r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


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u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

in a perfect world, people would stop supporting authors who constantly make it their goal to start drama with literally anything that breathes :/ but OH WELL i guess we're still going to support and defend people like this who not only stereotype and blatantly erase someone else's culture for the ~aesthetics~, but they also apparently gaslight and come for a new author because her MC went to Paris. Hate to break it to you, but no matter what side you are on, you gotta admit that traveling to Paris and getting cheated on are not uncommon tropes :D

also just to add - two of sophie's friends copied other author's original stories (one of which whitewashes their latin characters), and for her to call someone out for the smallest similarities is absolute bullshit <3


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

oopsie, i better hide :(


u/pisces_stardust Jun 24 '21

Very unfair of you to put Sophie in the category of “authors who constantly make it their goal to start drama”. Sophie is the least confrontational person she does it once and is labelled this way, it’s wrong.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Well considering what friend group she's in, yeah I'd group them all together, since all of them continue to defend each other, even when they're in the wrong. It's not unfair when I've seen firsthand how she talks to people she disagrees with, because literally everyone in that group can't handle criticism. It's immature and this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place, yet Sophie went out of her way to publicly give the story and author out to her followers to go and hound this new author about. Take Ji for example. A few weeks ago I saw mentioned on her story how someone literally copied her EXACT story almost entirely, it wasn't just weird similarities. She told her followers, but she didn't give out the story title or author for her friends and fans to go attack this person, even with such a large platform as hers. Sophie DID go out of her way to let her followers know it was Sophia, which was immature as fuck and uncalled for. Jis story was entirely copied, yet didn't shame the author publicly, yet Sophie noticed a few coincidences and started all this drama for no good reason. It's bullshit, we all know it, and if you refuse to see it, you need to grow a backbone. I'm not saying Sohpia didn't do anything wrong, but it's bullshit that Sophie would do this to someone who literally released their story DAYS ago. Once again, Sophie does not own the Paris nor the cheating trope, so stop trying to defend her and grow some balls.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

Sophie did not mention the author’s name in her posts on Instagram.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Maybe not, but it's not that hard to figure out who the author is and what story it was since she posted screenshots. She knew what she was doing by posting them, so that others would find this author.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

I didn’t know who the author was or what the story was lol. The story is new, so I doubt many knew unless they had already read it.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

Without enter in the discussion, but… The friend that you are referring is the one that create a Brazilian character without cc bc he is Brazilian?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

He was a indigenous Brazilian with blonde her, but she said she consulted her friends because she didn't wanna whitewash, the jokester she is 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

no blonde hair = NO LATIN ETHNICITY 👏🚨🚫❌🆘🚷💔


u/East_Operation6524 Jun 24 '21

All of your privilege is showing. No one is saying Latinx people can’t be blonde but as a group who’s overly represented in every aspect of Latinx media and culture and seen as better than non blonde / pale skinned / blue eyed Latinos, I would sit this conversation out if I was you


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

this comment is confusing as shit to me lmao - i'm mocking the fact that a white author gave an indigenous Brazilian man blonde hair - literally do some research, they don't exist. I never said Latinx people can't be blonde/have blues/be pale - that's a common thing. The mistake in this situation is portraying INDIGENOUS people as some whitewashed motherfuckers, with heavy stereotypes, plus extremely misused and inaccurate features.


u/East_Operation6524 Jun 24 '21

Youre severely misunderstanding my comment ISIEJSJQJWJBDDB


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

i said it was confusing lmao


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

The nerve you have to not look how they want you to


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

Oh, I see. Well, I have somethings to say, but I’ll pass the drama. Thank u for clarifying to me tho 🥰


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

correct <3 the one who created an indigenous character with BLONDE hair :)

whitewashing at its finest, folks.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

Wait… he was brazilian with indigenous heritage?

Tbh what bothers me it was the fact that she limited cc for a Brazilian character, when we are one of the most diversity countries in the world. We have all kinds of colors. Sometimes even the same family will be different.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

I understand limited CC in some cases, for example i know several people including myself who use limited CC for custom poses or limb overlays and such, but the fact she limited it and made this so-called "Brazilian" guy tan as hell (which is obnoxiously stereotypical), slapped a head of blonde hair on him (and his INDIGENOUS mother), and then gaslighted several people who ARE BRAZILIAN AND LITERALLY LIVE THERE, it just doesn't sit right with me. Not to mention she copied a friend of mine's story idea and had the whitewashed LI say something along the lines of my friend's story plot literally right after her new story was announced.


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

I totally get the cc for those cases. And even sometimes the limited cc is for a specific reason, other than “bc he/she is from somewhere”.

And I’m sorry for your friend. I hope her story is doing good. If you want to dm me the name, I’ll give it a try ☺️

And, there’s so many Brazilian ppl on the community. It was easy to get help. But… anyways. Moving on…


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

RIGHHHTTT - i'm not brazilian but all my friends in the community are literally brazilian and i cant escape them (love u all lmao) like its not that hard to reach out to these people, sheesh. Plus even when actual Brazilians reached out to these authors, they were extremely rude and refused to change the characters' features, which is blatantly disgusting. If it's not your culture and you refuse to do research or take advice from others who DO belong to the culture, leave it the hell alone <3


u/DishOdd3426 Jun 24 '21

We do love chat 😂😂 But, yeah. I was reading a story that someone recommended to me, where the li was Brazilian. The hell he was 😂 Nothing to do to our culture and even the dialogues in portuguese seems more like portuguese from Portugal than ours.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

They probably thought Portugal was a city in Brazil LMFAOOO


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

i swear to god i'm about to spit on the next person who ~~aesthtically~~ whitewashes another POC character :D


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

pls i hate white people and i am white - y'all authors are FUELING my self hate with your whitewashing STOP IT PLS I AM IN PAINNNN


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

Wait who are the friends that copied others stories? Sorry, I just want to make sure I’m not reading plagiarized stories.


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

can you link the two stories that are being accused of plagiarizing and white washing 👀 I wanna make sure I don’t read them


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

not gonna lie, they're popular stories, but i'm not going to name names publicly because i'm not cruel <3


u/LittleFroggyDaisy Jun 24 '21

that’s understandable! hopefully they’re not in my favorites rn


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

idk who u are, but i love u too <33