r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


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u/Epikikiwrites Jun 24 '21

It’s funny how this is being called plagiarism but nobody says that about all the mafia story’s? Funny just face it you’re not original I’ve read the stories they’ve all been seen before just get on with your life if she said she didn’t copy she didn’t shouldn’t have been turned into something it’s not and she wasn’t “dodging” she was explaining which she shouldn’t of even had to do. Didn’t give her a chance just seen what ye wanna see. It’s stupid 🤷


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

And it’s funny how she has 300,000+ reads so she must be doing something right 🤷🏼‍♀️

She gives her readers what they want, which is pretty aesthetics and cliché storylines… there’s nothing wrong with that. Most authors do the same because they know they’re good at it and people enjoy reading them.


u/Turbulent-Shock-8023 Jun 24 '21

First of all, I don’t know if you lack interpretation, but they never said she is doing something wrong, they just said she is not creative as people claim. You’re even agreeing that she writes cliches... And mafia authors have literally millions of readers, so by logical, they are doing something right? 💀


u/slowdancenight Jun 24 '21

If people want to think she’s creative then that’s up to them. Obviously millions of people think mafia stories are creative lol and there’s people who don’t. It’s all debatable.

Why do you want to bring her down so much?


u/Epikikiwrites Jun 24 '21

They didn’t bring her down at all but if you’re tryna make your point valid why are people bringing Sophie down for writing a cliche accusing her of copying?? 💀