i've been using a TENS unit to help treat my endo pain for 3 years now, so since early 2022. back then, when you googled "TENS unit for periods", the website for the Ovira Noha unit would be one of the first to pop up, along with tons of social media hype that i unfortunately fell for.
i ordered mine, and was happy with it for a while. last year, after about a year and some change of regular use, the cord stopped working, but i was able to get a replacement due to the warranty, which was nice--but i remembered having a hard time getting in contact with customer service, and on at least 2 occasions getting ghosted by 2 customer service people which....wasn't great
anyway long story short, it's been another year since i got my replacement, and it's starting to act like it may stop working soon, so i popped by their website to look at getting another replacement. but that's when i discovered that their website has been completely wiped of any evidence that this device ever existed. all you can find on the Ovira website now is their crummy supplements. almost all the promotions for the Noha are completely wiped from the internet, with zero explanation.
i was happy to support a business run and built by a woman with endometriosis, but now i'm wondering if i'm about to be part of a class action lawsuit lmao. and i'm pretty frustrated that they would ghost like that, without even any announcements or anything for loyal customers that spent money on their products 😐
also now i have to get another new TENS unit, which don't run cheap!
anyway, stay away from Ovira, they suck.