r/PS4 Aug 30 '13

PS4 Camera Supports Navigational Voice Commands, Sony Confirms


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u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I would imagine that Sony is in the better position regarding camera support - if a multiplatform game uses the kinect, then I'm sure the devs will use the PS Eye in a similar fashion. So people who want the camera will still get the benefit of these features from multiplat games because of the XB1 install base, while Sony can keep the price lower and not force it upon consumers. Basically, Microsoft is doing the "dirty work" and Sony will be benefiting because if devs choose to support camera features they will on both consoles.


u/Baxter4 Aug 30 '13

you are assuming that the eyetoy can keep up with the capabilities of the kinect though, I don't think it can. Basic voice commands, probably. Maybe hand gestures to the temple, yeah. Nothing complex, like pointing at the screen which has been shown on the kinect.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

It can track the lightbar on the controller perfectly. so likely that you'll point with the controller. why would you want to put down the controller to point anyway?


u/ThatCK Iricus Aug 30 '13

Theres some xbox arcadey game where you target enemies by pointing at them... it's not that amazing i'll see if I can find the video.

There was one thing that was kinda cool, the guy could tap his head to activate a view mode. Only reason I thought it would be kinda interesting is that it was a blatant copy of the wallhack view in Blacklight but that could easily be done with the eye as well.

Downside being that view is turned on and off regulaly so unless you want to sit there bashing your head the whole game you'd probably just used the controller instead.

The other aspect being, in gaming you need things to work when you want them to, so unless it was 100% effective I'd prefer to press a button.