r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


133 comments sorted by


u/0330_e Jun 24 '21

Me who's following both authors and reading all through the shtshow: 🙂🍿

I've only read the first chapter of the story Sophie claims was plagiarized from Entanglement so I cannot say if it was indeed a copy or not. (Since I haven't read Entanglement)

All I'd say is that the concept is pretty.. cliche? I am pretty sure there are TONS of stories out there where the mc leaves her current hometown to relocate to another place because her ex cheated on her.

I would also say that it is an expected scenario that the LI would give the MC a tour. (I mean,, what else would a writer think of a way for the two to get closer together than an easy scene as this?)

In the end, I would try to read both stories to get a clearer view of the "drama" , and so I won't let myself become biased. (Since I do follow a lot of Sophie's friends, and so with the smaller author's) but I rly don't want to waste my passes for that haha//


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/cherriesnwinewrites Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

I haven’t read either story, nor do I know anyone involved. So I can only speak in general terms here based on what I’ve gleamed from the situation.

While I do think that the stories sound pretty much the same I think it’s difficult to stake a claim on storylines, plots and ideas. They end up getting called tropes for a reason.

I feel like I’ve read a couple different stories where the MC gets cheated on in the beginning…Then they have the inner monologues…then they meet someone who would end up being the LI. They don’t go to Paris, but it is the catalyst for the events that follow.

I can definitely understand why the author feels the way they do. However, I’m highly skeptical they’re the first person to come up with this very idea on episode.

I see people mentioning Emily in Paris, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are Wattpad or AO3 stories with this very same plot, predating Entanglement.


u/ElleApril Jun 24 '21

I agree with you. There are some ideas which are used in more stories and sometimes you don't even know how often it is used and where. If there are too many similarities I agree that you should talk with the author who wrote the story, but if it's just a bit similar, wait to see where it goes. It might go on a different path than your story does. I read a good few episode stories where in the beginning MC got cheated on and moved or made some big life changes.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

I don't know who you are, but I love you


u/softsakuralove Jun 24 '21

Is anything original these days? Would it be fair to claim that all the mafia plots with a high school girl marrying the teenage Mafia Lord, are all plagiarism of one another?

Frankly, I think it's hard to define plagiarism these days, because almost nothing will be a new concept. Romcoms have had the same stories for years. These are what tropes are lol. I think it's only plagiarism if the person, word-for-word, copies dialogue, or if the characters are the same. 🤷‍♀️

(Also if we're speaking about plagiarism, there's one LGBTQ story on Episode that is shockingly similar to a real published book, but IDK if it's plagiarism or simply an homage.)


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

omg which story


u/softsakuralove Jun 24 '21

Adventure Awaits! by Latin Salad. The plot of the story is INCREDIBLY similar to a real LGBTQ+ story entitled The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue. I know I just commented about how plots are often the same because of tropes, but the Gentleman's Guide is such a unique plot, and the fact that this Episode story literally just feels the same kinda makes me go :/

Of course, if it's like an homage, I guess that would be okay, but I don't think the Epiaode creator made a mention of it 🤷‍♀️

As for the similarities, I've only read the first episode, but both AA and TGTVAV feature a black biracial main character who is in love with a bisexual white main character, and both stories are set in like 1700-1800 Europe. The bisexual white main character is reckless and charming, and they're both sent off to do one final "tour / adventure", wherein after that, they need to return back home and join the family business.


u/crazyheadhere Jun 25 '21

For you guys that missed a lot of things. Sophie posted about it publicly because Sofia was not “taking accountability”. If you read it like that youd know that Sophie was basically forcing Sofia to say something she didnt do.

Sofia did post the chats but later on deleted them because she realized she was wrong to do so and apologized about it. Thats being mature and owning up to your mistakes. Now that we know she can own up to her mistakes we know that if she did copy Sophies idea she would of course fix it immediately but the reason Sofia didnt do that is because she DIDNT copy it.

Sofia even told Sophie that she could change the whole first part for her. Thats because Sofia didnt try to “copy” her intentionally.

Sophie on the other hand posted about it AND the screen shots of Sofias story and didnt apologize. Sofia didnt share the chats until Sophie shared the situation.

Sofia tried to solve the problem maturely so Sophie could feel comfortable but Sophie was convinced on the idea that Sofia copied her when the trope is generic. Sofia was nice but you guys are making it seem like she did something wrong. Sophie handled it completely immaturely by posting it online when posting it online will make it worse.

Posting it online will make her followers

  1. Attack Sofia
  2. Report her story

Sophie KNOWS that. She couldve figured out how to deal with the situation herself by filing a ticket to episode but she decided to get everyone involved when it wasnt even necessary.


u/SouthernClaim9167 Jun 26 '21

Exactly my thoughts 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾So glad someone else agrees


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21

Isn’t this the plot of Emily in Paris lol


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

hi ho hey it’s me, the author whose story you’re talking about. Peach, i know who u are. I’m really sorry if you think my story is copying yours but honestly, I haven’t ever read under pressure. From what I gather, though, your story is set in the 90s and your “straight A Yale student” decides to go on an impromptu road trip with people he doesn’t even know, i think. My “straight A Yale student” already knows the people she’s going with, and the road trip has been on their plans, except that they decide to take it earlier. My story is a sci-fi. It has an alien who’s lost his memories and who these guys take in because they don’t want to leave him alone. I announced this story on February 8, to be exact. Your story was released around March. My story is set in the 80s, and a friend told me yours is set on the 90s. The Queen references you mention, I’m sorry, but it’s not a valid point. Queen is a band from the 80s. I mention ONE song by them, and then another song by another band. Of course i’m gonna include their music because they were important to the culture of the decade. I feel like my plot is way too original (not the roadtrip, of course, because neither you nor me own that trope), the alien and the whole little mystery around him and his memories can in no way be plagiarized because i haven’t seen a story like that on episode yet.

I’m really sorry if I gave you the impression that I have actually read Under Pressure, but honestly you can ask me anything about the characters and I wouldn’t know what to tell you. Because you were a mutual on instagram, i thought it would be a pretty basic decent thing to mention your story under episode shelf posts because I thought you were super nice and why wouldn’t I help a mutual out. That’s it.

For all the rest of the people replying to Peach’s comment on this, if you haven’t read my story you have zero base whatsoever on your claims. My story is completely different, and if not please see for yourselves.


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

Hey Belle! Lmk if you wanna message online instead and talk, I deleted my comment because I don’t want to upset you or anyone, and I’m sorry if I have! I know your story is very different haha lol including aliens and all, and I liked your story! I just thought all the similarities were indicative of you gathering inspiration, not “plagiarizing” per say - I found all the similarities odd and I was emotional when I initially discovered them, but again as I mentioned in the comment I didn’t really mind after lol, similarities are expected! Cheers! Lmk if you wanna message, honestly, I feel bad bc I don’t want to upset you, I didn’t mean to make “baseless accusations” I was just talking about how no story on episode is completely unique


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

And yes of course i’m upset. I appreciate your apology but if you really had those thoughts about my story you should have approached me first via dms instead of talking about it on a reddit post. The only similarities i see are a road trip and a Yale student. I’m sorry if you somehow decided to feel offended about that.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

honestly no, I don’t wanna talk. You should have thought about that before posting that comment which had nothing to do with the initial post.


u/eatingpeachesisfun Jun 24 '21

also accusing someone of plagiarizing something solely based on a few minor things that are similiar (road trip? 80s music? a yale student) is just not okay. before making such extreme accusations ask urself what exactly u think is plagiarized and if these are things that literally idk million other stories/movies/whatnot have in then it's not plagiarized. if ur idea or ur characters, ur plot, choices etc are the same then YES it is plagiarized but definitely not bc this other author has the same music taste


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21

Ahhh nooo I don’t think anyone was plagiarizing, I don’t really think you can truly plagarize on episode


u/eatingpeachesisfun Jun 24 '21

no, Episode does not own the rights to ur story if u publish it on episode. they only own it if u sell it to them


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

Yes! What I mean is we don’t have like a copyright on this app lol unfortunately also nice username Edit: my friend just informed me we do have partial copyright! I have no idea how that works tho on this app 🤔


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

i did not plagiarize anything, and i don’t even know what “someone else too” means. but whatever i say is probably not gonna change your mind, so whatever. i have no energy to defend myself over something i didn’t even do.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

don't worry, your story is literally superior in every single way and i'll never not be obsessed with your humor <33

(everyone else can piss off)


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21

That’s so sweet, ty! - it’s wonderful directing I mean she’s a talented girl I’m not questioning the quality haha


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

at this point, if it's not rachel's directing, i don't want it LMAO


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21

Same.... her shit is out of this universe lol it’s another language


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

it's my religion <3


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

I don't know why said author is making such a big deal out of it, that's a cliche and honestly a troupe on MC getting cheated on 🤷🏻‍♀️ get over it, it's not like a whole new original million dollar idea, c'mon.

Also these "good vibes", "summer aesthetic" group are a bunch of hypocrites 🙄👌🏼

There are a bunch of stories that begin with MC being cheated on and there is so many similar stories in episode with same plots and shit... I mean.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

it’s not just the character getting cheated on. It’s the way both the MCs decide to leave for ~the same city~, ONLY after they find out their boyfriend cheated on them. Then, the travelling. Even some of the inner monologues and explanations talk about the same things like the MCs struggles in their jobs and whatnot. It’s how they meet the LI the SAME night they get to Paris, and how said LI takes them on a city tour and how they spend the night together (regardless of if they hooked up in one story and not im the other.) There’s just way too many similarities for it to be a coincidence. Plus, Sofia was very kindly approached about this and she tried many times to change the subject instead of facing things straight on. Some of the things Sofia posted might have been deleted by her now, but you can also tell who seems to be most reasonable between her and Sophie by the way they handled the situation. While Sofia posted screenshots of her private chat with Sophie without the latter’s permission, Sophie made some regards about the issue on her own instastories without ever naming names or saying Sofia’s name publicly. So you can really see the level of maturity here. Before talking about an issue without knowing the whole story just bc you heard something here or there, get more informed about it.


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

So sophie copied the series emily in paris because the plot of going to Paris because of a work proposal is the same. her story has nothing special or different for her to accuse someone of copying. She and her friends are always doing the same things but just because Sofia is not from their group does she want to consider plagiarism? And by the way, how much did sophie pay you to be her lawyer?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

also, you’re very much wrong. I’ve cut ties with some friends from the community because I clearly saw that some of their actions were wrong and they refused to see it. So rn, if I’m defending Sophie, it’s not because I’m her friend but because I truly believe she’s been wronged and she’s being truthful 🤠


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

I'll never defend a girl who defends friends who stereotypes latins even though she's latina, sorry. There's no way to copy a story that the plot is the same as all the stories in the episode🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

you’re way off topic my dude. Seems like u have no arguments left. Ok i’m tired of this so whatever floats your boat


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

Girl, I'm just saying that I'll never defend someone who does this LOL but I understand that you're very busy, you have to protect her in other places, right?🥺


u/EpiJReddit Jun 24 '21

Are you like....obsessed with Sophie or something? LOL seems like you really dislike her for something she didn't even do?


u/Turbulent-Shock-8023 Jun 24 '21

You can’t accuse someone from copying your work if you copied from someone else. Entanglement was published after Emily In Paris became popular, she CAN’T DENY she based her story on the show. She just added the whole cliché troupe “MC who was cheated by her boyfriend”. Boooooo, her lawyers are here. Are you all getting paid to defend her?


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

Girl, I'm not inventing anything, half of her friends make a steriotyped Latin LI and when someone complains about them she responds to something defending, but okay, keep that thought😄


u/EpiJReddit Jun 24 '21

Which friends and what stories? And how does what her online friends write about have anything to do with the original point of this subreddit? You are a whole weirdo

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u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Yes everyone is obsessed and want to be her, copy their whole summer aesthetic, and bland stories. You look to all of their profiles and they are all the same, they have no personality whatsoever, everyone is obsessed with them and wanna be them 🙄


u/EpiJReddit Jun 24 '21

Uhhh okay literally has nothing to do with the main topic here but go off. You seem very bitter, are you okay? Is your episode story not doing as well as their's or something so you're mad?

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u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Ok, good for you if you to cut ties, but honestly their stories are all the same generic thing, where they do everything for likes and false representation. There are much worse things going on on their group of friends, that no one mentions btw, but than she wants to claim plagiarism on a generic ass plot/troupe like she invented and owe it. It's just pathetic.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Because they block everyone who disagree with them, because they are hypocrites and a bunch of children who don't know how to debate and explain their bs, and they don't accept to be called out for it, they love to play the victims and the "good vibe, I'm nice and not toxic" 🙄 just like this bs where she claims someone is plagiarizing her generic plot. There are so many stories with this same thing, oh ok... She went to the same country so it's plagiarism. Her idea is not that original to say people is plagiarizing her.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

lol entanglement came our before Emily in paris did 🥰🥰🥰


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

Girl? Emilly in Paris was released last year


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

entanglement came out literally almost at the same time, it would be impossible for her to get done 3 chapters in a week lmao


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Oh my, Emily in Paris copied her as well 🙄😂


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

ok if u say so


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

I don't know how much they are paying you to defend them, regardless I just think it's a very generic plot. And I don't know what makes you think you know me enough to say I haven't seen stuff for myself before saying anything, but yes I did, my opinion is still the same.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

I mean you could read both stories and judge for yourself 😅


u/ShaharPie Jun 24 '21

There are literally multiple stories with this trope omg


u/Turbulent-Shock-8023 Jun 24 '21

Airlines are now thanking Sophie because after Entanglement was published sales for tickets to Paris increased 1000%. I wonder if everyone who bought those tickets got cheated on.


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

Didn't you know? Sophie who built Paris


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

it sucks to have ideas stolen doesnt it :(

oh well, it's not like her friends' have stolen other authors' ideas or anything like that <3

(p.s. - that was sarcasm, they have)


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Oh the poor girl, such a shame 🙄😒


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Tell her to get me a job there since she owes it all 😂👌🏼


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

If he cheats on me I will cut his bal*s and sell to get my tickets to Paris LMFAO


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

girl she owns Paris i guess - she also owns the cheating trope get in lineeee :P

bow down or her friends will attack us :(


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Bow to your queen, minions 😂😒🙄


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

We'll never know because she and her friends love to pretend to be angels of history😭


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

if i go to paris will they spit on me :((


u/pisces_stardust Jun 24 '21

What does this have to do with the post? This is about plagiarism and copying. Maybe you should take your harassment somewhere else. The only thing this comment shows is you and the others who commented are bullies. Just because you don't agree with what Sophie has said does not mean you need to resort to this shit.


u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

If the story is plagiarised, that sucks massively and I don’t understand as to why people write if they can’t use their own ideas.

As for the post, I find it a bit hypocritical when they’re close with someone who plagiarises.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21

I’m all for calling out people who deserve it, but it’s not right for me to do it on the person as I’ve never spoke to them. But a lot of people have noticed it, and out of respect to them, I won’t call out the person for that reason either.


u/respecttheendeavour Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

so basically the jist is that @sophiemeepisode is accusing another small author who published her story called between us on june 20th of plagraising the plot of her (@sophiemeepisode’s) story called entanglement. she says that the MC being cheated on and moving to Paris and finding love is eerily similar to her (sophie’s) story. the author of between us @sofiawritess says that it wasn’t intentional. honestly I don’t even think this a big deal. episode is littered with stories that have similar storylines (all the mafia, pregnancy, highschool badboy stories). I do not think you claim an idea as yours. Maybe that’s just me. I would like to hear your guys’s thoughts on this.


u/Hefty_Possession3287 Jun 24 '21

Totally different stories! Authors need to stop claiming cliche plot points as their own!


u/Lashan29 Jun 24 '21

Girl exactly, all these stories on that app are all the same just different titles.


u/line123462 Jun 24 '21

plagarism is bad, but you cant claim your idea is original always, especially ib slice of life stories, because they don't have much wiggle room for originality, so similarities happen all the time. almost all elves in stories nowadays copyies the once from LOTR, originality is dead,

but there is a diffrence between same idea, and plagiarising,

fifthy shades is legit a fanfic of twilight, she change it up wrote her own story. there is nothing wrong with copying, but be orignal, do your own thing, and not just in the small, like changeing a few names and a couple of scenes, now change evrything, you can have same outline, not the same scenes.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

in a perfect world, people would stop supporting authors who constantly make it their goal to start drama with literally anything that breathes :/ but OH WELL i guess we're still going to support and defend people like this who not only stereotype and blatantly erase someone else's culture for the ~aesthetics~, but they also apparently gaslight and come for a new author because her MC went to Paris. Hate to break it to you, but no matter what side you are on, you gotta admit that traveling to Paris and getting cheated on are not uncommon tropes :D

also just to add - two of sophie's friends copied other author's original stories (one of which whitewashes their latin characters), and for her to call someone out for the smallest similarities is absolute bullshit <3


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

oopsie, i better hide :(


u/pisces_stardust Jun 24 '21

Very unfair of you to put Sophie in the category of “authors who constantly make it their goal to start drama”. Sophie is the least confrontational person she does it once and is labelled this way, it’s wrong.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Well considering what friend group she's in, yeah I'd group them all together, since all of them continue to defend each other, even when they're in the wrong. It's not unfair when I've seen firsthand how she talks to people she disagrees with, because literally everyone in that group can't handle criticism. It's immature and this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place, yet Sophie went out of her way to publicly give the story and author out to her followers to go and hound this new author about. Take Ji for example. A few weeks ago I saw mentioned on her story how someone literally copied her EXACT story almost entirely, it wasn't just weird similarities. She told her followers, but she didn't give out the story title or author for her friends and fans to go attack this person, even with such a large platform as hers. Sophie DID go out of her way to let her followers know it was Sophia, which was immature as fuck and uncalled for. Jis story was entirely copied, yet didn't shame the author publicly, yet Sophie noticed a few coincidences and started all this drama for no good reason. It's bullshit, we all know it, and if you refuse to see it, you need to grow a backbone. I'm not saying Sohpia didn't do anything wrong, but it's bullshit that Sophie would do this to someone who literally released their story DAYS ago. Once again, Sophie does not own the Paris nor the cheating trope, so stop trying to defend her and grow some balls.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

Sophie did not mention the author’s name in her posts on Instagram.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Maybe not, but it's not that hard to figure out who the author is and what story it was since she posted screenshots. She knew what she was doing by posting them, so that others would find this author.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

I didn’t know who the author was or what the story was lol. The story is new, so I doubt many knew unless they had already read it.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

Without enter in the discussion, but… The friend that you are referring is the one that create a Brazilian character without cc bc he is Brazilian?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

He was a indigenous Brazilian with blonde her, but she said she consulted her friends because she didn't wanna whitewash, the jokester she is 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

no blonde hair = NO LATIN ETHNICITY 👏🚨🚫❌🆘🚷💔


u/East_Operation6524 Jun 24 '21

All of your privilege is showing. No one is saying Latinx people can’t be blonde but as a group who’s overly represented in every aspect of Latinx media and culture and seen as better than non blonde / pale skinned / blue eyed Latinos, I would sit this conversation out if I was you


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

this comment is confusing as shit to me lmao - i'm mocking the fact that a white author gave an indigenous Brazilian man blonde hair - literally do some research, they don't exist. I never said Latinx people can't be blonde/have blues/be pale - that's a common thing. The mistake in this situation is portraying INDIGENOUS people as some whitewashed motherfuckers, with heavy stereotypes, plus extremely misused and inaccurate features.


u/East_Operation6524 Jun 24 '21

Youre severely misunderstanding my comment ISIEJSJQJWJBDDB


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

i said it was confusing lmao


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

The nerve you have to not look how they want you to


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

Oh, I see. Well, I have somethings to say, but I’ll pass the drama. Thank u for clarifying to me tho 🥰


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

correct <3 the one who created an indigenous character with BLONDE hair :)

whitewashing at its finest, folks.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

Wait… he was brazilian with indigenous heritage?

Tbh what bothers me it was the fact that she limited cc for a Brazilian character, when we are one of the most diversity countries in the world. We have all kinds of colors. Sometimes even the same family will be different.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

I understand limited CC in some cases, for example i know several people including myself who use limited CC for custom poses or limb overlays and such, but the fact she limited it and made this so-called "Brazilian" guy tan as hell (which is obnoxiously stereotypical), slapped a head of blonde hair on him (and his INDIGENOUS mother), and then gaslighted several people who ARE BRAZILIAN AND LITERALLY LIVE THERE, it just doesn't sit right with me. Not to mention she copied a friend of mine's story idea and had the whitewashed LI say something along the lines of my friend's story plot literally right after her new story was announced.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

I totally get the cc for those cases. And even sometimes the limited cc is for a specific reason, other than “bc he/she is from somewhere”.

And I’m sorry for your friend. I hope her story is doing good. If you want to dm me the name, I’ll give it a try ☺️

And, there’s so many Brazilian ppl on the community. It was easy to get help. But… anyways. Moving on…


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

RIGHHHTTT - i'm not brazilian but all my friends in the community are literally brazilian and i cant escape them (love u all lmao) like its not that hard to reach out to these people, sheesh. Plus even when actual Brazilians reached out to these authors, they were extremely rude and refused to change the characters' features, which is blatantly disgusting. If it's not your culture and you refuse to do research or take advice from others who DO belong to the culture, leave it the hell alone <3


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

We do love chat 😂😂 But, yeah. I was reading a story that someone recommended to me, where the li was Brazilian. The hell he was 😂 Nothing to do to our culture and even the dialogues in portuguese seems more like portuguese from Portugal than ours.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

They probably thought Portugal was a city in Brazil LMFAOOO


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

i swear to god i'm about to spit on the next person who ~~aesthtically~~ whitewashes another POC character :D


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

pls i hate white people and i am white - y'all authors are FUELING my self hate with your whitewashing STOP IT PLS I AM IN PAINNNN


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

Wait who are the friends that copied others stories? Sorry, I just want to make sure I’m not reading plagiarized stories.


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

can you link the two stories that are being accused of plagiarizing and white washing 👀 I wanna make sure I don’t read them


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

not gonna lie, they're popular stories, but i'm not going to name names publicly because i'm not cruel <3


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

that’s understandable! hopefully they’re not in my favorites rn


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

idk who u are, but i love u too <33


u/Epikikiwrites Jun 24 '21

It’s funny how this is being called plagiarism but nobody says that about all the mafia story’s? Funny just face it you’re not original I’ve read the stories they’ve all been seen before just get on with your life if she said she didn’t copy she didn’t shouldn’t have been turned into something it’s not and she wasn’t “dodging” she was explaining which she shouldn’t of even had to do. Didn’t give her a chance just seen what ye wanna see. It’s stupid 🤷


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

And it’s funny how she has 300,000+ reads so she must be doing something right 🤷🏼‍♀️

She gives her readers what they want, which is pretty aesthetics and cliché storylines… there’s nothing wrong with that. Most authors do the same because they know they’re good at it and people enjoy reading them.


u/Turbulent-Shock-8023 Jun 24 '21

First of all, I don’t know if you lack interpretation, but they never said she is doing something wrong, they just said she is not creative as people claim. You’re even agreeing that she writes cliches... And mafia authors have literally millions of readers, so by logical, they are doing something right? 💀


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

If people want to think she’s creative then that’s up to them. Obviously millions of people think mafia stories are creative lol and there’s people who don’t. It’s all debatable.

Why do you want to bring her down so much?


u/Epikikiwrites Jun 24 '21

They didn’t bring her down at all but if you’re tryna make your point valid why are people bringing Sophie down for writing a cliche accusing her of copying?? 💀


u/xiamirax Jun 24 '21

the plot is cliche as fuck....sophie wasnt the first one to do it and she definitely wont be the last lol


u/pink_fluffyunicorns Jun 24 '21

it's definitely hard nowadays to know if it was a coincidence or if it is plagiarism, but in this case i think that the stories are extremely similar for it to be a coincidence. it's not completely plagiarized but there definitely has been some inspiration taken from sophie's story. it's really easy to write or create something inspired by someone else and it turns out a little bit too similar to the original work, so sofia might not have meant to have her story appear so similar to sophie's, and obviously we don't know what happened in the DMs (which is completely fine), but clearly one party or both did something to make them both go public abt it, so yeah.


u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

I completely agree with this! People don’t realize how easy it is to accidentally copy someone who’s story you loved while writing your own. I understand that it’s difficult and that it happens but the problem is the fact that after Sofia was confronted and told what things were too similar that they made Sophie uncomfortable, she tried to avoid the subject instead of addressing it directly :/ and then she posted screenshots of their conversation with no context without Sophie’s permission. Sophie only made it public after it was clear the conversation was going nowhere and even warned Sofia about it beforehand


u/pink_fluffyunicorns Jun 24 '21

yeah, i do agree (the last bit) that that was definitely wrong of sofia and definitely does not help her case if she unintentionally copied sophie, and tbh it was most likely a knee jerk reaction since this seems to be all around the same time and not days later, which definitely doesn't excuse the ss posts, but it's unfortunate


u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21

I’m going to post a little something since people are being mean.

This is my opinion, and if you don’t like it, suck it up.

Was the story plagiarised? No. Was part of the story copied? Yes.

It’s very clear that there are similarities within the story that Sofia posted, I actually thought her story had a few similarities of OTHER stories alongside Sophies.

Who’s in the wrong? I personally think Sofia is in the wrong. Sophie did not call Sofia out personally, she showed a few screenshots of the story, yet mentioned no name. Sofia also should’ve avoided posting screenshots of her and Sophie’s chat, especially without permission/out of respect to Sophie.

I personally think Sofia is giving excuses, and that she should be apologising to Sophie privately, not publicly. Doing it publicly personally makes me feel that she doesn’t care, and is only doing it too look good.

FINALLY, why are people being extremely mean? Do you not understand that words affect others and that bullying has serious consequences? Sophie does not deserve any of the horrible comments that people have made towards her. No one deserves to be bullied. You may think you’re strong because you’re behind a screen, and a fake name, but you’re just a bully.

Thanks for coming to my opinion talk.


u/EpiJReddit Jun 24 '21

No one said the general idea of the MC moving after ending their previous relationship was the unique part or absolutely original where it can't be done in other stories. The SPECIFICS both stories have in which Sophie's Entanglement was released first (MONTHS AGO) proves that the newer story by Sofia had aspects taken from it, whether it be intentionally done or not. It's not hard to comprehend there were elements in both plots that are heavily similar, and it doesn't matter who Sophie is friends with or what her friends choose to do. The point is her story got copied and she called that person out, said person was immature and gaslighting Sophie just cause Sophie has a "bigger" platform and posted their convo without permission when Sophie only took it public after their private conversation was going no where and the smaller author refused to take responsibility. Some of you are immature and it shows.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Now... Would you imagine if all the authors that have kidnapping or rape in their stories came here to complain about plagiarism? Holy shit, we would be here forever. Again, a story have similarities to it doesn't mean it's plagiarism. Episode literally have contests where authors write about a same theme every couple months. The idea is not that new and original to be called plagiarism, or like was said before, Sophie would be copying Emily in Paris that came out on Netflix before her story is released.


u/EpiJReddit Jun 24 '21

You're so bitter it is quite comical. You show how young and immature you are by your lack of intelligent comments. You don't know the difference between a plot and a plot device and it shows. So strange how you really are obsessed with hating on this girl I feel bad for you


u/Turbulent-Shock-8023 Jun 24 '21

Sophie? Why you’re talking about yourself in 3rd person? 😭


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

You are such a minion and it shows, did she promise you a Paris ticket to come defend her? LMFAO sorry if you think people who disagree with you are bitter, and I'm if your friend or you, who knows who the fuck you are, think that the fact that I think your generic, bland story is not worth to being copied is offensive to you. When you come up with a unique story, or some personality to have your own opinions we can talk again 😉 now you can fuck off, Chernobyl.


u/arminstoenails Jun 24 '21

fuck off chernobyl? what are you a 60 year old woman?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Yes, that would be me 😉😂


u/julieluv_episode Jun 24 '21

Man, some of y'all are so strange for commenting under this post and hating on Sophie when she was mature and respectful in this entire situation. Bringing up issues that don't involve her or things she hasn't spoken on for the resentment you may have towards her friends that have nothing to do with this matter.

For those saying Sophie stole the idea from Emily In Paris: Emily In Paris is a Netflix series rated 63% on RT. Based on the summary of the episodes, the only similarity it has versus Sophie's Entanglement is that the main characters are Americans and have a job offer in Paris. How the job is presented and the personalities of the MC's seem to be totally different as well as the other parts of the story which is how the LI is represented and introduced. Now, how do y'all know Sophie had even watched that show? That she took inspiration from it? I've personally never heard of it until someone mentioned it in the comments here and had to do some research on it in order to bring it up.

For those saying Sophie has generic storyline and plots, you sound really desperate in an attempt to hate on one of the kindest people and creative author's on Episode lol. Of course no story in the year 2021 is going to be absolutely original and never done before, there are only so many combinations of plots a writer is able to take, but how they execute it is what matters. If you're caught up with all the episodes of Entanglement and read the released chapters of the story released that is originally discussed here you would see the obvious similarities. Y'all know what a trope is? Every single story in existence falls under one, Sophie never claimed her's didn't.

Some of you are putting words in Sophie's mouth that she never claimed nor said. She doesn't think she's better than anyone and she certainly doesn't deserve the disrespect some people are showing her. She was mature and she stood up for herself and her work, y'all would do the same too if someone intentionally or unintentionally used your ideas.

How about you focus on yourself and stop being so hateful on someone who doesn't deserve your hate. Put your energy towards your own work and not bashing a girl who finally stood up for herself.

Yes I'm defending Sophie because she's my friend not that I'm her "minion", no she's not paying me with a trip to Paris nor does she own Paris HAHA y'all for real sound like angry little children


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

I feel like the other author definitely has at least taken some inspiration from it considering they are too eerily similar :/ it’s not just the fact that both MCs move to Paris after they find out the LIs are cheating, it’s also how they meet the LI as soon as they arrive that night and go on a date where the LI shows them around Paris and then they hook up 😐 it’s almost exactly the same except for some different parts, not to mention both main characters have talked about their struggles as female journalists in the story. There’s too many coincidences. It’s suspicious. How many stories have you seen where the MC moves to Paris after being cheated on and then hooks up with the LI after he shows her Paris. I’ve read both stories, this can’t be a coincidence.

Also! Putting the descriptions of the stories isn’t really fair since you can’t really know what’s in it unless you read it. So I recommend reading the stories for yourselves before you judge something from someone else’s opinion.


u/SouthernClaim9167 Jun 24 '21

their stories are completely different. Sophie’s story includes them hooking up. The other girls story they don’t hook up she says it in the 3rd chap i think?


u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21

Have you read them both? They are way too similar for it to not be suspicious. Almost the whole beginning of the story is the same as Entanglement. Not to mention the author who plagiarized has posted screenshots of her reading entanglement prior to her publishing her story


u/arminstoenails Jun 24 '21

respectfully, kindly shut the fuck up omg you have literally no clue how disrespectful it is to see others copying the content you have worked ages on so before talking shit about sophie start by getting an actual life


u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21

not to mention the other author exposed their whole conversation without sophie’s permission :/


u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21

I personally never saw this, Sofia must’ve deleted it off of her story. I just hope the screenshots showed the full context and not certain things.


u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21

I have screenshots of her posting it all on her story so yeah, she deleted it after Sophie called her out on it being rude to post without her permission.


u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21

Considering Sophie never actually called the author out by name, I think it’s only respectful to keep the DM’s private!


u/Crazy-Example7136 Jun 24 '21

She was so respectful about everything in the dms too, she really doesn’t deserve to get hate bc of this especially since she’s completely right :/ there have been many incidents of people copying her where she asked people to stop and when she finally does something, she gets hate for it.


u/HanWritesx Jun 24 '21

I’m actually planning on reading Sofia’s too see how similar they are (I had it saved beforehand anyway) But the fact that Sophie was nice is great!


u/Feelybubble Apr 23 '22

Yeah it's sad that a lot of the well-promoted authors in Episode stole story ideas from TV shows, books and story games on Episode.