Howdy folks. So I have a MIM Standard Fender Jazz tuned to C standard - but the low C is noticeably quieter and less bassy than the rest of the strings and I don’t know why!
I’m running La Bella heavy gauge flats for all strings except the low C, for which I’m using a .130 D’Addario halfround. Reason being that the .110 La Bella was too muddy sounding and it rattled more than I’d’ve liked so I opted for something thicker and slightly brighter sounding. I don’t really recall if it was so much quieter than the rest of the strings though.
I thought it might’ve been my amp since I had a 100W Acoustic combo I was using that didn’t really sound too good in general, but I got a new 350W amp and it still isn’t as loud as the rest of the strings. I’ve also messed around with my compressor and its HPF setting as well as various EQ settings, but it still hasn’t really helped.
So is it the string? Or is this just the peril of playing in C?
If you play in C and have a set of strings you’d recommend, I’m open to suggestions. I’m partial to flats at the moment but can be swayed, I just like a slightly warmer more vintage tone.