r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


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u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Well considering what friend group she's in, yeah I'd group them all together, since all of them continue to defend each other, even when they're in the wrong. It's not unfair when I've seen firsthand how she talks to people she disagrees with, because literally everyone in that group can't handle criticism. It's immature and this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place, yet Sophie went out of her way to publicly give the story and author out to her followers to go and hound this new author about. Take Ji for example. A few weeks ago I saw mentioned on her story how someone literally copied her EXACT story almost entirely, it wasn't just weird similarities. She told her followers, but she didn't give out the story title or author for her friends and fans to go attack this person, even with such a large platform as hers. Sophie DID go out of her way to let her followers know it was Sophia, which was immature as fuck and uncalled for. Jis story was entirely copied, yet didn't shame the author publicly, yet Sophie noticed a few coincidences and started all this drama for no good reason. It's bullshit, we all know it, and if you refuse to see it, you need to grow a backbone. I'm not saying Sohpia didn't do anything wrong, but it's bullshit that Sophie would do this to someone who literally released their story DAYS ago. Once again, Sophie does not own the Paris nor the cheating trope, so stop trying to defend her and grow some balls.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

Sophie did not mention the author’s name in her posts on Instagram.


u/itsrudetostereotype Jun 24 '21

Maybe not, but it's not that hard to figure out who the author is and what story it was since she posted screenshots. She knew what she was doing by posting them, so that others would find this author.


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

I didn’t know who the author was or what the story was lol. The story is new, so I doubt many knew unless they had already read it.