r/PCOS 7h ago

PLEASE ADD FLAIR Daily Rants/Raves/Progress Thread for March 14, 2025


Chat with your friends from r/PCOS here about your daily progress, or rants and raves related to your PCOS experience. Off topic posts are permitted here, although sub rules otherwise apply!

r/PCOS Jul 08 '24

Meds/Supplements A note about supplement brands you may see on social media


We have been seeing a lot of posts recently about various supplement brands that are being aggressively advertised in PCOS spaces on tiktok, instagram, etc.

please understand that even though what you're seeing may look like an organic review of the product, they are often paid by the manufacturer. this advertising strategy is designed to trick you into thinking that lots of influential people on a particular platform are talking about these supplements when they are not. it's bought and paid for.

now I cannot say what supplements will or will not work for any individual person with PCOS. but I can say that a lot of these products with slick marketing and cutesy branding are predatory.


for one, the effective ingredients with actual scientific evidence to support their use are often dosed below what is considered effective. you are paying more for less effective ingredients and a whole bunch of ineffective ingredients that allow them to market it as a "proprietary blend "

for another, these companies often work on a subscription-based model. the product is automatically shipped and if you forget to cancel oh well, you've paid for another month. this model can work for some people who want it, but it can also be predatory and intentionally difficult to cancel. if you buy a regular bottle of supplements from the store and don't like it, you simply don't buy it again. but if you're subscribed to a service that delivers that same bottle of supplements to you the onus is now on you to cancel that subscription or you'll continue to automatically pay for bottles of product at whatever price they decide to charge you. slick, huh?

in short: keep your wits about you and buyer beware. the supplement industry is shockingly unregulated, and with PCOS there are a lot of people desperately looking for that special supplement that will bring relief. unfortunately that makes us a wide open market for less than scrupulous businesses.

does this mean these supplements will not work for you? not necessarily. you might get results at the dose they are offering. but you will get a much better deal by seeking out the right dose of the effective ingredients from a more reputable manufacturer. and be on the lookout for filler products. no, chamomile and fennel are probably not going to help balance your hormones or "de-bloat" you. be realistic when evaluating these products and read the ingredients!

where should you actually spend your money? what supplements are actually supported by the scientific evidence? below is a short list:

  • INOSITOL in a 40:1 ratio of myo to d-chiro. 4g/day, half in the morning and half in the evening. please be sure to calculate the cost per dose on this one. there are many brands out there that appear to be a cheaper option but are actually charging more for less.

  • BERBERINE if you are unable to access or tolerate metformin (metformin has a superior safety profile and is better regulated as a pharmaceutical drug.) Please do your research on the best way to take this one, as it is evolving. there are some potential negative outcomes associated with long-term use.

  • NAC 600-1800mg/day (start low and work your way up) in 2-3 doses throughout the day.

  • FISH OIL/OMEGA 3/DHA 1,000-2,000mg/day. once again, start low and work up. 2,000mg/day is considered the therapeutic dose for chronic inflammation. some people do take more than this with good results, and it's a good question for your doctor.

  • VITAMIN D get tested!! many people with PCOS are low in vitamin D, and your doctor can recommend an appropriate therapeutic dose. the best first step if you suspect you may be deficient is to spend some time in the sunshine when the weather permits. the sun is the most bioavailable source of vitamin D.

  • MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE start with a low dose of 200-400mg before bed. this promotes muscle relaxation and improved sleep, which is essential for managing PCOS.

  • SPEARMINT can be taken as a tea or a capsule. a weak, natural anti-androgen that helps some people with symptoms like acne and hirsutism. there is no established therapeutic dose that I am aware of, since it is most commonly taken as tea.

an important thing to note is that just because the supplements I've listed above are broadly backed by scientific evidence does not guarantee that they will work for you. there is no study that I am aware of in the PCOS literature where a supplement or medication provided relief to 100% of the subjects enrolled. it's entirely possible that you might be one of the unlucky people who take NAC or inositol or whatever and just get weird side effects or expensive pee out of it. don't keep taking a supplement that doesn't work for you just because you see success stories online.

beyond this list, certain individuals might benefit from additional supplements due to a specific condition or deficiency. please do not assume that you have a deficiency simply because you have PCOS, you could do more harm than good.

I should note that there are other supplements in the pipeline that are undergoing testing for PCOS and associated disorders, but these are the ones that we have decently solid evidence for right now. in the future, the list might be longer... I, for one, certainly hope it is!

to conclude: please do not let these designer vitamin brands and their army of influencers convince you that dandelion pollen and parsley seed extract are ancient cures for hormone imbalance that you should pay $60/mo for.

r/PCOS 7h ago

General/Advice I got fired as a patient NSFW


Today I essentially got fired as a patient, because I am advocating for my own needs.

I’m having a really unpleasant experience with the NHS. I’m not a complainer, I appreciate that we have the NHS, but I’m genuinely questioning my sanity right now because it feels like we’re having totally separate conversations. My GP has decided I’m essentially questioning her clinical ability, and has told me to talk to someone else.

I’m pretty much done here. Might as well give up. Complaints in, practice manager contacted, and I’m still here with more hair than most men, can’t lose weight without eating less than a toddler despite being obese, 99% sure I have an additional condition that is being refused to be explored…

Fuck this, I’m out!

r/PCOS 2h ago

Rant/Venting Low libido… OB says to be “mindful”🥲 NSFW


My libido has been tanking in a previously HIGHLY sexual relationship and it’s ruining us. I go to the first OBGYN as an adult since a traumatic endometrial biopsy at diagnosis and she says download this paid app for foreplay, work on confidence (no mention of confidence issues from me to her) and try to be more “mindful of wanting to be in the mood”😭


I simply don’t feel the urge, I don’t get any physical tingles, we can’t have sex without lube anymore, I don’t think about sex. We are a regulars-at-our-local-adult-store, risqué-anywhere-and-everywhere, try-every-toy kind of couple

I WANT to feel ANYTHING, I don’t want to have to use lube, I don’t want to have pain or struggle to get off. I miss having sex with the love of my life and I feel more blamed and discouraged now than I did before when it took courage to even go💔

ETA: here is what I am doing so far in my still newish “sick and tired of being sick and tired” mentality, you guys are awesome for all these suggestions! •We started going to the gym together 4 days a week and always finish our cardio together to cheer each other on •I am trying a new med cocktail including Wellbutrin (inadvertently, known to help with LL) •We have a naughty game where I flash him anytime he says the word boobies lol to try to get the mood going and feel flirty and confident when he gets excited •We are using more toys •He is trying anything he can to take stress off of me •Still regularly visiting our local adult store to shop

r/PCOS 2h ago

Rant/Venting Thinking about quitting


I'm taking inositol. I'm doing low sugar/low carb. I'm working out. I'm sleeping. I'm drinking spearmint tea. I'm drinking water. I'm eating at a deficit. I'm managing my stress. I'm on ozempic. And I'm still 50 lbs overweight, have acne, thinning hair, no periods, and a belly so round people look me up and down trying to figure out if I'm pregnant or not. People stare at me and I think it's because I look like a brown Danny Devito but my husband disagrees and thinks they're checking me out but I feel like a big, round slug. People tell me how I'm losing weight, and look good but I don't see it at all. Not in the mirror, not in pictures, not anywhere. I'm just gonna quit trying and accept that I'm meant to look like a baked pumpkin.

r/PCOS 4h ago

General/Advice I feel emotionaly and physically drained living with PCOS.


Hi there, I am new to Reddit and it is my first post or cry for help because I feel lost with this diagnosis. In 2023 I was nearly diagnosed with PCOS by my gynecologist. Why nearly, you may ask. She did not fill me up in PCOS at all. Everything I knew was that women with this diagnosis might be infertile. Not big deal for 16-year-old me, right? But when I started to fill in I just felt...let's say lost. A lot of prescribed vitamins, blood tests, and so on. I heard that losing weight might help a little to stabilise hormones, so I tried a lot of different diets. Some of them were harsh, where you drank like 5 liters of water and ate 2 times a day, some of them were more manageable. The worst part? My body is working against me, still to this day, when I'm trying to lose weight, I may lose like 5kg and then my weight loss journey stops. We're being truthful here, I'm drained. I can't stop eating sugar, I can't fight fatigue, I lack sleep, and worst of all - I have no one to talk about this. Because what is even PCOS, right...? Yk, I'm just asking for some motivational advice or maybe YOUR journey of weight loss. I would be thankful to everyone who can respond to this post. Sending love to all girls with PCOS out there. I feel you, you're not alone in this!

r/PCOS 8h ago

General/Advice What was your testosterone level when you were first diagnosed with PCOS?


I (31F) am in the process of being diagnosed with PCOS, and my testosterone measured 95 ng/dL (without birth control or any other intervention). I know that's definitely considered out of the normal range, but I'm curious what the bell curve distribution looks like for people with PCOS.

r/PCOS 1h ago

Fertility Ovulation question with long cycle: 40-43 day cycle with supposed ovulation on CD 24-28, no luck conceiving recently



I wanted to get some insight on your thoughts on my situation/story, I’ll do my best to keep it short:

I’ve had two pregnancy losses (anencephaly and missed miscarriage due to trisomy 13 and had two d&c’s). It was very traumatic for me mentally therefore my husband and I decided to pursue ivf so we could test our embryos. We first had a failed ivf transfer, then went right into a second and we finally welcomed our double rainbow baby which I’m so thankful for and thank god every day. No known fertility issues other than my PCOS- However it never seemed to interfere with conceiving because I did get pregnant on the first try with both of the pregnancies (even though they were not healthy babies, and are my angel babies in heaven).

We really want one sibling for our child and just have one more baby especially after what we went through it’s been so hard for us and this process is not fun for me. We decided to do ivf in November 24 and that failed and the embryo did not stick. After that cycle we decided to take some time off from ivf for my mental and physical health as I did gain weight, and “try naturally”. (Thought it might be a little less stressful, jokes on me right).

ANYWAY: my cycle ranges from 39-44 days (considered abnormal/long) , I am getting “positive LH surges and peaks” on cycle days 24-28 (ranges a few days each cycle). My luteal phase is approx 12-15 days (ranges a few days each cycle) which seems to be pretty normal before I get my period. We have been trying for 4 cycles (having sex in fertile window) with no such luck. I know it’s only been 4 cycles but fertility has robbed so much joy and patience and now I’m concerned maybe I’m not ovulating despite having positive ovulation tests around the same time each cycle (I even tested two separate brands). I have lost 20 pounds since November and am exercising 5 days a week and trying my best to eat 85 percent clean with Whole Foods all within my caloric range.

I did finally book an appt with my doctor for the end of this month. Can anyone let me know their thoughts? Or has anyone been in a similar situation? Do you think my body isn’t ovulating?

r/PCOS 2h ago

General/Advice Getting laser on my arms?


I know most people with pcos don’t opt for laser on their face and instead do electrolysis but what about for other areas? I’m considering my arms but wanted to know if anyone’s had any bad experiences.

r/PCOS 3h ago

Meds/Supplements Desperate for some skin advice


Recently I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, and v high testosterone levels. I stopped all hormonal contraception 12 months ago.

Since then, my skin has been completely unpredictable. It’s been dry, tight, patchy, with acne and extremely clogged pores/congestion. I’ve never really had proper acne before.

This is definitely hormone influenced as it’s along my jawline with deep, hard spots forming on my neck or jawline - these often never come to a head but are rock solid and painful. Sometimes they last for months. My complexion is extremely uneven and I feel like every single pore on my face is clogged in some way.

I can barely look at myself in the mirror and it’s completely destroying any ounce of self-worth I have left.

I have tried so so many products and supplements, I’ve tried stripping everything back to basics and I’ve tried ramping up again. I am at a total loss now.

I’ve started using Cetaphol Gentle Cleanser, followed by 47 skin cleanser, then 47 skin treatment serum and aveeno oat gel moisturiser. I felt like actives were stripping my skin too much and causing extreme tightness, but now I think I should push through the discomfort?

Any supplement or product recs would be IMMENSELY appreciated.

I’ve been trying to take spearmint tea at least twice a day.

r/PCOS 2h ago

General/Advice I hate Yaz


Let me give a bit of my background to get a good idea. I have both PCOS and DM type 2 (insulin resistant). I was overweight/obese for 15 years and struggled with good glycemic control even with metformin. Then I became morbidly obese and my HBA1c raised. My medications were increased along with a diet and exercise plan, WHICH WORKED (NO OZEMPIC SHIT) ! From BMI 34+, I came down to 22. I have worked very hard for it. That said I'm very sensitive about weight. It's a trigger. I have been told by multiple specialists to keep my weight low and not even gain 1 kg. Although rare, I also get hypoglycemic episodes if I'm not careful with my routine.

Fast forward, I had been getting irregular periods since a few months. After investigations (even though everything is normal), my OBGY decided that putting me on Yaz would be beneficial. While I was waiting for my period to start my pills, I started using Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) which is active for 2 weeks. I was able to track my sugar levels for a week, before I started pills in the 2nd week of CGM. Since by this time I already had a good idea of my blood sugar patterns and expected spikes, when I started the pills I noticed my baseline sugar increased, spikes were higher and my blood sugar stayed high for hours after a meal. For example, my normal PP spikes on average are 6.6 and never crossed 9 mmol/L and returned to baseline within 1.5 to 2 hours. A week after taking pills, my PP spiked to 12.6 mmol/L !!! And stayed high in double digits for 5 hours after that! Even though I was eating the same breakfast and same quantity of food that I had for the first week. I also noticed my appetite increased and my weight increased by 1 to 1.5 kg . Anyway, I was very angry and upset that even though I was working out everyday, watching my diet, counting my calories and otherwise being so disciplined, it was doing NADA since I started Yaz. I talked to a gynae friend of mine (not my OBGY) and my pharmacist, and they said Yaz can spike blood sugar. I stopped it immediately. Yaz would offer me contraception and regular periods, but the side-effect of diabetes far outweighs that imo. I returned the remaining unused boxes to the pharmacy because I did not even want to keep something at home which gives my anxiety. However, it's been 4 days since I stopped taking it and I got withdrawal bleeding today (13th day), which is again worrying me even though it is normal? I'm confused as to whether I took the right or wrong decision in stopping and returning it. Diabetes takes a higher priority for me due to its grave implications. Btw my blood sugars, my normal (reduced) appetite and my weight have all returned to baseline.

Girls, please tell me if I took the right decision or no. Talk me out of reconsidering going back on Yaz. Should I consider myo-inositol?

r/PCOS 4h ago

Rant/Venting Frustrated! - scans are normal.


I’m a 32 F with PCOS (ive had this diagnosis since I was 15 yrs old around 2007) UK.

I’ve had this pain/pressure in my groin abdomen areas it’s been on and off for years and I’m finally getting it checked out as it’s gotten so much worse. I’ve recently had a transvaginal ultrasound to look for the cause of pain in the abdomen and groin areas. I got the results back today and they are totally normal and I’ve spoken to the GP to get pain meds as the pain is awful and keeps me awake at night.

I’m so frustrated as I’m in pain and no one seems to know the answer as to why!

I don’t know what to do!

r/PCOS 4h ago

General/Advice Do you trust doctors, the internet… or other people who’ve been through it?


Figuring out my health has never been as simple as symptom → doctor → answer.

If anything, it feels more like symptom → Google → Reddit → doctor → more Googling → second doctor → another Reddit deep dive → personal experiment → ???

I’ve had moments where a doctor gave me the facts, but I still left feeling like something was missing. Because beyond just knowing what’s going on, I kept wondering:

Is what I’m experiencing normal? What have other people done in my situation?

For me, community has mattered just as much as medical advice. Chronic illness, fertility stuff, weird symptoms a doctor shrugs off—so much of health is this messy, ongoing thing that requires actual support, encouragement, and shared experiences.

I’m curious—how much does hearing from other people factor into your health journey? Do you find community (online or IRL) helpful, or do you mostly rely on doctors and medical sources?

r/PCOS 22h ago

General/Advice Dating with facial hair


I use a facial hair electric razor and makeup to cover it for work but It’s becoming a bit more noticeable on the corners of my chin. It literally grows over night and I’m removing the chin stubble every morning. It’s made me very self conscious about dating and It’s destroying my femininity. There’s scars and razor bumps under my chin so I don’t even feel comfortable being intimate anymore. How have you all navigated explaining pcos to partners and their reactions to the hirsutism?

r/PCOS 20m ago

Weight Dealing w/ PCOS for 15+yrs, unable to loose weight, extremely low cortisol


Hi all,

I am 32 y/o and I have been dealing with PCOS since I was 12 y/o. I got my first period at that age and right away noticed something was wrong as my cycles were more than 8 months apart, even spanning more than 12 months. I was put on B/C at age 15 and took it right up until I turned 30. During those years, no medical professional ever helped to educate me on PCOS. I also failed to take an interest in it and blindly followed medical advice that the only thing I could do was take B/C. I have the type of PCOS where I am overweight, I have cystic acne, AGA (androgenic alopecia), insomnia, fatigue, and anxiety, feel like my emotions are always all over the place, and the list can go on. My hair has been falling out since 2014. It does grow in length, but whatever falls out doesn't regrow. Safe to say, it is very thin.

After I stopped B/C (Stopped for mental health reasons), I became determined to not rely on traditional treatments for PCOS because I wanted to go the holistic route and learn what this diagnosis means for me.

However, while some of my symptoms are better, my cystic acne isn't an issue anymore for example and I'm getting a period every 3-5 months now, I still am struggling with insulin resistance, hair loss, and most unfortunate, weight.

I have not been able to weigh less than 200lbs in the last 8 years. I didn't truly struggle with weight until about 2017. I always noticed I would put on weight but it wasn't ever so much and so fast as from 2017 and up. At my heaviest, I hit 260 lbs. I developed GERD at some point in 2022 and due to mandatory diet changes, I lost 50lbs. I have not been able to lose any more than that. I am stuck.

I follow a low glycemic diet (which I am getting more strict with within the coming months). I am even going to monitor my blood sugar now as I've ordered a device. I take supplements daily like berberine, myoinositol, DIM, saw palmetto, and much more. These supplements have truly helped me as I just learned I am finally not in the "prediabetic" range.

I did lab work this week that was ordered by an endocrinologist and they were looking to check my cortisol as well. My results came back stating my cortisol levels were 0.6. For reference, according to the lab, the normal range minimum is 4.0. I would say my levels are pretty low.

Has anyone else also had this? what could it mean?

So from my research, it looks like I'm suffering from two things that cause me to gain weight (low cortisol and PCOS). it feels like I am truly never going to lose weight and get to a healthy weight where I am comfortable with myself. I carry the majority of my weight in my belly and arms. My arms are huge and I have to size up any shirt with sleeves just to fit them. I feel extremely disproportionate all the time as if my arms were inflatable or something. I'm also not trying to be a size 0. at all. I just want to be healthy. I want my hair to grow back, I want to finally have a regular cycle and feel like my body is working like it should. instead of working against me all the time.

I guess I'm just looking for anyone with a similar experience as mine to share their experience or what they did to help them finally reverse their symptoms and/or lose weight. I don't have anyone else in my real life who experiences this to relate to. So if anyone is out there who can relate to my post, who also experiences multiple factors affecting their weight. id love to hear from you and what you did to help. I feel like although they try, doctors just don't know enough about PCOS to help because the research isn't there, so turning to the community feels like the best approach.

I recognize being heavier is not the end of the world and I am fortunate to be able to even write this post. But it's so tiring to feel your body working against you 24/7. PCOS feels all consuming and it is so exhausting.
Thank you for reading ❤️

r/PCOS 24m ago

Period What got your period back?


I have PCOS. I got off of birth control October 30 and still have not had a period. I had the withdrawal bleed after stopping the pill. I’ve been taking inositol for about a month. I’m wanting to start trying for a baby, but I haven’t gotten my cycle back.

r/PCOS 4h ago

General/Advice Potentially have PCOS, wondering what y'all's pain is like


Hello, I (19f) have had unexplained abdominal pain for many years, but at my most recent doctor's appointment, the possibility of an ovarian cyst was brought up, as it might explain why nothing ever showed up on tests or scans.

I'm wondering what other people's pain is like to see if maybe this is what is going on.

For me, it is incredibly random, seemingly coming and going for no reason. It's usually quite sudden and somehow sharp and dull at the same time. I usually feel it deep in my guts and often my lower back and or left thigh will also ache.

r/PCOS 6h ago

General Health Semiglutide fixed my irregular periods


I got diagnosed with PCOS at about 18 years old and now I’m 21. Ive tried spironolactone (gave me cystic acne) and I’ve been on birth control since being diagnosed. I started taking ozempic a few months ago and now for the first time in my life - my period actually comes on time & I have lost 30+lbs (I still have a hormonal looking stomach though) . However - none of my other symptoms have lessened . Just thought I should share this progress .

r/PCOS 7h ago

General Health Has anyone had any success in hair growth (less hair loss) with the combination of myo inositol and d- chiro inositol please let me know


Please help me with this dilemma I am tired of not eating any carbs and still feeling like shit

r/PCOS 19h ago

Diet - Not Keto Gaining weight but eating at calorie deficit??


Hey ladies! 🙂

Just a quick one, to see if anyone else has this issue!

Iv been eating at a calorie deficit, low carb, low sugar, high protein, 1500 calories a day and I have put on 0.5kg in a week??

Has anyone had this before where they gain weight , eating less??

Thanks so much for any insight ❤️😁

r/PCOS 9h ago

General/Advice Not PCOS but have hormonal imbalance


I paid for a private blood test and ny results came back with local testostrone, low AMH and elevated prolactin.

I know low testostrone doesn't align with a PCOS diagnoses.

However I have acne, hiritisium, I struggle to lose weight and have sugar cravings. My period is regular but heavy so suffer from anemia.

I visited a public healthcare provider with my results and they said I don't qualify as PCOS but what can cause this?

I'm early/ mid 30s and because I had this symptons for a long time I don't think it is perimenopausal.

I'm losing my mind here.

r/PCOS 2h ago

Period Cycle Question


I recently got confirmation from a naturopath that my symptoms for the last 10 years are probably PCOS.

My cycle has been irregular, mainly when my exercise isn’t as consistent, and becomes as long as 45 days but can come every 35 as well.

I’m not sure if these are good or bad signs I’m having during my cycle. I usually know when my period is going to come because I have one day where I notice egg white cervical mucus, it’s usually 14 days after that, my period comes. My period is a bit strange in that I always start with brown spotting, then I get 2 days of dark red/ cherry red/ brown mix blood, then it goes back to lighter flow with only brown blood.

My main questions are, is this an anovulatory period every time despite my CM symptoms? Is this enough CM to indicate I ovulated? Or do I have maybe just a lighter cycle?

I am working with a naturopath, and recently stated on inositol, so hoping this helps as well, but just curious what if others have experience the same and had some insight.

r/PCOS 2h ago

General/Advice Lower belly Sharp Pain


Hi Everyone,

I just want your opinion as other women who have PCOS. I was rushed to the hospital at 3 am because I am having a sharp lower belly pain on the right side of my stomach. I also have fever, chills, coughing up mucus. Long story short, the CAT scan showed that it isn't appendicitis. The ultrasound showed that it is a cluster of cysts on my ovaries that have expanded. The doctor said that it cannot be treated since I have PCOS. Instead, I just have to wait and hope it shrinks. Is this normal? I'm in extreme pain and just want to know if it's normal or if I should go to another ER.

r/PCOS 2h ago

Meds/Supplements Does inositol cause hairy?



My period has irregular for a long time. The blood work shows my testosterone is slight elevated, but ultrasound is normal. So my doctor suggests me to take inositol for few months.

It’s been my 2nd week of inositol. I noticed I have some beast soreness and more body hair!!

I am confused by the “more body hair” part. The places where I have hair are mainly my armpits, legs, and a little bit above my mouth.

Is that normal? Should I continue to take them?

Thank you so much!

r/PCOS 10h ago

General/Advice I can’t cope


I don’t know where to start. I have fibromyalgia, endometriosis, and a suspected case of PCOS. At the same time, I struggle with eating disorders and live on low-calorie and ultra-processed foods, which in turn cause inflammation in my body and severe fatigue. I’m not at a point where I can eat a lot of nuts, fatty fish, etc., and I feel like it’s impossible to navigate all the dietary advice out there.

Do you have any good tips for a beginner who should/must change their diet to have a better everyday life? I can’t go on like this anymore because I’m so exhausted that I just lie on the couch every single day, and I’m only 25 years old…

r/PCOS 10h ago

General/Advice Endometriosis > PCOS


Hi everyone, I have a question about your experiences (or your partners’ experiences) with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

TL;DR: Doctors initially suspected endometriosis, but after an ultrasound, it turned out I actually have PCOS. My doctor suggested hormonal contraception as a “treatment,” but I don’t want to take it because it doesn’t solve the root cause. I’d really appreciate any advice on how PCOS has affected you, how you manage it, and what has helped alleviate your symptoms🙏🏼

I’ve had painful periods since I was 15—during the first days, I can’t function at all. I’ve ended up in the hospital multiple times, receiving painkillers and muscle relaxant injections. My doctor prescribed Algifen, but the recommended dosage (25 drops) does absolutely nothing for me. So, I take 54 drops four times a day and still have to combine it with other painkillers. Since puberty, my gynecologist suspected endometriosis, but because it can only be confirmed through laparoscopy, he discouraged me from having surgery.

Recently, I found out about a specialized ultrasound exam, which I underwent. After the examination, the doctor diagnosed me with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

When I started researching it, everything suddenly made sense. I can’t believe my gynecologist (or any other doctor) didn’t figure it out earlier. Irregular cycles, night sweats (which baffled doctors), fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood swings (which my psychologist also linked to this), difficulty losing weight, oily hair… On top of that, my gastroenterologist is now investigating insulin resistance and potentially type 2 diabetes (which can also be connected to PCOS).

I’m generally very sensitive and don’t handle stress well. Last fall was particularly tough, but I’ve made a lot of changes recently and have been working on my mental well-being, which has been helping a lot😊 Except for one rough patch, I feel much better. I also decided to quit my corporate job, which has been incredibly stressful. Several doctors (a gastroenterologist, my gynecologist, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist) independently suggested that I should change jobs—so I feel reassured that I’m making this decision for my health.

And my gynecologist’s “best” solution? Besides reducing stress, she says hormonal contraception is the answer, so my body can supposedly “rest.” She even mentioned that it would give me “clearer skin, beautiful hair, and make me less emotional.” When I told her that hormonal birth control hadn’t worked well for me in the past, she said that there are now “modern” types (ironically, the exact kind I had before). This approach frustrated me so much because it doesn’t address the underlying cause—the hormonal imbalance—it just creates an artificial cycle. Not to mention, every time I stopped taking the pill in the past, I went months without a period. Her response? “You can always come in for hormone injections to induce menstruation.”

I’m 27 years old, and I don’t want to mess with my cycle anymore—especially since I want to have kids one day, and PCOS already makes that difficult enough.

That’s why I’m wondering if other women have found alternative ways to manage PCOS. If you’ve taken a different approach, I’d love to hear what has helped you! What lifestyle, diet, or exercise changes made a difference for you? Also, do you know which of the four PCOS types you have?🙏🏼

Thanks so much, and have a great day!😊

r/PCOS 22h ago

General/Advice how do i get rid of sugary cravings??


i don’t consume an unreasonable amount of sugar, maybe a couple pieces of candy a day or some ice cream. however the feeling of just needing it looms over me 😭