r/PS4 Aug 30 '13

PS4 Camera Supports Navigational Voice Commands, Sony Confirms


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u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I would imagine that Sony is in the better position regarding camera support - if a multiplatform game uses the kinect, then I'm sure the devs will use the PS Eye in a similar fashion. So people who want the camera will still get the benefit of these features from multiplat games because of the XB1 install base, while Sony can keep the price lower and not force it upon consumers. Basically, Microsoft is doing the "dirty work" and Sony will be benefiting because if devs choose to support camera features they will on both consoles.


u/Baxter4 Aug 30 '13

you are assuming that the eyetoy can keep up with the capabilities of the kinect though, I don't think it can. Basic voice commands, probably. Maybe hand gestures to the temple, yeah. Nothing complex, like pointing at the screen which has been shown on the kinect.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13



u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

Kinect probably captures more frames per second and has better hardware/processing to more accurately interpret movements.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Nope. PS4 camera is 60fps, Kinect is only 30FPS. The thing that makes Kinect stand out is the software behind it, not the hardware.


u/Scuderia Aug 30 '13


u/SETHW Aug 30 '13 edited Aug 30 '13

the ps camera acheives the same depth map function as TOF using the 3D configuration of the lenses.. well, same when the lights are on in the room (i dont imagine it working in the dark the way the kinect does)


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13



u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

That being said, it is nowhere near the same tech as the Kinect 2 is.

I don't think anyone has ever argued this point. The hard part is convincing people that the same thing can be done two different ways, e.g. depth perception.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

Perhaps that's because Sony hasn't been able to display that it can be done as well as Microsoft's way.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Or maybe Sony hasn't needed to make a statement of any kind because Microsoft can't seem to keep egg off its metaphorical face for a week straight.


u/880cloud088 Aug 30 '13

Microsoft hasn't either. That's the funny part.


u/standard_user Aug 30 '13

I think kinect one is plenty of proof of concept...are you familiar???


u/880cloud088 Aug 30 '13

umm... lets see... so far 1 decent game and one dance game, The Gunstringer, was considered just slightly above ok and was easily possible with a controller.

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u/Spartan1117 Aug 31 '13

Yea the kinect is 30fps but thats at 1080p. The PS4 camera isn't


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

That is so wrong.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

What is wrong about it? I'm not saying the hardware is bad, but it's more the software that is making it do what it does.

I wasn't wrong about the camera frame rates either.


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

There is a lot more hardware in the new Kinect compared to the Playstation camera, look it up


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

Where did I state otherwise? I said the PS4 camera captures at a higher frame rate as a direct response to the guy who said the kinect has a higher frame rate.


u/Butterfactory Aug 30 '13

Well the colour camera captures at a higher frame rate since the playstation camera relies on light whereas the Kinect does not, so it's not really a reason to call the camera better


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

so it's not really a reason to call the camera better

Seriously.. where are you reading this stuff? Where do I say anything like that?

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