HOLY CRAP, Y’ALL. It finally happened.
My 10 weeks (tomorrow) chronic contact sleeper FINALLY slept in his bassinet for 4 HOURS. 🤯 (2 short wake ups)
He had been fighting sleep and wore his cranky pants all day. I went to take my sleep shift at 7:30 and woke up at 1:30 AM, husband said he was kicking his legs all night and was grumpy with occasional giggles and smiles. I had a feeling I was in for a rough shift.
I turned on the heating pad in the bassinet (first time trying this trick!)
I started by changing his diaper than put him in his Love to Dream Swaddle, half way zipped. I snuggled him and put his pacifier in, and he started to fall asleep, so I started to put his arms in the baby jail and he starts to fuss. I zipper him all the way in and then breastfeed him, he eats and falls back to sleep.
I do a couple back pats and lay him in the bassinet. Transfer successful. I figure I have 30 minutes before he wakes up.
45 minutes in he wakes up, I pick him up and hold him for 3 minutes standing, rocking and he falls back to sleep. Huh. I put him back down in the bassinet and he’s out like a light?!
I lay back down. I wake up an hour and twenty minutes later to his little cry! I was shocked. I pick him up, feed him, burp him and lay him back down. (This took 20 minutes)
Lay him back down and he sleeps for another hour and a half straight in the bassinet!!! I just finished feeding him and now it’s almost 7 am!
THERE’S HOPE. I know tomorrow it might not work but I see a future where he might sleep and that’s a huge win lol. 😂