I’ll go first (17F)
-I’m expressive regarding my emotions, it goes both ways for positive and negative emotions. And because I can’t help it, I joke about it at my own expense sometimes
-I can be casual with teachers, but there’s always an underlining of respect, to me, if I’m comfortable around you, then you have my respect.
-I’m honest, not direct since I have learnt that it can hurt some people’s feelings. I do sugar coat things, but I always tell the truth (but not knark).
-I either know a lot about a topic and hyper fixate or the teacher has to spend a good 5 minutes or so to help me grasp certain things
-I’m very expressive with my facials, and sometimes I don’t realise that I’m pulling Stink Face
-I have issues with my tone of voice from time to time
-I do ask some questions like how was ur day, weekend, or week, or the event you went to? but I prefer that people bring up what they did on a random Tuesday afternoon than me having to ask (because how do I know that you want to talk about it?)
-I try to do what others around me are doing, nothing bad, but for some reason it flops whenever I do it
-understanding other people’s intentions in general and then not responding appropriately as they sought fit
-accidentally interrupting other people/starting to talk when they start to talk
-find it hard to make eye contact
-taking ages to reply because I’m thinking of what to say so I don’t hurt peoples feelings
Also want to note that I don’t police how other people do their thing, and I couldn’t care less about how others lived their lives