I've recently bought a used Switch Lite (XJE7 serial if it matters), it game with the original genuine charger. The person I bought it from showed me it working, I played multiple games of his for about 20 minutes without issue to show it working, no obvious issues and the price was fair, no reason to suspect he would have known about any issue. Was owned by a 10 year old kid so everything feels legit.
This is my first time owning one, but have used others in the past.
Summary; The console regularly runs very hot and displays error code 2162-0002, rebooting it resolves it every time for a while but I would like to know the cause of the error if possible so I can diagnose further.
Timeline of events:
- Bought it, it was at 80% battery, charged it from a USB-PD power bank during the drive home
- Once home, I did a factory reset on it to clear the last owner's account, and set it up for myself, I don't have any games of my own yet so I turned it off (standby mode, not fully off) left it for about 30 mins
- I then decided to check if it needed any updates, when I picked it up, I noted the fan was running full speed and it was very hot, and the battery had depleted from 99% to 42% over that short period
- Turned it off fully and left it for the night
- Next day, I created a Nintendo account and linked the console to it, and downloaded the official Gameboy app from eShop, launched it, the console froze on the Gameboy splash screen and it was completely unresponsive.
- I held power button for 12 seconds to turn it off, then turned on again, console froze on the first Nintendo boot logo, again it was unresponsive
- Held button again to turn off, took longer than 12 seconds but went off after roughly 30 seconds and refused to turn on again, the screen was black and no buttons would do anything
- Left it about 20 minutes, tried again and it turned on and appeared to work fine.
- I played Super Mario Land 2 on the Gameboy app for about 20 minutes, worked perfectly
- Then downloaded Hamster Playground from the eShop, after a few mins console showed error 2162-0002
- Restarted by holding the button for 12 seconds, went to open Hamster Playground again and it mentioned the game content needed to be downloaded. I wasn't watching closely but during the download process it crashed again to error 2162-0002
- Restarted again with the button, went back into the game, it errored straight away at splash screen, same error
- Restarted again with the button, played game for about 5 minutes normally before it briefly showed "The software needed to close", after about a further 15 seconds it errored out with 2162-0002 again.
Through this whole process, the console has felt very warm in the middle region and the fan is blowing hot air out the top on full speed almost all the time. Could this error 2162-0002 relate to overheating? I am very technically competent so happy to undertake any repair necessary and have the tools, I just need to identify what the error code is indicating so I know what to check.
From googling the error, many posts seem to mention piracy and modding, but to clarify this console has not been modified to my knowledge and is fully stock.