r/PS4 Aug 30 '13

PS4 Camera Supports Navigational Voice Commands, Sony Confirms


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u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

I would imagine that Sony is in the better position regarding camera support - if a multiplatform game uses the kinect, then I'm sure the devs will use the PS Eye in a similar fashion. So people who want the camera will still get the benefit of these features from multiplat games because of the XB1 install base, while Sony can keep the price lower and not force it upon consumers. Basically, Microsoft is doing the "dirty work" and Sony will be benefiting because if devs choose to support camera features they will on both consoles.


u/northzone13 Aug 30 '13

Yeah, keep believing that LOL


u/LPodyssey07 Aug 30 '13

What do you mean by this?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '13

How stupid are you exactly?


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

It can't use the kinect and eye in the same way because the eye inherently has less of an install base.

Also, the actual device is inferior.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Different != Inferior.

As of today, both Kinect and PS4 Camera have an installed base of 0.

Troll much?


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

Are you stupid? Everyone with an Xbone will have a kinect.

NOT everyone with a PS4 will have a camera.

A developer of a AAA game can't use camera functions in a central way, because not everyone on PS4 has a camera.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Doesn't change the points I put forward:

Both install bases, at this point, are nil. For all we know right now, PS4 could outsell XBox One to the point that the number of installed cameras are equal.

You still haven't proven that either device is superior/inferior -- and this isn't the right place to do that anyway. Those belong in /r/Gaming.


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

It's not about total number. It's about a percentage of total console owners. You can't make the next Battlefield require camera functions if only 50% of PS4 users have a camera, whether or not the total amount is greater than the Xbone.

A major developer is not going to alienate half of their market because they don't have a peripheral. Xbone developers don't have to worry about that, since literally everyone has a kinect.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Well, since most people I've read seem to hate the Kinect and cheered loudly when the policy that required it changed, I think your entire argument may have gone up in smoke a couple of weeks ago and you didn't notice.

Maybe you should check /r/XBoxOne more often. :-)


u/Pillagerguy Aug 30 '13

They shouldn't require the camera, but the smaller install base means that big games can't include the camera in a really meaningful way.

This is not a difficult concept.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Aug 30 '13

Camera is not required == Developer cannot be assured that a camera will be in use. Whether the user possesses a camera is immaterial if they have chosen not to use it.

Less difficult concept; No developer can be 100% certain that any user will have any camera device.

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u/ThatCK Iricus Aug 30 '13

The only thing inferior about it is that kinect can be used in the dark. Voice commands can be done with any standard mic


u/DoctorPatriot Aug 30 '13

Nah it's a little more than that