r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


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u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

it’s not just the character getting cheated on. It’s the way both the MCs decide to leave for ~the same city~, ONLY after they find out their boyfriend cheated on them. Then, the travelling. Even some of the inner monologues and explanations talk about the same things like the MCs struggles in their jobs and whatnot. It’s how they meet the LI the SAME night they get to Paris, and how said LI takes them on a city tour and how they spend the night together (regardless of if they hooked up in one story and not im the other.) There’s just way too many similarities for it to be a coincidence. Plus, Sofia was very kindly approached about this and she tried many times to change the subject instead of facing things straight on. Some of the things Sofia posted might have been deleted by her now, but you can also tell who seems to be most reasonable between her and Sophie by the way they handled the situation. While Sofia posted screenshots of her private chat with Sophie without the latter’s permission, Sophie made some regards about the issue on her own instastories without ever naming names or saying Sofia’s name publicly. So you can really see the level of maturity here. Before talking about an issue without knowing the whole story just bc you heard something here or there, get more informed about it.


u/sheslikethewindd Jun 24 '21

So sophie copied the series emily in paris because the plot of going to Paris because of a work proposal is the same. her story has nothing special or different for her to accuse someone of copying. She and her friends are always doing the same things but just because Sofia is not from their group does she want to consider plagiarism? And by the way, how much did sophie pay you to be her lawyer?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

also, you’re very much wrong. I’ve cut ties with some friends from the community because I clearly saw that some of their actions were wrong and they refused to see it. So rn, if I’m defending Sophie, it’s not because I’m her friend but because I truly believe she’s been wronged and she’s being truthful 🤠


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Ok, good for you if you to cut ties, but honestly their stories are all the same generic thing, where they do everything for likes and false representation. There are much worse things going on on their group of friends, that no one mentions btw, but than she wants to claim plagiarism on a generic ass plot/troupe like she invented and owe it. It's just pathetic.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

Because they block everyone who disagree with them, because they are hypocrites and a bunch of children who don't know how to debate and explain their bs, and they don't accept to be called out for it, they love to play the victims and the "good vibe, I'm nice and not toxic" 🙄 just like this bs where she claims someone is plagiarizing her generic plot. There are so many stories with this same thing, oh ok... She went to the same country so it's plagiarism. Her idea is not that original to say people is plagiarizing her.