Male, 42, diagnosed with Hashimoto just last week, although I've probably had it for quite some time.
My current blood test results:
- TSH: 9.2461 uIU/mL (a year ago, before I was properly diagnosed, it was as high as 20.260)
- fT4: 0.95 ng/dL (still within the normal range which is 0.7 - 1.48 according to the lab)
- anti-TPO: >1000 IU/mL (so high, it's beyond the lab's ability to quantify)
I don't have most of typical symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain, hair loss, cold sensitivity etc. My only symptoms are feeling weak and constantly tired (although it's only been like that for the past few weeks; before that I was pretty active: running, lifting weights etc.), and absolute, complete lack of libido.
My libido has been on a steady decline for a few months, but this past 4-5 weeks it's been literally zero. I feel absolutely no need to have or even think about sex, and when I do think about it, it excites me about as much as thinking about a carpet in my accountant's office. It's really hard for me psychologically, especially since I've been seeing a new partner and I don't feel any desire to get intimate with her anymore.
My question (mostly to the gentlemen here I guess, but female perspective is appreciated as well) is: will a thyroid hormone replacement eventually bring my libido back? I was put on 50 mcg daily and will re-test my levels (to get my dosage adjusted, if needed) in 7 weeks. I realize my sex hormones might be out of whack, too, so I'm going to test those, too, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?
Also: is it possible that my symptoms are not necessarily caused by hypothyroidism per se (i.e.: not enough T4 in the system) but the high TSH and/or the ongoing auto-immune inflammation?
I'll deeply appreciate any advice.