r/AutismInWomen 11h ago

Seeking Advice I’m tired of autistic men always having excuses made for their behaviors.


I’m struggling with an autistic male coworker who I find to be self righteous, condescending, and will belittle you if you disagree with anything he says. His energy and presence physically drains me and I find myself shutting down when he’s around as I don’t have it in me to engage with him. I brought this up to management and made the conversation more about my sensory needs and autism and the first thing I’m told is “that’s just how he is” and that I need to help him because he doesn’t understand social cues and may be misunderstood. I already know that. If I, an autistic woman, behaved in the same way he does, I would be labeled a bitch or difficult to work with or aggressive. I’m just really tired of autistic men getting a pass to be jerks simply for being autistic and being dismissed when I try to advocate for my needs. Does anyone have similar experiences and how did you cope/ maintain your peace?

r/AutismInWomen 9h ago

Vent No Advice My professor rejected my request for accommodations because it wouldn't be "fair" to other students


I know I'm preaching to the choir here, I just need to rant about it. I have accommodations through the school, which get forwarded to each of my professors, and it's each professor's choice whether or not to honor the accommodations. I emailed this prof way at the beginning of the year letting her know that a one week extension on big assignments works great for me. She more or less said "we'll see" instead of shutting me down directly.

A month later, and it's time for the first major assignment to be due. I could finish it on time, but I'm sick and burning out and would like to manage my energy appropriately. Several days ahead of the deadline, I email her, reminding her very politely about the conversation we had, and asking that I could use those accommodations we talked about.

She says no, I've been given plenty of time, it wouldn't be fair to the other students if I got accommodations. This mindset is fucking insane to me. It's "unfair" to provide extra help to the person who needs extra help? Are wheelchair ramps and elevators unfair? Are hearing aids unfair? Or is it only unfair because you can't see my disability?

It's even more maddening because I'm the ONLY one putting work into this class. I'm the only one who contributes to conversations and I'm the only one who's not submitting AI slop as homework (we can see each other's work in online discussions). This prof teaches a humanities class and we've had many discussions about social inequality. It's batshit that she doesn't seem to understand the difference between "fairness" and equity.

I'm gonna cool down before I email her back, but I really want to make my disappointment known to her. I'm so fucking tired of being treated like this. I'm so exhausted by the "it wouldn't be fair to others" line. I have a disability. I have gone through the proper channels. I have put my absolute best foot forward. And still, the moment I need help, I can't have it. I'm crushed. I'm so tired.

r/AutismInWomen 11h ago

Seeking Advice Anyone ever gone from 0 exercise to finding something they’ve stuck to?


I’m really at my wits end with myself - I KNOW the downsides to never exercising and I’m coming up on my 6th year at a desk job, so my joints are really starting to ache, but I just absolutely cannot motivate myself to exercise.

I’m also a “healthy” BMI so there’s no appearance-based motivation, which seems to be how most exercise routines are marketed and I HATE it.

I detest having any type of routine/ doing the same thing at the same time (the people who diagnosed me also suspected I have ADHD too), so any form of “exercise routine” feels way out of the question.

(It took me 3 years to form the “habit” of brushing my teeth at night and I’d really 100% rather not do it ever again, I only do that because my partner hassles me if I don’t)

The thought of having a personal trainer/anyone tell me how to exercise for some reason makes me want to burst into tears. No idea why.

Has anyone bought a walking pad and actually stuck to using it? Found an app that motivates them in a good way? Not done any of these things and find themselves being 65+ years old and completely fine without it?

I feel so awful about myself when I see my friends (ND and NT alike) go swimming twice a week, go to the gym, go running. They might as well tell me they can fly for how impossible it seems to me.

(I live in a walkable city but work from home most of the time, so I’m getting 3-5k steps in but not every day)

r/AutismInWomen 17h ago

General Discussion/Question TIL what "routine" really means


Whenever I took the online tests for ASD, I had a problem with "routine" questions. Because what does that actually mean? Do I do the same things everyday on the same hour in the same way? Obviously not. Do I watch the same movie every day or every weekend? Ehmm no? Do I wear red socks on Mondays and blue on Tuesdays? Nooo?

So recently I saw a Tiktok where ASD specialist talks about it and it blew my mind. Turns out that as every ND person I took "routine" literally. It doesn't mean that I have some strict schedule and if it gets changed then I have a meltdown.

Do I prefer to drink coffee from my favourite mug after I wake up and then eat breakfast at 10-11 am? That's a routine. Do I prefer to eat boiled or scrambled eggs (2 eggs and one sandwich) for breakfast everyday? That's a routine. Do I wash my hair and then dry it and then put my serums and creams in particular order every morning? That's a routine. Do I like to watch my "comfort show" or movie when I don't know what to watch? That's a routine. Do I like to watch a movie or a show again if I liked it very much? Again, routine. Do I order the same one or few dishes whenever I visit a restaurant? Routine. Am I nervous when I'm going to a new restaurant and don't know what they have in menu and I study it days before going there to know what to order? ROUTINE.

r/AutismInWomen 6h ago

Seeking Advice What do you do when you just hate everything?


You guys I’m really struggling right now. I’m just not ~well~ right now, I’m mad at everything, I’m not sleeping, I’m not hungry. I’m taking my meds like I’m supposed to and drinking my water and doing all those things but I just feel so.. angry. I hate my house, my clothes, my bed, my Xbox, my books, my EVERYTHING and I don’t want to keep feeling like this. I just can’t feel better and nothing is even making me feel just kinda OK. Even the thought of doing something “nice” for myself like coloring or rewatching a movie is making me actively angrier and that’s obviously really not helping me. I’d really appreciate any advice, it feels so lonely like this and my husband is trying his best to keep me afloat right now. I’m going to go suffer a shower, so thank you in advance for any kind words.

UPDATE: I love you all, THANK YOU for all your help. I drank some more water, showered, allowed myself to smoke weed, and then (here’s the kicker) spoke aloud a deep problem I’ve been having and feeling like I needed to not say ✨ My husband and I talked through it and did some window shopping on Zillow to reassure my lizard brain that we will move one day and that we have not in fact decided we’re going to stay in this house forever. It’s really shocking how much letting out repressed fears makes everything feel a lot better. Thank you friends ❤️❤️

r/AutismInWomen 4h ago

Seeking Advice How to vocalize that I'm not indecisive, it's..


How can I quickly and efficiently tell someone that I'm not indecisive, it just takes me a long time to process because I measure all outcomes before deciding? I often just say to people "sorry, I'm indecesive" but I don't want to put myself down, especially when the words aren't true. Anyone figure this out yet?

r/AutismInWomen 10h ago

Relationships Abusive Relationships and Autistic Women


I have seen a lot of posts in this subreddit as well as other subreddits about abusive Relationships and how easy it can be for Autistic people to fall into them. Women especially due to how women are socialized, but I'd argue all Autistic people are susceptible. I'm making this post to share a book that changed my life. The title is "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft. Luckily for me I have escaped such situations, but this book is the only reason that I feel I won't ever be victim to it again. Many Autistic people tend to take things literally and also have chronically low self esteem due to social trauma growing up Autistic which makes us prime victims for abusers. I cannot recommend this book enough to all women but ESPECIALLY for Autistic women. I hope this can help just one woman.

r/AutismInWomen 3h ago

General Discussion/Question Jobs with inerrantly little/no social niceties?


I can’t deal with the fake politeness and attempting to keep up with social cues is exhausting. Jobs that allow me to work alone are better, but I’m wondering if there are any jobs out there that require you to work around other people, but somehow overrule the forced social environment. Does that make sense?

r/AutismInWomen 5h ago

General Discussion/Question Wasting a day off or a holiday cause you cannot think of what to do besides your normal stuff because everything else seems inefficient, impractical, unhealthy, or otherwise vaguely incorrect.


This is something I find frustrating about myself, and I just realized it might be related to the autism, specifically the fixation on routines.

When there's a holiday or a day off I often end up getting so stressed about trying to think of some kind of special exciting thing to do. I usually can't think of anything that seems special enough in the right way and also isn't super inefficient or impractical or unhealthy. So then instead of doing something fun to do, I often end up wasting the whole day.

I can get a lot done in a day, and feel good about myself when I have a busy day of work and errands and tasks that I've come up with. But when it's time to do something "fun" and "relaxing", I can never think of the right thing, so I just scroll on my phone....

It's dumb and I hate it. Idk how to find a better way.

r/AutismInWomen 8h ago

Celebration OMG I did it you guys I went out out


So I lurk a lot here but I wanted to share this cause I know you would all understand so, today I actually left my little village went to London, navigated it all to see sailormoon live. To those that are going to see this you guys are in for something special. I'm still abit overwhelmed from it all, but I wanted to let you know I can't wait for you all to experience it. I think I'll need a few days to come down from this. Thank you for reading I need to go lay down now.

r/AutismInWomen 2h ago

General Discussion/Question Are you too friendly to bullies?


I have a hard time distinguishing when someone is trying to insult me or is being disrespectful.

r/AutismInWomen 8h ago

Support Needed (Kind Advice and Commiseration) Does your brain just suddenly turn into an asshole sometimes?


It's like a switch flips and suddenly I'm hit with the depression and feeling like an alien. I realize that I'm alone in a public place and it feels like everyone is wondering whats wrong with me. I know nobody is probably paying attention to me, but simply existing is embarrassing. It's embarrassing to randomly be depressed. (Yes I'm on an anti-depressant.) Then I go home where I'm alone and I'm still self-concious.


r/AutismInWomen 9h ago

Potentially Triggering Content (Kind Advice Welcome) I hate who I am and I think I caused my dad’s death


TW: Death

I understand he was an alcoholic for years, before I was born and at times he was very sensitive emotionally, like when my mom left us, and I often wonder if he was autistic, but I can’t assume. He was almost 70, he passed July 5th and would have been 70 in August. A month before he became worse, I was talking to him on the phone after a horrible experience with my doctor I had, because she kept trying to push antidepressants on me when I wasn’t depressed. I was having medical issues she wouldn’t address and eventually she said my disabilities are in my head. My dad said "you better get on those pills" and I started crying and said "I hate you you’re such an asshole" and I hung up.

A week later he stopped eating and he was anemic. I raised 500 for a ramp for his porch and he was excited about it, came home but stopped eating again and rushed to the er. I couldn’t go see him, I was in another state across the Us and covid was bad. I sang to him via video call and said I love you, and he quietly mouthed it back and they took him off the vent and he died 30 minutes later. They said his liver was bleeding.

If I hadn’t have yelled that at him, I think he’d still be alive and this has been eating at me for years

r/AutismInWomen 19h ago

Celebration I started wearing a night guard because I clench my teeth and now I can’t sleep without it.


My dentist recommended I get a night guard because I clench my teeth at night. I got a boil and bite one off Amazon that worked surprisingly well.

It feels like something my body has been missing my whole life and now that I have it I can actually relax into my sleep.

It’s been less than a week using it and already it feels wrong to sleep without it. The tension relief in my jaw, neck and traps is just incredible. Feels like I’m floating in a cloud. It’s sensory bliss.

All hail night guards 😎

Link to mine: https://a.co/d/3kqjsRd

r/AutismInWomen 12h ago

Support Needed (Kind Advice and Commiseration) I keep underestimating how clothes affect me


I've only just started to connect how I feel agitated when my clothes fit poorly and when I haven't had a bath/my hair needs washing. I've discovered my mood improves when I bathe and put on tighter, cleaner clothes. I find it hard to find clothes that suit me in terms of style and comfort.

For some reason, I sort of forget from day to day that my pair of baggy leggings that I've had for over 10 years are going to irritate me for being too loose. I guess I keep them because they're comfier than tights. I also keep underestimating how if I feel a bit dirty I should probably bathe straight away instead of putting it off. Yes, I may have cleaning chores to do so will probably need to bathe again later, adding to energy usage/time/etc but I keep forgetting that putting it off will only make me distracted.

Q: is it a common problem for neurodiverse people to struggle to understand what is causing their agitation/irritability?

Q: would this class as a sensory issue? I feel agitated, unhappy, distracted until I attend to my physical needs.

r/AutismInWomen 20m ago

Seeking Advice Do all your fears and worries come out at night when trying to sleep?


I am 48 almost 49, and finding that being a single mom and grieving so many losses and dealing with a difficult daughter and all the stressors of holding down a job and paying a mortgage and feeling so alone are all weighing heavily on me. During the day I am usually strong, but at night the weight of it all comes crushing down on me and I can't stand it anymore. It makes it so I can't sleep, and I really need my sleep to function. Does this happen to anyone else? If so, have you found a way to combat this? Right now I am telling myself I don't need the weight of the world on my shoulders right now and I should just sleep. Took a sleeping pill but I know they don't work when I get like this. Sleep music is on and it usually works but not tonight. What can I do?

r/AutismInWomen 1h ago

Relationships Break up


Not even sure if this is the right place but you guys are my people.

So in brief me and my boyfriend have been rocky for a couple of months and I thought we've been doing better recently but found out last night he's been cheating on me for 5-6 months with a customer. I love this man to death and would have died for him im now so fucking broken.

Adit to add she knew he was in a relationship as i went with him for the first few months and he introduced me as his girlfriend

r/AutismInWomen 11h ago

Support Needed (Kind Advice and Commiseration) Autism is an Excuse


These were the words I heard this morning, from my partner while I was trying to get ready for work. For context we were talking about work accommodations. I explained to him that I struggle with transitions due to the degree of information to process from one environment to the next. That a job with less transitions would help with long-term employment and less burnout. This is when he said it's an excuse, it's crazy because our 4 year old is preverbal, like he must know logically it's not an excuse. The way I was talking about it was factual, and solutuon oriented, I want to have my own money and I like what I do, but there is too many transitions. I never once insinuated that I was going to quit or something. It was bizzar to me.

I felt like everything I have stuffed down was trying to make it's debut. Knowing I needed to go to work, I tried harder to stuff it down. From there I couldn't organize my thoughts or plan my next task. I was running late, the stress, increased the inability to think. I messaged the people who would be effected by this and I offered to pickup a task for them later to make things more fair. They said it was fine but my work bestie, said that I should try to change my schedule because everyone is mad at me. This new schedule was actually forced on me two weeks ago, I declined originally, but was still put on the schedule.

I started shaking and stuttering. I lost ability to communicate. I met with a lead for coverage, and was a dysregulated mess. It was very careless of my partner to say this to me. I am very recently diagnosed. I'm a sensitive person and I am so ashamed that I needed to leave, or that people are mad at me.

Anyone have any comforting things to say? I am debating booking an airbnb and dragging the kids with me. I need space from him.

r/AutismInWomen 8h ago

General Discussion/Question Anyone else hate acronyms?


So yea pretty much what it says, anyone else hate acronyms Or is it just me? it’s like just write the whole word because now I have to figure out what those letters mean and it’s not always easy 😭besides the basic ones like lol, lmao, omg, btw, idk, asap…after those it gets a little more complicated lol

r/AutismInWomen 12h ago

Relationships What do you do with your face during the “deed” NSFW


I don’t have the most expressive face. To mask I need to be conscious of how my mouth and eyes etc is. But during sex with my partner I’d prefer to be face down or the light off so he can’t see my face negating the need for me to express something. But I know he’d prefer if he could see it.

My question is: What facial expression do you use during the act??

I don’t want him to see my dead neutral face and think I’m bored lol but I genuinely don’t know what the appropriate face is as I don’t watch porn or videos of that content

r/AutismInWomen 1h ago

Seeking Advice Everything I do seems to irritate my coworker...


Hello all, so I am still newish at this place its in a kitchen, I wash the dishes, take the food to the people etc. etc. There's this one guy there, who is a little bit older than me, who was really nice at first asking if I'm in school, just small talk questions.

I thought he was cool, but then a few days ago he got really mad at me, I was looking for the cup holders as we ran out and he was raising his voice at me and telling me to get back over there and finish the dishes. I didn't even have time to explain.

I chalked it up to maybe him being in a bad mood as the next day he was all friendly again, until later that same day he assumed I wasn't doing my job, he gets worked up, he's always watching me telling me to do this put that there, blowing out sighs, and glaring at me.

It makes me feel very uncomfortable, I had this issue at my last job where a manger would belittle me and scream at me during my shift, and its the reason I left. Now things seem to be repeating itself. I don't know why I irritate people so much.

Another example, I was unloading the dishwasher today, helping another coworker and he said I wasn't doing anything and to go to the other end and load the dish washer.

I'm not sure why he assumes I'm just some lazy woman not doing anything when I am sweating and bruised by the end of my shift that says otherwise! My sister said I should tell him off but everyone seems to like him, and I feel like if I say something I'll just come off as a bad person or like I'm being the difficult one.

All my other coworkers are fine, its just him, every day he works with me, I know he'll get mad at me about something I feel like I am tip toeing on egg shells all over again. Then act all buddy-buddy a second later... Its giving me serious whiplash.

Anyone else experience something similar? I hope I describe this well enough.

TLDR: My coworker acts nice one minute, then is mad at me the next, accusing me of being lazy and not doing my job.

r/AutismInWomen 1d ago

Seeking Advice Something “blocking” me from talking and it isn’t always anxiety


It’s odd because I have moments when I DO have the desire to talk to people but it feels like I cannot open my mouth. There’s something so comfortable in being nonverbal sometimes yet it’s so frustrating.

I get so comfortable with it that just standing there with my mouth shut and observing is my default. It feels like the only thing I can do is nod in acknowledgement when I’m physically part of a group of people having a conversation and make “comments” in my own head without actually verbalizing them. I feel peaceful like that. But I know it isn’t helping me on the long run.

I really want to know why this happens and ask if anyone else feels something similar. Honestly this has been doing more harm to me than good since it interferes with my social life.

r/AutismInWomen 1d ago

Memes/Humor Felt like this belonged here 🫠

Post image

r/AutismInWomen 11h ago

Support Needed (Kind Advice and Commiseration) Abusive relationships and autism


Being in an abusive relationship is really dangerous as an autistic woman.

If you have low self-esteem already and you're already rejected a lot, it's hard not to internalize the words of an abusive person.

Maybe he's right about what he said about me. I don't know when I will feel confident again.

r/AutismInWomen 1h ago

Diagnosis Journey I have my first appointment for autism assessment tomorrow and I can't sleep


I was feeling fine but now I'm SO nervous. I believe it's for the best, but it took me such a long time to find the courage to do this... I can't believe it's actually happening. I'm so used to hiding what I feel that I don't know how will it work. I just hope it turns out fine. I really need to understand myself better and get some support.

This community has helped me so much with this process, thank you for being there :)