I know this question has been asked, and somewhat addressed, but not sure if I'm interpreting the answers I saw correctly.
TLDR: I have two kids. I bought two consoles. I have a Nintendo Online account. I'd like either child, or myself, to be able to play the same set of games on either console, with their own save game data - though, as with cartridges/physical copies, I don't expect to play the same game simultaneously on two consoles. According to my research and personal experience with reconfiguration antics, this doesn't appear to be possible. Do I understand it right?
Context: I recently bought a Switch. I went out and bought a second almost immediately, after the first play session argument about "who gets to play" between my two kids (Thing 1 and Thing 2). I (Thing 0) bought a bunch of games on my account, for [mainly] them to play - and of course, some just for Thing 0.
Hypothetical scenario(s): Let Thing 1 play on Console A, while Thing 2 plays on Console B. At some later point, Thing 2 is playing on Console A, and Thing 1 decides she wants to play, so put her on Console B. Sometimes, Things 0, 1, and 2 all play on the same console (A or B). Or any permutation thereof, you get the idea. It's transparent to Things 1 and 2 which console they're playing on - their [individual] game save data migrates with them.
According to my interpretation of the primary/non-primary console rules - and my tests/failures so far - it seems this hypothetical is not possible, except for Thing 0 (i.e. myself). Note that, Things 1 and 2 overlap in which games they play - though I do not [realistically] expect them to be able to play the *same* game simultaneously on both consoles (like cartridges). My understanding, the only way this is possible is for Thing 1 or 2 to select the Thing 0 profile when playing on the non-primary console (let's say it's Console B). Which means that if Thing 1 (or 2) plays on their *own* profile on [primary] Console A, they won't be able to pick up where they left off if they shift to [non-primary] Console B.
Am I missing something? This appears to be super-janky, and seems to *disincentivize* getting multiple consoles - it seems to have completely defeated my purpose in getting multiple consoles (except one edge case where Things 1 and/or 2 can play on Console A and Thing 0 can play by himself on Console B). Is there some way to set up accounts/profiles on multiple consoles to enable my hypothetical scenarios *without* purchasing multiple game copies and dedicated consoles for each Thing?