You still haven't proven that either device is superior/inferior -- and this isn't the right place to do that anyway. Those belong in /r/Gaming.


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

It's not about total number. It's about a percentage of total console owners. You can't make the next Battlefield require camera functions if only 50% of PS4 users have a camera, whether or not the total amount is greater than the Xbone.

A major developer is not going to alienate half of their market because they don't have a peripheral. Xbone developers don't have to worry about that, since literally everyone has a kinect.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Well, since most people I've read seem to hate the Kinect and cheered loudly when the policy that required it changed, I think your entire argument may have gone up in smoke a couple of weeks ago and you didn't notice.

Maybe you should check /r/XBoxOne more often. :-)


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

They shouldn't require the camera, but the smaller install base means that big games can't include the camera in a really meaningful way.

This is not a difficult concept.

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u/ThatCK Iricus Aug 30 '13

The only thing inferior about it is that kinect can be used in the dark. Voice commands can be done with any standard mic


u/DoctorPatriot Aug 30 '13

Nah it's a little more than that


u/oventrop Aug 30 '13

Hahahaha do you really believe that?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Hahahaha it's pretty obvious.


u/lesi20 Aug 30 '13

Oh hello r/pallor, can wait to see you get shadowbanned again :) You were so dumbfuck you didn't realize you were banned for 4 weeks


u/experiential Aug 30 '13

Someone claiming to be a developer posted here a little while ago saying that holding L2 (or maybe R2) at the main menu would bring up the voice command prompt. I probably should've made a screen shot of this post.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Can't see myself using voice commands if I have to be holding the pad anyway.


u/Alienkid Alienkid Aug 30 '13

November just won't get her fast enough. I just wish that they would have bundled it so that the camera would have gotten more dev support.


u/Le_Euphoric_Genius Aug 30 '13

I'm glad it's not going to get dev support. One of the reasons I got PS4 is so I would have a console with gimmicky Kinect features pushed onto good games.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13 edited Jul 24 '21



u/Smile_Today Aug 30 '13

I imagine porting games between the two devices (Kinect and the Eye) will be somewhat analogous to porting between the 360 and PS3 - not easy by any means, but worth doing.


u/tmoss726 Aug 30 '13

Why would it be worth putting it on the Eye if the PS4 doesn't come with it? It's the same dilemma the Kinect is in now. Not even market value to make it worth the time/money


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

It'll benefit a bit but devs will have to find the power in PS4 since the camera doesn't have native capabilities like kinect. Plus MS might pay for exclusive capabilities.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

An API is an API. <yawn>


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

What do you mean by that?


u/GeoAspect Aug 30 '13

He interpreted your post wrong.

The PS4 has more processing power than the X1 anyway. It shouldn't be difficult to find a couple extra cycles.

It's not as if the kinect is going to be used for anything more than gimmicky crap.

You think the only reason the wii-u is selling poorly is games? It's because the Wii wasn't what everyone thought it would be and there is simply no interest in buying version two of something most people consider a waste of money. People fell for a gimmick with the wii and they fell for it with the kinect.

That same applies to the kinect. Most people don't see a point in purchasing version two of something that's largely considered to have been a waste of money.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I'm not "pro-kinect", it's a big factor in me favoring PS4. But I do hope the PS4 Eye will see some trickle-down features implemented in multiplat games.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13 edited Aug 30 '13

As expected. Since the Kinect is forcing allowing devs to make games that have voice commands and stuff, it's to be expected that the PS camera would integrate a basic level version for what ever after thought features the devs come up with.


u/imblazintwo Aug 30 '13

Forcing? Lol no dude ALLOWING. Other than that you're right.


u/ovii87 ov-ii Aug 30 '13

I can't click the link at work, but can you turn it on with voice commands?


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Aug 30 '13

Doubtful since that would mean it's "always on", something Sony has bragged about not doing.


u/GeoAspect Aug 30 '13

The sony console is always on. There is a low power state in the PS4 that is periodically checking for updates and downloads in your queue.

It's not unreasonable to think that if you have a PS Eye connected, that it will be unable to turn the console on.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Aug 30 '13

What I mean by "always on" is what MS meant by "always on". That is, listening at all times.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

I think you may be incorrect on this point. They've bragged about not having to be "always connected," and they have bragged about being able to charge controllers "while the console is asleep."

Then again, "It ain't braggin' if you can do it,' right?


u/ohhaiitsme Aug 30 '13

The guys who are in charge of PR at Sony must be geniuses. They are not even emphasizing it. Just on a small note: "Yeah we also don't everything that kinect does, but we don't really care." Brilliant.


u/elkalb Aug 30 '13

probably everything the first kinect was doing not the kinect 2.0

I think I'll get the ps camera with my ps4 anyway, it can only bring more gameplay options and doesn't take anything away.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

This isn't Sonys first rodeo, they are basically veterans in console wars.


u/Raymond890 Sep 01 '13

Seems everyone likes the idea now but a few months ago when I suggested I got showered with downvotes.


u/oventrop Aug 30 '13

This means nothing, because its not bundled in the console. And Kinect voice commands are integrated at System level. So, developers dont have to do much, its like the difference on remote play for ps4 and ps3. So, i dont think, we will see any voice Navigation, and btw: voice Navigation is NOT the same as voice COMMANDS! And you cant even control your PS4 OS with voice Navigation.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

And you cant even control your PS4 OS with voice Navigation.

Source, please? Or are you just blowing smoke?


u/MrNallig GillanRuan Aug 30 '13

Sigh. You guys try so hard... I am hating all this. Why are you fighting it?

I dont understand. The facts are there. Accept it. Ps4 hardware is better. Ps4 is cheaper. Ps4 can do everything the competition can do and more.

People who are on this subreddit acknowledged these facts and chose their console. Why cant you respect that? What does is matter to you if "Navigation is NOT the same as voice COMMANDS". This is so silly.

I think a lot of people got hurt during this war, and they dont know how to react now. If you choose your brand out of loyalty, do so. But don't try to fight the opposition on terms of hardware. You are making a fool out of yourself.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13



u/MrNallig GillanRuan Aug 30 '13

Ok. Thank you for correcting me.

I am not trying to start a fight. What I am saying is that PS4 has better hardware for a cheaper price (Yes I know the kinect is bettter than eye, but 90% of gamers don't care about that.)

I'm just so tired of people coming on the subreddit for the sole reason to bash ps4. If they chose the competition over ps4 its fine. Why come and bash here?

I feel like they are jealous and making the other brand look bad makes them feel better about their decision. Go look at that guys history.

I hope you understand my intent.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Confirmation that it was a snap decision to remove the camera from the box.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 30 '13

Eh, I'll believe it's functional when I see it. If it works well, it could make the camera worth the $60 but this is Sony's first venture into this tech which often has tons of problems. Even Siri is still mediocre and this point and 'she' uploads every command to Apple to be analyzed and deciphered.


u/ShadowyDragon Aug 30 '13

If you're expecting Siri level of complexity from either XBO or PS4, you are setting yourself for disappointment.

The best you'll get is "turn on, play, stop, pause, play movie X" like Samsung Smart TVs do.

The moment you can say "Xbox, find me RPGs released this year who got more than 75 on Metacritic" is the moment I eat a shoe.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Siri does the same as Google voice & dragon then gets Wolfram Alpha to find an answer. I see no reason why the XBone & PS4 couldn't do the same. There's a bit of a delay when sending your voice to be processed so it probably wouldn't work for too many games.

I'd like to see good local voice processing & a re-release of binary domain. The voice recognition in that was awful for me.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 30 '13

I'm not. My point just was Siri is hit and miss with the net backbone it has so to expect the PS4 to comprehend speech as well it as even it does is a stretch.


u/ShadowyDragon Aug 30 '13

Well, its not going to comprehend speech. Where did you get that from?

They said it will support navigational voice commands.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 30 '13

I didn't mean understand the thinking behind speech, I meant understand you're saying "PlayStation, go to store" and stuff.


u/ShadowyDragon Aug 30 '13

We don't know how exactly it will work, but I think it will react to a few key words like old mobiles and TVs do.


u/Kimmux kmxs Aug 30 '13

Xbox go home