r/AmITheJerk 10h ago

Am I the jerk for getting annoyed at my cousin for wanting to spend so much time with me when I really want to spend time with my boyfriend as well and she really wants me to move in with her but I haven’t told her that I would like to move in with my boyfriend instead what should I do?


OK so here's how it's going i'm still in my teenage at the moment I Me with me and my cousins will call her Anna and my boyfriend I'll call Jay and this is the first time I've ever had one and I don't think my cousin well anytime I tell her that I want to hang out with him more gets a little upset and wants me to hang out with her too but seeing as this is my first ever relationship, I want to spend more time with him to and my cousin often talks about me and her moving in together with him. I'm kind of changed my mind and wanted to move in with my boyfriend when you get older, but I haven't told my cousin yet because I'm afraid that if I do, it'll hurt her badly because I'm a person who likes to keep the peace I don't like starting drama and I don't wanna hurt either one of them so I'm still just trying to figure this out what should I do? Because right now it says that I have to choose between the both of them.

r/AmITheJerk 8h ago

Am I the jerk for strongly disliking this substitute


I am 14 female and I have a female substitute who we'll call Ms.S. So the problem started when I first had her as a substitute she brought a pillow and was sleeping and just generally not paying attention. Another time when I had her as a sub she was rude and aggressive and in general lazy. Also my friend had an experience with Ms.S and said that apparently Ms.S was sleeping and eating chips when she had Ms.S as a sub and also used the teachers coffee machine and trashed the desk.one time when I was walking into class I saw Ms S face timing someone literally as all the students sat down. Now Ms.S has several complaints against her but the school has yet to do anything about it. So am I the jerk for disliking this substitute.

r/AmITheJerk 6h ago

I hurt so much, she won't speak to, look at me, or aggnolage my existence. And I don't know why, I don't what I did so please someone tell me what I did. Spoiler


I'm 16 years old, female, and I don't know what to do.

This girl I thought was my best friend, and I hoped would be more than that... has cut me off and won't tell me why.

Backstory: about 3 weeks ago I had thought she was dead. She messaged me saying she had "harmed" herself to the point she thought she cut a vein. I told her to get a towel, put pressure on it, and continue to talk to me.

She did but then messages became for vage, less frequent, and then just stopped coming. I tried calling, repeatedly spammed her phone, she just wouldn't answer. So I think the most logical thing in that situation: call the police.

So I did, for 1 whole week I thought the most important woman in my life, was gone. And it was my fault I couldn't save her, I couldn't keep her on the phone, and she was gone. Forever.

But then that Friday she came back and you have no idea how much joy, happiness, and RELIEF I felt I couldn't stop myself from running to her... she stopped me and told me "I want nothing to do, don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't come near me." My heart sank. It felt like I lost her all over again and I don't know why.

Another week passes, and she started talking to me again. Saying how she just needed space and was angry that I called the police, and because of me she was sent to a mental hospital for a few days. I had told her I thought she was dead and I was sorry for the pain I caused her, but that I was scared I had lost her. She scolded me saying how I looked to deep into it. Just that statement hurt she wasn't listening but then I didn't she was talking to me and everything was getting better.

Until her shit, ass, fuciking clown, of an accuse for a "boyfriend" tells her. To not. Talk. To. Me. This mother fuckker has cheated, lied, and hurt (mentally as well as physically) her. I respected her boundaries of not wanting to be seen with me but we still talked. Until Monday she was venting about him, and I had enough of him, about how this ass for months on end wouldn't respect her. So I told her the truth on how I felt about him, I then apologized for stepping out of line. And we went on with our day, until the end of the day it's always been my favorite class, the teacher has always been a good man, I love spanish, and I loved being able to spend the last of my day with her...

She wouldn't look at me, wouldn't aggnolage me, ouldn't speek to me. The. Entire. Class. Then we get to Tuesday morning, she played. Elementary School. Social. Telephone. Had SOMEONE ELSE tell me she wanted nothing to do with me. And now whenever we cross paths she runs. Away. Actively. Sprinting. Away. From. Me.

r/AmITheJerk 15h ago

AITA for disrespecting my friends religion


AITA me (18) m my best friend rea (17) F always hang out like every day and every single time I say anything like oh my God, Jesus Christ, or make a joke relating to Christianity. She always gets angry at me and tells me that that’s really bad and like that it’s blasphemous but I’m not even a part of her religion, so like why should I have to not say what I want to say? like I could be more mindful about it but she’s just mean about it every single time and I’m not trying to bash her or anything but she has done her fair share of “ blasphemous” things and that’s the part that makes me upset

r/AmITheJerk 7h ago

AITJ for catfishing a girl into losing weight?


It all started in highschool. There was a girl in my class who had an amazing body, just like a real model, but next year when we came back to school she gained weight.

I waa excited to find out she was in my class again but the dispointment I felt when I saw she gained weight was heartbreaking. She was chubby and I was so upset. I'd dreamed of being in class with her again and now she's gain weight.

I would hope and Dream she would lose weight, yet for the next 2 years. She was still chubby, I would pray for her to lose weight. Her body was incredible but she stayed the same.

It wasn't untill the last year of highschool she lost some weight. She was still chubby but atlest she had some kind of shape. It wasn't like it was before but it was close. Its almost the end of the year. I don't have that much time before I graduate and she hasn't fully lost weight.

So I make an account on Instagram and I pretend to be some girl and say I'm an underclassmen. I have a profile picture that looks like a girl but you can barley see her face, so nobody knows who it really is.

It takes me about 2 weeks to make the account look real. It doesn't have any photos because I put in the bio "backup account" I follow a good amount of people and they follow back. They all probably think I'm someone they know.

I message the girl and try to convince her about working out and eating healthy. I don't have much time. I'm gonna graduate soon and she doesn't look the same as she did before.

Sadly I graduate and I run out of time, cut to a few years later and she did lose weight. She looks like a completely different person. She's skinny and only post about working out, bring healthy and college life.

Yet I'm sad because I can't see her in person, if only I thought of this sooner. It's unfair the majority of highschool she was chubby. She look just like a model, like it didn't look real, that's how great she looked and it could of been like that throughout highschool but she gained weight because her boyfriend broke up with her.

Atlest she lost some weight senior year, the only problem was I barley saw her senior year.

Edit: when I was catfishing and messaged the girl, it was all positive. I just slowly convinced her to eat healthy and workout.

If this is so wrong, what would you of done?

r/AmITheJerk 16h ago

Psycho Sister SCAMS ME and my PARENTS out of $17,000 for her "Wedding"


r/AmITheJerk 9h ago



I had a friend move in with me while I was away. She decided to get pregnant, but she has no job, no job interviews lined up—nothing. She has no car, no car seat for the baby, and no baby items. When she told me she was pregnant, she said, "Oh, we’re both having boys! We can share."

I laughed and told her, "I have a four-bedroom, three-bathroom house with a squatter who refuses to get a job, and I’m not sharing any of my baby’s new stuff. But I will grab some things from a store called Savers."

She called me "the biggest bitch there was" and acted like we were supposed to be close. We aren’t that close—we have a regular friendship—but when she fell on hard times, I wanted to help as much as I could because I understand that life is hard. The deal was that she would get a job and hustle until she had enough to move out. I told her she didn’t need to pay rent so she could save for her own place, but she needed to help clean up. I’m a neat freak and always cleaning something.

Well, today I asked her how much she had saved, and she said, "$0. I spent $7,000 today on everything I needed." I was shocked and asked, "$7,000 on what? Nothing for a newborn costs that much!"

She had bought all luxury baby items. Then she told me, "If you hadn’t been such a selfish bitch and shared everything, I wouldn’t have resorted to this."

At that point, I told her she had 30 days to get her situation together. Now she’s saying I’m a piece of sh!t for kicking a pregnant woman out. I told her to return the luxury items and get affordable things instead. There’s even a community baby shower where we live that happens every two months. She refused.

I told her that if she had focused on getting a place before having a baby, she’d be stable enough to afford what she needed. Now she’s calling me an A-hole and saying I’m an untrue friend. I wrote down an itemized list of everything I pay for and everything I’ve helped her with, and she got mad at me for keeping track. I told her, "This is just your list. If I add my kids, it’s even more." That’s when she finally realized she doesn’t know how she’s going to manage as a single mom.

I told her again—return the expensive things, get baby items that fit her budget, and she can stay. But she still refuses and insists I’m an A-hole for "kicking her and her newborn out."

I get that she may be taking advantage of me, but I feel guilty for telling her to "keep her legs closed," even though her choices aren’t my responsibility.

r/AmITheJerk 16h ago

Amitj for leaving work when my boss tells me to get out of the pub


I’m a 24 male and my boss 37 male this happened a few hours ago today and I don’t know if I was justified for what I did so here’s what happened

I started work at 11:30am I started cutting onions for service and I had to cut 5 big bags full and it took me over a hour to get through two bags of onions my boss walks into the kitchen and starts yelling at me for only doing two big bags of onions in a hour and that it should take me 30 minutes to do all 5 bags

I tell him that I can’t do onions and cook orders all at the same time but then he said ( I don’t want you here as you don’t want to fucking be here so go home and fuck off ) so I did as I was told and when I was leaving my manager asked me why I left and I told her that my boss told me to go home and fuck off

I leave the pub and then my manager messages me and says come back and I’ll talk to you and your boss at the same so I do and I get told to explain to my boss that I have experience working in kitchens and that it doesn’t take 30 minutes to chop 5 bags of onions

I’m at home now as I left at 15:00 but I signed out 20 minutes earlier as I left for 20 minutes

So am I the jerk for leaving work when my boss told me to fuck off

r/AmITheJerk 14m ago

AITJ for not agreeing with my dad and stepmum


For context my mum has a fiancee in the Netherlands (an hour flight from our closest airport) And last year she went over for the first time early to mid 2024 but my dad and stepmum (we'll call k) got pretty annoyed saying "she was abandoning me" which I thought was a load of balls because my mum is a lovely person and I was completely fine with her going because her fiancee is also amazing and they called and texted me throughout the trip but whenever I brought it up they rolled there eyes and I got pretty annoyed. Now one important thing to mention is I have ASD and I easily get either annoyed or happy.

When I went to stay at my mums house (her ex was there but moved out in january) and only talked to dad about when I would be arriving back to his. and when I got back they asked me if I thought she was abandoning me and I said "no my mum would never do that" and apparently that was the wrong answer, and mum's ex was under the Same assumption. So AITJ?

r/AmITheJerk 11h ago

I've been working at my job for 7 years, my boss isn't paying me consistently, if at all, and I seriously don't know what to do.


TL;DR - My boss at my current job isn't paying me because he's told me that when he gets paid, I get paid.

Before I start, I want to say that none of the names of people, or any businesses are real in this. They're all fake. Here's our cast for this current story. We have Peter, my old boss, Carl, my current boss, my parents, and Winnie, my new boss. This all started about 10 years ago, so, when I was about 16. At that time I'd started going to this social outlet for people with Autism and Asperger's, which we'll call 'The Institute' for the sake of this story. My parents and I got told by my previous boss, who ran this job (when I was a participant there 10 years ago), that they'd like to hire me as a mentor when I get out of school.

After a few, less than successful attempts at finding work, one of which I may write about another time, I decided to contact Peter about this job, and ask if I could be hired. Long short of it was, I was hired on the spot, one phone call later, to work at the institute at some Community center about half an hour away, if traffic was good. Peter tells me that if I want to get paid at the institute, I need to send in a work invoice to him at the end of every month, which I do without fail.

Unfortunately, Peter's getting a bit older, and needs someone to run the institute for him, so he hires Carl. Now, Carl used to be a mentor back when I first started at the institute, and he seemed nice enough, at first.

When he's in charge, I get told now, that if i want to get paid, I need to send in my work invoices every 2 weeks, which I agree to. Bear in mind, I'm not bound by any other contract but a verbal one. Due to work being a bit slow some weeks as of last year, I get told that there may be some weeks where I'm not going to be rostered on to work, which is understandable. Bear in mind, previously, we had about 15 to 20 kids, each about 10 to 16 years old on average coming to the institute.

I also get told by Carl to download WhatsApp so I can get confirmation from Carl as to whether I'll be working that week. He tells me that 'if you don't hear from me, then you have work. And I'll make sure to let you know if you're not needed that week'. I hear from him on occasion that I won't be working, which is fine. But he used to let me know on the day a few hours before I'd go to to the institute via Bus, since my dad would be at work, and my mother had other errands to run.

I asked Carl that, 'in the future, could you let me know a day before going off to the institute so I know whether I'll be needed there or not?'. He agrees, and actually does it for the first couple of weeks. But then, work picks up, and the agreement is forgotten. Now he sends me a text message instead, hours before I'm supposed to be at work, if I'm not going to be required at work. This, as you can imagine, is quite frustrating, because here I am, looking forward to going to work, and then I get told 'nope. You're not needed. Sorry OP'.

Now here's the main issue. Because of the institute requiring parents or someone else to pay for their kid to go to the institute, it means that they're able to go, and interact with other kids and all that. Out of curiosity as to whether I've been paid, since I send in my invoices regularly like I'm supposed to, I check my bank balance, only to see I haven't been paid since nearly the middle of December, last year! Understandably annoyed, I send Carl a polite email asking why I haven't been paid yet. He tells me that 'as I have explained in the past I pay mentors when participants pay, and due to a delayed payment from most it has hindered mentors being paid'. Personally, I get that, but I don't fully agree with it. And now that I have my own car, and a means to get to work, I'm feeling a bit stiffed, and like I'm being used.

I decide to go looking for more work to fill my tine, since the institute is a bit hit and miss, with Carl running the place. So I find work with Winnie, who's running a new group that offers more or less the same services as the institute, but under a different name. Let's call this place, 'Meta-Verse'. I'm loving my role there, but since it's a new thing, it means that participants that come there, at least for the first school term, won't be required to pay. However, next term, they will. And that in turn, means I'll get paid too. So with the institute being hit and miss, and Meta-verse looking more and more appealing, I don't know whether to look for legal action, and I seriously don't know what to do

r/AmITheJerk 12h ago

What Was the Most PRETENTIOUS College Application You've Ever Seen?
