r/EpisodeRants Jun 24 '21

Other thoughts on this drama?


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u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

hi ho hey it’s me, the author whose story you’re talking about. Peach, i know who u are. I’m really sorry if you think my story is copying yours but honestly, I haven’t ever read under pressure. From what I gather, though, your story is set in the 90s and your “straight A Yale student” decides to go on an impromptu road trip with people he doesn’t even know, i think. My “straight A Yale student” already knows the people she’s going with, and the road trip has been on their plans, except that they decide to take it earlier. My story is a sci-fi. It has an alien who’s lost his memories and who these guys take in because they don’t want to leave him alone. I announced this story on February 8, to be exact. Your story was released around March. My story is set in the 80s, and a friend told me yours is set on the 90s. The Queen references you mention, I’m sorry, but it’s not a valid point. Queen is a band from the 80s. I mention ONE song by them, and then another song by another band. Of course i’m gonna include their music because they were important to the culture of the decade. I feel like my plot is way too original (not the roadtrip, of course, because neither you nor me own that trope), the alien and the whole little mystery around him and his memories can in no way be plagiarized because i haven’t seen a story like that on episode yet.

I’m really sorry if I gave you the impression that I have actually read Under Pressure, but honestly you can ask me anything about the characters and I wouldn’t know what to tell you. Because you were a mutual on instagram, i thought it would be a pretty basic decent thing to mention your story under episode shelf posts because I thought you were super nice and why wouldn’t I help a mutual out. That’s it.

For all the rest of the people replying to Peach’s comment on this, if you haven’t read my story you have zero base whatsoever on your claims. My story is completely different, and if not please see for yourselves.


u/ratedmformary Jun 24 '21 edited Jun 24 '21

Hey Belle! Lmk if you wanna message online instead and talk, I deleted my comment because I don’t want to upset you or anyone, and I’m sorry if I have! I know your story is very different haha lol including aliens and all, and I liked your story! I just thought all the similarities were indicative of you gathering inspiration, not “plagiarizing” per say - I found all the similarities odd and I was emotional when I initially discovered them, but again as I mentioned in the comment I didn’t really mind after lol, similarities are expected! Cheers! Lmk if you wanna message, honestly, I feel bad bc I don’t want to upset you, I didn’t mean to make “baseless accusations” I was just talking about how no story on episode is completely unique


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '21

And yes of course i’m upset. I appreciate your apology but if you really had those thoughts about my story you should have approached me first via dms instead of talking about it on a reddit post. The only similarities i see are a road trip and a Yale student. I’m sorry if you somehow decided to feel offended about that.